The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2210: Tianmo Palace

"It's your own repair is too low!" Thunder's giant sword retorted resentfully: "If I rely on my own strength, I will increase the loss, at least I will lose 10% of the strength, if so consume, wait until What if the next level encounters a more powerful cockroach?"

Xu Ziyan heard a glimpse of it, and the heart also knew that the Thunder giant sword made sense, and only desperately continued to squat toward it.

"Would you like to use the sound power to attack its god?" The voice of the Thunder giant sword came from inside the sea.

"I think so! But it is a god! With my current cultivation as a sound, it can only resist it, and it is impossible to erase the gods in its god."


The skull's head has cracked a gap.


Yang Jiadi’s defensive water curtain was shattered by another Tianzun, who was rushing toward Xu Ziyan and Yang’s land.


An oversized palm fell from the sky and fanned toward the cockroach. It was Xu Ziyan who released the power of the headdress. When I wanted to make Ziyan or the peak of the Emperor's mid-term, this headdress can release the power of the early people. Now Xu Ziyan is the beginning of the human respect, and at the same time her mental strength and strength are infused, even more The more difficult it is to ascend, the power released by this headdress has reached the peak of Tianzun.

This slap has fanned out the cockroach and swayed in the air. It’s just that the face of Xu Ziyan is also bitter. This power is increased, but the power consumed is also more. Just releasing a big palm, she has already taken half of her power in Dantian, and the power of the gods has also taken a third.

Xu Ziyan simply ignored the flying cockroach, waving the Thunder giant sword and once again smashed toward the one that was still falling down.


The gap in the skull's head widened, and the dense thunder's force rushed into the sea of ​​knowledge, spreading around in the sea of ​​knowledge. Only in an instant, the lost **** of the gods was erased and deliberately fell to the bottom. go with.

Xu Ziyan couldn’t afford to put away the cockroach and suddenly turned back. The power of the body and the power of the knowledge in the sea were dripping into the headdress.


Once again, a huge giant palm appeared in the air, and took a picture of the shackles that had just stabilized.


This slap on the head of the slap, and smashed the cockroach toward the ground.


Xu Ziyan held the Thunder's giant sword in both hands, and his body slammed into the shackles that fell to the ground. Behind her, Yang Jiadi looked at the back of Xu Ziyan with a stunned look, and his mind almost stopped.

"She, she, she...what is she sacred? How many cards does she have?"

At this time, Yang Jiadi respected Xu Ziyan deeply, and even raised a trace of fear in his heart. At this time, he really didn't know where the limit of Xu Ziyan was. He wanted to break his head and didn't figure out where the Lingbo fairy was born. It was like a sudden appearance of such a person.


Xu Ziyan constantly waved the Thunder giant sword to bombard the sly head, and finally wiped out the sly **** after the eleventh bombardment. It was too late to collect the two skeletons, and the figure fell to the ground, sitting on the ground and swallowing the fairy to adjust.

The two big palms have already exhausted her power in Dantian. If she did not open the power of the hole, there would be no chance to kill the cockroach.

She is not afraid of Yang Jiadi respecting her at this time, she is ready to switch body with chaos. Yang Jiatian Zun stood still in the air, looking at the eyes and the complexities of Xu Ziyan on the ground. Shocked, envious, extreme, but not greedy, Xu Ziyan's performance has long smashed the greed in his heart, but there is a feeling of eagerness to make friends with Xu Ziyan.

Yang Jiadi also fell from the air, sitting cross-legged on the ground, swallowing Xiandan while adjusting his interest. There was some embarrassment in his heart. He saw it in the small village. His family’s Tianzun shot to Xu Ziyan. Although he did not hurt Xu Ziyan in the end, and Yang Jiatianzun died, this is a knot, if Xu Ziyan With this hatred, after going out from here, can the Yang family withstand such an enemy?

"Hey... try to fix the relationship with Lingbo Fairy, even if everything I get here is given to her."

At this time, he did not consider the treasures he might get. Instead, he prayed that there was no treasure in front of him. Now Xu Ziyan will not kill him because of the treasure.

This time, Xu Ziyan has a long time to adjust her interest. There is no way for this. She not only has to restore her strength, but also restore her mental strength. After a full day of adjustment, Xu Ziyan restored Yuanli and mental strength to the peak state.

