The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2258: Luo Tianhua


I don't know how long it took, Xu Ziyan suddenly felt a little bit boring, thinking that these inheritances were not unusual for her, and she was in her inheritance.

Her gaze could not be seen toward the center of the nebula, and the darkness in her heart, perhaps in the deepest part of her own inheritance. At this time, there were also many monks who thought of this and flew towards the center.

"I don't know if Kuangpeng's eyes can directly see the messages in those light groups. If you can see them, you don't have to fly to the center, so as not to cause the ideas of those monks."

Xu Ziyan immediately opened the eyes of Yan Peng, and then her heart was shocked. In her eyes, she saw a trace of God from the eyebrows of each monk, and gathered in the center of the nebula. These gods with the imprint of the monks After the operation of the central government, it was transformed into a pure **** without any imprint, and then floated toward himself.

Xu Ziyan’s heart stunned and immediately dissipated the eyes of Kun Peng. This scene disappeared immediately. Opened the eyes of Kuangpeng again and found this situation. This is not to let her pay attention to this nebula composed of jade, faintly feel that this is a big array.

"Is this big battle to absorb the power of the monks of the monks, and then erase the gods of the power of the gods?"

Xu Ziyan’s heart is a glimpse of the power of the monks’ monarchs, and they can erase the above-mentioned gods in the unconsciousness of the monks. The power of this large array is too powerful. Do you not feel the slightest? If it is not for me, I just opened the eyes of Peng Peng...

The body of Xu Ziyan suddenly trembled. The power of the gods who were erased by the gods all drifted toward themselves. What does this mean?

Xu Ziyan immediately felt that a chill had spread rapidly from her tailbone along the spine, and it instantly seemed to fall into the ice cave, and the brain was numb.

At this time, where can she still look up to explore those jade? Immediately recovered all the power of the gods, the gods in the sea flashed, and finally the eyes showed a firm color. The fluctuations of the power of the gods spread from the **** of Xu Ziyan.

After all, this is her knowledge of the sea. Now she is serious, and she quickly found the power of the pure Yuanshen that penetrated from the outside.

The eyes of the Yuanshen showed a shocking color. She discovered that the power of the pure Yuanshen actually penetrated into the depths of her own knowledge.

Xu Ziyan’s Yuanshen immediately chased the power of the pure Yuanshen. Time did not know how long it had passed. She only knew that she had entered the depths of the sea, and she had never been here before.

Surrounded by the void, it is boundless, but full of an inexplicable force. Suddenly she saw a white spot. With the constant approach, Xu Ziyan’s uneasiness was getting stronger and stronger. Suddenly, the face of Yuanshen showed a sullen look. She saw the white spot clearly.

That white point... turned out to be a god...

At this time, the distance was close. Xu Ziyan saw it very clearly. The Yuanshen was a woman. She was sitting there with her knees at this time. She couldn’t help but flip her handcuffs. She had words in her mouth, and her hands and mouths turned with her hands. A mysterious wave spread from her body, and the pure power of the **** is gathering on her head and entering her body.

With the infiltration of the pure power of the gods, her breath is constantly rising. Xu Ziyan can clearly feel that the woman opposite is much stronger than her Xu Ziyan.

Not bad!

At this time, the woman's realm of the gods has surpassed Xu Ziyan, and with the glimpse of the pure power of the gods, her realm continues to climb.

The woman suddenly opened her eyes, a smile appeared in the corner of her mouth, and her eyes looked at Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan immediately had an urge to escape, but she could not run. Here is her knowledge of the sea. Where can she go?

The two people looked at each other like this, the woman did not speak, but Xu Ziyan could not speak without words! Here is her knowledge of the sea! It’s horrible to inexplicably add one person’s god.

"Who are you?" Xu Ziyan's voice was a little trembling, which was the first time she had such a strong fear.

"I am Luo Tianhua."

"Luotianhua..." Xu Ziyan’s body suddenly slammed: "Dan Fuzong lord?"

"Not bad!" Luo Tianhua's face showed a happy smile.

"You, you,... How are you in my knowledge of the sea?" Xu Ziyan's voice began to tremble.

No way not to tremble! Who is Luo Tianhua! The lord of the ancient ancestral gate Dan Fuzong! Nowadays, he ran into his own knowledge of the sea, and whoever changed it would be frightened.

Luo Tianhua looked at Xu Ziyan with a faint look and whispered: "You don't remember how you came to this world?"

