The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2265: Three-stream medium-sized Zongmen

But they were horrified to discover that Xu Ziyan was not a person, but also a group of monks who were too imaginary, and there was a horrible existence among these monks, that is, the magical demon. Therefore, how many dead thieves have died, but it gives the Taixu monks a chance to continue to experience.

The Southern monks immediately reported the news to the upper levels, but those upper-level monks did not have time to pay attention to this matter, because at this time they were almost retreating to understand the exercises obtained from Dan Fuzong. Even if the big monk who did not get the exercises can not come and deal with Xu Ziyan personally, the path created by Xu Ziyan is very big. If you take it out yourself, it will inevitably let Yuzong know that the secret shot and the blatant shot are different.

Even if the clan knows it, he can also evade the murderer and fade it. But if you blatantly shoot, it is in the face of Fan Zongzong, is the face of one of the nine sects of the sect? Is it so good?

At that time, even if Zong Zong’s heart was very unwilling to take care of this matter, he had to take it because it involved a face problem of a large door, unless Miao Zong did not want to mix in the big door.

Therefore, the southern monks did not shoot, but they could not look at Xu Ziyan’s disciples, so they sent people to secretly enter the demon territory to spread rumors, saying that Xu Ziyan would build a large force in the Wuthering Mountains. Prepare to use the power of the demon to destroy the Taixu.

The big monks of the Yaozu are also retreating, but they still pay attention to this matter, and they sent the Yaozu to come to investigate the authenticity of this matter. When they saw that Xu Ziyan was only recruiting some children under the age of fifteen, he would The fear in my heart was put down. The reason is very simple. It is because these children under the age of 15 have grown up and don't know what year and month to go.

millennium? Wannian?

It is not always possible to grow up.

Moreover, the Yaozu does not need to take long, as long as it is only a few years, after the lessons learned, you can take action against Taixu.

At the root of it, after understanding the situation, the Yaozu still did not put Taixu Zong in his eyes. Right now, I need to be closed, too lazy to pay attention to too imaginary. What if Xu Ziyan brought those children back to Taixu? After a few years, it’s time to destroy the entire Taixu.

Therefore, the Yaozu did not have any action at all, which made the Southern monk white. In the end, these monks also understood the plan of the Yaozu. If you think about Xu Ziyan, even if you recruit more disciples, it is just some children under the age of fifteen. Do not say how many years they need to grow up, and say that there are too many resources to support these disciples? In the end, it is said that these disciples have secretly defected to the illusory, so they no longer have to control Xu Ziyan, and they have watched the fun.

In their view, it is certain that those disciples who are too sinister to sneak in. Therefore, the more new disciples Xu Ziyan receives, the more troubles are too imaginary. In the future, the disciplinary defection will cause more fun. At this time, they hoped that Xu Ziyan would accept more disciples.

It is also certain that the Yaozu will destroy the Taizong after a few years. The tradition of the South tells them that the Yaozu will never allow a force in the Wuthering Mountains to threaten the Yaozu.

Why are they licking this drowning?

But there is one thing that must be done, that is, to further block the resources of the Taixu, and add a handful of salt to the wounds of the Taixu.

There was no one to understand Xu Ziyan, and they simply let Xu Ziyan toss. They have to see how Xu Ziyan will die?

Under this circumstance, the team of Xu Ziyan became more and more huge. Later, this incident spread in the southern fairy world. Those orphans, or those who lived extremely hard, actually took the initiative to rely on Xu Ziyan. So come. The standard of Xu Ziyan's choice of disciples has once again increased.

And Sha Qianli, Pu Songhe, iron heavy, Zheng Hongzhen, snow flies, intoxicated. Xu Tianwo and 12 of the original monks who had gone to the Taixu dynasty had reached the initial stage of the restoration.

nameless. Ling Xiao, Xu Lin, Ximen Lonely Smoke, Di Yi, Ling Yijian. Fire dance, Gongzi forging, Ximen jade, Xu Qinyang reached the early stage of human respect.

Xu Xingfan, Xu Yutian and Xu Zhenshan Xu, together with the 14 Xujia Xiushi including Xu Tianma, Xu Tianwu, Xu Tianqi and Xu Tiancheng, reached the early stage of Xiandi.

In the sand, thousands of miles, Pu Songhe, iron heavy, Zheng Hong array, snow flies, intoxicated. Xu Tianwo and 12 of the original monks who had gone to the Taixu sects had reached the initial stage of the restoration. Xu Ziyan immediately discovered that the Dan Yao gas had no effect on them, nor did it have any effect. It is too small. In this way, after they stabilized the realm, Xu Ziyan simply let them come outside, walk with her, and feel the heavens. However, Xu Ziyan still hides a heart, and uses the convergence of the fairy charm to cover up their cultivation. She does not want the southern monk to know that the repair of the Taixu monk has been leaps and bounds. In that case, it is likely that The monks of the Yuan Dynasty doubted what they had obtained in the remains of Dan Fuzong.