In fact, Yang Jiadi had already completed the adjustment of interest, but he still sat there with his knees, for fear that his own rash move would make Xu Ziyan misunderstand and produce a tragic result.

At this time, seeing Xu Ziyan opened his eyes, he stood up from the ground, and the two big hands grabbed the two scorpions that fell to the ground and the four jade boxes floating in the air, and then caught them. Up and down, I ran to the side of Xu Ziyan, revealing a flattering smile in front of Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan glanced at him. How could he still not know what he thought?

With a faint smile, the two scorpions were collected, and then two of the four jade boxes were collected and the remaining two were pushed to Yang Jiadi.

Yang Jiadi’s heart is a joy. He is not happy because of the treasures in these two jade boxes, but because Xu Ziyan’s move indicates that he has no intention of killing him, and even the channel thanked him for collecting the two jade boxes.

Xu Ziyan looked to the front, and her face showed anxiety. After experiencing the battle with Tian Zun in the early days, she knew that she would not fight with a peak of Tian Zun’s later stage, that is, there will be two peaks in the next level, and they will not be able to cope. . It seems that the next level said that after Yang Jiadi was killed, he quickly summoned Xiaomumu to leave here.


Xu Ziyan sighed softly and walked toward the front. Without the opportunity to explore the last, Xu Ziyan lost interest in flying. Yang Jiadi looked at Xu Ziyan and followed him on foot.

This walk is an hour, Xu Ziyan suddenly stopped his footsteps, the confusing color on his face.

She is really confused. Even if she walks very slowly, she has already gone for an hour. The two peaks of the early Tianzun should also appear, but the surroundings are quiet, only the footsteps of the two of them are The space "treads" in the space.

"How come there is no flaw?"

Yang Jiadi refused to scratch his head and looked around. For a long time, the look was hesitant:

"Will there be no more in front of you? Lingbo Fairy, you must know that no matter the human race, the demon and the demon monk, as long as they break through to the Tianzun period, they can tear the space and want to do without damaging their bodies. It’s almost impossible to catch them, it’s harder than killing them. Even if the peak of Tianzun’s late peak wants to catch a Tianzun is very difficult, and if a monk breaks through the Tianzun period, there is no need to be in this trial. In the trial, they need a real tour, fighting the real monk, not the peace. I think this gate is only the beginning of the Tianzun period, in order to prepare for the end of the land, let them in Tianzun Seeking a breakthrough under the initial pressure."

"It's very possible!" Xu Ziyan's eyes were bright, but then there was an inexplicable color: "If this is the case, should there be a stone monument? We have all gone one hour, and we have not seen it." A stone monument, what is going on here?"


The two people’s eyes were also showing joy.

"The front is the treasure of the demon!"

The two men said in unison, and then they said in unison: "No, it is the Heavenly Palace, the transmission array is there!"


The shape of the two men skyrocketed and flew away toward the front. This time it was half an hour of flight, and a huge black palace appeared in front of them.

The whole palace was a little declining, half covered in the magic cloud, only occasionally revealing its sly face, and there was a huge vortex formed entirely by black clouds over it, which was slowly rotating, huge In the middle of the black vortex or a flash of lightning, it illuminates the dimly lit space, making the black palace even more embarrassing.

Xu Ziyan and Yang Jiadi respected the air from the air and looked at the palace in front. They saw three words on the threshold above the gate:

Tianmo Palace.

The two men looked at each other and the joy in their eyes disappeared. Instead, they were cautious. The two people don’t know what will happen after the closed door of the Tianmo Palace, and they don’t know if the demon has fallen.

Carefully walked toward the gate, standing in front of the black door, Xu Ziyan opened the eyes of Kun Peng, and what surprised her was that there was no trace of the whole door, it was an ordinary door.

Taking a deep breath, Xu Ziyan reached out and placed it on the door, then exerted a force.


The heavy door slowly opened inward, and the dusty breath came over.

At this moment, Xu Ziyan seems to have crossed the time and space and entered the ancient times. Looking through the door to the inside, everything is so simple, there is no trace of the characteristics of today's architecture, there is dim light in the door, Xu Ziyan looks down the light, seeing a few night pearls inlaid on the wall. It's just inlaid, but Xu Ziyan knows that this is not the night magic, but he likes this dark color, which is the favorite of all the demons.

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