The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2205: Fire refining

Looking back at the **** ice magic, a flash of light flashed in his eyes. In the heart:

"So escape, do not know how many other demons will be encountered, if surrounded by the demon, maybe it will fall into this land of the demon. It is best to kill it as soon as possible, and this black Ice Devil is also a superb refiner material..."

Xu Ziyan’s back suddenly burst into a pair of wind wings. The wing of the wind fanned in the air, and the shape of the body’s “嗖” surpassed the early stage of the land, and was rapidly approaching Yang’s land. Chased the past.

This speed has suddenly pulled into the distance from Yang Jiadi. The Yang family respected and looked back, and the eyes were shocked. They saw the strongness of Xu Ziyan in the small village, but did not expect that the speed of Xu Ziyan would be so fast!

The eyes of the two men swept over the wings of Xu Ziyan's wind and saw the meaning of the wind flowing on the wing of the wind.

"She actually realized the meaning of the wind ... and ... is still in the realm of ..."


The shape of Xu Ziyan was in the wrong place of Yang Jiadi, and he slammed over the Yang family. Then swooped down to the ground and disappeared in an instant.

Xu Ziyan fell to the ground and immediately took out a piece of nine-day fire crystal from the purple smoke space, and hit a piece of nine-day fire crystal into the ground.

Her actions were clearly seen by the Yang family in the sky. Seeing Xu Ziyan smothering a red-hot spar from his hand, the heart is a move:

“Does she have a way to kill the Big Black Ice Devil?”

Looking back at the **** ice demon, I know that if I have been running away like this, I will be exhausted. The most important thing is that you don't know where you are at this time. If you know the exact location where you are, you are not blindly fleeing, but you will succeed if you still have to escape.

What is more worrying is that they are the same as Xu Ziyan thinks. If this continues, maybe there will be other demons. That is troublesome! So he exchanged a look with Yang Jiazi, and eventually he swooped in the direction of the purple smoke.

Behind them, the early monk of the land and the two monks of the monk also saw everything that happened in the following Xu Ziyan, and also saw Yang Jiadi respecting the falling point of Xu Ziyan below, so they did not hesitate The ground swooped down to the bottom.

"Dao You, what are you doing?" asked Yang Jiadi, who first fell.

Xu Ziyan simply did not pay attention to him, not Xu Ziyan did not want to take care of him, but could not take care of him. Because at this time, the body of Xu Ziyan in the air is not Xu Ziyan, but the Yuanshen, who is in the middle of the battle, is setting up a large flame.

"Let's go! My uncle talks to you, haven't you heard it?" Before Yang’s reverence, Yang’s son began to scream.

This experience made him succumb to the extreme. Originally, he was also a man of the past in the realm of his late Emperor's peak. At the very least, he was also a young man known in the southern continent.

But this experience has dealt a big blow to him, his father, the family's early Tianzun. In the early days of Tianzun, it was definitely an ancestor-level figure in the South. Such a character has fallen! Then the golden armored zombie threw them here.

The peak of his late Emperor's emperor turned out to be the weakest among the seven people who were thrown here. The formerly considered the weakest female monk had the strength to be no less than a great monk. At this time, I don’t have to think about it. But what about hiding it? Is her cultivation more than her uncle's mid-term?

She hides the act of being trained to come to the Yang family. She must have no good thoughts. Maybe she is the descendant of the Yang family.

And... the secret of her wing of the wind is really good! If you can get that secret law, you will have a life guarantee.

The death of his father, the suspicion of Xu Ziyan, the greed of the wing of the wind, eventually caused him to erupt, and he screamed at Xu Ziyan.

Yang Jiadi’s look changed slightly, but it instantly returned to nature. From Xu Ziyan to expand the wing of the wind to be able to surpass him, he knows that Xu Ziyan's repair should not be as good as him. Therefore, he did not have any fear of Xu Ziyan. Moreover, he and Yang Jiazi have doubts about Xu Ziyan, so they are silent, just looking at Xu Ziyan who is busy there.


The early monk of the land and the two monks of the monk also fell from the sky and landed around Xu Ziyan. As soon as the figure fell to the ground, his eyes could not help but gather on Xu Ziyan.

