The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2215: Demon Lord and Devil's Son

"What?" Xu Ziyan paused.

"This..." Sado hesitated and said: "The Son of the Devil can't go with you!"

“Hey!” Xu Ziyan snorted coldly: “This requires me to listen to the situation where Xiaosheng lives here. I will not force the Xiaosheng away. Of course, you can’t force the small ring to stay in Here."

Sado smiled and said: "Xu Ziyan, it is unrealistic to take a small voice with you. He is the son of the devil and can only stay in the land of the Mozu. If you take him away, you think that the Terran will allow him to live openly. Is the Terran Territory?"

Xu Ziyan indulged for a moment, then said: "This thing will be said later. I will reunite with Xiaoyin for a long time, I want to talk about it alone."

"Good!" At this time, Sado was also simply. On the one hand, he could not subdue Xu Ziyan, on the other hand, he had to worry about Xu Xiang’s thoughts.

Xu Xianggao happily took Xu Ziyan to fly toward his place of residence. Two people landed in the air and landed in front of a hall.

"Sister, this is where I live!" Xu Xiang, while stretching his hand and pushing the door open, said happily back to Xu Ziyan:

"How, sister? I live in a good place!"

Xu Ziyan stepped into the hall and looked at the surroundings while gently nodding. The time of her devil's secrets is not short, and she is very familiar with it. So when you see this palace, you know that this is the best palace in the whole demons. Inferred from this, Sado really treats Xu Xiang.

Two people entered the hall, and Xu Xiang seemed to return to the appearance of the child in the middle of the galaxy. He jumped and walked around with Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan was smiling and followed Xu Xuan.

In the end, two people sat down in the room of Xu Xiang, and Xu Xiang ran and ran to Xu Ziyan to make tea, and he thought that some delicious things were piled up in front of Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan smiled and drank tea. He also picked a food and tasted it. From time to time, he praised a few times. He was so excited that he was sitting on the opposite side of Xu Ziyan’s eyebrows. Where is there a little depression?

Xu Xiang’s mouth did not stop, and he kept talking about his years and the sorrows in his heart to Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan was sitting there, drinking tea and listening to it with a smile, asking from time to time. The last two sentences make Xu Xiang's talk more intense.

But gradually Xu Ziyan found out that Xu Xiang talked most about his time with himself, and from time to time asked Xiao Bai. Xu Ziyan’s eyes showed a trace of pity, and when he thought about it, he sank into the face of Xiaobai’s words:

"Little white, come out and see a small ring."

"Small ring?" Xiaobai's eyes lit up, and instantly rushed out of the chaotic gas, and then his body shape turned into a girl's appearance. Xu Ziyan thought of a move, Xiaobai appeared in front of Xu Xiang.

"Little White Sister!"

Xu Xiang looked at Xiaobai's look, and then he was overjoyed. He jumped up from the chair with a sigh of relief. He hugged Xiaobai in front of the two steps and shouted in a circle:

"Little White Sister, Little White Sister!"

The two of them laughed for a while before they stopped. Xu Ziyan smiled and said to Xu Xiang:

"Small ring, what are you going to do in the future?"

"Sister..." The look of Xu Xiang immediately became pitiful: "Let me go with you! I must be obedient."

Xu Ziyan slightly frowned, and Xu Xiang’s words did not show her expectations. She had already seen his attachment to himself from the words before Xu Xiang.


She also sang the words of Sato, and now Xu Xuan simply cannot live in the human race. Because it is impossible for them to constrain the Xu Xiang as if they were constraining the magic. Is it really necessary to wait for the small noise to provoke a great disaster, and kill it yourself?


She remembered the demon Lord again, and now the demon Lord has not fallen, I am afraid that now and Yanshan soul generally reply to repair. How does Xu Xuan and the Lord of the Lord get along?

"Small ring, you shouted Sato, I have something to ask him!"

"it is good!"

Xu Xiang looked a glimpse, and then did not ask Xu Ziyan to ask Saduo what, spread the knowledge of God, and let it go. In a short while, I saw Sato push the door in, his eyes swept in the face of Xu Ziyan and Xu Xiang, and then saw Xiao Bai, a flash of surprise in his eyes. Finally, I will go to Xu Xiang’s hand:

"The son of the devil, what is your call?"

Xu Xiang pointed to Xu Ziyan: "It is my sister looking for you."

Sato accidentally glanced at Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan said, "Please sit."

Sado nodded and sat down on the chair next to him, and then looked at the eyes of Xu Ziyan.

"Sado, I have seen the Lord of the Devil. What I want to know is that if the Lord of the Lord returns, how will he get along with the Son of the Devil?"

