The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2240: isolated


"Things are getting more and more complicated!" Xu Ziyan could not help but gently shake her head. She was also a headache for the arrival of the Mozu, but she could not leave here. She must enter for the vestige of Dan Fuzong.

"The singer, there is a recent rumor that is very unfavorable to us too imaginary. And because of this rumor, after the sect left, there have been many monks who came to fight our imaginary ideas and want to rob us too imaginary. If it weren’t for the magical magic to break through, and appear in the manner of Tianzun, and scare those people away, I am afraid that our too imaginary camp has been razed to the ground."

"Well?" Xu Ziyan's face sank: "What rumors?"

"The rumors say that we are too imaginary to be the sect of the nine major sects and any sect of the sect."

Xu Ziyan's brow wrinkled slightly, and she immediately knew the power of this rumor here and now. But the heart is also very helpless, because this is not a rumor, but a fact.

"The Sovereign!" There is some anxiety between Sha Yuli’s eyebrows: "The reason why we were not robbed or oppressed by the forces of all parties before the illusory is because those who care about the nine sects and the Shangyuan League give us too much behind us. Zong’s support. After all, when the Sovereign was established in Taixu, the Nine Great Zongmen and the Taixu Zong were all helped. And when we came to Juxian City, the Seven Masters and the Shangyuan League also sent people to invite the Sovereign. This has made the forces of the parties all scruples about us too imaginary, and we have been low-key since we came to this place, and this has been peaceful.

However, this rumor, together with the nine major sects and the Shangyuan League, did not have any sect to make a statement. This is to convince everyone of the authenticity of this rumor. We are too wicked today. Although the great monks of the Tianzun period did not bother to pay attention to us, the monks below Tianzun did not dare to directly target us because of the existence of the magical demon. However, it has created an atmosphere intentionally or unintentionally, that is, we are too imaginary to be abandoned by the nine sects of the east and the northern squadron, and hostile to the southern forces. In other words, we are too imaginary to be completely isolated. ”

Xu Ziyan's brow wrinkled tightly. From the narrative of Sha Qianli, Xu Ziyan learned that the situation in Taixu is very bad. This isolated atmosphere has already been generated. Once the Taixu sect appears in this trip to the Dan Fuzong, if there is any accident, the magical genie will immediately form a situation of beating the dog. . Or in the days to come, if the treasures of Taixu have received precious treasures that can attract the treasures of the monks and monks, those Tianzun will immediately take the shots without any scruples.

No matter how this rumor rises, the nine sects and the Shangyuan League are silent, which is tantamount to acknowledging this rumor, and has already pushed the illusory to an isolated position.

Do you want to visit the Nine Zongmen and Shangyuan League again?

Xu Ziyan shook his head gently, no need. Unless I decide to attach one of the big gates, I will go there and go. After I have visited one by one, there is still no big public door to declare that the illusory is their attachment to the sect, which will only aggravate this atmosphere.

Xu Ziyan indulged for a while and did not come up with a solution. Then he said:

"You stay in the camp first. I will go to the independent space first. After I have seen it, I will make a decision."

Everyone nodded and dispersed. Everyone knows that this situation is very unfavorable for the situation of Taixu, and even Xu Tianlang did not insist on entering the independent space, and he returned to his room honestly.

After the crowd dissipated, Xu Ziyan got up and left the Taixu camp and walked toward the central trading market. At the same time, he calls Yang Yunxiao through the soul symbol.

The central trading market is bustling, and many monks sell or buy various resources here. Xu Ziyan walks slowly with the flow of people, but also carefully watches the booths to see if they can find what they need.

After about two quarters of an hour, Yang Yunxiao’s voice came from the gods: "Master."

Xu Ziyan did not look back, but the gods sensed it, and she knew that Yang Yunqi was behind him and was pretending to look at the fair.

"Clouds, do you have a plan for the Taizong of the Yang family?" Xu Ziyan continued to walk forward slowly without looking back, and asked directly through the gods.

"Yes!" Yang Yunxuan's answer made Xu Ziyan's heart a sigh.

"what's the plan?"

"It can't be said that it is the Yang family's plan, but the joint plan of the city's main government and the eight major families!" Yang Yunqi said in a dignified manner:

"Now the Southern monks also know that Taixu is not attached to any big door, and through these days of understanding. The nine major Zongmen and Shangyuan League seem to give no support to Taixu, even the owner's origin Zhai Zongdu’s attitude is always silent. This makes the city’s main government and the eight major families speculate that it must be too imaginary and nine major sects. What contradictions have arisen between the Shangmeng and the nine sects and the Shangyuan League have given up too. Virtual sect.

