The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2234: Dan Fuzong ruins


Closed his eyes, meticulously recalled, and finally opened his eyes, a bitter bitterness in his eyes, he still did not recall anything, gently sighed, Yanshan soul seated and closed his eyes.

The spirit of Yanshan is working, and the faintly flowing five-color light on the rock in the circle begins to gather toward the Yanshan soul, and is slowly absorbed into the body by Yanshan soul.


The five-color island in the world of Yanshan's soul began to grow slowly, but the endless *** also began to roar, making the face of Yanshan soul instantly pale.

However, Yanshan soul still insists on his teeth. He has a feeling that if he wants to restore his memory, he must grow the five-color island in the body of the world to the extent that he can resist the ***. Therefore, it is the pain of the body, and he must persist.

He must restore his memory because he has a strong feeling that he has forgotten one of the most precious people in his life, a woman. He must remember.


Xu Ziyan left the land of the Mozu, and dispersed the power of the dark attribute of the body. From the appearance, it became the appearance of an ordinary person.

It’s been more than a year since I’ve been there.

After taking out the jade jade, and connected the emperor of the Taixu sect, Sha Qianli, and after a few words of Sha Qianli, Xu Zi stood there, and his face looked very strange.

It turned out that Shaqianli was not too imaginary at this time. Instead, he left Taizong with a master of Zongmen and went to a relic, and according to him, the relic was the ruins of the ancestral hall of the ancient ancestral sect.

When the purple smoke returned to the earth, I first went to find the last trace that was passed on to my inheritance. But it has disappeared, I don't know where the space drifts. I did not expect it to appear here. Xu Ziyan believes that the ruins of Dan Fuzong that appeared today are the ones that were originally passed down. Because the legendary Dan Fuzong lord Luo Tianhua once used the Daxian force to tear the space, Dan Fuzong as a whole invested in a mysterious place, in order to pass on the inheritance of Dan Fuzong. And he has reached the inheritance of Dan Fuzong, so that place is the monument of Dan Fuzong.

However, Xu Ziyan still wants to see it. After all, it was her beginning, and she was fascinated into it and was sent out in confusion. She also wanted to go back and figure out the matter.

With a decision in mind, Xu Ziyan took out a space fairy, and released the four stars and five whistling squad members of the squadrons who had been collected in the small village.

As soon as the nine people came out, they immediately looked around and watched. To see Xu Ziyan standing on the side, Xu Ziyan did not appear in this face at first, so Xu Ziyan said:

"I am Xu Ziyan!"

"Sovereign!" Yan Yalong four people were overjoyed and hurried to the front of Xu Ziyan and asked: "Lord, what happened?"

The five people of the Whistling Squad also looked at Xu Ziyan. They had seen Xu Ziyan. At this time, they had already reacted. The woman who was in the village was Xu Ziyan. Knowing each other's Xu Ziyan, they also relaxed their understanding of Xu Ziyan's identity, and once they remembered, they knew that Xu Ziyan saved five of them.

Hu Yangang came to Xu Ziyan with the other four people and said: "Thank you for your support."

Xu Ziyan puts his hand in the hand: "Some little things, not enough!"

"The Sovereign, what happened to that little village?"

Xu Ziyan simply said the rest of the matter, naturally hiding the trip to the Mozu for a year. It’s just that he has been in the land of the Mozu for more than a year before returning to the Southern Territory of the Terran.

Ten people came to a city inn to rest for one night, and then everyone separated. Five people from Hu Yangang resigned to Xu Ziyan and continued their life of stray adventure. The four people of Yan Yalong rushed back to the family land, and then took the whole family to the Wuthering Mountains to join the Mou Zong.

After everyone separated, Xu Ziyan went to the city, and then took the cloud baby to fly to a medium-sized city in the south.

Juxian City.

A medium-sized city in the southern continent. Three months ago, it caused a sensation in the mainland of the Yuan Dynasty. The reason for the sensation was very simple. An entrance to an independent space suddenly appeared in the sky above Juxian City. After the exploration of the monks in Juxian City, it was the famous Dan Fuzong in ancient times. Zongmen site.

As soon as the news spread, in addition to the opening of the Batu Caves, including the three peaks of the three demons, the demon monks were in the Batu Caves, so there was not a lot of Terran and Yao. The monks entered the city of Juxian and entered the remains of Dan Fuzong.

Juxiancheng has become the most lively place in the entire Yuanyuan continent. Countless monks and monks from all walks of life are coming here, hoping to meet some opportunities.

The relics of Dan Fuzong are too attractive. Not to mention the inheritance of Dan Fuzong, you can get a top-grade fairy charm, and you will have a life-saving baby, not to mention a good congenital fairy. What?

If you get a Dan Fu Zong's remedy? Maybe it will break through the realm that has been stagnant for a long time.

