The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2261: Refinery

"I want to say that this is also my luck. When I was still respected by people, I was practicing outside, but I fell from the sky and almost killed me. I fell on my toes and smashed the ground. A hole that is not bottomless. I naturally want to check it out. When I get to the bottom of the earth, I find out that it is a Nedan. It is fiery and red, I don’t know what Nedan is.

So I took this Nei Dan back to my own Dongfu. After that, I spent a million years to completely refine this Nedan. My cultivation was naturally upgraded to the peak of Tianzun, and then I created it. This Dan Fuzong. ”

"That is the inner Dan of the Phoenix Lord?" Xu Ziyan asked in shock.

"Not bad!"

"Feng Lord... is it dead?"

"Isn't this nonsense?" Luo Tianhua glanced at Xu Ziyan: "Her her inner Dan has been refining, can she still live?"

"But...but..." Xu Ziyan said with a stuttering stance: "The existence of the phoenix master... How can it fall?"

"I don't know!" Luo Tianhua simply shook his head and said: "I just got the inner dan of the phoenix. The inside of Nedan only contains the sacred power of the phoenix and some inheritance that has formed an instinct. So I am not Know how she fell."

Speaking of this, there is a hint of regret on the look: "If I can get the fire of the soul of the phoenix, then it will be perfect. The true inheritance of the phoenix should be in the fire of her soul, including her memory should also be in that In the fire of the soul, so I don't really get the true inheritance of the Phoenix Lord, just a part, and it is still a lower level."

Xu Ziyan was silent. In silence, she began to work hard to break away from the **** of Luo Tianhua exerted on her god. Luo Tianhua’s eyes showed sarcasm and did not pay attention to her. It only absorbed the power of pure gods there. .

Xu Ziyan still struggled there without hesitation, but he could not get rid of the slightest bondage, and made Xu Ziyan’s heart rise to despair...


Luo Tianhua's **** of light flashed a bit. The realm has reached the peak of the late Tianzun. Xu Ziyan, who opened his eyes and looked across, smiled:

"Xu Ziyan, what other wishes do you have? I can consider helping you."

Xu Ziyan silently said, but still struggled there.


Luo Tianhua snorted and screamed, and suddenly opened his mouth and rushed toward the **** of Xu Ziyan. This mouth is infinitely enlarged, and even swallowed the **** of Xu Ziyan.

"Ha ha ha..."

Luo Tianhua laughed wildly and laughed, while refining the **** of Xu Ziyan...


The vast continent.

Tiannan Zongfang City.

The buddy heard the spirit of Yanshan shouting "hungry", and the disgust on his face was even worse. He waved his hand like a fly:

"Hurry up!"


When his voice just fell, he saw a fist-sized thing thrown at him, and hurriedly reached out and caught it, but it was like a spiritual stone, but the thing in his hand felt the energy inside it was Stone is too pure.


It is not a pure question at all. Anyway, there are a lot of good things beyond Lingshi.

"This is my guest!"

A beautiful voice sounded, the buddy looked at the sound and saw a beautiful woman coming out from behind the Yanshan soul. Although she only looked at him faintly, but the overwhelming pressure made him almost suffocate. .

Fox Meier went to the side of Yanshan soul. Softly said: "We used to sit and eat what we want."

Until the body of Hu Meier and Yanshan soul went away, the guy took a breath and carefully walked to the side of Yanshan Soul and Fox Meier:

"Two... What do the two officers want to eat?"

Fox Meier turned her head and looked at the soul of Yanshan, but she saw that the soul of Yanshan was still sitting there blankly, without saying anything. Then he shook his head and sighed, then said with a slight faintness:

"Get the best dishes from your store!"

"Yes. Yes." The buddy stepped back.

Yanshan soul sat there, and Hu Meier bent his elbows on the table, staring at his chin and looking at the Yanshan soul, but his mind was thinking:

"The demon Lord let me track the Yanshan soul all the way, to monitor whether he really lost his memory. At this time, it seems that he really lost his memory. Then... Should I go back and report the situation of Yanshan soul to the demon? Lord adult. But...but...he is really pitiful!

A presence alongside the demon Lord. Now it’s falling into such a situation..."

"Slow! His cultivation is constantly falling. I don't know if he will fall to some realm again. Can I refine and refine him? This is the holy body!"

Fox Meier looked at the soul of Yanshan, could not help but stick out his tongue and lick his lips...


Xu Ziyan only felt that his own **** was softening and struggling to struggle. But in exchange for it, Luo Tianhua laughed happily.


