The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2221: Retreat

"Zi Daoyou, you come out to travel this time, but what do you need to help our Capricorn tribe?"

Xu Ziyan put down the wine glass: "There is really one thing I want to ask!"

"You said!"

Tatsu's eyes are bright. He is not afraid of Xu Ziyan's mutual pleading. He is afraid that Xu Ziyan will not ask for anything. After all, Xu Ziyan rescues him. This is a great grace. Any big monk, no matter if he is of any race, is unwilling to owe him.

"I didn't have any purpose when I came out to travel this time. I just saw the Mozu's big attack on a mysterious secret. I don't seem to be a tribe. Many tribes are joining forces to attack. I don't know why this is. To solve the problem?"

"This..." Minda glanced at Capricorn and said: "I have been retired a hundred years ago. I don't know much about this matter, let me know about it!"

"Yes, ancestors!" Capricorn said reverently, and then turned to look at Xu Ziyan and said: "Zi Daoyou, this thing needs to start from a hundred years ago. The secret suddenly appeared in the land of the Mozu, causing The shocks of various tribes and monks in the land of the Mozu, they went to explore, but found that there was no access at all, with a large array of protection.

This shocked all the tribes. Everyone thought that it was an ancient mystery. So everyone gathered around the secret and discussed how to break the defense of the secret and get the treasure in the secret.

But three years later, I did not open the secret, but found that the mysterious monk was inhabited in that secret. ”

"I found out that there is a Mozu monk inhabited? How did you find it?" Xu Ziyan asked curiously.

"In fact, after we attacked the secret for three months, we knew that there were monks living there, because the defense of the big array and the control of the monks were completely different, but the monks living there never showed up, and we did not know how to pretend. Three years. At that time, the monks inside couldn't help it anymore, sending people out to talk with us. So we knew that there was an ancient holy place.

In this way, we naturally ask to go to worship the Holy Land, but the other party does not allow it. At that time, we did not understand the strength of the monks in the Holy Land of the Mozu. It must have come from ancient times, and it was not weak. So we did not dare to force. After some talks, we retired.

Since then, the monks in the Mozu Holy Land have come out from time to time to conduct some transactions with our tribes, one to two, and slowly we have some understanding of the Holy Land.

It is not only a good environment for cultivation, but also a complete inheritance of the Mozu. The most important thing is that because the Mozu Holy Land was originally in the Zhongyuan Galaxy, the monks in the Mozu Holy Land were not strong.

What are you waiting for?

So we went to war with the monks in the holy land of the Mozu. However, the defense of the Devil's Holy Land was too powerful. For so long, we have attacked it many times, and we still haven't attacked it. Originally this was the most promising one. I didn’t know what was going on, and the big array suddenly became strong. ”

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly and indulged: "There are only two reasons for attacking the Holy Land of the Devil? No other reason?"

"Nothing!" Capricorn shook his head immediately, looking at Xu Ziyan's burning gaze, scratching his head and trying to squint. Suddenly patted the table:

"One time I used to listen to Mafa Tianzun and a few Tianzun chatting about the devil's son, but I was far apart, and I just passed by, and I didn't dare to stop, so I didn't hear anything."

"The Son of the Devil! It is really related to the Son of the Devil!"

Xu Ziyan’s heart was shocked and he frowned and thought about it. Are these Mozu monks because they don’t know that the Lord is still alive, want to compete for the Son of the Devil, and then loyal to the Son of the Devil?

"its not right!"

Xu Ziyan always feels something wrong. Although she can't think of what is wrong, the uneasiness in her heart is expanding. If it is just loyal to the Son of the Devil, Sado should not stop it! Is it not good to have more monks who are loyal to the Son of the Devil?

"This thing must be clarified!"

Xu Ziyan looked at Capricorn: "What is the repair of that Mafa Tianzun?"

"It is the peak of the late Tianzun!"

Xu Ziyan took a sigh of relief in her heart. The real demon in this realm is not what she can provoke. I thought about it or asked:

“How many of my family’s peaks are in the late stage?”

“There are three in total!” Capri asked with respect.

Xu Ziyan looked hesitant and finally became firm: "I don't know if there is any chance for Capricorn to recommend it."

"I?" Capricorn smiled a bit: "Where will I have that chance?"

"It's not a chance!" said the ancestors of the Capricorn tribe.

Xu Ziyan’s eyes were bright, and Huoran turned to look at his ancestors: “Is there a way to get a friend?”

