The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2257: Passage station

Xu Ziyan heard the news and sat there for a long time. She knew that the memory of chaos could not be wrong. Her memory comes from the three disciples of the lord, the demon and the demon. These three disciples should be the lords, the devil. The confidant of the Lord and the demon Lord can enter the world of the lord, the demon Lord and the demon Lord.

"Right, how can I reduce the power of this fairy?" Xu Ziyan pointed to the headgear at the eyebrows.

"In fact, it can't be counted as a reduction!" The chaos explained softly: "As your cultivation improves, the power of the fairy will eventually be comparable to your repair, and there will be no more leapfrogs."

"Isn't this reduced?" Xu Ziyan asked inexplicably.

"Can't say that, although the power of the fairy is slowly approaching your cultivation, but the power consumed is less and less. For example, after your cultivation has reached the beginning of Tianzun, the fairy is released every time. Power is also the power of Tianzun's early days. But the difference is that you release a fairy that is the same as the power released by this headdress. The fairy that is released with this headgear consumes different powers. For example, you use all your body elements. Force to release a fairy, and the use of this headdress to release the same power of Xian Xian only needs one-tenth of the force. The higher the grade of the fairy will save more in the future."

When Xu Ziyan’s look glanced, he began to meditate. After a short moment, she nodded slightly. She remembered that the headgear could only release the big palm twice. The power in the nod will not be left, but after releasing the big palm twice, there is still a little left in Dantian. Children's strength, knowing that there is more than one-third of the gods in the sea.

In this way, with the improvement of his own cultivation, the advantage of the fairy is to release the same fairy, but only use one tenth of the force. This is not a general advantage. The two fights are equivalent to the duel between the monks. Naturally, whoever is able to persist in the end will win.

I figured it out, and Xu Ziyan put it down. I left the chaos here and came to Dan Yi. She came here mainly because of the sudden attack by the early Tian Zun.

At this time, Xu Ziyan realized that he was too weak in this ruins of Dan Fuzong. The magical demon and all the Taixu monks were taken into the space fairy. She was alone and not high. I am afraid that many people will make their own ideas.

In this case, I really need to increase the number of Dan, she is going to let Dan re-manufacture some of the surge. Anyway, the Gorefiend flower is very large, and there is no need for a petal in the refining of a furnace. The matter of refining the violent increase of Dan is explained to Dan Yi. Dan Yi immediately entered the time matrix and refining the violent increase. Xu Ziyan came out of the space.

This time, Xu Ziyan left the cemetery space directly and went to the ninth passage.

Entering the end of the ninth passage, the entrance is a huge square with a huge statue of a woman standing in the middle of the square. In addition to this huge woman statue, there are no other buildings.

When Xu Ziyan saw the statue of the woman, she was excited. This scene in front of her eyes was the scene in the memory of the moment she was inherited.

"Is this woman going to be Luo Tianhua?"

Xu Ziyan thought for himself, and his eyes looked around.

At this time, there were nearly one million monks around the two pillars, including the Terran, the Mozu and the Yaozu. But at this time, there is no monk who understands the secret of this woman statue on this huge square.

Xu Ziyan also stood behind and looked at the statue of the woman inside, trying to see something, but did not see it at all, and finally opened the eyes of Kun Peng.

She studied the statue of the woman there, but did not know that in the depths of her knowledge, the woman was already excited and shivering.

"Come back, I am finally back..."


Zhongyuan Galaxy.

Yanshan soul is wearing a black robe wandering around, looking for that familiarity. Only his brows were tight, his look was pale, his eyes were a bit broken.

Suddenly, he reached out and tore a space and disappeared into the crack in the space.

next moment.

Yanshan soul appeared in the lower yuan galaxies, and began his blind wandering...


On the mainland.

Over the city of Juxian.

The remains of Dan Fuzong.

Xu Ziyan put away the eyes of Kun Peng, without any slight gain, frowning and thinking about it. At this time, in her deep knowledge of the sea, the woman sat cross-legged, her hands twirling with the fairy, and her mouth was filled with words, and a hint of vague fluctuations fluctuated from the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan’s knowledge. This hidden wave made Xu Ziyan not The slightest notice.


