The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2203: Black ice magic

The land-respected and three-person monks who were recruited by the Yang family also showed their murder for the Yang family. At the time of their recruitment, they were told by Yang that they were going to explore a relic.

Is that a relic?

That is simply a place to seal zombies! It’s easy to get rid of it, and it’s easy to practice it in the sacred period? The feeling of being deceived gave them a sense of killing. And now the Yang family is only two people left, one in the middle of the land, one peak in the late Emperor. Moreover, they have an early stage in the land, and the three people respect the early monks, and may not have the chance to kill the Yang family. And there is a touch of Xu Ziyan that can't touch the strength.

Xu Ziyan has no intention of killing the hearts of these two people. He just went to the place of the zombie seal with the Yang family. He took the initiative to go. The Yang family did not force himself to go, and the Yang Jiatian Zun who shot himself already dead. As for the land and the three people who have been recruited by the Yang family, they do not know each other, so they can’t talk about killing.

However, Xu Ziyan knows that in this situation, she must be vigilant. She can feel the killing of her by the Yang family. At this time, the Yang family monk also felt that the land and the three people respected their killings. They could not help but tighten their minds, convinced the killing of Xu Ziyan, and prepared for the land and three people.

At the beginning of the land, he turned to Xu Ziyan and said: "I would like to ask the Taoist name to be famous?"

At this time, Xu Ziyan's appearance is not only the original appearance, but also a gemstone blue dress that he likes to wear has also been changed into a white dress, so Xu Ziyan naturally does not say his name, but also courtesy:

"Under the Lingbo!" Xu Ziyan is not a lie, she was called Lingbo when she was in the lower galaxies.

"It turned out to be Lingbo Fairy!" The original courtesy of the land: "Old man Ling Yunzhi."

When Ling Yunzhi and Xu Ziyan talked, Yang’s respect for the family changed. He had already anticipated the possibility of joining forces. If the other five people join hands, he and Yang Jiagongzi may not be able to survive.

"Lingdaoyou, do you know where it is?"

Now Xu Ziyan is most anxious to understand the situation here. As for the joint killing of Yang Jia, she is not very interested. Anyway, no one here knows her, waiting to get out of here, to restore their appearance, is to meet them again, they will not recognize themselves.


At this time, everyone remembered to understand their current environment, and could not help but look around. Xu Ziyan also looked around and thought about the half-sacred zombie in his heart.

First of all, Xu Ziyan is thinking about why the zombie will become a semi-holy. Is it possible to become a holy class?

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly, and his heart gradually cleared up. It seems that there is some speculation about becoming a holy class.

The reason why the lord became a holy class was because of the scent of the air.

The reason why the Lord of the Lord became a holy class was because of the magical atmosphere.

The reason why the demon Lord became a holy class was because of the demon air.

The reason why Kui Tian became a holy class was because he won a part of the air of the fairy demon.

The reason why the evil Lord became a holy class is because there should be a kind of evil between the heavens and the earth, so even if it wins the evil atmosphere.

So what about the golden armor?

Why did he become a semi-holy? Is there a possibility to break through the holy level?


Life and death cycle, the corpse between heaven and earth will be less? Is it because he won the air of the corpse? In this way, he has the possibility of becoming a holy class?

So what about yourself?

What kind of gas transport did you get? Is there a possibility to break through the holy level?

Xu Ziyan thought for a while, and did not want to understand, and pulled the thought back to the body of the golden armor. After thinking for a while, the anxiety in my heart was slightly lowered.

The **** will not know how many billions of years of cultivation have been cultivated to semi-sanctification. How easy is it to break through to the holy level? Even if it is able to break through the holy level, I am afraid it will take a long time, and I don’t need to pay attention to it for the time being. Big deal, waiting for the next time to encounter the mountain spirit, let the mountain soul go to kill him first.

Endless ladder.

The Yanshan spirit still walks on the endless ladder. In his body space, the waves of the ocean are more surging, rising upwards, and flooding all the continents. There is only one five-color peak in the body space of Yanshan soul. . The five-color giant peak is also growing, avoiding being overwhelmed by the ocean...

The eyes of Yanshan soul have lost their brilliance and become hollow, just mechanically climbing upwards.


In the body space of Yanshan soul, there was an infinite roar...

