The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2250: Constantly changing bounds


The magical sorcerer looked up at the flying monk monk and opened his mouth, revealing that the two rows of white teeth were very gloomy and a pair of eyes were colored. The Mozu monk immediately felt that the speed of the fascination of the gods could not help but slow down.

The Xu Ziyan over there was Huoran turning his head, and the gods and Yuan Li frantically poured into the headgear of the eyebrows. In the midair, there was a big hand covering the sky, and the fan of the late monk was swayed toward the demon.


An infinite roar, the demon monk was fanned out, that is, he is a demon, with a strong body, if this is a race, this slap will definitely kill him. But even so, a blood spurted out in midair, and the figure was fanned out in the air, slamming into the cliff and leaving a deep hole in the cliff.

At this time, both the Yaozu and the Mozu saw that they were not right. They went up to two monks, one was flying slower and slower, and the speed was faster, but it was flying out. These Mozu and the demon monks immediately shouted and rushed toward Xu Ziyan and Taixu.

They didn't know that Xu Ziyan's headpiece was released, but he had the power of the Tianzun period, and he did not know that the magical magic there was a genuine Tianzun. However, they firmly believe that even if these two are Tianzun, under the impact of so many monks, they will only lose one way.

The face of the Terran monk is a change, and he did not hesitate to rush to the opposite Mozu and Yaozu, and wanted to protect Xu Ziyan. But they suddenly stopped their steps and looked at the magic and Xu Ziyan unbelievably.

The magical devil suddenly spit out a bead in the mouth. It was the sacred pearl that Xu Ziyan gave him. Under the magical magic method, the squatting pearl disappeared just now. However, there was an endless black fog spreading out, and the Taixu monk was shrouded in it at once, and at the same time spread to the demons and demon monks who pounced on him.

He did not go to cover Xu Ziyan. He just saw the big palm released by Xu Ziyan. With the power of the big palm, the magical feeling felt that Xu Ziyan did not need his own help. Besides, he is now under great pressure.

What he didn't know was that the big palm was too costly and powerful, and Xu Ziyan could not be displayed several times. Xu Ziyan naturally refused to continue to display large palms, which is life-saving. Only in an instant she swallowed a surge of Dan, repaired and suddenly climbed to the middle of the land, and then stepped on the footsteps.

At this time, when the cards were not retained, there were too many monks of the Mozu and the Yaozu, and there was no shortage of strength and strength. It was very powerful in the eyes of Xu Ziyan. So she did not hesitate to release her strongest world of gold.


This is the voice that emerges from the hearts of all the monks here, whether it is the Terran, the Devil or the Yao. Be aware that there will be no more than ten monks in the tens of thousands of monks here.

Now Xu Ziyan is released out of bounds, and the black mist released by the magical devil is also very strange. This makes the family monks immediately stop their footsteps. They don’t want to help Xu Ziyan, but they are afraid to fall into the magical fantasy and Xu Ziyan. Was accidentally injured in the world. After all, if it is shrouded by the boundaries of other monks, it is a terrible thing, and no one wants to give his life to others to control.

So these people stopped their steps and looked at Xu Ziyan. They also want to see what kind of realm Xu Ziyan has cultivated, and there are several practitioners who are out of bounds. The mind is also very clear. Since Xu Ziyan can display the boundaries, it is impossible to lose his life in an instant. The other party must first break through her boundaries before they can directly attack Xu Ziyan. As long as there is such a gap, they can also get it.

This is a gold world, the scope of the Xu Ziyan world has become a golden world, golden mountains, golden earth, the whole world is filled with a golden metal cold atmosphere, the ground is full of dense Golden grass.

Then the golden grass suddenly grew up and became a handle. The golden sword flew up from the earth, just like the whole earth suddenly rose, but the earth was composed of dense swords, facing those The Mozu monk stabbed. Only in an instant, there are countless demons and demons whose bodies have been strangled.

"It turned out to be a sharp gold world!"

All the monks who watched on the side were all in the heart. The gold world was sharp and civilized, and it was also the strongest attacking power. They did not think that Xu Ziyan’s cultivation was actually the gold world.


The monks who practiced the demon and the demon in the demon and the demon were also released from the world, and the boundaries of Xu Ziyan were eroded. The Mozu and the Yaozu who did not cultivate the boundaries of the world also tried their best to release their own laws and sent bombardments to the realm of Xu Ziyan. Just in an instant, the world of Xu Ziyan is somewhat unstable.