The statue of the woman in the center of the square screamed and screamed around the ground around the statue of the woman. The monks were wary. As soon as the ground was shaken, they all rose up and looked down. Then I saw a stone platform rising from the ground. Each stone platform was covered with a mask. When everyone saw it, they found that there were not many more than 10,000 stone platforms.

About twenty times, the vibration of the ground disappeared, and 10,000 stone platforms were still at rest. But the monks in the sky did not move. It is full of mystery, and it is daunting to act rashly.

At this time, the eyes of the woman's statue suddenly released light, and a light curtain formed at the intersection of the light released by the eyes above the statue, and several lines of font appeared on the light curtain. When the monks read the words, they suddenly sensationalized.

These words let everyone know what is here. This place was originally the inheritance of Dan Fuzong. These stone platforms are the inheritance platforms for inheritance. As long as you fill the 10,000 stone platforms, you will open the inheritance. As for what inheritance can be obtained, it depends on the personal chance.

The light curtain was written very clearly, giving the monks seven days, seven days later, when the inheritance was opened.

All the monks in this eyes are red, and everyone wants to get a heritage. Countless figures immediately fell to the lower platform.

But each submission is only allowed to enter two people at a time, but only one person is allowed to stay. Therefore, the monks who entered the mission station immediately pinged and pinged.

It was only in a quarter of an hour that all the monks were awakened. This inheritance platform is not something that anyone can occupy. If you want to occupy a heritage station, you should also look at the realm of the monks on the platform.

Like Twelve Days, um, there are only eleven ancient Tianzuns left now, and there are nine substitutes occupied by the sects. Are you going to die? And there are 10,000 inheritance stations here, and there is no need for them to fight between the gods. Not to mention those Heavenly Respects, that is, there are no more than ten thousand of all the heavenly respects, the earthly respects, and the human respects on the mainland. Therefore, soon the inheritance platforms occupied by the monks who were above the honor period did not compete. Everyone competed for the remaining inheritance.

Xu Ziyan stood in the air and looked at it. After a peak of the late Emperor’s victory, her figure entered the platform. And sit.

She naturally wants to occupy a heritage platform. How can she not look at the inheritance of Dan Fuzong?

The outside people couldn't help but look at Xu Ziyan and found that the cultivation of Xu Ziyan could not be seen. Some monks hesitated and some monks were eager to move. In the end, there was still a monk who rushed in to the Xu Ziyan inheritance platform, but it was swept away by Xu Ziyan.

This monk of all people understands that this purple smoke is definitely a monk of the Xianzun period, so don't look uncomfortable. Such a purple smoke was cleared. Xu Ziyan no longer does anything else, sitting cross-legged on the platform, closing his eyes and adjusting his spirit.

The seven days passed quickly, and the monks who did not grab the passage were all lost and envious of the tens of thousands of monks on the stage.

The 10,000 monks sitting on the platform at the knees suddenly felt that they had entered a void. Within this void there was a huge nebula composed of stars and slowly rotating. With. But a closer look, but it is not a star, but a jade, each jade is wrapped in a dazzling light group, like a star.

This is the inheritance of Dan Fuzong!

One by one monks rose up and flew toward the nebula, to the edge of the nebula, looking toward the light group, but could not see the inside. Then they explored each other and explored a light group, and immediately understood the message inside.

Each monk has only one chance to choose. As long as he chooses a jade slip, there is no chance to choose a second one. But in the light group there is a brief introduction of each jade inside the jade. If you are optimistic about this fairy, as long as you explore the jade, the light group will be broken, and then you will get the jade.

As a result, everyone has become cautious. There was only one chance, but there were countless jade slips here. There was no time limit in the news anyway, so everyone chose to watch the brief introduction inside the light group.


They did not find that when they read a jade slippery in their hearts and minds, their knowledge of the sea was dissipated, and as the nebula moved to the center, it was transformed into a pure god. Knowledge, a trace of the sea into the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan, and then concealed into the depths of Xu Ziyan know the sea, absorbed by the woman, the woman's **** is climbing rapidly.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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