The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2259: Suddenly

Luo Tianhua show Yan Yi smiled: "Because we returned to Dan Fuzong, it is indeed the inheritance of Dan Fuzong, but it also has another purpose, that is, it can absorb the power of the monk's god, and then transform it into The power of the pure **** is absorbed by me."

"How... there will be such a big array..." Xu Ziyan asked in a blank voice: "Did you already have such a plan to win?"

"How come?" Luo Tianhua said with a smile: "I have cultivated to the peak of the late Tianzun, that is to say, I have reached the so-called limit of the world. In addition to the Five Sacred, no monk has ever practiced to the Holy Level. But this does not mean that no one wants to break through this limit. I am also one of the monks who want to break through this limit.

You know that trying to break through this limit is not a question of hard work, but an understanding of heaven. But understanding the heavens is so easy. So I concentrated on studying for 30 million years and created this big array. Then I set up this big array here, as a place where Dan Fuzong disciples gained inheritance.

However, every disciple of Dan Fuzong who came to inherit the inheritance will be unknowingly absorbed by me. In this way, I can gain a trace of heaven and earth that different monks understand. This does not hurt much for Dan Fuzong's disciples, but for me, it can accumulate more. The most important thing is that no secrets will be revealed, and the safety is very high. ”

Xu Ziyan suddenly reacted, and immediately the gods turned into a stream of light to fly far away.


Luo Tianhua made a long laugh, and stretched out a finger toward Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan felt that she was inextricably wrapped around her, and was dragged back to the original place and sat down. On the opposite side of Luo Tianhua, it’s impossible to move...


Lower Yuan Galaxy.

Yanshan soul walked on the flying star in a lonely way.

Although he is a congenital master, there is no fairy on his body. The black robe is the ordinary clothes. Because the body of Yanshan is like a congenital fairy, it is very powerful, and there is no need for a fairy.

But at this time his black robe was ruined, his hair was draped, his face was extremely pale, and there was no blood. He felt that there was a little familiarity here, but there was no direction.

Suddenly, he stood in a wilderness and closed his eyes. I don't know how long it took, he suddenly broke out a hand with a hand, and his body shape disappeared into the crack in the space.

next moment.

The soul of Yanshan appeared in the mainland of the sky.

A strong familiar atmosphere rushed toward him. He seemed to think of something. In his body, the five-colored island stunned wildly, and the *** also set off a huge wave.

The five big islands are gathering in the middle, but the *** is trying to stop, the whole space is turbid...


Yanshan soul spurted a blood, and his face became paler. The more terrible thing was that his breath was falling, and he quickly fell from the Holy Five to the fourth, third, second, and first level. ......

The body of Yanshan's soul swayed a little, and a spurt of blood spurted out. When he reached out and pulled it in the space, he revealed a crack and his body shape disappeared in the crack of space.

next moment.

He appeared in an ancient town.


He suddenly appeared in the streets of the town, and the people on the street jumped. It’s just that he appeared too suddenly, but no one dared to provoke him.

Yanshan soul looked at the crowd and passed by the crowd, and the bustling surroundings were more to set off his loneliness.

Looking around and looking around, Yanshan soul walked aimlessly on the street, and a tattered black robe allowed the people around to hide far away.

He walked so aimlessly and gradually walked out of the town.

In the bustling crowd behind him, Hu Meier looked at the back of the Yanshan soul and could not help but sigh gently. She followed the Yanshan soul all the way, she was clear about the change of Yanshan soul, and she found that she can now see the repair of Yanshan soul. At this time, the cultivation of Yanshan soul is only the peak of Tianzun.

"Don't the endless ladder really bring him endless harm? Let his repair fall down? Is the Xu Ziyan really important to him? After he lost his memory, he still can't forget it? Must remember it again? Xu Ziyan What kind of woman is it?"

Fox Meier’s eyes flashed a complex color, and he followed the Yanshan soul behind him.

Yanshan soul walked out of the town, still walking along the avenue. Suddenly his body shape, he stood in front of a ruin, where is the original Lushan Villa.

Sunrise rises and sunset rises.

I don't know how many days have passed. The Yanshan soul has been sitting in the ruins of the Lushan Mountain. The eyes are completely ignorant, but the body has been reduced to the peak of the late Zun, with blood stains on the corner...

Fox Meier looked at the Yanshan soul in the ruins far away, and looked at the ruins again, and the look fell into the color of thinking. Then the figure disappeared instantly.

the next day.