Infinite resounding in the body of Yanshan soul...

The five-color peak has cracked...

Xu Ziyan thought of the soul of Yanshan, settled down in his heart, began to consider his current situation, and looked carefully around.

This is a strange world, exuding the ancient atmosphere, surrounded by ridiculous, can not see the human traces. Xu Ziyan sniffed and his face gradually changed.

The magic here is extremely rich, and almost no other breath is felt.

"Is it... here is the land of the Mozu? So it should be in the West!"

Xu Ziyan looked at the six people beside him, and the six people looked at him at this time. At this time, everyone’s eyes were not killing, and some were just alert and vigilant.

At this time everyone knows that this place should be the land of the Mozu, but it is not clear what field belongs to the Mozu, but as long as you look around, you can feel unusual. So everyone knows very well that the best choice at this time is the cooperation of seven people.


How easy is it to cooperate?

Just now, before they showed their killing intentions, but now they have to cooperate? How much is this possibility? Even if they choose to cooperate with each other, how much integrity?

The space suddenly calmed down and the atmosphere became strange. From the excitement to the choice of cooperation, this turn is a bit big, and no one knows how to speak.

"Here should be the land of the Mozu?" Finally, Xu Ziyan whispered to break the silence.

"Not bad!"

I didn't think that this time, Yang Jiadi first responded and expressed goodwill to Xu Ziyan. At this time, he also thought about it clearly. He and Xu Ziyan had no deep hatred. Some are just the greed for the four squatting beads that Xu Ziyan got. But I remembered the way Xu Ziyan used the gold armor zombies, and let him see how Xu Ziyan could not see the repair of Xu Ziyan, so that he also raised deep jealousy for Xu Ziyan, there is also a land respect and three people respected He showed his killing intentions, so he resolutely gave up the greed for the four squatting beads and released the goodwill to Xu Ziyan.

In today's situation, Xu Ziyan naturally refuses to reject the goodwill of the other party and continues to say:

"So, here should be in the West?"

"Not bad!" This time Lingyun Zhi first answered, and also released goodwill to Xu Ziyan. Although there are only seven people here, the relationship is very complicated, so everyone is highly alert, but on the surface, they release goodwill to each other. I want to reach a temporary cooperation.

Seven people have determined that in the West today, they have determined the direction to fly. The West is adjacent to the South, so the seven people quickly reached an agreement and decided to return to the South as quickly as possible.

At this time, the seven people suddenly felt the earth under the feet violently shaken. The seven people were shocked, and they lifted their feet to the sky, and they stood up in the air. They stood in the air and looked down.

I saw that the land where they had just stood began to bulge upwards, the earth cracked, and a very large round black and crystal thing was drilled from the ground.

Everyone looked curiously to the bottom, and saw that the round thing gradually emerged from the ground. Yang Jiadi respected his eyes suddenly:

"This is black ice!"

Black ice is a very high-quality refiner material. It is often a finger-sized black ice that can raise a fairy to a grade, and every black ice can sell for a good price. But now they have such a big piece of black ice in front of them, let alone Yang Jiatian respects, that is, Xu Ziyan also wants to take it for himself.


Then the faces of the seven people in the air were shocked and mixed with a trace of fear...

Because the round thing has completely exposed the ground, it is a huge black head.


Two huge arms were extended from the bottom of the huge skull, and the two arms were supported on the ground. A huge black crystal figure jumped out of the ground and landed on the ground.


The huge body fell to the ground and produced a violent vibration. Centered on the place where he settled, the earth was cracked, and the cracks as thick as the arms spread like a spider web in all directions...

"Black Ice Devil!"

Seven people all took a breath in the air.

This Black Ice Devil is a very powerful Mozu, belonging to the ice attribute. When they were born, they possessed the power of the king, and their ice properties belonged to the kind of extreme cold, very strong, and claimed to be able to freeze everything.

Of course, it has to be evolved into the level of the celestial state to achieve the effect of freezing everything, but the huge black ice demon in front of the eyes has not been low, and the monks clearly feel the initial breath of human respect from his body.

The most important thing is that this Black Ice Devil has a skill of extreme ice flame. This ice flame is very terrible. Once it is touched by the monk, it is difficult to remove it. Even the Tianzun Master is not very willing to provoke this black ice. magic.

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