The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2249: Alchemy Valley

Xu Ziyan shook his head, but he was not in a hurry between his looks. She has a map of Dan Fuzong. Naturally, I know that these caves may have some good things, but the best things should be in the alchemy valley.

The Alchemy Valley is the place where the monks in Danfuzong Danmen specialize in alchemy. The valley is very large, because the quality of the fire there is the best, so Danmen has opened thousands of alchemy rooms there, almost all the level of alchemists. Will go there to alchemy.

And the most important thing is that Dange's Dange is also set there. The so-called Dange is the place where Danmen deposits Dan medicine. It is necessary to know that Danmen is the place to provide all the medicinal herbs for the entire Dan Fuzong. All the medicinal herbs are stored in the Dange. There is a real treasure.

Xu Ziyan took dozens of people from Taixu to fly straight in the direction of the alchemy valley, but she did not fly fast. It is impossible to prohibit the place like the alchemy valley. Is it impossible for Dan Fuzong to ban?

Moreover, if you bring the monks with too many imaginary ancestors, even if they are the fastest from the beginning of the mountain gate, they will not be able to fly through those celestial respects. At this time, the gods who walked this road may have entered the alchemy valley. Because, only those Tianzuns have that strength, directly violently banned the ban and rushed in. Other monks don't have to think about it, even if they are the monks of the late peaks, they have to wait outside the alchemy valley.

"This Dan Fuzong is really big! It's magnificent!"

Xu Ziyan was flying slowly while sighing in the heart. The monks behind Xu Ziyan were also shocked by this Danmen. This is just a Danmen of Dan Fuzong. It is so arrogant that these imperial monks have unlimited imagination for Dan Fuzong.

"Sovereign, is this Dan Fuzong the first major gate in ancient times?" Xu Xingfan asked as he looked around.

Xu Ziyan thought for a moment: "Even if it is not the first major door, it is one of the top sects."

"Yeah!" Xu Tianlang also said with a sigh of relief: "If this is the place where the nine roads lead to Danmen, it is much bigger than the ancestral temple!"

I haven't waited for the purple smoke to come out. On the other side, Sha Qianli said: "You said that if we take the entire Wuthering Mountains and become the sect of the tyrannical sect, will we have a fight with this Dan Fuzong?"

Xu Ziyan couldn’t help but feel funny. This is a thousand miles, but I dare to think about it. It’s too small for such a small sect, but dare to think of it with the ancient Dan Fuzong? Don't say that you can't take up the entire Wuthering Mountains. Even if you take it, can you compare it with Dan Fuzong? Nowadays, the total number of people in the Taixu dynasty is not enough for one thousand people. One person has a mountain peak. With more than 9,000 mountain peaks occupied by today's Taixu sect, what do you do in so many places?

She felt a lot of laughter here. The monks who were too imaginary were excited one by one. They said it was very lively. Xu Ziyan ignored them any more, just letting them enjoy the scenery of Dan Fuzong.


When they got up, the monks who searched for treasures were playing, and gradually there was more than one place. The roar of the fairy tales came from all over the place. Too imaginary monks were not embarrassed at this time, and they all looked toward the battlefields everywhere. They fly in the air, naturally they see it very clearly. This can't help but make them a bit screaming. The monks who fight around have all the races, the Terran, the Yaozu, the Mozu. At the same level, the highest level of fighting has reached the level of respect. This can not help but let the monks of the Taixu sect face each other, they are too imaginary strength, if not the lord Xu Ziyan and the magical devil, they are not enough for others to sew.

There are also many monks who have discovered Xu Ziyan as a pedestrian, but Xu Ziyan and others have clearly shown that they are just passing by. Naturally, no monk does not open his eyes to provoke them. After all, come here for treasure hunt, not to find things.

Therefore, Xu Ziyan and his party flew slowly to the top of the alchemy valley all the way, and fell to the valley.

At this time, a lot of people have gathered in the mouth of the alchemy valley. Danmen is too big, so although there are hundreds of thousands of people entering Danmen at this time, there are only tens of thousands of people who can touch it. In the air, Xu Ziyan saw the following tens of thousands of people divided into three camps, namely the Terran, the Devil and the Yao. The lowest one is Xianjun, and the highest level has reached the peak of the late stage of the land.

These people on the ground naturally heard the sound of the airborne cockroaches fluttering, and they couldn’t help but look up at the top, but they recognized Xu Ziyan at a glance.