Fox Meier appeared again in the distance of the Lushan Villa, looking at the shadow of Yanshan soul. Whispering:

"Is the big arm in the legendary town of Yan Town the predecessor of Yanshan Spirit?"

Looking at the Yanshan soul in the ruins, the eyeballs turned around in the eyelids, and then the sly eyes turned into innocence. The breath of the body is also hidden in the realm of the knot period, and then walks toward the ruins.

Fox Meier stood outside the ruins and looked at the Yanshan soul within the ruins. The Yanshan soul seems to have no idea that she is standing there, just sitting there like a piece of wood.


Fox Meier shouted softly, but the Yanshan soul was as if it had not been heard.


Fox Meier shouted again, but Yanshan soul still looks like a pair of wood.

Hu Meier indulged in a moment and walked toward the Yanshan soul in the ruins.

The next moment, she has stood in front of Yanshan soul. But the spirit of Yanshan still seems to be that she does not exist. Fox Meier’s heart flashed a bit of dissatisfaction, and the heart was dark:

"My nine-tailed fox is not bad! Is it really not as good as your purple hair? How can I react to me?"

She simply squatted in front of Yanshan's soul and raised a white palm in front of Yanshan soul's eyes:


This time, the Yanshan soul finally reacted, slowly looking up at the fox, and the look in her eyes was still stunned:

"who are you?"

Fox Meier’s heart was bitter and bitter, and the heart said: “It seems that he is really completely lost in memory, and he doesn’t remember me at all!”

Looking at the appearance of Yanshan Soul at this time, I couldn't help but think of the time when I saw Yanshan Soul for the first time. What was the style of Yanshan Soul at that time...

"Well, this is really a big squad in ancient times, but even if the ancient squad of the ancient times wants to trap the brother, it is not so easy, hehehe..."

"Right, there won't be a demon here? Where are the other demons going?"

There is no sound, it is quiet all around. It seems that the owner of the demon voice just fell asleep.

"Don't talk? Then wait for the brother to break the big demon to take you out."

"Hey ~ ~" space came a sneer: "Is it by you? One person respects the peak of the late?"

"Little demon..."

"Not allowed to call me a demon!"

"What do I call you?"

"Then guess who the brother is?" Yanshan soul's mouth flicked a smile.

"Is the old friend finally going to meet? tell the demon Lord, it is said that the evil Lord is visiting."


In the heart of Fox, she suddenly raised a trace of sorrow and sorrow, the existence of a holy class, and a great monk who was so chic as it was...

Fox Meier stabilized her emotions and said softly: "I am passing by here. Why are you sitting in this mountain village?"

"琅琊山庄... Is this a mountain villa?" Yanshan soul muttered to himself. His stunned look suddenly had a glimpse of it:

“琅琊山庄... What is this?”

"琅琊山庄!" Fox Meier said in a slow voice: "According to the legend, there is an ancient powerful arm sealed here..."

After listening to the story of Foxes, Yanshan’s soul was thoughtful and completely forgot the existence of Fox in front of him. Fox Meier looked nervously at the opposite Yanshan soul, not knowing what effect this past event would have on Yanshan Soul.


Yanshan soul suddenly spurted a blood, sprayed on the face of Fox Meier, his body swayed a bit, his body suddenly fell...

The nose and the nose kept flowing out of the blood, and the breath of the body kept falling. Finally, it stopped at the peak of the peak of the human being, and the blood in the nose and mouth stopped.

"You... remember... what happened to you?"

Yanshan soul looked at Hu Meier, and shook his head and said: "I don't know, I just think that I really want to come here, like the big arm... I don't know, it's very vague..."

Yanshan soul stood up from the ground and whispered: "Thank you, I am leaving!"

" are you going?"

The face of Yanshan’s soul appeared to be lonely: “I don’t know.”

"That... not as good as our companion..."

Yanshan soul turned to look at the fox, and then said nothing: "Alright!"

"You..." Fox's gaze glanced at Yanshan's soul: "Let's go to the town and you will change your clothes."

Yanshan soul did not seem to hear it, still standing there blankly.

"Let's go!"

Fox Meier sighed softly in the heart, when walking first. Yanshan soul is also following the trend.

The two returned to the town again and walked down the street. Suddenly, Yanshan soul stopped and looked towards a shop. Fox Meier’s gaze looked at Yanshan’s soul and saw a pharmacy. There was a plaque hanging on the door with four characters:

琅琊 pharmacy.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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