The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2220: Capricorn ancestors

Outside the door, Capricorn has been pacing back and forth for nearly three days. He knew that alchemy was not a simple matter, but he was still uneasy. These days, there are already subordinates who come to report, and the soul-seeking tribes in the east are eager to move, and there is a tendency to attack the Capricorn tribe.

At this time, he was also very clear in his heart, and the Soul Eater tribe was waiting for the purple Taoist friend to leave. If their ancestors can't be cured, the purple Taoist friends will leave, and the Soul Eater will immediately attack the Capricorn tribe.


The door opened, and Xu Ziyan stood at the door with a smile, looking up at the surprise and looking over.

"Come in!" Xu Ziyan said faintly, then turned his hand and walked toward the room.

Capricorn's face was ecstatic, watching the look of Xu Ziyan's face, it proved that Xu Ziyan had successfully refining the medicinal herbs. When the figure flashed, he entered the door, and the backhand gently closed the door. His eyes swept away and he saw the nine-storey pagoda in addition to the purple smoke in the room.

There was a slight surprise in his eyes, because the white was gone. However, he has already refused to do so at this time, and he has applied a courtesy to Xu Ziyan:

"Zi Zi Master..."

The name "Zi Zi Master" is the name that Xu Ziyan decided to take for a long time in the past few days.

"Come with me!" Xu Ziyan smiled and thought about the pagoda.

"Oh..." Capricorn closed his mouth and followed behind Xu Ziyan.

Two people turned into streamers and entered the first floor of the pagoda. As soon as I entered the first floor, I heard the sound of sorrow and sorrow.

Two people looked up and saw two huge black pillars erected in the middle of the first floor. The ancestors of the Capricorn tribe in the middle of the two pillars were tightly bound by countless black ropes and were hung up. In the middle of the two pillars, although he was struggling to break free, he could not break free, but he could only scream madly.

"Zi Zi Master..."

Xu Ziyan looked at the fierce ancestors of the Capricorn tribe, opened the eyes of Qu Peng, and went through the sea of ​​the ancestors. Although she knows that Wu Dan can cure her immediate ancestors, she also wants to study this kind of enchantment and increase her experience. After observing for a while, Xu Ziyan said something to himself:

"Capricorn, the **** of your ancestors was not in the early days of the retreat before the retreat! A monk wants to break through, first of all to cultivate his own **** to ascend to that level, then to the accumulation and state of mind. Comprehension. When Yuan Li accumulated, the state of mind was comprehended, and the breakthrough of natural water was achieved.

However, your ancestors have not yet reached the realm of the Yuanshen, but they have accumulated their strengths in life, and they want to be forced to rush with the thickness of Yuanli. It’s strange that this situation is not magic! ”

"That... Purple Master, can this be..."

"Since the reasons have been clarified, there is naturally no problem!"

Xu Ziyan said with a smile, then took out a jade bottle and said to the one in the sea:

"Control him!"

"Yes, master!"

Xu Ziyan knows the squad in the sea and flips the handcuffs. The two black columns spread out numerous tentacles, further entangled the ancestors of the demon, and entangled the ancestors one after another, leaving only the face A mouth, a big mouth open, screaming.

"Zi Zi master..." Capricorn saw a heartache, and could not help but look at Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan shook the jade bottle in his hand: "He is in this state, how can he not control how he feeds medicine? This medicine is very precious. If it is wasted, there is no second one!"

Capricorn's look was tight, closed his mouth, and no longer dared to make a sound. Xu Ziyan took the medicinal herb in his hand, and his eyes locked the ancestors of the Mozu. When the ancestors of the Mozu screamed and shouted, Xu Ziyan’s fingers flicked, and the medicinal herbs were like the same stream of light. Into the mouth of the ancestors of the Mozu.


Xu Ziyan slaps and turns to the Capricorn and says, "Okay, let's wait here!"

Capricorn's lips moved, but did not dare to ask Xu Ziyan. Seeing Xu Ziyan's look of relaxation, his heart was slightly relaxed. Only looking at the ancestors for a moment.

Gradually the body of the ancestors struggled slowly, and then gradually stopped. Xu Ziyan thought about it, and the gods who knew the inside of the sea began to pull the handcuffs. The tentacles began to shrink back one by one, and they were hidden inside the black pillar.


The body of the ancestors of the Mozu fell from the air on the ground, and the madness of the madness disappeared. He opened his eyes and looked at Xu Ziyan and Capricorn. His eyes were clear, and then he closed his eyes and turned to knees. sit.