The ruins of any place have never been so attractive, and even the monks of the refining period have come over to see if they can meet a little chance. What's more, those high-ranking monks? As for the monks who are often difficult to see, they are also born.

The remains of Dan Fuzong, will Dan Zong and Fu Zong not come?

Of course, it will come. Not only Dan Zong and Fu Zong will come, but the nine sects of the eastern region have come. Not only the high-ranking monks of the nine sects have come, but the nine lords have also come from Tianmen, and they have come to gather in Xiancheng. The 12th Tianzun of the Northern Yuanmeng also came. This situation made the Dan Zongzhuzhu Jin Jinsong and Fu Zongzong Lord Hua Yu very unhappy.

Is this the relic of our Dan Fuzong? Can't you grab it?

However, the other seven sects and the Shangyuan League completely ignored it, and even the **** machine lord’s dream machine said:

"You are Dan Zong and Fu Zong? Is this ruin Dan Fuzong, and has nothing to do with you!"

Liu Jinsong and Hua Yu naturally refused to give up, telling the history of Dan Zong and Fu Zong, and publishing to the whole Yuanyuan that their Danzong and Fu Zong were separated from the ancient Dan Fuzong. The entire ruins belong to them, Dan Zong and Fu Zong, and no one else is allowed to get involved.

This time, the monks of the entire Upper Yuan dynasty did not do it. What is the entire ruins belonging to you Dan Zong and Fu Zong? Also absolutely not allowed other people to get involved? Are you saying that yours is yours? ,


Even if you Danzong and Fu Zong are separated from the ancient Dan Fuzong, have you already split? That is to abandon the identity of Dan Fuzong, to forget the performance of the ancestors, and what face is your descendant of Dan Fuzong? Also, what is the remains of Dan Fuzong?

Who knows the deepest for Dan Fuzong?

It is not Dan Zong and Fu Zong, but from the ancient twelve days of respect, Dan Fuzong's medicinal herbs and immortals, in ancient times, these twelve days are the most desired things, to know that their twelve people in ancient times are nothing but Twelve scattered, Dan Fuzong is a giant for their twelve people. How could they not greedy the treasures of Dan Fuzong?

And their twelve ancient Tianzun teamed up, and what forces on the current Yuanyuan continent will be their opponents?

Therefore, they are very tough, and the relics of Dan Fuzong belong to them. They are Dan Zong and Fu Zong, standing by.

In this case, Dan Zong and Fu Zong are stupid. In the last resort, Dan Zong and Fu Zong had to give up the unrealistic idea of ​​monopolizing the remains of Dan Fuzong. The nine major sects once again united to fight against the Yuanmeng. The southern gods who have been escaping from the earth for a long time have also come out. The whole south was united by the main city government. The Yaozu also temporarily joined forces to enter the city of Juxian, so they were temporarily divided into four major forces in Juxian.

Shangyuan League, the nine major sects, the Southern Terran Alliance, the Yaozu Alliance.

Of course, there are countless forces in addition to these four forces. These forces are separated from the four major forces and constitute a number of forces, seeking opportunities.

Three months of time said that the length was not long, from the ruins of Dan Fuzong, there was a sensation in the south, and the news spread out in abundance, and then went to the monks around the country to come over. The vastness of the above continents, the Tianzun masters can tear the space. In addition, there are actually a large number of monks still on the way.

Of course, the first to enter the ruins of Dan Fuzong is the Southern Monk, but this Dan Fuzong ruins is not so easy to enter, and it is not that you can be unimpeded if you are high, don't forget that this is the relic of the Dan Fu Zong Zongmen. Dan Fuzong is a big gate in ancient times. Will there be a large-scale ancestral hall?

And this is Dan Fuzong, will there be no various arrays and bans?

The result was that a large number of monks had fallen in the south, and there was no in-depth Dan Fuzong. After that, it was the Tianzun of all parties' powers. After 12 days, Zun Zun later saw so many Tianzuns, and did not dare to turn his face completely, and the whole world of the Terran and the Yaozu Tianzun turned their faces, and their hearts did not have a bottom. As for the beginning of the call, Liu Jinsong and Hua Yu, who belonged to Dan Zong and Fu Zong, did not move any more.

Therefore, these Tianzun did not reach any agreement, they entered the ruins of Dan Fuzong one after another, but even if these monks were in the ruins, they also ran into the wall. When Xu Ziyan came to Juxian City, they were still busy there. Dan Fuzong guardian ancestors.

However, the heat in Juxian City has dropped a lot, and all the monks have calmed down. I know that this ruin is not so good. The four forces no longer limit the monks from entering the independent space, because the four forces do not know how long this independent space will be opened. Perhaps they have not waited until they have solved the Da Zong Zong's patriarchal squad, and this independent space has been closed.


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