The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2207: All the way to the front

Xu Ziyan suddenly remembered that the golden armored zombie had talked about the demon, and then threw himself and others into it. It would not be controlled by the devil.

The other monks heard Xu Ziyan say the word of the demon, and his face was also changed. Everyone is thinking in their hearts. This demon does not know whether there is any degeneration. If he is still alive, if he is still here, will he and others still have a way to live?

If you are caught by the demon, I am afraid it will become the embarrassment in the Mozu trials.

Thinking of this, the six monks were somewhat helpless and exchanged their eyes. Then he set his sight on the huge stone monument.

There is a map there, and you don't have to ask, you know that it is a map of the Mozu trials. If you want to leave the Mozu Trial, you must go to Shaoguan. But going to Shaoguan is likely to encounter the demon...

This made the six people's looks hesitate, and Xu Ziyan was very hesitant. She is not afraid of being inseparable from here. As long as there is a small wood, she can leave here.

However, it is difficult to use Xiaomumu to leave here. There are two great monks here. It is almost impossible to get rid of them and then use Xiaomumu to leave here. However, Xu Ziyan did not want to expose Xiaomumu, which is almost an inextricable knot. And Xu Ziyan also wants to explore this Mozu trial field, maybe there will be precious treasures. In the end, Xu Ziyan spit out a long breath:

"If you want to get out of here, you have to go to the customs! Maybe the demon has already fallen, and we don't seem to have any other way."

The look of the two monks and monks gradually strengthened, and nodded: "Well, let's go and see, maybe we can get the chance."

Xu Ziyan and the two monks and monks agreed to go to Shaoguan, and the two monks will not say anything more. As for Yang Jiagongzi, everyone chose to ignore him. This made him very depressed, but he could only close his mouth.

Six people remembered the map on the stone tablet and then began to fly in the direction of the map. On this road, there were also some Terran and Yaozu monks, but the forces were not very strong, and they were quickly wiped out by Xu Ziyan.

At the same time, they also began to find some stone tablets on this road. Each stone tablet is engraved with words, such as the refining period, the base period, the knot period and so on.

At this time, the six people also understood that the writing on this stone tablet is to stipulate the scope of the customs. As they continue to go inside, the strength of those Terran and Yaozu becomes stronger and stronger. As they kill these cockroaches from time to time, they also get some rewards.

But these rewards are too low for them and they are useless. Xu Ziyan suddenly stopped and looked toward a stone monument. The stone tablet was engraved with a line:

"Nine days of Xuan Xian!"

"Daoyou, what is the look of a nine-day Xuanxian stone monument?" Yang Jiadi looked at Xu Ziyan with some incomprehensibility.

"Yang Daoyou, you said that the stone tablet will be a transmission array. When the Mozu monks arrived here, they could not continue to squat and want to leave here. It seems to be the only way."

The monks heard a word, and they said in the heart: "Yes! If the demon of the Shaoguan is only a nine-day Xuan Xian, and come here to try it, then he can only get here and go down. There is only one dead road. So he must leave here. Is the passage to leave on this stone?"

Everyone's heart is moving. As long as they go to the test, they are likely to leave, but everyone is hesitant. Here is the nine-day Xuanxian District. If you continue to move forward, you may get a chance. After all, this is the original Mozu trial field. Every level should have rewards, and the more you go forward, the more reward you will get. If you leave at this time, you will completely miss this opportunity.

Yang Jiadi respected everyone and said: "We are still looking ahead, there will be stone in front of it!"

The monks were nodding, and the figure continued to fly forward. About a day after flying, a huge gatehouse appeared in front of them. From the gatehouse they couldn't fly, there was a space barrier, and everyone knew that they would have to pass under that gatehouse if they wanted to move on.

Falling down from the air, standing in front of the gatehouse, everyone looked toward the gatehouse. There is a stone monument standing beside the gatehouse with two words engraved on it:

Immortal period.

There were no gates in the previous grades, and only the gates appeared in the Xianwang period. And before passing through those grades, I did not find space barriers. Everyone is aware of the difference here. At the same time, a heart is excited.

Different means that rewards will be different and will be much more precious than before. None of these people felt fear, because the test of the immortality did not attract their attention.

