The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2248: Danmen


After these Tianzun got the white bone vine, they immediately began to follow the method provided by Xu Ziyan, and entered the mountain gate and began to fight for the stone statues. Xu Ziyan stood outside the mountain gate and shook his head and thought:

"They just received these stone statues. But what about the material of diamonds? Is it so simple to repair the diamonds? In today's world, I am afraid that only me..."

I thought that Xu Ziyan shook his head and felt that she couldn't fix it. If there is one person who can fix it, there is only the soul of the **** in the pen behind her back. In the knowledge of God, he immediately said to the god:

"Fu Shen, can you fix these stone statues?"

"of course!"

"That's good!" Xu Ziyan said happily: "When you return to Taixu, you will repair the stone statue I got. So I have 30 more masters, although I can't say that they are equivalent to Tianzun's strength. At the very least, it is equivalent to the strength of Tianzun."

"Cut!" Fu Shen smiled and said: "I want to help you repair, you know that you will be very tired."

"Less nonsense, help not?" Xu Ziyan also had a face, and some of her heart was not happy. She felt that she had been very polite to Fushen, and she was too busy to help herself.

"No help!" Fushen immediately replied hard.

"Good! Then you will give me a lifetime to stay in the storage ring!" Xu Ziyan was angry in his heart, and his heart said: "A small sample, can't cure you?"

"Xu Ziyan, don't say put me in the storage ring for a lifetime, that is, if you dare to put me in once, I will never think about helping you once again, a small sample, who are you threatening?"

Xu Ziyan was really angry when he heard it. Don't you help me? Didn't I have a good purple smoke before I was without you?


I can't live without you.

I no longer want to talk to Fushen, but I straighten my hand and grabbed the pen from behind, throwing it directly into the storage ring.

"Xu Ziyan, do you dare to put me in the storage ring?"

Because when Xu Ziyan opened the storage ring, the gods and the storage ring were still connected, so Fu Shen jumped in the storage ring and shouted:

"I will not help you in the future, even if you ask me, I will not help you!"

"Shut up!" Xu Ziyan said coldly in the gods: "I don't have time in my heart. When I return to Taixu, I will strip you out of this pen. Where are you willing to go? I want this pen."

After a moment of silence, I screamed heartily: "Xu Ziyan, you can't do this, you stripped me out, then I am not flying away?"

"What does that have to do with me?"

"You... Didn't you say that you would get me a body?" The tone of the gods began to weaken.

"That is when you are in the right position. Now you can't even figure out your position. You don't help me. Why am I helping you? Forget it..."

Xu Ziyan interrupted the words of Fushen: "I am not difficult for you, just throw you into this storage ring for a lifetime! You can rest assured that I will not ask you for help in the future, will never bother you, you can Stay here quietly."

"I don't want to be quiet..."

Xu Ziyan cut off the gods decisively and stopped paying attention to the god. She knew that this **** is to teach, otherwise he would not know how far it would be. Can't be used to his fault.


On both sides of Xu Ziyan, there were countless monks flying over. It was the monk in the forces of all parties. At that time, those stone statues had been taken away by those gods, and the monks began to rush toward Dan Fuzong. Go in. At this time, no monks and Xu Ziyan were polite, as if they had long forgotten. If there was no purple smoke, they would not have the opportunity to enter the mountain gate of Dan Fuzong. They fled to the interior of Dan Fuzong.

"Sovereign, let's hurry up!" Ten Fusong's dozens of people are eager to try.

Xu Ziyan ignored them and recalled the map of Dan Fuzong in memory. Xu Ziyan had a very strange feeling about this map. The weight of this map is the inheritance in the depths of Dan Fuzong, but it Mark two words:

At last.

Although there are only two words, Xu Ziyan understands its meaning very well. That is to let the person who got the map finally go to the inheritance. What is this for?

Xu Ziyan thought about it and decided to go to other places according to the meaning of this map. Finally, go to the inheritance place. Anyway, the inheritance of Dan Fuzong has already been obtained. Besides, the inheritance must be very dangerous. The map did not leave any message. If you go there, there will be more people there, and it will be less dangerous.

Turning his head and glanced at the anxious Taixu monks around, he couldn't help but smile: "Don't worry, don't forget where this is. Here is Dan Fuzong, it will be all over the place. The treasures here are so easy to get. ?"