Therefore, the city government and the eight major families feel that this is an opportunity. Two plans were developed. The first plan is to wait for the relics of Dan Fuzong to open, and countless monks will break into Dan Fuzong, and it will be very chaotic. If there is an opportunity, kill the owner and kill them in the remains of Dan Fuzong.

As long as the owner of these people is killed here, too imaginary will be exhausted. After the end of the Dan Fuzong, he will return to the south and destroy the Taizong. Too imaginary is completely disappeared in the south.

If there is no chance in the relics of Dan Fuzong, after returning to the South, on the one hand, it will continue to block the resources of Taixu, and on the other hand will block the Taixu in the Wuthering Mountains. That is to say, if the Taixu sect remains in the Wuthering Mountains, the southern forces will only block the resources of the Taixu, and will not take further action. However, if Taixu wants to move Zongmen out of the Wuthering Mountains, the South will immediately take action to kill the Taixu monks.

Because the southern monks are very clear in their hearts, the reason why they have not taken too much action is too much. Not that they don't want to, but not. The Taizong’s guardian ancestor is too powerful, and the attack will not go in. Therefore, we can only take the road of blocking resources, so that Taixu has no resources to cultivate and disband itself.

However, if the Taizong dynasty begins to migrate the Zongmen, it will definitely leave the previous Guardian ancestor. Once the tyrannical ancestors have not protected the Guardian ancestor, they will destroy the tyrannical tyrants, not to mention easy, and will not cost the South. How much energy. ”

Xu Ziyan is silent, and the plan of the southern forces is already seamless. The danger of too imaginary will begin from the moment when the ruins of Dan Fuzong are opened.

"You Yang family also participated in this plan?"

"Yes!" Yang Yunqi said in a panic: "Master, I have also separately discouraged the family patriarch and ancestors, and told the ancestors and patriarchs about the experience with you. But they think that Yang family can't get away. In addition, if they do not join this plan, they will become the enemy of the entire South. I am afraid that the Taizong has not been destroyed, and the Yang family will be gone."

"I know, go back!"

Xu Ziyan sighed in the heart, and there was a bit of irritability in his heart. Since the mainland of China, Xu Ziyan has never encountered this situation. Whether it is in the Cangwu mainland, or the lower meta-galaxies, the Zhongyuan galaxies, although the Xu family also has strong enemies, but also has strong support. But this is almost a situation of embattled, without a foreign aid. Even Miao Zong may become a spectator and will not give himself any assistance. Xu Ziyan looked up and looked at the white clouds in the air, could not help but think of the Yanshan soul.

"Mountain Spirit, where are you?"

Yue Tianfeng.

Yanshan soul slowly opened his eyes, above the rock underneath, the floating five-color light has completely disappeared, and the five elements of the atmosphere have been absorbed into the body by Yanshan soul. But his face was paler and the flames in his eyebrows were unstable. The mystery is increasingly chaotic, and the five large islands have grown a lot in the body space, but the *** is also more turbulent, slamming the big islands all the time, fighting each other more fiercely.

Yanshan soul stood up from the ground, and the eyes became clear and clear for a while. It seems that the precious memories are getting blurred. With his arms out, he jumped from the Yuetian Peak, like a big bird sliding in the air, and finally fell over the ground in a sky. The hand was standing on the bank of a river and closed his eyes.

Half-sounding, Yanshan soul suddenly reached out and tore a crack in the space, and the body shape disappeared into the crack.

After a few dozens of interest, Fox's body appeared from the Dongfu, his eyes fixed on the Hongmeng compass in his hand. Then stretched out and tore the space, and the figure disappeared into the crack.

In the middle galaxies, Yanshan soul flies in the air. He feels that he has survived in this space, but it seems that there is no impression...


Xu Ziyan left the central trading area and looked up at the space entrance of Dan Fuzong in the sky. He walked to the entrance with a void.

Standing in an independent space, the eyes are looking around. This is a small world with countless rivers and rivers. At this time, there are countless monks looking around for various herbs and ores.

In the distance, Xu Ziyan saw that there was light shining straight into the sky. Xu Ziyan knew that there was the remains of Dan Fuzong. One step was taken, and the sky was gone, flying toward the remains of Dan Fuzong.

The figure fell from the sky and fell on a mountain. Looking to the front, I saw a light curtain covering an endless range. At this time, there are many monks around the light curtain. These people are thinking about whether they can meet any chance. This light curtain has a crack to let them in. Of course, some fairy strategists are studying Dan Fuzong. The protection of the patriarchs is not that they think they have the ability to break through, but that they want to improve their borders through this process. Among these people, there are a large number of monks.


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