Xu Ziyan turned his head and turned his head toward Capricorn. Then he sat on the ground and closed his eyes to stabilize the realm that had just broken through the peak of the early people. On the side of the Capricorn, the joy of the face at this time, from the Qingming ancestors in the eyes of the ancestors, he already knew that the ancestors had recovered their minds, so the Capricorn tribe had an ancestor of the early Tianzun, and became a first-class tribe, although it was still a first-class tribe. The bottom of the bottom exists, but can grow by slowly expanding.

such as……

Swallow the Soul Eater Horde!

Capricorn also sat on the ground, closed his eyes, and began to conceive a plan for the tribal growth.

Time passed in the silence. Three days passed. Xu Ziyan and Capricorn heard the long sound of the swallow. When the two opened their eyes, they saw the Mozu ancestors sitting opposite them. At this time, the Mozu ancestors were still closed. Eyes, but as the nose swallowed, two black gases spread out from his two nostrils, as if two ink dragons were moving forward.


The two ink dragons went away. The Mozu ancestors opened their eyes and looked around on the faces of Capricorn and Xu Ziyan. Then they landed on Xu Ziyan, but his face changed. He found that I couldn’t see through the cultivation of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan gave him the feeling of being like ordinary people. Slightly wrinkled his brows, and some of the less clear images flashed through his mind, the scene of chaos and his war when he lost his mind.

The heart is a shake, at this time his heart has been determined, the power of the female devil sitting in front of his own eyes is no less than himself. Towards Xu Ziyan arching:

"But is this friend saved?"

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded gently.

"Da En does not say thank you! But in the future, there are friends who use it to get down, and do not leave!"

"Serious!" Xu Ziyan smiled faintly: "Daoyou has just broken through, or take a break!"

"Good! Give the old man a day, then let's talk."

Three people left the pagoda and Xu Ziyan took the pagoda. At the door and Capricorn and his ancestors left, reflexively returned to his room.

Hurry past the day.

Capricorn and his ancestors made a big banquet inside and outside the hall. The whole tribe celebrated the success of the Capricorn tribe's ancestors and successfully passed the Tianshou period. The news quickly spread to the Soul Eater Tribe, who was already ready to attack the Soul Eater tribe. After this news, one by one is sluggish.

Then it was extremely unbelievable. In the history of the Mozu, I have never heard of any enchanted monk who will be awake.

fake! It must be fake!

The patriarch of the Soul Eater tribe immediately rushed toward the Capricorn tribe with gifts.

"Report!" A Mozu monk ran all the way into the hall and reported to the ancestors of the seat: "The ancestors, the soul-seeking tribe chief Gu You came to congratulate!"

There was a trace of sarcasm on the face of the ancestors, but he still said to the smack of the cockroach next to him: "Capricorn, go out and meet!"

"Yes, ancestors!" Capri stood up from the seat, quite a chest, and a flash of fierce striding outwards.

In a short while, there was a burst of laughter outside, and Capricorn and Gu Yu went into the hall like two brothers. The eyes of the ancient secluded eyes fell on the body of the ancestors, and the eyes were shrinking. He saw the clearness in the eyes of his ancestors, and he also felt the magic of his ancestors.

This is this...

At this time, he broke through the Tianzun of the Capricorn tribe and recovered his lucidity and then no doubt. He immediately ran to the front of the ancestors and gave a deep ritual:

"Congratulations to the ancestors!"

Then hold a ring in both hands. The ancestors did not look at the storage ring in his hand, but faintly screamed:


Capricorn immediately stepped forward to collect the storage ring and then retreated to the side. The ancient secluded still maintains a posture. The old ancestors said faintly:

"sit down!"

"Xie Laozu!" The ancient secluded heart was loose, and some of them were seated in a seat. His eyes swept away and found that he was also a four-person in this seat. His ancestors, Judah, Capricorn, and the female demon who fought in the day, even the elders of the Capricorn tribe were not at this table.

The eyes fell on the body of Xu Ziyan, and the heart could not help but secretly. Is this female devil saved the Dad? When I think of it, I will go to Xu Ziyan:

"Which tribe is this Taoist from?"

Xu Ziyan glanced at him faintly: "The tribe under is not born, not to mention it!"

The ancient look is a glimpse, but there is no slight dissatisfaction, but a glimpse of caution in the eyes. Whether it is the Mozu, the Yaozu or the Terran, there are always some people who are unwilling to be born and have been living in seclusion. Such monks or tribes are all powerful and strong.

Moreover, he also saw the scene of chaos and enthusiasm in the beginning. Finally, Trent was chased by a chaos and took away a treasure, which made him sure that Xu Ziyan came from a powerful hidden tribe. They no longer want to provoke Xu Ziyan, but constantly toast to Yuda, the attitude is very humble.

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