The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2268: Ten arrays

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And now this bet is still very beneficial to the Yaozu, if the Yaozu is defeated, just go back. But if you win, and Taixu Zong fights outside the big battle. At that time, it was a melee, and with the strength of one's own side, it was completely possible to defeat Taixu and kill the Taixu.

Moreover, he does not think that the ten bets will be lost to the demon, and it is impossible for Taixu to have that strength. They also know a little about Taixu. Only the purple smoke in front of me is somewhat mysterious. There is also a demon and a demon that are said to be quite powerful. The rest are said to be some emperors. Even if those emperors have made breakthroughs in recent years, they are just human respects. Is it better than their respect? As for the attack on Taixu, it does not hurt the humans in the Wuthering Mountains. This is nothing, and it does not put those human beings in the eye.

"Good!" The big demon immediately agreed, and this cheapness is simply disrespectful to God.

Xu Ziyan nodded and had his own plan in mind. He won, and could avoid the looting of the Wuthering Mountains. If you lose, you will expose the strength of the illusory, and expel these demon people.

Don't look at Taixu Zong, it is very likely that you will lose alone, but the melee will be different. The Yaozu only has 18 emperors, but the Taixu side does not count itself, the magical demon, the white and the hope, but also has 46 masters of the land, even though it is only the beginning of the land.

However, the real melee, the other 18 deities of the demon family, the magician and the self can fully cope. In this way, the forty-six masters of the Taixu sect can kill the Yaozu. If it were not for fear that it would affect the monks in the Wuthering Mountains and hide some of the power of the Taixu, Xu Ziyan immediately attacked the Yaozu.

The Yaozu soon selected ten players. Sure enough, as Xu Ziyan thought, only one of the ten big demons was in the early stage, and the remaining nine were the monks above the peak of the first time, and the peak of the land was also in the late stage.

The first one is naturally the lowest demon in the early stage of the demon, and Xu Ziyan has now returned to the gate of the mountain, looking at the forty-six early monks of the land:

"We have to win this game, who will play?"

The monks also know that this game must be won, because only the big demon in this field is the beginning of the land, and their strength is equal, if this game can not get. That gambling will not have to go on. So everyone is very cautious. Xu Tianwo looked at everyone and just wanted to step out, but saw Zheng Hongzhen walked out:

"I come!"

Xu Ziyan looked a little glimpse, she really did not expect Zheng Hongzhen to come out. Do not ask carefully:

"I am sure!" Zheng Hongzhen had a chest, and then he said: "But you need the lord to help."

There is a large array of guards. Xu Ziyan did not care about being heard by the outside Yaozu, looking at Zheng Hong’s line: “What do I need to help me?”

"That... can you not let the outside demon see it?"

Xu Ziyan nodded and incited a fingering. The big squad quietly changed. In the vision of the outside Yaozu, Xu Ziyan and others seemed to be standing still in the field, but in fact Zheng Hongzhen had already reached the front of Xu Ziyan. Take out the 16-faced flag road:

"Sovereign, can you give me sixteen hidden secrets?"

Xu Ziyan immediately understood that Zheng Hongzheng wanted to secretly arrange the formation. He and the Yaozu were both in the early stage of the land, and their strength was quite as long as the Yaozu was interfered by the formation. Zheng Hongzhen has a great chance of winning.

Xu Ziyan's fingers were repeatedly shot, and sixteen hidden secrets were released on the 16-faced flag, but the sixteen-faced flag between the blinks was hidden and disappeared. Zheng Hongzheng collected the sixteen-faced flag and Xu Ziyan decided to move. The big array recovered as usual, and Zheng Hong’s big sleeve flew out of the mountain gate.

The big demon on the opposite side saw that the imaginary sect was also an early stage of the land, and he could not help but secretly nod. The imaginary sect was still very important in identity, and there was no monk who was repaired as the first time. However, even if it is too imaginary, he is not afraid of a monk who is a high-ranking monk. It is necessary to know that the nine people who played in the back of the Yaozu are all the masters of the early stage of the land. Do you have so many masters in Taixu?

It is not that he despise Taixu, how can a third-rate medium-sized Zongmen have so many masters?

After Zheng Hongzhen and the opposite big demon passed each other's names, they were no longer polite to each other and simply moved their hands. These two great monks are really in the middle of the game, you come to me to play lively, and the demon family is dependent on the strong body and the command of the gods, but also faintly occupy a slight advantage. However, he did not know that just after he had the upper hand, when the heart rose a little triumphantly, the sixteen-faced flag of Zheng Hongzhen had been spilled out.