Yang Jiadi took the lead with Yang Jiagong and stepped into the gatehouse. Xu Ziyan and others followed closely. After Xu Ziyan walked into the entrance building, he looked back at the gatehouse and reached out to the space at the gatehouse. His face appeared. Sure enough, it is so beautiful. The monks saw Xu Ziyan's movements, his face was slightly discolored, and all of them came back and reached out to the space that had just entered the middle of the gatehouse. Even Yang Jiadi was no exception.

Everyone’s pressed hand was bounced back. Everyone realized that the gatehouse could not be re-entered after coming in. If you want to leave this space, I’m afraid I’ll only go forward and continue to the gatehouse of the Emperor’s period. prior to.

The six monks exchanged their eyes and flew toward the front. How long has it not been flying out, there are six figures appearing in front of them.

This is the six people's shackles, both of which are the realm of the early kings. You don't have to ask to know that this is the first round of the test of the fairy king. This kind of realm has no threat to the six people. It is only under one stroke that six monks will kill six people.

The space fluctuated, and the six jade boxes rushed toward them from a distance. Before they came to them, there was a jade box floating in front of everyone. Xu Ziyan reached out and picked up the jade box floating in front of him. He saw a medicinal herb in it, and an eight-medicine medicine.

However, this kind of medicinal medicine is of no use to these people in front of them. These medicinal herbs are mainly used to help the Mozu to cultivate. However, the fairyware used by the Terran was taken up by Xu Ziyan and others.

Shortly after flying, he met the demon monks of the early peaks of the six kings. The six men were equally attracted to the enemy, and then they picked up their prizes and spoils and continued to fly forward. The prize is a remedy for the peak of the eight products, and the trophy is the demon scorpion that Xu Ziyan killed.

Although these demon monks were controlled by the gods, their demon dan is still there, and all parts of the body are also in a fresh state. The demon corpse of the immortal period is also a good harvest.

They are advancing very fast on this road, because no one Terran or Yaozu can stop them.

At this time, the six monks of Xu Ziyan stood in front of a huge gatehouse. There was a stone monument standing outside the gatehouse. The stone tablet was engraved with three words:

Xianhuang period.

The six monks did not stop at all, and swiftly plunged into the gatehouse, and swept away in the blink of an eye. Sure enough, the Terran and the Yaozu encounter here are above the Emperor's period, and the rewards that have been obtained have become more than nine products.

The speed of the six monks was still very fast. After about three hours, six people stopped in front of a gatehouse. A stone monument was erected outside the gatehouse with three words:

Xiandi period!

The six monks also ignored, flying all the way, and in this area encountered the 傀儡 are above the Emperor's period, and the rewards have become the inferior immortal.

When the six people stopped again, everyone’s eyes looked at Yang’s son. Because at this time, the stone monument erected outside the gate is engraved with three words:

People respect!

With the cultivation of Yang Jiagong’s late Emperor’s peak, it is impossible to succumb to the human respect. Although Yang Jiadi can help him, this is a dangerous thing, and it cannot be completely guaranteed. Who knows this magic? What are the rules for the family trials, and are they allowed to help others?

And the monks also want to test whether the stone is really a transmission array and can send the monks out. Yang Jiadi respected it to the following:

"Kill the knife, go out!"

Yang nodded his knife and he knew that his strength could not continue. Just now they were in the last level of this area, facing the demon of the late Emperor of the Emperor, when others were all enemies, even if he had been extremely purple, this is only the case. The power of the tiger killed the opponent. Therefore, he also knows that if he insists on going down, there is only one dead end.

Yang stood in front of the stone tablet and looked at the stone frown, then turned his head and looked at Yang Jiadi:

"Uncle, how do you leave?"

Yang Jiadi’s gaze glanced back and forth on the stone tablet, then pointed to a groove on the stone tablet:

"Let's take a piece of the best crystal and put it on this stone tablet."

Yang took the knife and took out a piece of the best fairy crystal. He placed it in the groove of the stone tablet. A brilliance rose and the Yang knife was shrouded. Then Guanghua disappeared, and Yang’s figure disappeared.

Everyone was relieved. This time, it is certain that this stone monument is a transmission array. You can leave it here if you put it in Xianjing.

"Just don't know where it will be sent?" Xu Ziyan looked at the stone and muttered.

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