The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2239: The devil is coming

The earth looked at Xu Ziyan with a strange look at the water, and also lowered the voice and said: "How can Dan Fuzong compare with Tianmen? Tianmen is related to the inheritance of the fairy, how can this many people know?"

"Oh!" Xu Ziyan nodded, feeling that the soil was watery and reasonable. If the Tianmen thing was promoted, the Yaozu and the Mozu also came to plug in, and that was a big deal. Knowing things almost, Xu Ziyan stood up and said: "Tulou, Ziyan, leave!"

"Ziyan, go to see some of your brothers and sisters with the Master!"

Xu Ziyan’s eyes brightened and he said: “Master, brothers and sisters are coming too?”

"Nature is coming!" The sword was full of laughter and laughed: "With such a good opportunity, how can they not come!"

The earth sits on the chair and looks at the back of Xu Ziyan and the sword. The eyebrows suddenly appear, and there is a hint of hope in the eyes.

"This is also good. When the forces in the south know that the Taizong is not the attached sect of the ancestors, there will be no scruples. So too, the tyrants will not support for a long time. After the tyrants are destroyed, I will be purple again." The smoke is returned to the ancestral sect. However, the purple smoke will lose the qualification to compete for the ancestor of the ancestral lord. But in the end, it will become a disciple of the ancestors, and will become a pillar of the future of the ancestors. It’s a bad idea.”

"Come on!"

"The Sovereign!" A figure appeared inside the main hall.

Xu Ziyan came to a courtyard with Master, and saw Langyue, Xindao, Lengqingyu, Song Wanzhong, a thousand cups drunk, and Zhang Wujie were sitting under a big tree in the courtyard waiting for her. Seeing Xu Ziyan coming in with the Master, they greeted each other with excitement.

"Little sister!"

"Little sister!"


"Sister and sister!"

Xu Ziyan also greeted him excitedly. Everyone re-entered the seat of the big tree. The sword was sitting on the top of the sword. The seven brothers and sisters sat down in the first place, and they began to ask about the experience of Xu Ziyan in the south.

They heard Xu Ziyan's experience is extremely calm, Xu Ziyan, the six brothers and sisters, have been practicing all over the past two years, and lived equally wonderful, but there is no envy for Xu Ziyan. However, when I heard that the cultivation of Xu Ziyan was already the cultivation of the late Zun, one could not help but staggered. It is the fault of the sword that is not empty.

How long has this been?

Only two years?

It is necessary to know that the current breakthrough of the sword is only the peak of Tianzun, but it has broken through a small step. And what did Xu Ziyan leave when he left the ancestors? However, it is the late Emperor of the Emperor, this is the end of the people's respect...

The repair of Langyue is only the peak of the mid-term, and it has already been caught up by Xu Ziyan. In addition to the two men and women, the remaining five people are already repairing as purple.

The heart is the peak of the middle age, the heart is the peak of the early respect of the people, Song Wanzhong and the thousand cups drunk are the peaks of the late Emperor, Zhang Wujie is the early stage of the Emperor.

These people left a lot of high-quality elixir in Xu Ziyan, and these people's qualifications are also excellent, only to have this speed increase. Of course, they also know that Xu Ziyan has more qualifications than them, and they have more elixir, but they can't have such speed!

This is too shocking!

The seven men of the apprentices looked at Xu Ziyan with a look of eccentricity, like looking at the monsters and looking up and down the purple smoke. Langyue suddenly moved in the heart, turning to the sword and nothing:

"Master, since the lord said that he wants to send a few monks out of the sect to join the tyrannical sect, it is better for us to leave the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect!"

Xu Ziyan’s heart is also a move. When others join Taixu Zong, she is not at ease, but if Master Shi’s brothers and sisters and others join Taixu, there is no problem at all. And she also hopes to be with Master, brother, sister and others. I couldn’t help but look at Master’s eyes.

The sword was vain but gently shook his head and said: "Not right!"

"Why?" Lang Yue asked a few people together, that is, Xu Ziyan was anxiously looking at Master.

"First of all, we can't break the inheritance of a Jianfeng!"

Everyone is silent, they want to revive a Jianfeng, and now give up a Jianfeng, that is to break the inheritance of a Jianfeng, not to say that the sword has no mentality to pass, that is, Langyue and others suddenly feel Awkward.

"On the other hand..." The sword looked at Xu Ziyan and said: "Ziyan, as long as we stay at Jianfeng, you will always have a home in Mou Zong."

Xu Ziyan understood, Lang Yue and others also understood. Master is leaving a path to Xu Ziyan. Even if a Jianfeng master and a teacher are separated from the ancestors and joined the Taixu sect, they may not be able to survive the illusory, but as long as they stay at the Jianfeng, Xu Ziyan can return to a Jianfeng at any time, and Xu Ziyan can return at any time. Mou Zong.

