The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2214: Mozu mystery

Xu Ziyan walked out of the hallway with satisfaction. At this time, the effect of her violent increase of Dan had been lost, and she could not see the slightest repair. Going inside the hall, I saw that Yang Yunqi still refining the top of the last stage of the top grade, and frowned slightly. Looking at his posture, it took at least a month to fully refine the innate sword. .

Between the two sleeves flying, Xu Ziyan set up a time array around Yang Yunxuan, and then retreated to one side. Just after a moment, Yang Yunqi in the time array opened his eyes, his face showed a happy color, and his mind was moved. A streamer of fairy swords circling around his body and hovering around his body.

Xu Ziyan waved his sleeves, and the flag was covered by Xu Ziyan. He looked at Yang Yunxiao with a smile. Yang Yunxuan thought about the move and collected the fairy sword, then smiled at Yang Yunxiao. Yang Yunqi stood up from the ground and bowed to Xu Ziyan:

"Thank you for your master!"

Xu Ziyan nodded with a smile, then turned his hand and looked at the opposite wall. At this time, the relief on the wall has disappeared, because the demon that has been transformed into a relief has been thrown into the gloom by Xu Ziyan, and is being swallowed by the horse. The relief of the demon disappeared from the wall and a groove was revealed.

Xu Ziyan stepped forward and stood in front of the relief. He said: "Yun, we should leave here."

"Yes, Master." Yang Yunqi also hurried forward a few steps, standing next to Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan looked slightly at him and said:

"Don't call my master after you go out, you can call me Xu Zongzhu, and the relationship between us should be kept secret."

"Yes, master!" Yang Yunxi said reverently.

Xu Ziyan turned over and took out a superb fairy into the groove on the wall. A white light shrouded the two people's bodies, and the gods knew for a while. Afterwards, Xu Ziyan and Yang Yunqi found themselves standing on a mountain.

The consciousness of Xu Ziyan and Yang Yunqi both immediately spread out, but it was only recovered. Both of them frowned at the same time, but the thoughts of the two people were different.

Yang Yunqi felt that it was very strange here, and the most important thing was that he did not find Yang Jiagong and others who had been sent out before in his scan of the gods, but he scanned many Demon monks in his knowledge. And those Mozu monks seem to be attacking somewhere.

Xu Ziyan is looking at the distance, where there are countless black columns straight into the sky. Those black columns are not real black columns, and they are not static, but a large black whirlwind that rotates in a circle. The sky there is full of a kind of red.

This scene evokes the distant memory of Xu Ziyan. Once this memory emerges, Xu Ziyan feels familiar.

"Devil's Secret!"

Xu Ziyan immediately remembered where the place surrounded by the black whirlwind of the road was. Where was it that when she was still in the middle galaxies, was she caught in the mysterious mystery? It can now be here, or because it has cracked the array, it will let it fly up.

"Xu Xiang! Xu is there! Don't know how he is now?"

"Master... Xu Zongzhu, why didn't you see the monks who were sent out in advance? Did they be killed by the Mozu?"

Xu Ziyan took back his gaze and frowned and thought about it: "Not necessarily, I think the position of each stone monument should be different. The location of the stone to the outside of the moon should be closer to the periphery of the land of the Mozu. And we are being sent into the depths of the land of the Mozu."

"That... what do we do?" Yang Yunqi has some six gods without the Lord. It is not that he has not come to the Western Mozu from the South, but he has never penetrated to such a degree.

"Now the Mozu is in the war, I am afraid most of the Mozu will gather there!" Here, Xu Ziyan pointed out that the black cyclone enveloped and continued:

"So, at this time we are leaving here, it should be very easy to return to the South. I think there should be no danger to those monks who are sent out in advance. You should return to the South first!"

"I... return? Then... Xu Zongzhu you?" Yang Yun's look changed.

"I want to go there and see!" Xu Ziyan looked at the realm of the Mozu.

“There...” Yang Yun’s look was tight: “That... too dangerous!”

Xu Ziyan puts his hand in the hand: "Go!"

Seeing Xu Ziyan’s calm look, Yang Yun’s look hesitated and said: “I will accompany you!”

Xu Ziyan shook his head slightly: "No, I am not going to fight with the Mozu this time, just to do something, go!"

"That... I have to quit!"


Yang Yunqi stepped back a few steps, and then the "嗖" sound flew into the space, but disappeared in an instant.

"Xu Xiang, are you okay? My sister is here!"

Xu Ziyan took a deep breath and closed other attributes in the body, leaving the dark attribute alone.


