The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2264: Team expansion

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Xu Ziyan slightly frowned, and suddenly thought that the Wuthering Mountains had experienced a war with the Yaozu. Humans have become very rare. It is better to bring these people to the Wuthering Mountains. Although they can not enter the Zongmen, they can form a village in the Wuthering Mountains to live.

Only when the humans in the Wuthering Mountains prospered, can they provide disciples for Taixu Zong from generation to generation. If you want to rely on the descendants of the monks in the South to join the Taixu, then you don’t know what year and month. When I think of it, I will say to the old man faintly:

"How do you call it?"

"Old aging Zhang Houde!" The old man hurriedly bowed to Xu Ziyan, his eyes flashed a hint of hope.

"If you are willing to follow me into the Wuthering Mountains, I can draw a piece of land for you to live in. But the Wuthering Mountains are not as chaotic as they used to be, and humans get along well, but they are directly facing the demon territory, and There are also many demon people in the Wuthering Mountains, and there are many dangers."

"Wu Xiaoshan is no longer chaotic?" Zhang Houde asked in surprise. The Wuthering Mountains have been the land of wicked people since ancient times. This has almost become a recognized tradition of the southern monks. Now they hear that Xu Ziyan said that there is no more confusion, and the humans there no longer kill each other.

This is this... How is this possible?

“Not bad!” Xu Ziyan said faintly: “I sent a sectarian monk to teach them to open a medicinal garden to help them find the veins. They have the cultivation resources they depend on, and naturally they will not be confused. But naturally they must abide by Taixu The rules, otherwise too imaginary will make a punishment, that is, kill all of them."

Zhang Houde immediately understood. This is Taixu Zong's integration of the Wuthering Mountains with iron fists, and then with kindness, strength, and means. Naturally able to conquer those wicked people in the Wuthering Mountains. In fact, what he didn't know was that there was another important reason, that is, the war between the Terran and the Yaozu in the Wuthering Mountains was so devastating that it had to be sheltered from Taixu. It is also because of this turmoil that Taixu Zong conquered the Terran in the Wuthering Mountains.

Although the Wuthering Mountain Range is dangerous, it is dead to stay here. It is possible to survive in the Wuthering Mountains. So Zhang Houde immediately nodded:

"Thank you Xu Zongzhu, we are willing to follow Xu Zongzhu to the Wuthering Mountains, thank you Xu Zongzhu for giving us a living path."

"Thank you Xu Zongzhu!" The rest of the people also thanked in unison.

"Well, you clean up. Let's go now!"

"Yes, Xu Zongzhu!"

Where do these people dare to stay here? Who knows when those fairy thieves will come again. Even if the purple smoke is so powerful, if a large number of fairy thieves come, it may not be able to protect everyone. So these people just rushed to clean up and gathered in front of Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan ignored them. Instead, they turned their attention to the newly received thirty-two disciples:

"You have only passed my primary election now. It is not really a virgin disciple. If you want to be a true Taixu disciple, you must follow me all the way to Taixu. If you can't persist, you will be Eliminate and return to your family."

"Yes, the lord!"

Thirty-two children were in unison, and there was a nervous color on their faces. Those parents are also worried about their faces. From here all the way to Taixu, it takes five years, or ten years?

Xu Ziyan stopped paying attention to them, swallowed a black wind bead, and began to understand while walking, followed by thirty-two children behind her. Followed by the Zhuang people behind thirty-two children.

Xu Ziyan has just refining a black wind bead. The heart is a move. The gods enter the sea of ​​knowledge. When the gods have refining the heart of the fifth tree, they put the heart of the sixth tree into the heart. The embrace of the gods. At that time, the **** of the gods has become a green color.

Then Xu Ziyan entered the space fairy. Seeing those who are too imaginary monks have also made a breakthrough, they will wave their sleeves and put all the people into a space fairy, and then they will disappear in one step.

next moment.

Xu Ziyan appeared in the depths of a mountain range, and then released the monks of the Taixu dynasty. The clouds converge in the sky, and everyone began a new round of robbery.

Thirteen days later, forty-six monks were completely robbed.

Sha Qianli, Pu Songhe, Tiezhong, Zheng Hongzhen, snow flies, intoxicated. Xu Tianwo and 12 of the original monks who had gone to the Taixu dynasty reached the peak of the early Renren.

Anonymous, Ling Xiao, Xu Lin, Ximen Lonely Smoke, Di Yi, Ling Yijian, Fire Dance, Gongzi Forging, Ximen Yu, Xu Qinyang reached the peak of Xiandi.

Xu Xingfan, Xu Yutian and Xu Zhenshan Xu, together with the 14 Xujia Xiushi including Xu Tianma, Xu Tianwu, Xu Tianqi and Xu Tiancheng, reached the peak of the early Emperor.

Xu Ziyan put these people into the space congenital treasure, and the magical devil also bitterly went to practice those who were too imaginary monks.

