The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2230: Too much... too hateful


Suddenly in the heart, the black wind can also let myself further comprehend, although the effect of comprehension in this space is not good, but if there are enough black wind beads, it can completely break through the realm of great perfection.

But... then collect enough black winds in more than a month?

Xu Ziyan's heart is moving. If this black whirlwind is directly received into the purple smoke space, I don't know if it can completely preserve the black whirlwind, or even create a black wind space!

Xu Ziyan immediately became the heaven of the purple smoke space, and instantly found a planet with the darkest attributes and the most powerful wind properties, and then opened the gap between the purple smoke space, and the dense black whirlwind rushed into the purple smoke space. Inside, Xu Ziyan directly transmitted to the planet.

Then Xu Ziyan was disappointed. After the black whirlwind was sent to the planet, the black whirlwind dissipated immediately. Only one black winddrop fell from the air, and the black wind beads were still decomposing. The dark attributes and wind attributes are dissipated on the planet.

Xu Ziyan immediately thought of a move, sent the chaos to the planet, and then thought again, giving the chaos several storage spaces.

Then Xu Ziyan began to continuously put the tenth layer of black cyclone into the body space, and then directly sent to the planet. The black whirlwind broke and the black winddrops fell from the air. The chaos at this time is to put the black air beads that are falling in the air into the storage space with the storage space.

The space on the tenth floor is too big. There have never been monks entering here in this billions of years. There is only a black wind bead that has never been taken, and a black wind has never been taken, so the black whirlwind here is almost Inexhaustible. Xu Ziyan has been charged for more than a month, and he has not seen much black whirlwind here. Xu Ziyan feels that he has already received too much, but looking at the tenth layer of appearance is a slap in the face.

The three big heavens outside began to be anxious, and it was time to close the Batu Caves. How have you not seen the Purple Master?

The entrance is full of dense black whirlwinds, and the gods can only release one meter. This makes them completely unaware of what happened in the tenth floor, and they don’t know what the purple masters in their hearts are. Dead, only an anxious face.

The space began to sway, and Xu Ziyan woke up instantly, knowing that this is a sign that the Batu Caves should be closed. Immediately closed the purple smoke space, let the chaos come out of the purple smoke space, and she entered the chaotic sea.


There was a buzzing sound in the space, and all the monks in the Batu Caves disappeared in an instant. When they reappeared, they were already outside the Batu Caves.


The three great demon Tianzun flew up to the Black Wind Mountain, and the knowledge spread and anxiously searched for the purple master. The chaos at this time was standing in the crowd, looking at the black wind mountain, and seeing the three great devils, Tianzun, standing on the top of the mountain. When the sky was empty, the figure would rise to the sky and land in the mountains. Above.

"Three friends!" He said hello in a chaotic smile.

"Zi Zi Master..." The three devils have a surprise on their faces, and then the sound stops abruptly, and the chaos is unbelievably looked at. For a long time, Mellon eats authenticity:

"Zi Zi master, you... the land is late?"

"Yeah!" Chaos smiled and nodded: "I broke through the tenth floor of the Batu Caves!"

"Breakthrough on the tenth floor..." The three heavenly monks looked bitter in their eyes, and they could not enter on the tenth floor, but this one suddenly became inside. Mellon’s eyes suddenly brightened:

"Zi Zi master, since you can enter the tenth floor, should you get a lot of black beads?"

"Oh..." He said with a smirk: "There should be no problem with getting a first place. Right..."

The chaotic look has become extremely serious: "The black wind beads in the tenth floor are so big, can't you count it?"

"Of course not!" Mellon smiled. "We haven't seen the black wind beads in the tenth floor. The purple master took out one and gave us a quick look."

"Good!" The chaos promised, and he took out a black wind and handed it to Mellon. Its black bead has just been taken out, has not been handed out, and the three big heavens have heard an exclamation in the ear.

Mellon grabbed the black wind ball and held it in his hand. Marfa and the thorns also put their heads together, staring at the head-sized black wind in the hands of Mellon. Beads.

Mellon hurriedly looked up: "Zi Zi master, how many black wings do you get..."

Chaos proudly shook his head: "A lot of it!"

Mellon took a deep breath: "The purple master, are you getting the black beads like this?"

"Yeah!" Chaos nodded.

Mellon took a deep breath and said: "Zi Zi master, this is the best black wind, even if it is in the ninth layer of the black wind hole, it is the same as the black wind, it is also different in value. Far away. This one of the best black beads can be worth a hundred black beads."

