The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2260: helpless

I am very grateful to the **** classmates (200), Jie Jie classmates (200), my mother-in-law classmates (200), o Hui o classmates (100), mableip classmates (100), and the youthful classmates (100).


Yanshan soul stepped into the pharmacy. At this time, in the pharmacy, the owner of the pharmacy was sitting in a chair and chatting with a customer. When someone came in, he looked at it casually, and then his body was A stiff. But then it slackened, but there was still some anxiety in my heart.

"How is this person so...the one who bought the Soul Grass at the beginning? It’s just a little old, a lot younger..."

Yanshan Soul stood in the pharmacy, looking around, and Fox Meier inexplicably accompanied him, looking around and wondering what the Yanshan soul was standing here. This weird performance made the buddies and customers within the pharmacy look over. A guy looked at the shabby black robe of Yanshan Soul, and frowned, and walked toward the Yanshan soul.


The pharmacy owner hurriedly coughed and then shook his head gently toward the buddy. The buddy stopped and looked at the boss. When he saw the boss glaring at him with angrily, he hurriedly turned to entertain other people, but secretly looked at Yanshan soul from time to time.


A long sigh came out from the mouth of Yanshan's soul. This long sigh seemed to have gone through countless centuries, full of vicissitudes and bitterness. He still doesn't think about anything, everything is still blurred...

His footsteps suddenly moved, and he himself did not understand why this was like instinct. The direction of his walking was the back door of the pharmacy. The pharmacy's buddy wanted to block it, but he remembered the boss's move, and he looked at the boss again. Seeing that the boss still shook his head toward him, he stopped.

Yanshan soul walked straight into the back door, and Fox Mei looked at Yanshan soul with amazement, and looked at the owner and buddy of the pharmacy inexplicably. In the heart, is it possible to let people enter and leave?

However, she did not put these low-minded people in the eyes of a monk in the late Tianzun period, so she was behind her.

Yanshan soul stopped in front of a downstairs, a very vague impression appeared in his memory, this memory is really far away, as far away as if it is not his memory of this world.

He couldn't remember that he had seen such a small building, but in his memory he felt that there was such a familiarity.

Slowly walked towards the small building, saw a staircase, slowly climbed up the stairs, and looked around. An extremely fuzzy voice seemed to sound from the depths of his memory. It seems that every tens of thousands of spaces, thousands of centuries, is very vague. That voice seems to be a dialogue between two people, a man and a woman. But what I said was very unclear. Yanshan spirit locked his brow and stood there. But the sound of the memory is getting weaker and weaker, and finally disappears.


The oceans of the in-vivo world and the five major islands struggled even more powerfully. The five major islands grew wildly, but the ocean was rising wildly...


The spirit of Yanshan spurted out a blood, and the figure was shaking. The fox Meier's look changed slightly. She clearly saw that the repair of Yanshan's soul began to fall rapidly from the peak of the human esteem. It was only in such a moment that it fell to the beginning of the people, and it was still falling.

"Oh..." Fox Meier sighed softly, and said in her heart: "Who is the purple smoke? What makes him like this..."

I stepped forward to support the arm of Yanshan Soul and said softly: "Let's go, go to the inn to wash and change clothes."

Yanshan soul turned to look at the fox. Pushing her away, her eyes looked helpless and said:

"Who are you? Who am I?"

When the words fell, the figure suddenly rushed down the stairs and rushed out of the pharmacy. Standing next to the street, watching the stream of people flowing, the eyes are full of gloom. The boss in the drugstore was a long sigh of relief. There is a question raised in my heart:

"Is this really him?"

Fox Meier slowly walked down the stairs and walked toward the Yanshan soul outside the door, looking at the back of the Yanshan soul:

"He...has it completely forgotten who he is?"

I also saw the back of Yanshan soul and found that the breath of Yanshan soul has stabilized, but at this time his cultivation has fallen to the peak of the late Emperor.

Suddenly, Yanshan soul robbed his sleeves and his body shape disappeared at the gate. Fox Meier sighed and his body shape disappeared.

The vast continent.

Xiu Xianjie.

The Qing Huozong has disappeared into the long river of history. At this time, a new ancestral gate was built on the address of the Qing Huozong, called Tiannanzong. Of course, this Tiannanzong received all the sites of the original Qing Huozong, including all the squares.

The Yanshan soul is walking aimlessly at this time. In fact, it is not aimless. There is a kind of familiarity in the heart that makes him go to a square market.