"You... you mean... at that time you are already in my knowledge of the sea?"

Luo Tianhua gently nodded, how to sigh for a long time, this long talk in the Xu Ziyan's knowledge of the sea, the voice whispered:

"I haven’t said anything for a long time..."

I looked up and looked at Xu Ziyan and said faintly: "Since you already know that I am the emperor of Dan Fuzong, should you have some understanding of the ancient past?"

Xu Ziyan nodded and shook his head. At this time, Xu Ziyan’s heart was very confused and he did not know what he should do.

Luo Tianhua fell into the meeting, as a nightmare said: "At the beginning, the whole fairyland was a mess, and the Terran, the Mozu and the Yaozu had a great battle. Countless masters fell, that is, I also felt the extreme crisis.

At that time, although Dan Fuzong was one of the few major gates in the fairy world, the power of the Zongmen went through such a big battle and went to 70%. I felt that Zongmen had a crisis of severing inheritance, and I used Daxianli to send Zongmen into an independent space. Of course, I left the coordinates of the gods in the Zongmen. If I could not die in this robbery, I would call the Zongmen again.

However, in the end I still fell. Not falling is the body, but my **** is not destroyed. Although I was extremely seriously injured, I returned to Dan Fuzong and have been hiding here since then. It was just that I had been seriously injured and went back to Dan Fuzong through the layers of space. The injury was even more serious and I could not recover.

And after I reluctantly returned to Dan Fuzong because of the injury, I lost control of Dan Fuzong. In countless years, this Dan Fuzong was allowed to wander in the endless void. ”

Speaking of this, Luo Tianhua’s mouth reveals a bitter smile: “In this countless years, Dan Fuzong has been drifting in the endless void, not once close to any interface. Finally, leaning on it about two hundred years ago. With an interface, I used some of the only remaining Xianli to cause a shock there, hoping to attract some people."

Hearing this, Xu Ziyan understood that the Gobi earthquake was made by Luo Tianhua. But is that a shock?

"Later, I will wait for you. But you really disappoint me! How are some mortals!"

Xu Ziyan said with a sullen voice: "We are a world of mortals, no one who cultivates immortals."

"I know... I read your memory later. So I didn't win the people in your world. The people I want to win are at least the people who cultivate the world." Luo Tianhua sighed a bit: "I spoke through the gods and found out that the power of your soul is pure among those people, so I caught you in."

After that, I waited for Dan Fuzong to leave automatically. I have not recovered to be able to completely control the entire space of Dan Fuzong. About twelve years have passed, and Dan Fuzong’s space has finally left the show and started to wander in the void.

It was a pitiful seeing this time. It was really drifting for nine years, and it was close to an interface. Then I took your soul out, and I hid in the depths of your soul, left Dan Fuzong together, and then helped you to possess the possession. ”

Xu Ziyan’s shocked face was like a nightmare. “I...had I stayed in Dan Fuzong for so many years? How did I just feel it for a moment?”

Luo Tianhua faintly smiled: "Now you are also a great monk, this is very simple for a monk like us to do this."

"But..." Xu Ziyan suddenly widened his eyes and asked: "Why don't you personally win, but you want me to win, but you hide in the depths of my knowledge."

Luo Tianhua bitterly smiled and said: "So for a long time, how do I know the situation of the fairyland today? Will my enemy be looking for me? If I directly win, I will inevitably bring my breath, even if I try to hide it, It will also be discovered by my enemies. How can my enemies be simple people? If you say, you will only let you go and win. And I will hide in the depths of your knowledge and slowly recover. As long as you go On the road of cultivation, your power of the gods will continue to raise me and help me to restore the realm, hehe..."

Having said that, Luo Tianhua suddenly whispered: "I just didn't think that you are really a cultivation genius. You can cultivate to such a degree in such a short period of time. And... you can also cultivate such a world of the body. ”

Xu Ziyan’s look is a change, and she has already known that she has no secret in front of Luo Tianhua.

"You are such a great object to win!" Luo Tianhua gave a sigh.

The heart of Xu Ziyan is a tight one, and his eyes are extremely alert. Luo Tianhua is a faint sarcasm:

"Your cultivation grows too fast, so fast that I don't have the slightest preparation. You have to know to take your soul through the space, and then help you to win the power of the gods that cost me very much, and I originally have the pole. Heavy injuries, so when I help you to finish and wake you up, you have to fall asleep.


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