Both the thorns and the Mafa looked at Mellon admiringly, because the master of the black wind beads was Mellon, and the first black wind ball was given to Mellon, without the two of them. . This kind of best black wind beads is too helpful for comprehending the combination of dark attributes and wind attributes. How can we not let them both envy and hate?

Mellon took a deep breath and solemnly said to the chaos: "Zi Zi master, can you give me the black wind beads? Don't worry, except for the black wind beads you need first. I bought all the black wind beads, or used the treasures. I will never let the purple master suffer."

Hearing here, the eyes of Marfa and the thorns are bright, and the thorns immediately open: "Zi master, I am willing to buy or exchange, the price will follow you!"

"You..." Mellon glared at the thorns.

The thorns also glanced at Mellon Road: "Melong, isn't this a rule of destruction?"

On the other side, Mafa’s eyeball turned, and in the heart, if the master of purple would get the first black wind to hand to Mellon, it would not only make Melon’s white get a batch of the best black wind beads, but also give it The opportunity for Mellon and the purple master to get along alone, if Mellon took the opportunity to pull the purple master into his family, it would be bad, this is a big deal. Therefore, Mafa immediately said:

"Zi Zi master, in fact, those who got the first place to get the black wind beads are not necessarily handed over to Mellon, and the handing over to Mellon is only the opportunity for the monks to obtain a separate training for the Melon. ..."

Mafa’s eyes suddenly glimpsed, then exclaimed: “Zi Zi master, you, you...have you been late?”

Originally Mellon heard what Marfa was saying there, and his heart was on fire. Suddenly he heard that Marfa exclaimed such a scorpion, and he couldn’t help but look at the chaos. Seeing the chaos at this time is really the late stage. .

This... A year ago, the master of purple was still in the middle of the realm of the earth. How about... In the course of one year, she has already been in the late stage?

This... this is also raising too fast...

"Oh..." The chaos said with a smile, embarrassedly said: "In the tenth layer, the dark attribute and the wind attribute were inadvertently integrated into the realm of the realm, so we broke through to the late stage!"

"You, you, you... have you realized the black wind and the righteousness of the realm?" Mellon stared at the chaos with his eyes wide open, his face was unbelievable, and his heart lamented that he had learned hundreds of thousands of years and did not know how to consume it. How many black wind beads, only to understand the black winds of the righteousness into the realm of Zhongcheng, she went in for a year, and realized the realm of Zhongcheng...

At this time, Marfa was waking up from the shock and marching toward chaos: "The purple master is not only an alchemy genius, but also a genius in cultivation. Congratulations!"

The chaos is hurried and the ritual airway: "Thank you!"

I didn't think that Marfa was the first one to say: "Zi Zi master, with your cultivation genius, it is a eternal encounter. Where do you need our old guys to give pointers! Why waste those black beads in exchange for one of us old? A guy's innocent opportunity to give pointers? It's better to sell these black wind beads to me. My Marfa must give you a satisfactory price."


Mellon's eyes spurted out anger. This Mafa is so hateful. He is not robbing himself of the chance to get the black beads, but wants to sever his chance to get along with the purple master alone. Master's chance.

Too much... too hateful!

Before the Mellon spoke, the confusion was open. She didn't want to give up this opportunity to get along with Mellon alone.

"I just rehabilitated the late stage. It is far from the realm of the three Taoist friends. I still need your guidance!"

Mellon heard great news, this time he did not mention the acquisition of the remaining black wind beads, and in the face of the acquisition of Marfa and the thorns, it is not enough for them to mess up. Therefore, he decided to discuss with the confusion when he was alone with the chaos. Immediately piled up a smile:

"Zi Zi master, go, let's set the things you got the first thing, then let's talk about it alone!"

If the words fall, they will no longer pay attention to the thorns and Mafa. When they pull Xu Ziyan, they will fall to the Black Wind Mountain. The thorns and Mafa looked at each other and had to follow the depressed, but they did not give up. In the heart of the dark, even if you give me a chance to get along with the purple master alone, you may not be able to draw the purple master, we do not have no chance.

After three hours of time, Xu Ziyan finally took out the black wind beads. She calculated that she took out the black wind beads. Finally, she took out one thousand and seven of the best black wind beads and got the first, then Mellon rushed. Impatiently with chaos back to the palace on the Black Wind Mountain, entered his room, quickly set up a line to isolate the gods, then please sit down in confusion, and then brewed a pot of tea for chaos and I sipped tea, and I looked at Xu Ziyan and said with a smile:

"Zi Zi master, you don't understand what you are doing in cultivation. Although you ask, when you ask, you have a look, there is no time limit."


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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