The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2241: Mountain gate open

Suddenly in that deep emptiness, there was a light spot, which was elongated and turned into a tiny human figure. It was a woman’s image, lying in nothingness, unfolding a pair of white arms and stretching out. A lazy waist, opened his eyes.

"Is this restored? How long has it been?"

The woman suddenly changed her look, and her eyes were completely unbelievable.

"I didn't even recover to the realm of Tianzun. My current realm of the Yuanshen is only the late stage of the land. Why?"

Then she looked very cautious, slightly frowned and seemed to be remembering something, and then began to faintly fluctuate around her eyebrows. After about a quarter of an hour, she carefully transmitted a small **** from her eyebrows. Knowledge, such as the same small flame is generally swaying.

"Call..." The woman's look became easy: "Fortunately, I still remember the soul swing of this little guy, let me see if there is any error in the derivation."

After another ten-day break, the woman showed a happy smile. The glimpse of the eyebrows turned into a very thin glimpse of the sea. The frequency of the fascination of the silk gods turned out to be exactly the same as the frequency of Xu Ziyan’s knowledge. Xu Ziyan himself did not find his own knowledge of the depths of the sea and extended a trace of God that did not belong to her.

At this time, Xu Ziyan was standing on the top of the mountain and looking at the big array of Dan Fuzong. His eyes flashed and his heart decided. Between the hands flying, a pattern was set up in the peak, and they were enveloped in the formation. Then summoned Xiaomumu and pointed to the Dan Fuzong big squad:

"Small wood, take me in."

"No problem!" Xiaomumu said with amazement: "Master, come to my mouth?"

Xu Ziyan turned into a streamer and entered the mouth of Xiaomumu. Xiaomumu disappeared silently, and the next moment appeared in the large array of Dan Fuzong.


Xiaomumu did not stop at all, and he wore it back. He smacked Xu Ziyan out of his mouth. Xu Ziyan looked around and looked at Xiaomumu Road with amazement:

"Small wood, why didn't you go in?"

Xiaomumu bitterly said: "Master, it is too dangerous. When I entered, I saw countless monks attacking me. Thanks to me running fast, I would die there."

“There are countless monks? How can there be countless monks? What are they doing?”

"I didn't have time to look at it. Anyway, Xiaomumu couldn't beat them, and they were too much, but...but..." Xiaomumu frowned slightly:

"Now think of it, it seems that they have no breath of life."

"There is no life... Hey! That must be awkward! But... I didn't find it at first, although I was only awake for a moment, but there was a huge statue of a woman, empty and empty! What is going on? ?"

But as a result, Xu Ziyan did not dare to go in alone. Waved away the array of methods, eyes continually carefully measured in the big array.

In her knowledge of the sea, the fascination from the sea of ​​knowledge has extended to the surface of Xu Ziyan's knowledge of the sea, and is reading the memory of Xu Ziyan.

"This is this... What kind of body did this little guy have won? How can it be cultivated so fast? It’s just two hundred years, and it’s actually cultivated to such a degree. This body... is hard to be tempered. This Yuanshen strength... actually surpassed me now!

This is a bit of a hassle! I can't take it for granted! She, she, she... also cultivated a real world! This is this... This is the possibility to become a holy class! Made, developed!

By the way, I am not waking up to the realm of Tianzun Yuanshen, is it awakened? I returned to Dan Fuzong? ”

That trace of knowledge connected the vision of Xu Ziyan, she soon saw the big array of Dan Fuzong, the big array is exuding a trace of hidden waves, and it is this familiar fluctuation that will make her know the sea from Xu Ziyan Wake up in the deep sleep.

Xu Ziyan knew the depths of the sea, and the woman frowned and quickly thought:

"With the cultivation of Xu Ziyan as the entrance, I am afraid that I will always suppress myself in the realm of the Yuanshen. I can't swallow the **** of Xu Ziyan at all. Instead, I will swallow myself once I am discovered by Xu Ziyan. Heaven gave me a chance. Let yourself go back to Dan Fuzong..."

Xu Ziyan stood on the top of the mountain. At this time, she stayed in the Taixu sect. She had to transmit a glimpse of the gods to scan the Dan Fuzong big array to see if she could deduct a direction.

