The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2233: Place of birth

The purple smoke space instantly plunged into the chaotic body, then switched to the body with chaos, smiled and looked at the opposite Xu Sheng, sitting in the chair of Sado.

"Sister, how come you?" The Son of the Devil jumped up happily from the chair.

Xu Ziyan did not hide it, and told him about it after he left here. Xu Xiang knows that Xu Ziyan knows the truth of the facts. This has rushed over and the heart is full of emotions, but at the same time, there is also a hint of vigilance.

“Xu Ziyan is very good to himself, but it is based on the fact that I don’t know that I am a peerless drug. Now I know that I am able to break through to the holy level. Will Xu Ziyan treat herself as before? She Will it be like Sato, want to devour yourself in the future?"

Thinking of this, Xu Xiang’s heart is a sneak peek, seeing the joy of Xu Ziyan instantly turned into fear. If Xu Ziyan wants to deal with himself, can he escape? Even Lisa is not her opponent, how can she escape?

Although Xu Ziyan is a human being, and he is a Mozu, the heavenly path in the body is also a magic road, but as long as it is able to break through the holy level, will anyone care whether it is a magic road?

Holy level!

There are only five from ancient times! That is the realm of life with Tian!

However, all the thoughts in this heart did not dare to appear in front of Xu Ziyan. At this time, his heart had a vigilant attitude towards Xu Ziyan, who had always treated him like a relative.

"Sister, how is it right now?"

Xu Ziyan also frowned slightly, which is really a trouble. After thinking for a while, my eyes are bright:

"Small ring, I have a method of soul matrix, the mother matrix enters your sea of ​​knowledge, the seed array breaks into the sea of ​​Saduo, and since then Sado will be completely controlled by you, and you will be the Lord. Come, this holy place of the devil is really in your hands."

The eyes of the demon son lit up, but then it was a burst of embarrassment, and there was a hint of jealousy in the heart, a trace of doubt.

"Xu Ziyan puts the mother array in his own knowledge of the sea. Is this... will he be controlled by Xu Ziyan?"

The heart is a glimpse, and the color of the decisiveness immediately appears in the eyes: "Sister, the scum like Sado is to be a slave to me, I can't see it, and trouble the sister to kill him."

Xu Ziyan looked a glimpse, looking directly at Xu Xiang, nodding a little, no words, taking out a trick of phantom, will be more into the gloom. Then I collected the Nether.

Xu Xiang saw Xu Ziyan use the genital scorpion to collect more, and did not force him to accept what soul symbol, this is a relief in his heart. Looking at Xu Ziyan's eyes is a bit complicated.

In his heart, he has an attachment to Xu Ziyan, and he also has a warning for Xu Ziyan. After all, he is like a peerless drug at this time, even if Xu Ziyan wants to swallow him, he will not be surprised.

"Sister..." The son of the devil screamed in his heart.

Xu Ziyan sighed in the heart, how can she not see the sound of Xu Xiang with her experience? She knows that at this moment, there is a gap between her and Xu Xiang, and once this gap appears, it is difficult to make up for it, and it is likely to continue to expand.

Xu Ziyan’s heart is in vain. Is this the fate of the Mozu and the Terran? In the end, I still have to go to the opposite side!

At the moment, Xu Xiang’s heart was awkward. Xu Ziyan is the most trusted person in his life, but now he has to be alert to Xu Ziyan. At this time, his heart seemed to have lost the most precious things, and it was a pain.

"Small ring..." Xu Ziyan said silently: "What are your plans?"

Xiaoyin also indulged, and finally his eyes became firm: "Sister, I decided to stay here, and only here can make my repairs as fast as possible. I left this place, not to mention repairing The ascension will be slow, and the danger outside will not be less than staying here."

Xu Ziyan slightly frowned and said: "Small ring, if there are monks who know the secrets that devour yours, you will always be in danger."

"I know!" Xu Xiang dively said: "This time because Sado suddenly shot, so I did not have the slightest preparation. Otherwise I will not be so easily restrained by him. Now I am the first peak of the land The inheritance of this demon son is not given by white. Even if the mid-level peak is not my opponent, even if I am a late monk monk, I have a battle. Now in this holy land, only Sa One more land is the peak of the late stage. Now he has been killed by his sister, and the most exquisite monk monk is only the late stage.