The big demon on the opposite side suddenly felt that he was in a void, and he could no longer see the trace of Zheng Hongzhen. And his actions seem to be bound and become a little slow.

Just in the moment of this heartbeat, the empty space above his head smashed a gap without any symptoms, and a sword smashed down. It happened suddenly, and it was too late to dodge. A skull was smashed into two halves, and even the body was smashed into two halves.


The figure of Zheng Hongzhen flashed out from the void, and the left arm swung a large sleeve, and a fire dragon flew out, swallowing the body of the big demon.

"Oh..." Zheng Hongzhen flew back to Taixu Zong, and prayed to Xu Ziyan: "The sovereign, fortunately, not to be insulted."

"Very good!" Xu Ziyan's face burst into a smile. Regardless of the next nine games, at the very least, I won the opening.

The big demon outside the mountain gate is very embarrassed, but the heart is not too much to do one thing, just lost one? I see how you win in the next nine games? However, Zheng Hongzhen simply killed the Yaozu he sent, but he still felt very angry in his heart, and a pair of fierce eyes looked at Xu Ziyan.

This is the turn of the Taixu ancestors to play the monk, and has not waited for the opening of the purple smoke, Xu Tianwo will tighten his hand:

"I am coming this time!"

Xu Ziyan pondered a bit, he will be in the first game, presumably the other party will not be unruly, directly discharge a late stage of the land, even if the other ten selected by the other party has no land in the early stage, it will also be discharged Respect the peak of the beginning. If you want to lose the wolf, you will not lose your life. Then nodded:

"Temple brother, be careful."


Xu Tianwo nodded heavily, and when he emptied, he flew outside the mountain gate. The big squadron at the gate of the mountain smashed a bit, and the shape of the scorpion wolf rushed out like a smashed water curtain, screaming in the air:

"Too virtual, Xu Tianwo!"

"Ancient, go and kill him!" The demon of the late peaks of the land was lightly snorted.

"I will come to you!"

A big demon rises from the demon camp, and his body appears in the sky, and a dragon squats toward Xu Tianwo. A big mouth, the wind blade of the sky whizzed toward the Xutian wolf.

In the eyes of the monks, Xu Tianwo's body suddenly showed a colorful light, and then his figure disappeared, and the colorful light suddenly spread out, and the dragon was shrouded inside.

There was confusion in the eyes of the old man in the phantom of the tower, but there was still a vigilance in the eyes. However, as a female Snapdragon appeared in front of him, the shyness in the eyes immediately became a fanatic, shaking his head toward the female dragon.

The female dragon was naturally illusioned by the singer of the scorpion, and in the moment of a charming smile welcoming the female dragon, a long gun pierced his reverse scale and pierced his The heart, a force burst in the heart, the body that is shaking its head and tail is stiff, the ancient cockroach wakes up, but feels that his life is rapidly losing...

Xu Tianwo received a long gun in his hand and collected the body of the ancient scorpion into the storage ring. The colorful light of the sky converges toward the middle, and the figure of the scorpion wolf appears.


Xu Tianwo's figure flew back to the front of Xu Ziyan, and he said: "The sovereign, fortunately, not to be insulted."

"Silang brother, your phantom is getting more and more amazing!" Xu Ziyan said with delight.

"Oh..." Xu Tianwo also smiled happily and said: "I have recently touched the doorway of the Loulou sector. Maybe it will take a long time for me to cultivate my own world."

"Really?" Xu Ziyan stared at the eyes and excitedly looked at Xu Tianwo.

"Yeah!" Xu Tianwo's face was also full of smiles.

The big demon face outside the mountain gate sinks into the water. He didn't think that he would lose two games in a row, and the two tyrants won the upright. The strength of the first two sides is quite equal. The second time the revision of the monk is too small.

This...there is really no excuse for losing.

The sullen face tells the other land to stand on the peak of the early stage. He wants to see what person will the Taixu sect send in the third game?

"I am coming this time!"

To everyone's expectation, this sound is a low-key intoxication. However, Xu Ziyan is very aware of his sister, his own kendo fairy or intoxicated. With Xu Ziyan's understanding of Kendo, it is absolutely no problem to indulge in a small step.

Therefore, Xu Ziyan also nodded very relievedly: "Shen Shijie is careful!"

Looking at the back of the intoxicated flower, Xu Ziyan’s heart suddenly remembered taking thousands of miles, and the heart could not help but emerge a trace of thought:

"I don't know where Master is now? Is it okay?"

To say that although the Yaozu lost two games in a row, the heart was very unconvinced. Because these two games have places that they don't understand too much, they feel that their side is inexplicable.


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