Xu Ziyan sighed in the heart, and Master did not think that he could support the Taixu. That is to say, Master is worried about the future of Taixu. After all, since ancient times, there has never been a sect in the South. Even if Master joined Taixu, there is no complete confidence. Therefore, Master chose a safe road and left a retreat for Xu Ziyan.

Some of the hearts were so sorrowful, and they chatted with Master’s brothers and sisters for a while before leaving, and then went to visit Luo Tianzong, Tian Xiangzong, Dan Fufang, and Shangyuan.

These sects will naturally not ask the Taixu to be attached to them, and Xu Ziyan will not rush to form an alliance with them. Because Xu Ziyan knew at this time, and people’s shoulders were not uniform, and they rushed to form an alliance, that is to find humiliation.

After a day, I hurriedly visited these sects and returned to the Taixu camp at dusk. Having explained a few words of Sha Qianli, Xu Ziyan left the camp overnight and flew toward Taixu.

Xu Ziyan took the cloud baby and let the cloud baby raise the speed to the extreme. That is the case, Xu Ziyan also took 21 days to return to the Taixu in the Wuthering Mountains.

After entering the Taixu dynasty, he went straight into the hall and moved the one and the one from the purple smoke space. Then call invincible gold. When Jin Invincible came in, Xu Ziyan's gaze was a bright light. Because Xu Ziyan gave a lot of gold and invincible Xiandan and Jingmai, Jin Invincible had a faint breakthrough to the early Tianzun trend.

However, at this time, Xu Ziyan did not care about this. She felt more and more eager to set up a peak of the top grade. Putting the array of refining pillars in a storage ring and handing them to the first one, then giving them a storage ring with a refining charm, and then speaking to one:

"Just one, you have been laying out the big Zhoutian sword array at the peak of the last grade from today, and cover the surrounding 100,000 mountains."

"Yes, the master!" The line was respectful.

"Yes, you have to pay attention." Xu Ziyan said seriously: "When you are setting up a big Sunday sword, you must first use the convergence of the fairy to cover the light and the fluctuations of the power. Everything must be carried out in secret. Don't let other monks and demons. Family discovery!"

"Yes, the master!" said the array one seriously.

Xu Ziyan turned his head and looked at it again: "Your task is to give a refining enough of the charms."

"Yes, master!" Fu Yi also respectfully responded.

"Invincible!" Xu Ziyan looked at Jin invincible again: "Your mission is to protect the safety of the array, do not let the array have a trace of damage."

"Yes, the master!" Jin invincible side respectfully responded, while the heart secretly shocked, did not expect the master to have the top grades in the late stage.

"Remember!" Xu Ziyan said seriously to Jin Invincible: "Everything must be secretly acted, and you should not reveal your body shape at will. It is more secret to have more secrets."

"Yes, master!"

Xu Ziyan nodded and sank a bit. It felt that the monks of the entire Yuan Dynasty were gathering at the relics of Dan Fuzong. There should be no monks who noticed the illusory. The heart was slightly lowered, and after three people were smashed, they left the Taixu sect and flew to the ruins of Dan Fuzong on the cloud baby.

It took another twenty-one days for Xu Ziyan to return to the remains of Dan Fuzong. After entering the Taixu Zong camp, they summoned the Taixu monks to understand the situation here.

His eyes swept over the crowd, his eyes were a joy, and the repair of Xu Tianwo had already broken through the early days of Emperor Xian, and the magical demon became the early monk of Tianzun. Seeing the eyes of Xu Ziyan, they both smiled with excitement and big mouth.

"The Sovereign, I am already a fairy emperor!" Xu Tianwo said excitedly: "The magical devil has also become a monk in heaven, can we go on an adventure?"

Xu Tianwo’s words fell, and all the monks in the hall looked at Xu Ziyan with his eyes bright.

Xu Ziyan naturally understands Xu Tianwo. When he was in the capital of the mainland, he was a militant. It’s just a smile that shakes his head and smiles:

"This is not anxious, waiting for tomorrow to go to the independent space to explore and say, Sha brother, you will tell me what happened in this one month."

"Yes, the lord!" Sha Qianli stood up and said: "Now there have been many monks from all over the country, but the number of monks is not enough, so I am still waiting. And..."

The look of Sha Qianli became dignified: "The Mozu also came!"

"The Mozu also came?" Xu Ziyan's look is a sinking. I want to see whether it is Xu Ziyan or chaos. In the land of the Mozu, it can all be revealed by the original appearance of Xu Ziyan. This is now seen by the Mozu, will you recognize yourself as a purple master?

However, he has hidden the dark attribute of the atmosphere at this time, there is no magic in his body, presumably the Mozu will only doubt, not sure?


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