A group of dark bloodthirsty breath was released from the body of Xu Ziyan. At this time, if Yang Yunxiao did not leave, he would be surprised to find out how Xu Ziyan became a Mozu.

The figure was erected and leaped from the peak. The foot quickly condensed a black cloud and flew toward the demon's secret.

Gradually approaching the mysterious mystery, I saw countless Demon monks attacking the defensive array of the Devil's Secret. The other Mozu monks saw Xu Ziyan, but they did not doubt the identity of Xu Ziyan. They thought that Xu Ziyan was a monk who participated in the war.

Xu Ziyan opened the eyes of Qu Peng, while flying around the big array and looking towards the inside of the Devil's Secrets. At this time, these Mozu monks have already captured a part of the big array, in the view of Xu Ziyan, for a year, this The great array of the demons' secrets will be completely destroyed. After all, this time of the demons has been going through too long, and it has weakened too much.

Kuang Peng’s eyes passed through the big array and looked at the Mozu monks in the territory of the Mozu. Xu Ziyan secretly nodded. The Mozu monks in the Mozu secrets were not in the same place at this time. They were higher than when they were grasping it. A lot went out. However, there is a huge gap between these Mozu monks who are still repaired outside.

It is quite normal to think about it. Although the Mozu secret has a complete inheritance of the Mozu, it is not so long that they have risen from the Zhongyuan Galaxy. It is very difficult to raise the strength to this extent.

The eyebrows suddenly jumped, and Xu Ziyan saw Sado. At this time, Saduo was already the peak of the late Zun. The eyes were flashing again, and she saw Xu Xiang behind Sato. At this time, the rehearsal of Xu Xiang was even more shocking to her, and she had already reached the beginning of the land.

"Sure enough, the physique of the devil's son is shocking! Once the seal of the heavens and the earth is broken, this cultivation can be described as a thousand miles!"

Determined the location of Xu Xiang, Xu Ziyan no longer hesitated. And she can see that this array of methods can't be supported for a year. Since I have met it, I have to help Xu.

The body shape swiftly swept away toward the big array. No demon people would pay attention to her, because at this time, like the purple smoke, they went to the big shock, and then there were too many Mozu monks who bombarded the big array, so all the demons The monks of the family think that Xu Ziyan is also the Mozu monk who wants to do this.

Within the mysterious mystery, the demon monks such as Sado and Xu Xiang looked at the densely-knit Monk monks outside, and they all frowned. They could also see that this continued, and this big battle would be broken sooner or later. Going, at that time, with their current strength, they could not fight each other.


The figure broke into the big squad, and Sado did not care. In these days, it was not the maddening monks who rushed into the big squad. But the only fate waiting for them is to be hanged by a large array.


The shape of Xu Ziyan went into a big array and fell in front of Sado. All the Mozu monks in the mystery have changed their looks. That is a reflection of the extremely fast, loudly:

"Protect the Son of the Devil!"

At the same time, a punch hit the past with Xu Ziyan, and a big hand suddenly appeared in the sky. It was Xu Ziyan who opened the headgear and a palm fan to Sato.


Sado had a punch that was smashed by the big hand, and at the same time continued to fan over to Sado, fanning Sado's figure to one side, revealing the rustling behind him.

At this time, Xu Xiangzheng was surrounded by countless Mozu monks, looking at Xu Ziyan one by one.

The black gas around the body of Xu Ziyan was condensed, revealing the appearance of Xu Ziyan.

"Small ring!"

Xu Yan’s melancholy look suddenly shocked and looked at Xu Ziyan incredulously. Half-sounding, my lips screamed:


The words fell, separated from the monks in front of them, flew toward Xu Ziyan.

"The Son of the Devil!" Sado's figure flew away from the distance to Xu Xiang, and he reached out and wanted to stop Xu Xiang.

Xu Ziyan’s gaze looked toward Sato. The look of Sato was a glimpse. He suddenly looked like a squat and looked at Xu Ziyan’s finger pointing at Xu Ziyan. He said incredulously:

"You are... Xu... purple smoke..."

"Sister!" At this time, Xu Xiang had already rushed to the front of Xu Ziyan, and grasped the arms of Xu Ziyan with both hands:

"Are you picking me up? I know my sister will never forget me!"

"Small ring..."

Looking at the excited look of Xu Xiang, and the thoughts and attachments to himself, Xu Ziyan is also a sour heart. Reaching out and gently stroking the head of Xu Xiang:

"Go, take your sister to see where you live."

"Well, I will take my sister!" Xu Xiang happily pulled Xu Ziyan's hand and flew into the air.

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