The look of Sador was a shock, and his voice whispered in his mouth: "Sure enough."

"What do you mean?" Xu Ziyan's heart gave birth to a trace of uneasiness.

"Oh..." Sato sighed a long sigh: "Xu Daoyou, do you remember the fact that we took you... into the realm of the demon?"

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded gently.

"At that time, I had rushed out of your eyebrows a glimpse of the demon Lord. At that time I suspected that the demon Lord was not dead. But I saw the devil's son again, and most of them determined that the demon Lord had fallen."

Xu Ziyan slightly frowned and said: "What is the relationship between the two?"

The look of Sado is a little gray: "The devil's son will only appear when the devil is degraded or is about to fall. It is the devil who knows that he is not alive, forcing a law to be formed. It is also good to leave the devil. Inheritance, the future of the Devil's Son is a new generation of the Lord.

Presumably the original Lord is on the verge of degeneration. This time, a law is formed to form the devil's son, and then the devil's son is sent away. ”

"The Son of the Devil is not born of the world?" Xu Ziyan asked in amazement.

"Of course not, it is just a rumor in your people." Sado said with a smile.

"The imprisonment that was originally slammed on the body was not made up of heaven and earth. Is it the Lord of the Lord?"

"This is really born in heaven and earth. It is a punishment for the birth of the demon son. But the birth of the devil is also a reincarnation of the heavens, and it is inevitable. Therefore, this kind of heavenly punishment is not terrible, but the devil's son cannot solve it himself, but needs The monks who are higher than him are solved with the secret method."

"Oh..." Xu Ziyan nodded. "You haven't said how the devil's son and the demon master get along!"

Sado smiled bitterly: "If the devil was really degraded, the devil's son will gradually become the demon of the future. But now that the devil is not dead, then when he returns, he will withdraw the law. ”

"Retract the law? What do you mean?" Xu Ziyan's gaze condensed.

"That is... the devil's son is swallowed!"

"Devouring?" Xu Ziyan looked tight.

"Yes, this has great benefits, because since the Devil's son broke through the human respect, he not only fully understood the laws left by the demon Lord, but also the rules of his own understanding. Once the demon devours the demon son, Will get the law of the realization of the devil's son, which is of great benefit to the cultivation of the devil."

The room was immersed in silence, and the look of Xu Xiang was a bit stiff, and his eyes could not help but look at Xu Ziyan with some helplessness.


Xu Ziyan looked up and looked at Xu Xiang, indicating that he was not safe, and then looked at Sato:

"When the Lord of the Lord returns, how would you choose?"

"We have no choice." Sado's look is bitter.

"No choice? What do you mean?"

"Even if we want to re-enact the Lord, it is impossible. This is the tradition of our Mozu. We have already followed the Devil's Son, or the Devil's Son becomes the Lord, or we are all swallowed by the Lord. There is no third way. Can go."

Xu Ziyan slid down his eyes and thought that Yanshan soul was reborn in the beginning, and when he saw Quebec, Kuitian had already recovered to the upgrade. From the mouth of Yanshan soul, he also knew that the Yaozu had recovered the holy level. Understand that only the Lord of the Lord has only one heart when he sees him. It seems that the Lord's main injury was very heavy.


If it is not very heavy, he will not take the initiative to make a demon son. In this way, it takes a long time for the devil to recover.

Looking up at Xu Xiangdao: "Small ring, when I saw the demon Lord, he was very seriously injured, only a huge heart, I think he still needs a long time to recover. And you need Grow up as soon as possible, and only grow up as soon as possible, you have the ability to fight against the Lord.

And here is the best place for you to practice, so I hope that you will stay and practice. After all, the Terran is not suitable for you to practice. ”


Xu Ziyan waved his hand and stopped Xu Xiangdao: "You will cultivate as soon as possible to the peak of Tianzun's later stage. At that time, my sister will accompany you to see the demon Lord!"

Xu Xiang and Sado are all shocked, Xu Ziyan accompanied Xu Xiang to see the devil, definitely not to send Xu Xiang to the front of the devil, let the devil devour Xu Xu, but want to help Xu Xiang devouring the Lord.

This is not impossible. The devil's son and the devil's main master are one. The two of them who are devouring are normal. It depends on the ability of both of them. If the devil is really wounded and has not recovered, maybe it will be able to swallow the demon.

Xu Xiang’s look changed a few times, and finally his eyes became firm: “Well, once I break through the peak of Xianzun’s later stage, I will go to my sister!”

Xu Ziyan nodded lightly and then said to Saduo: "You must step back!"

Sado's lips squirmed a few times, and finally he said: "Xu Daoyou, is there a way to strengthen the outside?"

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