"One more month is the day when the Batu Caves are opened. The Batu Caves are opened every 100 years. The tribes will send monks into the Batu Caves. The Batu Caves are controlled by three tribes, that is, the three peaks of the Tianzun period. The tribe of the great monk. The monks who won the first place in each of the Batu Caves have the opportunity to be individually pointed out by the monks of the late Tianfeng, who are holding the Batu Caves, but they are from the Batu Caves. The black bead is given to him. But this year is not the tribe of Mafa Tianzun, but the tribe of Melon Tianzun, so even if you get the first, you will see Meilong Tianzun instead of Mafa Tianzun. ”

"Blood hole?" Xu Ziyan was amazed.

“Not bad!” Minda nodded. “It is said that this black wind cave exists in ancient times. It is full of black winds, which is very dangerous. But it produces a treasure called black wind beads. This kind of treasure is for comprehending dark attributes and wind. The property has excellent support and is the treasure of our demon.

However, the more the black wind beads are deeper into the Batu Caves, the higher the quality, and the higher the quality of the black wind beads, the stronger the auxiliary for the monks. How deep is this black wind tunnel, no monks know, even the late monks of Mellon have not come to an end. ”

“What?” Xu Ziyan said with amazement: “The three monarchs can also enter the Batu Caves in the late peaks? Isn’t the first one of them three? What else do we have?”

Minda smiled and said: "The three of them can enter, but they don't participate in the test. Not only the three of them, but the monks who are above the Tianzun period are not allowed to participate, only allowed to enter the collection of black wind beads."

Xu Ziyan heard the bitter smile: "Even if those monks in the Tianzun period do not participate in the test, but they enter, can the Batu Caves be saved in the Batu Caves? I am afraid they will be collected by them?"

“I can’t say that!” Yuda shook his head again and said: “The black wind tunnel is boundless, and the black wind beads are not so good to find. It’s important to know that in the Batu Caves, God’s knowledge can’t be used. There is not a black wind bead. It is often a sudden encounter with countless black wind beads, that is a big trouble, that is, the Tianzun period monk is also very headache."

“Is it a lot of trouble to meet a lot of black beads?” Xu Ziyan asked inexplicably.

"The black wind beads are born in the middle of the black wind. The black winds are very dangerous. You will know when you are. And it is not only the black wind but also the monks. There is no rule in the black wind tunnel. Other monks can grab your black wind beads and be in danger at any time.

So I said that there is only one chance to see Melon Tianzun. The first opportunity is that you have to win the first place before you have the opportunity to be directed by Mellon alone. ”

Xu Ziyan slightly frowned and asked: "Then, after the monks got the first, choose to leave those black beads instead of being chosen by Tianzun?"

Mellon laughed and said: "How can such a thing happen? The black wind beads are precious, but what are the precious things that are precious to the monks of the late Tianzun?"

Xu Ziyan nodded silently, and even said: "I am going to participate in the Batu Caves test, but what restrictions?"

"This is not the case, as long as my Mozu monks can enter the Batu Caves. The opening time is only one year, and it will be transmitted directly."

After the banquet, Xu Ziyan asked the Capricorn to ask for a Dongfu. After entering, he set up a large array to close the entire Dongfu.

For the Batu Caves, she should think about it. Now, it is no problem to enter the Batu Caves as a Mozu, but she is also worried that the three monks in the late Ming Dynasty will see her identity and see that she is not The Mozu, but the Terran. Although this possibility is very small, but after all, she does not understand the Mozu, do not know whether the Mozu has a secret. In the end, she decided to use the chaotic body to confuse the past. After all, once the chaos has opened the property of the demon, it is the Mozu. I am afraid that the devil may not be able to see it.

The next step is whether I can get the first question. Xu Ziyan frowned slightly. The monks of the Mozu Tianzun can enter the Batu Caves. This means that the monks who have the peak of the late stage will enter the Batu Caves. Can they collect the most black beads with their own cultivation?

Xu Ziyan's eyebrows are picked. After entering the Batu Caves, they can release the chaos. The two of them can be divided into two ways to collect the black wind beads, which is a lot faster.


Repair is still low!

It seems that I have to take my own cultivation one step further during this time.

Xu Ziyan put aside the things that were upgraded and then began to think about the next step. If you get the first, then you have the opportunity to see Mellon alone. She had no doubt about the fact that she had met with Mellon alone. There was absolutely no third monk present when she pointed out that she had done this thing.

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