The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2206: Mozu Trial Farm

Xu Ziyan screamed, and the body slashed into the air. The four monks in the air heard the resentment of Xu Ziyan, and immediately flew out of the slanting thorns.


A dense burst of sound, the defensive shield crashed, and the huge black ice devil's huge body fell from the sky.


The four monks and Xu Ziyan shot at the same time, and they all attacked their own peak. The five-way fairy scorpion bombarded the body of the **** ice demon in an instant, and the huge body of the **** ice magical involuntarily fell into the fire.


The body of the Big Black Ice Devil fell to the ground and pulled out a large pit.


The fire refining squad suddenly opened, and the **** ice demon became a sea of ​​fire under and around it, and this is not an ordinary fire, but a nine-day fire.

The quality of the nine-day fire is not lower than the extreme ice flame, and the two sides are incompatible. The extreme ice flame is the object of icy cold, and the hot thing of the nine-day fire. Therefore, when the fire was opened, the Big Black Ice Devil screamed in fear. I rushed out of this piece of fire, but this fire smashed the array, but the array of the best quality goods, is the **** ice magic can rush out?

However, even so, Xu Ziyan knows that he wants to completely refine the **** ice demon with a fire smashing array. It’s just that the extreme ice flames of the Big Black Ice Demon can be stalemate with the fire for a long time.

If you want to solve the **** ice magic quickly, you will only kill its soul. At that time, the **** ice magic will become a **** ice.

Xu Ziyan’s figure was soaring and rising, and a white cloud was recruited by Xu Ziyan. He sat on the knees and then took out the flute across the lips. The soul of the black dragon fell to the bottom of the fire. .

The **** ice demon has strong body defense, extreme ice flame attack power, fast speed and long-lasting endurance. But there is only one weakness, that is, the power of the soul is very common.

Now the power of the **** of Xu Ziyan has reached the beginning of Tianzun, and the annihilation of the soul that was played in the early days of Tianzun is a man who can resist the **** ice magic.

The Great Black Ice Devil had just transmitted into his knowledge of the sea, and the pain was screaming with sorrow. The original intense ice flames of the body became unstable.

The four monks outside the fire-fighting array looked at Xu Ziyan. Although they saw that Xu Ziyan was in the array, I also hoped that Xu Ziyan could use the array method to trap the Big Black Ice Devil, so everyone had time to escape. As long as the large array of Xu Ziyan can trap the two black ice magic two times, they can completely escape.


What have they seen now?

They saw that the Big Black Ice Devil was actually trapped in a large array. And this big array is not only trapped in the **** ice magic, but can release a kind of flame that is no less than the extreme ice flame.

This is so shocking!

Then they saw Xu Ziyan flying into the air, took out a jade flute, and then they heard the screams of the **** ice devil.

Is it... she still wants to kill the Big Black Ice Devil?

Is it... she has the ability to kill the Great Black Ice Devil?

Two quarters of an hour later, in the stunned eyes of the four monks, the **** ice demon fell, and there was no more breath in his body, becoming a **** ice.

Xu Ziyan put away the jade flute, and fell directly from the air into the fire refining array, looking at the body of the **** ice demon, the eyes of excitement.

How big is a piece of black ice!

Not only can we refine a lot of congenital devices, but we can also use it to lay out a large array of ice flames. It is a big array that is not weaker than the fire.

Waved the **** ice magic into the purple smoke space, and then began to put away the nine days of fire crystals. The four monks watched Xu Ziyan collect the body of the **** ice demon, and the greed in his eyes flashed. At this point they all know that it is not a moment of guilt.

They are in a strange place, don't know where it is dangerous and where it is safe. Moreover, they have been unable to see through the cultivation of Xu Ziyan, because from Xu Ziyan they can only see the realm of the early Emperor.


Is this female repair in the eyes of the early Emperor?

And this female repair will still be arranged, but also the sound, it is... too mysterious!

For such a mysterious monk, this does not know how many times the four monks who have been practicing for many years should naturally do something, and immediately chose patience in their hearts. After having a comprehensive understanding of Xu Ziyan, decide whether to start with Xu Ziyan. Anyway, everyone will be together in a short time.