At this time, suddenly there was a message in his knowledge. This message came without any reason, as if it had suddenly emerged. This made Xu Ziyan startled, but then he was shocked by this message. Just in the moment of her surprise, the glimpse of the message that conveyed the message was quietly stretched out to the sea of ​​knowledge, but disappeared silently in an instant.

What is the message?

It turned out to be a way to solve the Da Fuzong guardian squad, not only to crack the Dan Fuzong guardian ancestor, but also the map of Dan Fuzong, and many ways to break the barrier.

"How can I have this?"

Xu Ziyan was a bit stunned and searched in his own sea of ​​knowledge, but without any discovery, he searched in his own soul. It seems that after more of these things, there is nothing left.

"Don't these messages have been sealed in my soul until I came to the face of Taixu, only to sense Dan Fuzong and uncover the seal?"

Xu Ziyan thought for a moment and felt that only this reason made sense. At this time she is considering how to break this escort. Can not be cracked in public, this will make people suspect that they have a very good understanding of the ruins of Dan Fuzong, so in the future even if they do not get anything in Dan Fuzong, they will be considered to have got an important treasure, so it is really nothing. Sin is guilty of sin.

And he can't go in alone, there are too many unpredictable dangers inside. With one's own strength, even if you know some methods, you will fall into it.

Only by letting everyone in, can we fish in troubled waters.

So, the first thing to do is to secretly open the mountain gate of Dan Fuzong.

Xu Ziyan's body shape disappeared on the mountain peak. When she appeared again, she had already arrived at the opposite side of the Danfuzong Mountain Gate. There were many monks, all of whom were practicing the method, not just the people of the battle. There are many other sects or scums, as long as they are monks who practice the tactics, they are here to study the prohibition of the guardian sect.

Xu Ziyan is far behind these people. In the crowds of the monks who watched the bustle, they passed through a glimpse of the gods and touched them on the mountain gate. There are a total of eight nodes above the gate, but these eight The nodes are imaginary, with complex ground lines connected to each other, and the eight nodes are invariant, and will change every other time. Each time, the strength of the eight nodes will change. The crack method changes.

And these eight nodes are hidden in countless useless nodes. Without knowing the characteristics of these eight nodes, it is very difficult to find these eight nodes from countless nodes, even if you can find out, there is no way to crack. It is also in vain. After an hour, the entire ban will change again and the eight nodes will not be found.

Xu Ziyan scanned the prohibition on the mountain gate with the knowledge of God. While comparing the map of the mountain gate, she quickly found eight nodes, and then compared the characteristics of the eight nodes to the change. Soon she decided that this was the 136th change, and then according to the method given, the mental power was divided into three, and three of the eight nodes were connected, and the knowledge was evenly poured in.

About a quarter of an hour, Xu Ziyan immediately recognized God, and immediately squeezed out the crowd and left. No one paid attention to Xu Ziyan. There were more people coming and going. At this time, everyone’s attention was concentrated on the front of the mountain gate, watching the monks in the line.

Xu Ziyan quickly flew toward the crack in the space. She was afraid to go back late. In Shaqianli, they heard the opening of the Danfuzong Mountain Gate and saw all the monks flying toward Dan Fuzong. Their minds also rushed in, and they rushed in. What, but can't rush ahead!

Who knows what these people will do when they are hot?

It was not long before Xu Ziyan left, and he saw the dazzling brilliance on the door of Dan Fuzong Mountain, and all the monks were shocked and looked at the dazzling brilliance.

In the eyes of the monks who were sluggish, the brilliance at the gate of the mountain gradually dissipated, and the prohibition at the gate of the mountain disappeared, revealing the scene inside.

Suddenly, in the midst of peace, a monk screamed and looked wildly:

"I broke it, it was my broken. The prohibition of this mountain gate must have been broken by me, hahaha..."

"Hey!" At this time another monk snorted: "Is your realm able to crack the prohibition on this mountain gate? It must be broken!"

"I broke!" At this time another monk jumped out.


"I broke, I want to go in first!"

The first one shouted out that the figure of his cracked monk rushed into the mountain gate. At this time, other monks also reacted. The argument was who had a fart to crack, and it was the right thing to search for the treasure.


The monks are rushing into the mountain gate like a streamer. Within the gate is a wide boulevard that doesn't know what the material is. The avenue has been extending toward the front, as if there is no end. Stone statues of various monsters are arranged on both sides of the avenue. At first glance, the stone statues on both sides add up to more than 800.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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