With the cultivation of their realm, as long as I have prepared them, they can't take me! I will tell them that Sado left the Mozu Holy Land to do things for me. Then I will conquer the monks in the Mozu Holy Land as soon as possible, and truly hold the Mozu Holy Land in my hands. When you think about it, staying here is the safest thing. ”

"If that is the return of the Lord..."

Xu Xiang smiled and said: "If the Lord returns, then the fate is so."

Xu Ziyan was slightly indulged for a moment, and her heart was a little bit sorrowful. She knew that Xu Xiang had already had jealousy for her and would not listen to her own opinions. Then nodded:

"Well, my sister respects your decision."

The gods glanced at the storage ring and took out the only five remaining charms:

"Small ring, this is a collection of five charms, all of which are innate charms. I think it is the search of the gods of the demon, and it can also block one day and one night. These five can shield the magic of the Lord for five days. Five nights will also give you a chance to escape."

Xu Xiang’s eyes are bright, and the five collections of fairy charms are collected, and the Xu Zi flue is seriously:

"Thank you sister!"

"That sister has left, my sister has been away from Zongmen for more than a year, and I have to go back as soon as possible."

"I am sending my sister!" Xu Xiang stood up.

Xu Ziyan shook his head gently: "I am sneaking in. If you are sent out by you, it will be bad for you. You don't have to send it, your sister is gone, you... take care!"

Xu Ziyan fell, his body shape disappeared, and he entered the purple smoke space and quickly left the land of the Mozu.

Xu Xiang looked at the space where Xu Ziyan disappeared, and there was a trace of fear on his face. Xu Ziyan has no way to go without a trace. If Xu Ziyan wants to make a noise to him, can he have the power to guard against it?

However, I thought that Xu Ziyan did not reveal any slight malice to himself. Instead, before giving her leave, she gave her five collections. Can not help but think of Xu Ziyan has been good to him, and there is a warmth in his heart.

"Sister, sister, Xiaoyin really does not want to be an enemy of you, I want to be your little ring forever, and be with you. But the small ring is the son of the devil..."

Yue Tianfeng.

The highest mountain in the Upper Yuan Dynasty, no one knows how high it is, because no monk can fly to the top of the mountain, and even the late monarchs of Tianzun cannot fly to the peak. Just flying to the height of two-thirds of the mountain, it will be blown away by the hurricane.

The peaks of this mountain have been inserted into the sky, where they are all turbulent in time and space, and they are extremely fierce and turbulent, and are regarded as forbidden by the demon. There have been countless monks who want to go up and see, all fall. At the beginning, there were also some demon-like tribes in the late Tianzong period, and the monks and the monks joined hands to cross the Tianfeng, but they all disappeared.

After that, no one demon has dared to come here to test.

This day.

A figure suddenly appeared under the Yuetian Peak, a black robe, the waist is quite straight, the face is handsome, and the eyebrows are a set of flame marks, but it is the soul of Yanshan who lost his memory.

A familiar feeling in the meditation summoned him here, and the familiar feeling of looking at the place became more and more intense, but he stared for a long time, but still did not think of the slightest memory.

With a big sleeve and a wave, the sky is rising, and the figure rises to the sky and flies toward the peak of the peak. It’s just that the body shape has passed through two-thirds of the height and rushed into the turbulence of time and space.

Time and space turbulent flow to the Yanshan soul strangled, from the body of Yanshan soul transmitted a layer of Meng Baoguang, blocking the turbulence of time and space, the body shape is still flying toward the peak.

A figure appeared at the foot of the mountain, holding a golden compass in his hand. Looking up at the sky above the peak. However, it is the demon lord’s peak fox fox, fox meier.

"The demon owner gave me the Hongmeng compass, let me track the Yanshan soul all the way, and monitor his whereabouts. But what did he come here? He... actually flew into the time and space, is this the strength of the holy class? Can monks ignore the turbulence of time and space here?"

Hu Meier thought for a while, put away the Hongmeng compass, searched for a cliff, opened a small cave house, and entered the cave house, put the Hongmeng compass in front of him, and then entered the cultivation.


The figure of Yanshan soul fell on the Yuetian Peak, and it completely ignored the fierce time and space. His gaze was searched around the peaks, and his final eyes fell on the center of the peak, where there was a rugged rock in a square circle. After the movement of Yanshan's soul, he stood in the middle of the rock and looked down. The rock in this circle was faintly flowing with five colors.

"Here..." The look of Yanshan's soul is a bit embarrassing: "Is it here... is it where I was born?"


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