Can't recognize it, Xu Ziyan's wind in the mountain gate is too big. When these monks saw Xu Ziyan, they remembered that Xu Ziyan was a congenital fairy, and all eyes were bright.

The reason why they are here is because they are blocked by the prohibition of the alchemy valley. These people are not without the immortal and the sect.


Their level will not be said!

Later, they also tried to break through, but they could not break it. It is not that no monks have broken open, and those great monks in the Tianzun period will ban the system and break through a hole.

To say that so many monks can break through a hole if they attack together, but the problem is to break a hole and let anyone go in? You must know that the broken mouth will recover in an instant. Once it is only a way for a monk to get in. When the bomber opened the mouth, but everyone contributed, but only one person could enter.

What are you doing here?

That is a treasure hunt. Why do you contribute to others and benefit others?

If you want to completely smash the valley's ban, it will take a long time, waiting for them to completely smash the ban, I am afraid that the Tianzun inside has long searched the alchemy valley and has no roots.

So, this thing is here. At this time, I saw Xu Ziyan. The minds of these people were all placed on the body of Xu Ziyan, and the hope was ignited in my heart.

"Xu Zongzhu!" The monks of the Terran immediately came to say hello when Xu Ziyan landed, but the Mozu and the Yaozu could only watch.

Xu Ziyan naturally knows the purpose of the human monk and her greeting, and smiles and says:

"I will see it again!"

The monks immediately let go and let go of a road, one by one politely said: "Please, Xu Zongzhu, you please see!"

Xu Ziyan stood in the mouth of the valley and began to explore the ban on the valley mouth, but in the end he could not help but sigh. Array is not here, and he is in a state of ruin with that god. He can't solve this ban in his own realm. Although this ban does not reach the peak of the last grade, it also has the middle level of the top grade.

When she was there to explore, but no monk felt that Xu Ziyan could not solve it. After all, her performance at the mountain gate was too amazing. Therefore, the Terran monks are all smiling, and the eyes of the Mozu and the Yaozu are unwilling. But they dare not do anything. After all, the Terran, the Yaozu, and the Mozu are quite powerful, and they are not pressed to the strength of the Terran.


The monks and the demon's monks suddenly move in the heart. If the demon and the human race are temporarily united, will the Terran always have scruples? Their requirements are not high. If Xu Ziyan can completely break the prohibition, there is no need to reach any agreement with the Terran. Everyone will go in. If Xu Ziyan can't completely crack the ban, he can only bring people in, and then force the Terran to promise to go with them. Therefore, when the Mozu and the Yaozu were holding Xu Ziyan to study the ban, there was a sense of communication and they hit it off.

One of the strongest Mozu and one of the strongest demons stood side by side at the same time, and both of them were the masters of the late Ming Dynasty. The idea of ​​two people is very simple and rude, but it is tried and tested.

The simple and rude method that the two monks think of is simple and straightforward. The monk monk is responsible for catching the monks of the Taixu, and the demon monk is responsible for grasping the purple smoke.

In their view, although the Terran also has a place where the monks and monks stand there, but the actions of the two of them are sudden enough, and only a purple smoke and a group of Taixu monks are caught, it will not give the opportunity to the human monks. By the time the Terran Masters of the Terran Reunion had reacted, they had already completed their actions.

After that, it was simple. First, Xu Ziyan was given a ban, and then the life of the Taixu monk was threatened. Then the purple smoke still does not obey the command honestly?

As for the rebellion of Xu Ziyan and Taixu Zongshi, they don't have to think about it. They have seen Xu Ziyan. Although they can't ask for the repair of Xu Ziyan, they are definitely not very high. This can be inferred from the age of Xu Ziyan. As for seeing her. The repair is nothing but a cover with some treasure. And the Taixu sect of the gang is not to mention, the most powerful is only the Emperor, such a monk is not a fairy, they have been arrested?

They don't know that there is a magical demon in the early days of the Emperor of the Immaculate Conception. The reason why the magical demon is called the magical demon is that his greatest ability is magic. If he wants to hide his own cultivation, let alone the late peak of the earth, that is, the peak of the late Tianzun can not see his true cultivation.

Therefore, the two great monks took a shot, and the body of the Mozu monk rushed toward the Taixu monk. When he was in the sleeves, he wanted to put all the Taixu monks into the big sleeves. in. And the demon monk also shot to Xu Ziyan at the same time, the same sleeves wave, but also want to put Xu Ziyan into the sleeves.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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