The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2231: Return to the Holy Land

Mellon’s look is a change. The purple master has no problem to ask, but he exchanges the black wind beads for a chance to get along with himself. What does this mean?

The eyes could not help but show a little caution, a trace of suspicion, the mood of pulling Xu Ziyan also faded, no longer words, just faintly looking at Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan’s heart is a jump. It’s a monk in the late Tianzun’s peak. The masters who can cultivate to this level are very wise. But on this part, Xu Ziyan could not ask, and he passed his thoughts to chaos in the knowledge of God. Looking at Mellon Road in a chaotic and calm way:

"Daoyou, I just have a question and I want to ask my friends to solve."

“Hey?” Mellon was also very curious at this time. What was wrong with the purple master in front of him, and she even gave up her chance to ask for advice and practice?

"Daoyou, I left the family to experience this time and saw that you are besieging a secret. I want to know why?"

Mellon looked at him and he didn't think that the purple master would ask such a question. I immediately thought about it, why did she ask this question, what is her attempt? Or is there any attempt to say her family?

The origin of this purple master is very mysterious, is it also from the ancient family? But if he doesn't say it or doesn't tell the truth, the stab and Marfa may not tell her.

Forget it, anyway, now I can't enter the mysterious world, let her tell her!

"Zi Daoyou, there are three main reasons why we attack the secret. Maybe you still don't know what the secret is."

Mellon’s eyes were fixed on the chaos, and the chaotic look was very calm. He did not know the secrets of the demon, and nodded:

"Listen to the next!"

"This mysterious mystery suddenly appeared a hundred years ago. Later, after we explored it, I didn't think that this mysterious place turned out to be the holy place of the Mozu in ancient times, that is, where the Lord of the Lord lived.

There is a strong magic in the Holy Land of the Mozu, which is the best holy place for our cultivation. This is the first reason why we attacked the holy land of the Mozu.

The second reason is that there is a complete Mozu inheritance in the Mozu Holy Land, which is an irresistible temptation for our Mozu. ”

The chaos nodded, and both of these purple smoke and chaos knew. I just want to know why Mellon has no reason to attack the Holy Land. Whether or not to attack the Holy Land of the Devil has nothing to do with the Son of the Devil. Sure enough, Mellon mentioned the Son of the Devil.

"The third reason is for the son of the devil!"

"The Son of the Devil?" The chaos made a shocking look.

"Yes, it is the Son of the Devil!" Mellon's look became serious: "The Son of the Devil is the Lord of the Devil who can't control his own **** when he is seriously injured. The heavens that come out are gathered together."

Xu Ziyan was shocked and immediately sent a glimpse of the chaos. The confusion immediately opened:

"The devil's son is not the devil because he is seriously injured. He thinks that he may fall down and take the initiative to separate it out."

"How come?" Mellon looked at the chaos with amazement: "How can we do such stupid things? If the devil is injured and heavier, he will not do such stupid things. He will only collect his own distraction." Going out of heaven, as long as he is really dead, he will not go to the flood after the death. Our Mozu is everything that makes you the strongest, and does not leave a chance for other demons. Everything is your own talent. it is good."

Xu Ziyan nodded in the chaotic sea of ​​knowledge, thinking that Mellon was telling the truth, and that Sado, who had raped the giants, had to make a lie to deceive himself according to the habits of the people.

"What do you do for the devil's son?"

"Devouring!" Mellon said simply.


"Not bad!" Mellon nodded. "The Son of the Devil is the heavenly way of the demon Lord. It has the heavenly path of the demon master. It is the heavenly master of the Holy Master, even if there is only a trace, to our demon monk. It also has immeasurable benefits, not to mention a trace!"

"That... Why is the Son of the Devil in the Mozu Holy Land for so long, and the Mozu monk inside does not swallow him?" asked in confusion.

Mellon frowned slightly, and there was a trace of suspicion in his eyes: "Zi Zi, the elders in your family have not told you about this?"

The chaos also frowned slightly, and then searched in his own memory, but because she was refining with Kui Tian, ​​she lost some inheritance memories. He searched from beginning to end more than once, but there was no I found a trace of memory about this. Now I can't help but search for it, but I still have nothing. I shook my head bitterly:

"No! Maybe the family elders thought that this kind of thing could not happen, and didn't you tell me?"

Mellon thought a little, and he agreed with the confusion. If he had not heard of the birth of the demon son, he rummaged through the family classics to discover the mystery of the devil's son, and he did not know the matter.