Not to mention, the 19 monks who broke through to the early days of the land, such as Sha Qianli, were delighted, but they had another thought. This is not because they have any bad thoughts, just like Xu Tianlang can not have any bad thoughts on Xu Ziyan, but they have been unable to see through the cultivation of Xu Ziyan!

From the outside, Xu Ziyan is an ordinary mortal, but is Xu Ziyan an ordinary mortal who still don't know? If Xu Ziyan is a mortal, is there a fairy?

However, they really want to know what their own master is doing, and they can't ask directly. Then they squint and ask for a discussion with Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan certainly agrees, she also wants to see the strength of these people, but also wants to Look at the effects of your recent insights.

She is a good repairer in the later period, but because of the self-contained space in the body, the original explosive power and endurance are super strong. Even if it is repaired now, the smaller the degree, the equivalent of the realm of the mid-term. However, her body strength is growing, and she has already reached the peak of her later stage. The most powerful thing is that her realm of Yuanshen has reached the peak of Tianzun's later stage. The understanding and application of the rules of Heaven are in the early days.

Therefore, after a trick with Xu Tianwo, it was easy to let these landlords come together early. Then the result is that these just-breaking, elated, and full-fledged monks have been abused.

When they returned from the void and joined the enchanted magical magic, they all walked with Xu Ziyan honestly and realized the heavens.

They still don't know what Xu Ziyan is doing, but the look of Xu Ziyan is already full of awe.

After a few days, the nameless, Ling Xiao, Xu Lin, Ximen Lonely Smoke, Di Yi, Ling Yijian, Fire Dance, Gongzi Forging, Ximen Yu, Xu Qinyang reached the peak of Renzun.

Xu Xingfan, Xu Yutian and Xu Zhenshan Xu, together with the four Xujia Xiujia including Xu Tianma, Xu Tianwu, Xu Tianqi and Xu Tiancheng, reached the peak of the early Emperor.

And just when these people were being abused by the magic, Xu Ziyan finally realized the dark wind attribute to the realm of Dacheng. Xu Ziyan immediately handed over everything outside to the first nineteen places, such as Sha Qianli. She left the team and went to an uninhabited place to enter the purple smoke space. Then enter the time array method, and then hold the crystal veins to absorb it. After staying until the critical point of the breakthrough is reached, she will break through the water and become the master of the late peak. The monk of the honorable period has taken a solid step.

Xu Ziyan returned to the ranks and continued to explore the heavens while hiking, while letting Sha Qianli and others continue to recruit disciples. This is the most happy thing for Sha Qianli and others. Even they have given up the time to understand Tiandao. Most of the energy is used to recruit disciples. In fact, they are also very clear in their hearts. Although they have the power of Dan Demon, they have a time array and have magical exercises, but their breakthrough is still too fast, and there is no possibility of any improvement in a short time.

Xu Ziyan walked on foot like this until the forty-six Taixu monks broke through to the early stage of the land, she still walked like this, and after a full year of travel, Xu Ziyan had to stop this kind of hiking experience. The behavior of heaven.

Not to mention the people who followed her to the Wuthering Mountains, they said that the new disciples under the age of fifteen who had been recruited on the road to Taixu had reached 3,782. This team is a bit too big and a bit swayed. Therefore, Xu Ziyan decided to end this sentiment, and all the people were taken into the space fairy, and then took the baby to fly to the Taixu of the Wuthering Mountains.

After three months, Xu Ziyan returned to Taixu. At the door of Taixu Zong, all the people were released from the space fairy, so that Sha Qianli and others first settled those who were preparing to settle in the Wuthering Mountains, and then placed these newly recruited disciples.

In this way, the number of people in Taixu has exceeded 4,000, far exceeding the scale of the third-rate medium-sized Zongmen. And the most important thing is to have a lot of monks and monks. At the same time, there is also the magical demon, the early monk of the Tianzun, and the Taixu sect is also barely counted as one of the great forces in the South. Even if it is not comparable to the eight major families, it is similar to the weakest one.

Yan Yalong also came to Taixu with his family disciples early. After Xu Ziyan met them, he immediately sneaked to see the first one. He saw the progress of a large array of arrangements. Xu Ziyan couldn’t spend ten years, but It will take another three or four years to complete the layout of the big Zhou Tianjian, which is the peak of the last product.

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