The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2263: Halfway

Ten days later, all the Taixu monks broke through.

There are a total of forty-eight monks here.

Xu Ziyan: People respect the late.

Magical Demon: The beginning of Tianzun.

Sha Qianli, Pu Songhe, Tiezhong, Zheng Hongzhen, snow flies, intoxicated. Xu Tianwo and 12 of the original monks who were originally entrusted to the Taixu sect were the repairs of the early people.

Anonymous, Ling Xiao, Xu Lin, Ximen Lonely Smoke, Di Yidiao, Ling Yijian, Fire Dance, Gongzi Forging, Ximen Yu, Xu Qinyang reached the beginning of Xiandi.

Xu Xingfan, Xu Yutian and Xu Zhenshan Xu, together with the 14 Xujia Xiushi, including Xu Tianma, Xu Tianwu, Xu Tianqi and Xu Tiancheng, reached the early stage of Emperor Xian.

Looking at the forty-six people who had just broken through, Xu Ziyan’s smile on his face, in any case, the strength of the Taixu sect was increased, although it was weaker than the nine big sects... a lot of. However, Xu Ziyan also saw that the realm of these monks was not stable enough, and he simply took out a space congenital fairy treasure, and then laid a time array on the space congenital treasure, and then sent these monks into it, so that the magical devil Practice them and help them stabilize their realm.

Then Xu Ziyan left, but this time she is not flying or riding a cloud baby, but walking in the direction of the Wuthering Mountains.

She understands her own situation, and it is much more difficult to break through than ordinary monks. She wants to break through, not only to understand the rules of heaven, but also to understand the origin of heaven. The shortcut she knows now is the fusion attribute.

Therefore, even if she has a black wind, it is necessary to have a big heavenly environment, so that the dark nature and the wind attribute in the black wind bead resonate with the heavens and the big heaven outside, so that her understanding can continue to deepen. . So even if she has a black wind, it is not suitable for her using the time array method.

So after she swallowed a black wind, she walked between the heavens and the earth on foot and walked under the cover of the Great Heaven.

Sometimes stop, sometimes. As she continued to refine the black wind beads, her cultivation was also slowly and toughly upgraded. However, it is much slower than those who are too imaginary monks in the space congenital treasure, but those monks have a time array. So soon the monks stabilized the realm.

Every monk is elated, and only the magic is a little depressed. Xu Ziyan refining a black wind bead outside can not be used for a long time, with her special qualifications, and now is the realm of the gods in the late Tianzun peak, refining a black wind bead is also a few hours of time, but for They are ten years in the magic of the time array. In these ten years, the magical monsters will continue to attack forty-six monks, and their depression can be imagined.

After the forty-six monks stabilized the realm, Xu Ziyan immediately put them into the first space fairy, and then poured the Danish spirit into it.

This day.

Xu Ziyan refining a black wind bead, woke up from the comprehension, and a happy smile appeared on his face. She has already felt that the fusion of her dark wind attributes has been greatly improved, and she has taken a solid step from the realm of Dacheng.

I couldn’t help but open my mind and let my knowledge drift away.


Suddenly, there was a shout of shouting and screaming in the gods. Xu Ziyan’s knowledge quickly converges in that direction, and the look is a change. In her knowledge, she saw a group of monks killing a mountain village, even the children did not let go.

Xu Ziyan took a step, but only came to the sky above the villa. When the gods swept away, they saw that the one who was being killed was the highest. Can't help but drink one channel:


This sound was like a thunderbolt, and the roar of the roar, so that all the monks present could not stop and looked into the air. The old man in a mountain village saw Xu Ziyan in the air. In the eyes, I couldn’t help but reveal the color of the Greek wing, shouting at Xu Ziyan:

"Fairy, they are fairy thieves!"

Xu Ziyan’s gaze looked at the early stage of the person’s respect and said faintly: “Are you a fairy thief?”

That person respected the early fairy thief cautiously looking into the air of Xu Ziyan, but then his look is a glimpse, because he can not see Xu Ziyan...

Do not!

Not seeing through. Is this female practitioner who is standing in the air at all an ordinary person?


Will an ordinary person fly in the air?

However, I am also a great monk in the respect of myself. In my own hands, I can’t weaken my voice, and I swear fiercely:

"Yes, we are the fairy thief. If you know each other, leave quickly. Otherwise..."

His words have not been finished, Xu Ziyan moved. This kind of hands-on is the fusion of the dark wind attribute. The figure is like a black whirlwind passing through the crowd. The speed is too fast. Rao is the trajectory of the singer who can’t see the shape of the purple smoke. From the black whirlwind, a myriad of tentacles stretched out and smacked toward the fairy thief. It was only a few blinks of time, and more than 300 thieves had the smog.