"Oh..." Everyone reacted, and the excitement gradually calmed down.

"Let's go!" Xu Ziyan said faintly: "You don't need to be very fast, let's walk slowly."

"Yeah!" Dozens of Taixu sects nodded.

Xu Ziyan first went to Dan Fuzong.

Yes, just go! Instead of flying like other monks.

On the one hand, he is not in a hurry, Dan Fuzong's symbol is not so good, just look at the guardian big array to know. Of course, there is no such thing as the power of the Guardian's Array. The most powerful martial art of each sect is the Guardian. On the other hand, she also wants to seriously appreciate Dan Fuzong, after all, this is where she got the inheritance. Although her memory is only a short time in an empty square and a statue of a woman, this does not prevent her from having a heartfelt affection for Dan Fuzong.

At this time, the stone statues on both sides of the straight avenue in the mountain gate have disappeared. No one has taken away, but there is no danger at all. Xu Ziyan walked slowly with the heavy duty of Taixu, and looked around, looking at it for a while, and watching it for a while, it was really a tourist and sightseeing, and she and the Taixu monk were always there. There are monks in the ground.

Every monk who passed by was eccentrically looking at Xu Ziyan and Taixu as a monk. They really couldn’t understand Taizheng. What is it doing? What are you going to do not hurry to find treasure? Is it true that they are too imaginary to come here for sightseeing?

However, at this time, there were no monks who were concerned about Xu Ziyan and Taixu. However, there was some joy in their hearts. Xu Ziyan and Taixu were not in a hurry. At least one competitor was missing.

Therefore, when Xu Ziyan took dozens of monks from Taixu to the end of this straight avenue, there were no monks behind and around her and Taixu, and millions of monks had already flown to them. front.

In front of them is a large hall, Xu Ziyan stepped into the hall, Xu Ziyan and Taixu monks saw many bodies lying on the ground inside the hall. There is no doubt that this is the monk who entered the hall and touched the ban, and was banned and killed.

The gods swept away on these bodies, and there was a bitter smile on their faces. The storage rings on these bodies were gone, and this must have caused the monks who had not fallen to search.

Looking around, I saw a lot of doors around the main hall. At this time, the doors have been opened. The purple consciousness of Xu Ziyan has been divided into countless shackles into these rooms, and there are bodies in each room. Some of them saw that they were killed by the ban, but some were able to see that they were killed by the fairy. It seems that some treasures have been discovered here, and fires should be discovered. These have killed so many monks. There is only one floor in this hall. The space in the hall is very tall, but in this one layer, the bodies in the hall and all the rooms are more than a thousand, the bodies of the Terran, the Yao and the Mozu.

Xu Ziyan shook his head slightly, and walked straight toward the opposite side. There was this flash door on the opposite side. When he walked out of the gate, he really entered the interior of Dan Fuzong.

Out of the door, there was a square in front of them. This is a simple square. The square is clear at a glance, but you can't see anything like a ban. But on the periphery of this square, there are nine paths leading to nine directions.

Xu Ziyan knows that going down the middle channel will be the inheritance. Looking into the other side, Xu Ziyan walked toward the first path on the left. She is going to take a road and walk around Dan Fuzong. Of course, on the way to go shopping, I still have to look for treasures. Even if she is shocked, she is too imaginary.

After she did not go straight to the middle of the road, but after entering the first road on the left, Xu Ziyan did not know that in her deep knowledge of the sea, the woman was relieved, her eyes sparkling with joy. .

Going down the first path on the left, just a short time, this path came to an end, presenting a huge space in front of them, with countless mountains and rivers in front of them, standing in front of them with a stone monument With two large characters on it:


Undoubtedly, this is where Dan Fuzong specializes in alchemy. It is very big here, and there is no end to it. At first glance, I know what the original Dan Fu Zong Danmen was. There should be countless alchemists who are here to take alchemy. Xu Ziyan took a step in the air and flew into the air, slowly flying in the air, enjoying the view of the entire Danmen.

There are countless caves between the mountains and rivers. At that time, there were countless monks flying in front of those caves, but they were much less than the ones outside the Danfuzong Mountain Gate. On the one hand, there are some monks who have fallen, but the biggest reason is because the nine branches on the square have dispersed the flow of people.

But even so, there are hundreds of thousands of monks, looking out from the air, the monks are like a little bee rushing to a hole in the house.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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