At this time, the Yanshan soul is even more embarrassed, and the black robe of the body has been ruined, and stayed in the wild, covered in mud. Seeing a medium-sized square market not far away, a familiar feeling came to my heart.

Yanshan soul thoughts are not far from the direction of the city, the sun is red, and half of it has sunk into the ridge. The distant mountains are like smoke, the blue grass in front of the eyes, the trees are lush, and the greenery spreads into the distance. The crooked river is coiled in green, like a jade belt, which makes people feel refreshed.

However, all this has nothing to do with the Yanshan soul at this time!

The Yanshan spirit gradually approached the city. From time to time, there were monks who landed in the air and walked into the city. Some monks noticed the soul of Yanshan. However, just glanced at it, he frowned, never looked at it again, and turned into the square.

The image of Yanshan Soul at this time is very bad, the body is full of dust, and the black robe is broken. The hair is scattered, the dust is so full, so how can it attract the attention of other monks.

Yanshan soul came to the door of the city, and went straight inside. At the entrance of the city, the two guarded monks walked curiously at the Yanshan soul. His eyes looked at the body of Yanshan, and his eyes revealed his disgust.

Even if the Yanshan spirit was repaired to fall to the peak of the late Emperor, it was not seen by the monks at the level of the mainland, and his eyes were also dumb, so that the two monks could not help but laugh, and the heart said:

"Does such a **** have to enter the market?"

At this time, the Yanshan Soul has already reached the entrance of the city, and the two monks in front of the Tiannanzong are still swaying toward the city.

"Get out!"

One of the monks of Tiannanzong lifted a foot and squatted on the belly of Yanshan's soul. The soul of Yanshan was still not staggered, but still walked toward the city, but the Tiannanzong The monk flew out, not only as simple as flying out, but the figure that flew in the air suddenly burst open, and pieces of minced meat fell from the air.

Even if the Yanshan soul does not deliberately shoot, but the instinctive reaction is also a base period monk can resist?

Another Tiannan Zongxiu was so scared that he was suddenly there. He could see clearly that the boy who was wearing a tattered boy did not fight back, and his companion was bounced out, and then it was broken...

The Yanshan Soul has already walked into the city at this time. The monk of Tiannanzong just wanted to send out a signal. Suddenly he felt a pressure that caused him to have a tendency to incontinence and hang over him. At first glance, it was a beautiful woman who was standing opposite him. His eyes were watching his eyes, and then he was confused. He only heard a word in his ear:

"Forget it!"

Yanshan soul swayed in the square city, an inexplicable familiarity led him to a restaurant, he stood at the door of the restaurant, blocking the door and glanced at it. This kind of behavior naturally caught the attention of people inside the restaurant. A man saw the appearance of Yanshan soul, and his face showed a disgusted expression. He stood in front of Yanshan soul in front of him and said:

"What are you doing? Go out."

The eyes of Yanshan soul are still stunned, but the familiar words are heard in the depths of the memory. This word seems to be very important to him, as if this word made him have a kind of lingering concern, so he was completely absent. The word is spoken:



The **** of Xu Ziyan was arrested by Luo Tianhua. He was in a panic, but suddenly he felt inexplicably that the whole **** was a pain. The brilliance of the Yuanshen flashed violently.

"You can't run away!" Luo Tianhua said with a chuckle: "Now my **** is dragging this blessing here, it has surpassed you. And the inheritance that I taught you was only part of it, of course, most of it. , but the true essence is not taught to you. That is the true essence of the Phoenix Lord, huh, huh..."

"Feng Lord?" Xu Ziyan held back the inexplicable pain, and the look was shocked.

"Not bad!"

Luo Tianhua is in a good mood, and she does not care about Xu Ziyan’s question. Her mood is really good. Since she knows that Xu Ziyan, who is about to take the house, has cultivated such a terrifying body world, it is likely to let her break through her yearning. For a long time, it’s hard to be unhappy.

Just such a good body, she naturally has to be treated well, she is ready to use this big array to restore her realm of the Yuanshen to the peak of the late Tianzun, and then to win. Therefore, while absorbing the power of the pure god, she still has a mood to chat with Xu Ziyan.

In fact, she is also embarrassed. She hasn’t talked to her for too long, and Xu Ziyan can’t live for a long time. As long as she takes her away, there is no such thing as a purple smoker in this world, and she is not afraid to reveal a secret. .


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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