Xu Ziyan’s body shape disappeared again. When he reappeared, he returned to the place where he left, and released the people in Zhuangzi. Then he did not speak. He continued to refine the black wind beads while walking toward the front. go with.

After walking for less than three days, I heard the sound of looming in the air behind me. Xu Ziyan stopped and turned to look at the past. He saw about five hundred monks flying in the sky. The highest one was a mid-term monk, and the rest was from the king to the first. .

The man who stood in the midst of the mid-term monk was in the air, glanced down at the bottom, and sighed coldly:

"You are the people in Zhangjiazhuang?"

The people in Zhangjiazhuang looked at the fear of the face, and could not help but look at Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan looked at the air repairs and frowned slightly:

"You are a fairy thief?"

"Not bad!" The monk's gaze glanced at Xu Ziyan's body and frowned slightly. He didn't understand why these people looked at an ordinary person.

"In this case, you are not necessary to live!"

Xu Ziyan said faintly, then there was a wave of sleeves, and forty-seven monks such as the magical demon suddenly appeared in the air. Xu Ziyan screamed:

"Don't do it, don't let go of a fairy."

Sha Qianli and Xu Tianwo and others have been abused by the illusion, although they have stabilized their realm. However, it was a sigh of relief in the heart. Now that I saw these more than 500 thieves, I immediately screamed and rushed up.

"Magic, you protect these people!"

Xu Ziyan gave a cry. The figure also rushed out, his arms unfolded, his body shape swiftly turned, but a huge black whirlwind was formed in an instant. The black whirlwind looked down like a black dragon from the air and saw the Taixu monk encounter. When it was dangerous, the fairy thief was sucked into the whirlwind and was smashed by countless black wind blades. The thief who wants to escape, Xu Ziyan also unknowingly sucked them into the black whirlwind.

However, most of the time, Zi Zi is on the sidelines. She is a chance to give a real war to the Taixu monks. These monks were also abused by the illusion, and at this time they exerted their strengths to the fullest. It was only half an hour, and all the thieves were killed.

Then they didn't have to ask for the purple smoke, they began to clean the battlefield. Afterwards, Xu Ziyan took them into the space fairy.

In this way, I stopped and stopped, and in the three months of the unconsciously, in the three months, not only the thirty-two newly received disciples have persisted, but the team has also expanded.

The reason is very simple. During the three months, Xu Ziyan took care of a lot of things. Naturally, I received some new disciples and also received some orphans with good qualifications. As a result, the number of new disciples has reached more than 500, and the number of people who followed Xu Ziyan to the Wuthering Mountains reached more than 4,000.

It is worth mentioning that the forty-six Taixu monks are now in the same breath.

Sha Qianli, Pu Songhe. Iron heavy, Zheng Hongzhen, snow flies, intoxicated. Xu Tianwo and 12 of the original monks who had gone to the Taixu dynasty had reached the peak of the late Renren, and only one step reached the early stage of the land. This is before they go to the Taixu. I never dreamed of dreaming, and I was happy to have a flower in my heart. It was hurt by the illusion of the illusion, and the mouth was still squatting, and the look of the devil was so depressing.

Anonymous, Ling Xiao, Xu Lin, Ximen Lonely Smoke, Di Yidiao, Ling Yijian, Fire Dance, Gongzi Forging, Ximen Yu, Xu Qinyang reached the peak of the late Emperor Xian, only one step into the early stage of Ren Zun.

Xu Xingfan, Xu Yutian and Xu Zhenshan Xu, together with the 14 Xujia Xiushi including Xu Tianma, Xu Tianwu, Xu Tianqi and Xu Tiancheng, reached the peak of the late Emperor, and only stepped into the Emperor Initial.

Gradually, the team of Xu Ziyan began to attract the attention of the southern monks. Later, they also knew that these people all went to Taixu, and they also knew why these people had to go to Taixu.

This makes the Southern monks very helpless. Those who have gone to the Taizong are the people who live at the bottom of the South. They need a living road. They don't have much conflict with the Zongmen established by Xu Ziyan in the South, let alone the Xu Ziyan rescue. Their lives have become more inconsistent. Instead, they regard Ziyan as a benefactor and take advantage of the life after arriving at the Wuthering Mountains.

They also tried to stop Xu Ziyan. Of course, they could not take it out personally. Instead, they secretly hired a large number of fairy thieves. The task of giving the fairy thief is to kill all the people who rushed to Xu Ziyan. It would be better to kill Xu Ziyan.

Of course, if you can't complete this task, you can just kill some people who have gone to Xu Ziyan. As long as they can kill some people who have fled to Xu Ziyan, the rest will be scrupulous. They think that Xu Ziyan can't protect them, and their hearts are naturally scattered. As long as their hearts are scattered, they will have the means to dispel the disciples along the way.


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