All the Terran people will raise their hearts. Looking at this trend, it is obvious that Xu Ziyan has fallen to the disadvantage. I am afraid that this situation will continue for a while, and the disadvantage of Xu Ziyan will be turned into a defeat. But at this time, the look of the people was a stagnation, and there was another change in the golden world of Xu Ziyan. The original golden sky suddenly became fiery, it was a fire, and the sky in the whole world became a sea of ​​fire. Then, I saw the fire dragon rushing out of the flame and swooping down to the Mozu and the demon monk below.

"This... this is this... Xu Ziyan actually cultivated two worlds..."

Every individual monk was stunned, although they could see that the two worlds were not perfectly integrated into one, but even so it was amazing enough.

The Taixu monks have been standing behind the magical demon, and the magical magic envelopes them in the illusion just to protect them, but to limit them. Therefore, these too imaginary monks can clearly see what is happening around them. When they saw Xu Ziyan so fascinating, the thoughts of the monks and the monks in the Shaqian were completely different. The Xu family’s hearts sighed in their hearts, and they all knew that their realm was getting farther and farther away from Xu Ziyan.

There is a sigh in the heart, and Xu Ziyan lives in an era, both their luck and their misfortune. However, the hearts of these monks immediately raised a sense of urgency. Everyone made up their minds at this moment. They must work hard to improve their cultivation. Even if they can’t catch up with Xu Ziyan, they can’t be pulled by Xu Ziyan. Big.

In particular, the feeling of the solitary smoke in Ximen is particularly deep. When he first saw Xu Ziyan in the mainland of China, Xu Ziyan was a small monk who built the base period, but it was less than two hundred years later, but she grew to such a realm. A realm that he looks up to, and Xu Ziyan really needs to have a broad mind, otherwise she will be quickly succumbed to her death.

The hearts of the monks in Shaqianli are filled with great joy. The stronger the Xu Ziyan, the happiest nature is them. They were forced to go to Xu Ziyan at the beginning, because they did not mix in the South, but when they saw Xu Ziyan, they were conquered by Xu Ziyan's erudition. In particular, Xu Ziyan's achievements in alchemy, refining and arrays made Pu Songhe, Tiezhong and Zheng Hongzhen more praised by Xu Ziyan.

However, this does not mean that these people are completely convinced of Xu Ziyan's conviction, and have the determination to die with Taixu. Because the aspect of Xu Ziyan's performance is only in the alchemy refining and layout, the real strength has not been shown. And a Zongmen wants to stand in the fairy world, and ultimately rely on strength.

Why can the four sects of the Danfu Array stand for a long time in the fairy world? That is because these four sects are not only the talents of the four aspects of the Danfu Array, but also the tyrannical monks, but this has always been too imaginary. The shortcomings of the sect have always been the place where these people are worried.

But today they saw the strength of Xu Ziyan, which made their hearts immediately filled with great joy. At this moment, their cohesiveness to Taixu has reached 100%.

The magical demon is not a magical demon. It is just a general demon. It is besieged by so many monks. Even if he is a god, he can't stand it. Even if he doesn't lose his life, it is inevitable to lose and flee. But it is because he is a magical demon and a goddess, and he is able to face so many monks who have persisted.

He can persist and Xu Ziyan can't hold on. Even if she took the violent increase of Dan, she would not be able to improve to the middle of the land. After all, it was not the real middle age. So after Xu Ziyan insisted for a quarter of an hour, after killing countless Mozu and Yaozu monks, her world began to falter.

In desperation, Xu Ziyan immediately let the chaos swallow the surge, and then switched to the body with chaos. When the chaos appeared, the power that belonged to the middle of the heavens was released after the violence was increased. At the same time, he did not hesitate to release his own world.

What kind of world is that?

The sky is covered with dark clouds, the ground flames are in conflict, the magma flows, and between the heavens and the earth is the fairy sound, and the fairy palaces are floating, only those people are stunned.

How many circles did this purple smoke cultivate?

This is this... this breath is not right! How is it like the breath of heaven!

These people's monks who are present are not Tianzun. It is good to feel that the atmosphere of Tianzun is good. Naturally, it is impossible to distinguish what Xu Ziyan is now in Tianzun, but as long as he knows that Xu Ziyan has the strength of Tianzun.


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Brief introduction: leather whip, stinger, leopard print, naked man, grow up, drip wax, cross into the queen, Su Shi swears, must bully the female tyrants, will carry the beasts into the end! The author of the original "Dovdo Beast" continued to write the previous article.



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