The black whirlwind dissipated, Xu Ziyan's body shape revealed, and his face showed a satisfied smile. After the fusion of this dark wind attribute, it is really amazing. If it is before the fusion, although Xu Ziyan can also kill these people, but it is absolutely not as easy as it is now.

With a wave of sleeves, the storage rings on the fingers of the fairy thief were collected by Xu Ziyan. Now she has a sect. The mosquito is small and meat. No resources can be wasted, even if she used to Can't look up.

The people who survived the castle were trembled one by one, looking at Xu Ziyan with gaze. The reality of Xu Ziyan’s appearance is terrible. It is not like a human being, but more like a demon.

After Xu Ziyan put away the storage ring, he looked at the people in the villa and saw their fearful look. They thought about their thoughts after a little thought. Although they can understand, Xu Ziyan’s heart is still somewhat unhappy. Anyway, I saved you? Why are you looking at me with this kind of look?

Therefore, the look of Xu Ziyan did not scream, and he snorted and turned away.

"Fairy, please stay!"

Xu Ziyan stayed in the footsteps and turned to look at the old man who spoke out. The old man’s face was cautiously handed:

"Thank you for the help of the fairy."

"But!" Xu Ziyan shook his head and turned and left.

"Fairy!" The old man opened his mouth and called Xu Ziyan: "Would you like the name of the benefactor?"

Xu Ziyan originally didn't want to take care of them, but after thinking about it, this is the South. It is difficult to establish a sect of the Zongmen. Why not leave a name for doing good? This is also an opportunity to spread too imaginary. So I said faintly:

"I am too sinister Xu Ziyan!"

Don't say that these people still know that it is too sinister, and the South has never succeeded in establishing a sect. In the past ten thousand years, no monks came to the south to establish a sect. So Xu Ziyan became a sect in the Wuthering Mountains. The chatter of the monk after a meal.

The old man heard a flash of joy in his eyes. Their Zhuangzi was too embarrassed to be killed by the thief. Some of the monks who were repaired were almost killed. They are still scarred, even in this case. They simply cannot protect Zhuangzi and protect their families.

The fairyland is cruel. When you have no ability to protect yourself, it is normal to be bullied and exploited. If the fate is not good, it will be caught by other families in the mine to do ore mining. I don’t know when. Just died in the mine.

Although Taixu is in a bad situation in the South, there is always the possibility of being annihilated, but is it still there? And that is the Zongmen, not the family. Entering the Zongmen is a disciple of Zongmen. It will not be like a family slave, like entering other families. And now he knows that the fairy is the imaginary lord, not the demon, so the old man sighs:

"Xu Zongzhu, we have seen the situation, we have no way to live, can we take us into the sect?"

Xu Ziyan shook his head very simply: "No! We are too sacred to accept only disciples under the age of fifteen, and we still need to test the qualifications."

The old man’s face went down and looked at the children under the age of fifteen, and they burst into tears. He knows that these fairy thieves are probably only part of a certain pirate. Although these thieves were killed by Xu Ziyan, but after Xu Ziyan left, what?

At that time, the whole Zhuangzi was killed. If you can send the children under the age of fifteen in Zhuangzi to Taixu, it will leave some blood for the family. Thinking of this, the old man slammed into the face of Xu Ziyan:

"Please ask Xu Zongzhu to select qualified children into Taixu!"

For this point, Xu Ziyan did not have any slight resistance. Since Xu Ziyan decided to develop Zongmen, he always had to accept disciples. The face is a slow way:

"Gather children under the age of fifteen into one place."

"Thank you Xu Zongzhu!"

The old man immediately climbed up from the ground and turned to the person behind him and said, "I don't hurry to send the children in my family."

These people know that the crisis has not disappeared, and will come here with the departure of Xu Ziyan. At this time, the children will be sent to Taixu, and they will not know how to do so. At the very least, they will survive for the time being and immediately dissatisfied with their families at the age of fifteen. The children gathered in front of Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan glanced at the children in front of him. There were about a hundred of them. They swept the gods on them and picked out 32 people. The other children were not without the roots, or the roots were too bad. With a wave of sleeves, Xu Ziyan gathered the thirty-two children in front of their own body:

"On these thirty-two children!"

"Thank you Xu Zongzhu!" The old man squatted down.

"Thank you, Xu Zongzhu!" The parents of the thirty-two children also fell down.

The remaining children and parents lost their faces, and then after Xu Ziyan left, those thieves came, and they were dead, and could not help but cry.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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