The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2209: Facing Tianzun

Xu Ziyan's body strength is the late stage of the land, so he is not afraid of the sly attack on his body, every time the attack can only knock her back, but can not hurt her.

Therefore, Xu Ziyan's style of play is very rogue. It is simply ignoring the attack of the scorpion. His hands are screaming at the Thunder and the big sword is open to the cockroach, and the power of the thunder is bombarded on the cockroach. Only the nine swords will kill that.

Then Xu Ziyan’s figure was shot at the shackles of Yang’s family, and the sword was smashed in the distance.


The cockroach was swept away by Xu Ziyan and a sword, and Xu Ziyan’s body shape followed, and shouted in the air:

"Go help!"

Yang Jiadi respects nature and knows that Xu Ziyan is letting him go to help the early stage of the land. The body shape just wanted to fly toward the early stage of the land, but saw Xu Ziyan and the donkey once again played against each other.


In his vision, Xu Ziyan was in the middle of a sword, and he was also a purple smoker in a sword. The two figures thought about the rear retreat.

Yang Jiadi’s gaze is a contraction, and Xu Ziyan’s body is unscathed when he is smashed with a sword. What is she doing?


On the other side, there was a roar, and Yang Jiadi looked back and saw that the land was shot and flew out at the beginning, and spurted a blood. At this time, there is no time to pay attention to Xu Ziyan, and the body shape will rush to the past.


The space broke out in the war. The middle stage of the Yang family and the early stage of the land respect gradually regained the disadvantages of the last stage of the land, but it only regained the disadvantage. It is very difficult to defeat the one. Therefore, the two monks and one monk are in a stalemate.

But on the other side, Xu Ziyan and the cockroach played a rumble, but they didn't know the defense, only the attack. And Xu Ziyan relied on his own body strength and did not defend, and attacked.

There is no difference between Xu Ziyan and that 傀儡 in terms of defensive intensity, but the difference in offense can be great. In the hands of the scorpion, it is just a hand-made fairy sword, but the thunder giant sword in the hands of Xu Ziyan, even the purple smoke is not clear about the innate fairy treasure of the grade, just hard to fight with the cockroach, and then kill that under the sword . The sleeves were taken into the storage ring with a wave of the sleeve.

The figure did not stop at all, and rushed to the past with the last one. Seeing the shadow of Xu Ziyan flying, the two gods regained their spirits and raised their own cultivation to the peak. Together with Xu Ziyan, they killed the beggar, but they killed the one in a few moments.

The two places respected the eyes of Xu Ziyan and showed a hint of jealousy. The strength of Xu Ziyan shocked them, and the most important thing was that Xu Ziyan had always revealed that the cultivation was the beginning of Xiandi, which made them unable to see the true cultivation of Xu Ziyan. The more this, the more they were jealous.

Can not be hurt with the hardship of a late stage of the land, so that the woman's cultivation is the lowest in the eyes. The early eyes of the land were glanced at the Thunder giant sword, hiding the greedy color in his eyes.

The stupid figure was falling towards the ground, and the two land buddies did not reach out to collect, but looked at Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan was not polite, and the sleeves were waved, and the one was taken up.

In the air, nine jade boxes flew over to the three of them, and each person flew three boxes in front of them. Xu Ziyan three people will pick up the jade box, open the jade box one by one, Xu Ziyan's face reveals a hint of joy, Chu Ge a Chinese product congenital immortal, there is a piece of geocentric gold and a fairy grass. These two materials are among the best materials, and they are not in the space of Xu Ziyan.

The three people collected the three jade boxes and the space was silent. The two landlords looked at Xu Ziyan, and Yang Jiadi hesitated for a moment and said to Xu Ziyan:

"Daoyou, can you tell me what you are doing? I don't mean anything else, but the next level we will meet the peak of the end of the land!"

Xu Ziyan sank a bit, did not answer him directly, but gently shook his head:

"no guarantee!"

Yang Jiadi respected it and said: "Daoyou, I have a congenital treasure, should be able to withstand the late attack of the land. But it is only able to defend, but there is no effect on the offensive."

Xu Ziyan is also immersed in meditation. Now, regardless of whether they are willing or not, they must be embarrassed at the last level, otherwise they will not want to leave here and stay here for the rest of their lives. At this time, the early part of the land said softly:

"We are hiding in your defensive treasure, and then attacking the three scorpions, don't know if they can kill them?"