The four monks have a rich experience and know when they should be patient, but the patience of the young Junjie Yang Jiagong is limited. Originally, he had a greedy heart for Xu Ziyan's wing of the wind. Now he saw that Xu Ziyan had collected such a large black ice, and he did not give him a little. He was going crazy. In the direction of Xu Ziyan:

"Hand over the **** ice!"

Xu Ziyan simply ignored him, and his body flew up into the air and flew away.

"You stand for me..."

When Yang Jiagong’s words were not finished, he was arrested by Yang Jiadi and chased the past with Xu Ziyan. The remaining three big monks also waved in a big sleeve, volleyed and chased the past toward Xu Ziyan.

Ten days!

Xu Ziyan and other six people flew here for ten days. During these ten days, they always flew in one direction, and suffered many battles during this period. Although they all won, their hearts are getting heavier and heavier, because they have not met the Mozu again these days, and they have never met the Terran monks and the demon monks.

It is only these monks and demon monks who seem to have lost their minds, as if they were jealous. I only know that I want to attack people like Xu Ziyan.

No one knows what is going on, but it feels dangerous, a strange danger.

Finally, at the twilight of the tenth day, the six people were already gloomy to the extreme. Because they flew to the edge of this space, they thought it was an independent space because they encountered space barriers. And this space barrier is very strong, and the six people did not break together.

In other words, they are trapped in this space.

Six people began to search around the edge of the space barrier, hoping to find a chance to be here.

The hearts of the people began to anxiously get up, and Yang’s face was very embarrassing. At this time, Yang’s loss was huge, and he died of a Tianzun and a middle-aged man, and there were still seventeen peaks of the Emperor’s late stage, but nothing was obtained. And he is now trapped here. This kind of loss is absolutely hurt for the Yang family.

No one would have thought of coming to the treasure hunt with excitement, but eventually fell into this situation.

Xu Ziyan’s heart is also very anxious. Taizheng has just been established for a few months, and now it has developed into a first-class small sect. However, the foundation in the South is not stable. I don't say that I am here. I am trapped here for a few years. When I go out, I don't know what it is like.

Six people did not speak, and the atmosphere was extremely silent. While flying fast, they spread the knowledge and searched for opportunities.

Suddenly, the six people’s looks were all moving, and the figure fell to the bottom.


The figure fell to the ground, and in front of them was a huge stone tablet with five characters on it:

Mozu Trial Farm!

Endless ladder.

Yanshan soul is still climbing up and down, his consciousness is gradually dissipating. He also wanted to concentrate his own spirit, but the more concentrated it was, the more difficult it was. He gradually forgot to forget his past life and forgot his life.

He felt his heart hurt, as if something precious was leaving him, but what he could not remember.

He forgot the lord, forgot the demon Lord, forgot the devil, forgot the Quebec, forgot... Xu Ziyan...

Even... I forgot myself...

There were a few impressive faces in consciousness that became extremely blurred, blurred and blurred, and finally disappeared into his consciousness.

Yanshan soul stopped, because there was no more steps in front of him, at this time he stood on a platform.


The entire endless ladder collapsed!

Yanshan soul stood on a cloud and looked around. Two figures flew over to him...

The two young people, Xu Ziyan and Yang Jiagong, are very confused. They have never heard of the Mozu trials, and the two monks and the early monks of the land are also confused. Only the Yang family’s face is a little thoughtful.

"Yang Daoyou, do you know the message about this Mozu Trial?" The first time the land was asked to Yangjiadi.

"I am not very clear!" Yang Jiadi shook his head and shook his head: "I just remember that I have seen things about the Mozu trials there, but it is too far away, and some can't remember."

Yang Jiadi was immersed in meditation for a long time and said slowly: "In ancient times, people, demons and demons all had their own trials. There was a place to cultivate future generations.

The Terran Trial Farm is an independent space opened up by the monks in the Terran, and then a large number of Mozu and the demon monks were thrown into it. Then the Terran trial field is divided into several levels, and only the monks who pass through the customs can be sent out of the trial space.

The Yaozu's trial field has captured many Terran monks and Mozu monks. The Mozu Trial Farm has naturally captured many Terran monks and demon monks. ”

The monks listened to the stunned, no wonder they and others encountered a lot of Terran monks and demon monks along the way, it seems that this is the ancient Mozu trials can not be wrong!

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