Yang Jiagong saw three people falling from the sky and his face changed slightly. He is not stupid, he knows that these three people have a killing effect on their two Yang family. Therefore, at this time, I dare not worry about Xu Ziyan, afraid that Xu Ziyan and the three great monks will join hands. If these four people join hands, his uncle may not have anything to do, but he does not protect his own strength and he will die.

As a result, he had to resist the swearing of Xu Ziyan, but still unwillingly glanced at the figure of Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan's figure fluttered fast on the ground, and she was hit into the ground by a piece of nine-day fire crystal.

A black spot in the sky quickly became bigger, and it was the **** ice demon who chased it from the air and swooped down to the six people on the ground.

The consciousness of Xu Ziyan was transmitted from the inside of the sea, and the four scorpions were separated into the middle of the Yang family, the early stage of the land and the two monks in the ears of the monks.

"I need time, stop him!"

The look of the four big monks was a glimpse. The gaze couldn’t help but look at the figure that Xu Ziyan was flying on the ground. Then he looked up and saw the **** ice demon who couldn’t magnify in the eye. Four people bit their teeth and their feet were On the ground, the figure rushed from the four directions toward the **** ice magic.


The four men and the **** ice magic were together, and the **** ice magic was slammed into the air by four great monks, and they could not stop in the air. But don't forget, he is a superb material, and his defense is extremely powerful.

He can't beat four big monks, and the four great monks can easily knock him back, but he can't hurt him. The defense of the **** ice demon is too abnormal.


The **** ice is angry, and he has never been so hurt. I’m screaming...


The body of the Big Black Ice Devil burned with extreme ice flames. It was a black flame. The entire huge figure was shrouded in a layer of black flame. The whole huge body was like a huge black. The fire group once again swooped down to the four great monks.

The faces of the four great monks became dignified, and the black tails burned, but the black flames did not have a trace of heat, but gave a feeling of extreme cold.


The whole space is frozen, this is not cultivated, but the natural flame that comes with black ice has extraordinary power, that is, Yang Jiadi does not dare to let a trace of extreme ice flames in the middle. As long as there is a trace of extreme ice flames, it will be refining into a powder by the extreme ice flame.

The four great monks released the defensive shields, blocking the extreme ice flames that fell from the sky. It was just that the extreme ice flame was very overbearing, and it was hurriedly frozen with the defensive shields released by the four great monks.

At this time, the shape of the **** ice demon fell from the air toward the four monks, and the big ankle wrapped in extreme ice flames slammed on the defensive shield.


There was a slight crack in the defensive shield. The four monks changed their faces and frantically transported their own forces into the defensive shield, preventing the collapse of the defensive shield and repairing the defensive shield as much as possible.


The two big fists of the Big Black Ice Devil kept bombarding the defensive shield, and the extreme ice flame on the fist spread quickly on the defensive shield, covering a layer of frost.


The defensive shield that had just been repaired had cracks again. The eyes of the four monks showed an anxious color. Yang Jiadi shouted to Xu Ziyan, who was still laying on the ground with a large fire.

"Daoyou, how long does it take, we can't stand it!"

The purple consciousness of Xu Ziyan spread out and spread the voice to the ears of the four monks: "Ten interest!"

"Good! We will desperately put on the top!"

The four monks shook their arms and raised their repairs to their peaks. The defensive shields were once again repaired. However, this situation did not last until the end of the moment, under the frost of extreme ice flames, the defensive shield once again produced cracks.

"Good hegemony!"

This scene made the four monks more jealous of the extreme ice flames, desperately exporting the power to repair the defensive shield. If the time of the ten interest is normal, it is a short-lived one, but now it is a long time for the four monks to spend the rest of the year.

When the ninth interest had just passed, the array was finally set up to complete the fire, and Xu Ziyan took control of the body again and looked up. Seeing that the four monks on the head are struggling to support the defensive shields, it is clear that many of the defensive shields they have repaired at this time are not as fast as the extreme ice flames, and the cracks on the defensive shields are increasing.

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