"It's easy to talk about!" Yang Jiadi sighed and sighed, and his eyes fell on the thunder giant sword of Xu Ziyan. What does it mean to ask the power of the Thunder giant sword in the hands of Xu Ziyan?

"Always try it!" Xu Ziyan said.

"it is good!"

Yang Jiadi took a ball out of the storage ring and held it in his hand. Three people flew toward the front. About a quarter of an hour before the flight, there was a ripple in the air, and there were three peaks in the late stage. Yang Jiadi immediately sacrificed the ball, and the ball instantly turned into a transparent circular water curtain to cover the three monks.


The three crickets began a fierce attack on the water curtain.

"First deal with the first one on the left!"

Xu Ziyan screamed, his hands clenched with the Thunder giant sword, and slammed out to the left, and the two ancestors also hurriedly released their biggest fairy.

This war took a full half of the time, and it was exactly like the early monk of the land. They killed the three skeletons hard.

Yang Jiadi took up the shield and turned it into a ball to collect the storage ring. After smashing the prizes and prizes, who descended from the air toward the ground, standing in front of a gatehouse, stood a stone monument in front of the gatehouse with three words:

Tianzun period.

Xu Ziyan and other three monks understand that as soon as they step into this gatehouse, they will face the embarrassment of the Tianzun period, from the early days of Tianzun to the peak of the late Tianzun.

The land deserved to look at the gatehouse with a smile on his face: "I will not go in! How do you plan?"

Xu Ziyan and Yang Jiadi respected each other and said: "I want to go in and see."

Xu Ziyan’s plan is that he will be able to leave here with Xiaomumu. Yang Jiadi respects the words of Xu Ziyan, and his eyes are not bright. Since Xu Ziyan said that he wants to try it, it means that she has a certain encirclement, otherwise she will not be so risky. Where does she know that Xu Ziyan has a small wood? Moreover, if Xu Ziyan takes out Xiaomumu, he will not let him know that he will use Xiaomumu to cross the space after he is slammed and killed.

"I will go in and see!"

Yang Jiadi said immediately. He is not looking at the prizes that are worthy of the prizes. Those prizes are precious enough for him, but if they finally pass the last level, will there be a palace of the devil there. If there is, there must be a lot of treasures there. It’s a big deal, Xu Ziyan eats meat and drinks soup. I am afraid that soup will make you rich. Therefore, he finally decided to take risks with Xu Ziyan.

At the beginning of the land, I saw Xu Ziyan and Yang Jiadi, and I noticed that you really didn’t know how to die. I shook my head and went to the stone tablet, and placed a piece of the best crystal in the groove on the stone tablet. A brilliance shrouded him inside, and then the figure disappeared with Guanghua.

This time, Xu Ziyan and Yang Jiadi did not immediately enter the gatehouse, but sat on the ground and swallowed Xiandan into the interest rate adjustment. Their two future battles will be the embarrassment of the Tianzun period, and they must adjust their own state to the peak.

After an hour, the two men stood up from the ground and looked at each other. Xu Ziyan clasped the Thunder giant sword in his hand, and Yang Jiadi held the ball in his hand. Two people entered the gate.

It took less than a quarter of an hour to move forward, and the space swayed in front of them. Yang Jiadi immediately sacrificed the ball and formed a water curtain to cover them both.


The two Tianzuns initially attacked the defensive water curtain, only issued a round of attacks, and the water curtain produced cracks. Yang Jiadi’s face changed greatly:

"Lingbo Fairy, my Xianbao can only support the time of ten interest."

The look of Xu Ziyan was also tight. Both hands held the Thunder and the sword slammed into one of them.


The mighty thunder force bombarded the scorpion in the early days of the celestial being, and the sturdy figure was bombarded and fell to the ground.


Xu Ziyan screamed, Yang Jiadi respected the defense water curtain to chase the past in the early days of Tian Zun, completely ignoring another 傀儡 continually attacking the defense water curtain.


Xu Ziyan continued to pull out the thick thunder of the falling, letting the cockroaches continually fall toward the ground. However, the cockroach was not killed by the continuous attack of Xu Ziyan, but was repeatedly shot down by Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan is very clear in his heart. In the beginning of this day, this Tianzun is a scorpion. Even if it is to cut off its limbs, it will also attack itself. It must destroy his head and destroy its god.

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