"Zi Zi master, the devil's son is not a monk who can swallow it. It is a holy heaven. If the general monk devours it, there will only be one result, that is, the body will die and the **** will disappear. It is only after the end of Tianzun’s peak that it can swallow the devil’s son, and with the help of the heavenly path of the demon son, there is a chance to break through the holy level. Nowadays, there is no big monk in the late Mozu Holy Land. The masters in the Holy Land are thinking of self-cultivation to reach the peak of the late Tianzun, and then swallow the devil's son."


Xu Ziyan really understood this at the moment. Saduo has been lying, and everything is preparing to swallow Xusheng. She believes that Mellon is telling the truth, only Mellon's words are in line with the nature of the Mozu.

Sado must die.

In the mysterious mysterious world, only Saduo’s cultivation is the highest, as long as he kills Saduo, to sing the magical heavenly path contained in the body, plus the inheritance in the Holy Land of the Mozu, to cultivate the environment and give it to him. Dan medicine, I am afraid that it will not be long before he will become the highest monk in the Holy Land of the Mozu, and will never be threatened.

However, Xu Ziyan is not in a hurry. After all, the Saduo at this time is only the cultivation of the peak of the late Zun, and it is still far away from the peak of Tianzun. Therefore, he stayed here for three days, and this time and the three great Tianzun resignation, although the three great Tianzun tried to retain, but Xu Ziyan is based on the reason for the resignation, the final three big heavens and thousands of thousands of purple smoke must be in the future Come back to the guest, this will send Xu Ziyan away.

Chaos flew in the land of the Mozu, Xu Ziyan did not know that the three Mozu Datian Zun did not follow her, but she had to guard, so she still hid in the chaotic sea, so flying for three days and three nights, the chaos fell In a valley, looking for a cave to go in, and then let the array of a top grade. Xu Ziyan switched to the body with chaos, then opened a convergent charm on his body, adjusted his breath to the lowest, then plunged into the ground and dive deep into the ground.

Are the three great Mozu Tianzun tracking Xu Ziyan?


Still really!

However, these three demon Tianzun did not doubt Xu Ziyan, but wanted to follow the purple master, want to see if she finally returned there. Where is her family secret?

If the family of the purple master does not have a monk in the late Tianzun, they do not mind to take over the family of the purple master, and they will kill if they dare not accept it. The Mozu are all respected by the strong, as long as there is no power in the family of the purple masters that they can resist, they will surrender to them.

However, they saw that the purple master kept flying for three days and three nights, and then entered a cave. Then they saw that the purple master was setting up a big array, exactly the same as the one set in the black wind tunnel. .

“Don't the purple master suddenly have an epiphany, want to practice here?”

The three Mozu Datianzun are hidden in the void, and the gods are covered in this cave, watching the purple masters there. When the big array is completed, they will instantly isolate their gods.

These three Mozu Datianzun did not dare to use the knowledge of the gods to monitor the purple master, fearing to be discovered by the purple master. Therefore, the gods they transmitted were very concealed, and they only paid attention to the big array, but they did not know that Xu Ziyan had left the big line at this time and sneaked into the depths of the earth.

Maybe the three of them have been monitoring for a long time, and they will boring to scan the gods, but now they don't have that mind.

Xu Ziyan quickly left here at the bottom of the earth. After one day and one night, Xu Ziyan drilled out from the ground, and the wing of the wind on the back of the edge was unfolding. At this time, the wing of the wind of Xu Ziyan has been cultivated to the realm of great perfection. The speed of flying has multiplied several times, but it disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Outside the Mozu Holy Land, Xu Ziyan flew like a wind, and his body flashed through the Holy Land and flew toward the Great Hall of the Devil.

"Stop! This is a forbidden place, a private person, killing innocent!"

The Mozu guards standing outside the gates of the Mozu Holy Land shouted and screamed, and at the same time raised their hands to release a magical demon. The demon blasted in the air and made a harsh scream.


From the four sides of the Mozu Holy Land, there are countless Mozu monks who flocked to this side.

"Get out!"

Xu Ziyan’s body shape descended from the air, and while drinking hard, he strode toward the palace gate.

"Get out of the way? Who will get out of the way?"

The Mozu guard at the gate was angry, he did not know Xu Ziyan. But even if you are a purple smoke, can't you be so arrogant?

Not bad!

The devil's son is your sister, but you can't be so arrogant! The monk outside the Mozu Holy Land does not know what your identity is, but we know that you are a human being, not a demon!


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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