The purple **** of Xu Ziyan suddenly fluctuated violently, and a scent of breath spread out. Luo Tianhua’s laughter came to an abrupt end, and the voice screamed in a panic:

"Unyielding the will, it is unyielding will, how can you have unyielding will!"

A layer of fiery red light was transmitted from the purple **** of Xu Ziyan, and the **** of Xu Ziyan was shrouded in it, and he slammed out from the **** of Luo Tianhua. Then he detached from the **** of Xu Ziyan and rushed to the **** of Luo Tianhua, and covered Luo Tianhua.


Luo Tianhua made a scream and struggled with the unyielding will. Xu Ziyan breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the opposite side. When he saw Luo Tianhua’s Yuanshen and his unyielding will, he was entangled in one place. The two sides temporarily stagnated into one place. The unyielding will seems to have no way to get Luo Tianhua, but Luo Tianhua seems to Also why have to bend the will.


Xu Ziyan suddenly found that the unyielding will to isolate the power of the pure gods that came in from the big array, which was hovering above. Xu Ziyan gritted his teeth, and the Yuanshen immediately rushed toward the power of the pure Yuanshen.

At this time, she is very aware of her situation. The unyielding will not be able to surrender Luo Tianhua. There is only one way to surrender Luo Tianhua. That is, he will raise the Yuanshen to the peak of the late Tianzun, and then join hands with the unyielding will. It is possible to surrender Luo Tianhua.

Under the power of the pure Yuanshen, Zhang opened up the power of those pure gods and continually swallowed them, and then began to refine the power of these pure gods.

Time passes by in the depths of the silent sea, and the unyielding will gradually fall into the wind. Luo Tianhua’s Yuanshen has a tendency to break free of unyielding will, and the other side’s Xu Ziyan’s spirit of the gods is constantly improving...

Luo Tianhua’s Yuanshen has already made half of his unyielding will, but Luo Tianhua is not happy at all, but has anxiety. Because Xu Ziyan at this time has already reached the final breakthrough.


A humming sound, like the beginning of the heavens and the earth, Xu Ziyan’s Yuanshen broke through to the peak of Tian Zun’s late stage. Xu Ziyan opened his eyes and opened his mouth to suck. The unyielding will drag Luo Tianhua's **** into the mouth of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan’s Yuanshen immediately moved, and began to unite with the unyielding will to refine the Yuanshen’s god.


Many monks have already selected the jade that they need. As long as the jade is selected, the jade sends out a martial art message to enter the sea of ​​the monk, and then the monk immediately pops up the subpoena, and the subpoena is also Will disappear.

More and more monks have been ejected to the platform, and the substitutes disappeared one after another, less and less. After the monks were ejected, the Yuanshen felt a little embarrassed, but they did not doubt it. They only thought that they were waiting too long in them, and they continued to use the gods to explore the jade.

In fact, they don’t blame them for thinking that there are too many jade jade in them, and they have to read the introductions of jade slips one by one, for fear of choosing the wrong method, so these monks are the most It was also a good time to stay in it for three months.

Xu Ziyan’s knowledge of the depths of the sea, Luo Tianhua’s Yuanshen was finally refining under the combination of Xu Ziyan and unyielding will. At the moment of refining, countless messages swarmed. Xu Ziyan silently digested these messages, and the unwillingness to pass this battle, although it became smaller, but it was more concise, flashing a bit, hidden in the purple **** of Xu Ziyan.

After another nine days, Xu Ziyan only reluctantly digested these messages and collected them in the corner of the Yuanshen, which was later slowly understood.

At this time, she refining Luo Tianhua's Yuanshen, she already knows the space of this Dan Fuzong very well, and her current Yuanshen cultivation is already the peak of Tianzun's late stage, and she has been able to completely control this Dan Fuzong space.

Yuanshen returned from the depths of the sea, Xu Ziyan opened his eyes and looked at the woman statue. At this time she already knew that the statue was the appearance of Luo Tianhua, and the center that controlled this space was in the eyes of the statue. Among them.

I couldn't see it before. It was because the statue had the essence of the phoenix's essence on both eyes, and even the purple eyes of the Peng Peng could be blinded.

At this point, refining the **** of Luotianhua, this is no longer a problem. The eyebrows transmitted the two gods and silently and colorlessly to the eyes of the statue. Then Xu Ziyan controlled the two gods and began to describe the very complicated symbols on the eyes of the statue.

At this time, there were only 30,000 monks who had stepped on the platform to carry the platform. These three thousand people had not decided which jade to get, except for Xu Ziyan.

The big monks who were popped up did not leave, but looked outside with interest at those on the stage. At this time, these people also understood that they were still sitting on the platform, but the gods were pulled into a special space. When the jade is chosen, the gods will be returned and then popped up.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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