In the first game, the demon who played on his own side suddenly seemed to be stupid, letting Zheng Hongzhen become a sword in two. The second time was even more exaggerated. The ancient cockroaches in the battle suddenly became estrus, and then they were killed in estrus...

However, at the beginning of the third layer, the martial arts that were intoxicated with the spirits were unfolded, and these demon people really saw the Taoist law.

Although the intoxication flower is a small step lower than the other side, it is completely crushing the other side. The kendo is spread out, and the densely-formed monk formed by the sword holds the sword and instantly submerges the opposite demon...

Only the opposite Yaozu is also the peak of the early sacred, a little higher than the intoxicated flower, and it took almost a quarter of an hour to burn out.

Not bad!

It’s just a smog! It was smashed into a powder by countless swords.

Xu Ziyan had already opened her eyes and smiled at this time. She did not think that her strength was too low! Today, I have won three games without exposing the true strength of Taixu. As long as you win three more games, the bet will be gambling.

The face of the demon in the late stage of the mountain gate is a bit green. What kind of people are there in this imaginary?

This is this... is this too fierce?

I have lost some of the two games just now, but this third layer is a clean, isn't it clean? The whole body was smashed by the other side into a powder...

The momentum of the Yaozu is down, but the momentum of the Taixu monks is high, especially those teenagers who have seen the strength of the Zongmen. In the heart of excitement and excitement, one by one worshipped the eyes of Xu Tianlang, Zheng Hongzhen and Shen drunk three people.

In the fourth game, it was the turn of the Taixu ancestor to send a monk. Ling Xiao smiled and went forward: "The lord, let me come here!"

Xu Ziyan sank a bit, Xu Tianwo has a tower, Ling Xiao has a white tiger, it is estimated that there is also a force of war? However, this time the demon is dispatched, but the land is in the middle of the season. Then he said with some uncertainty:

"Ling brother, this time the other side is playing in the middle of the middle!"

Ling Xiao still smiled and said: "I try!"

"Good! However, if it is not low, then retreat!" Xu Ziyan said with concern. She didn't want Ling to throw her life outside in order to fight for it.

"I know!"

When Ling Xiao took a step, his body shape rushed out. The opposite side actually rushed out of a middle age. At this time, although he saw that Ling Xiao was only an early stage of the land, he did not dare to despise it. It’s been three games. It’s the beginning of the land, but what about it? Are people still winning?

Therefore, he not only dared not to have the slightest contempt, but was extremely cautious, and Ling Xiao fought in the air. The two great monks started from the temptation to the later firepower, and Ling Xiao was only the beginning of the land. It began to fall gradually.


The opposite Yaozu saw that Ling Xiao had fallen to the bottom, and he wanted to kill him with a bang. He simply showed the body and made his strongest strength.

It was a winged tiger with two wings unfolding. The speed is faster, a tiger's mouth is open, and a powerful light bomb is being generated quickly.

The winged tiger has locked in Ling Xiao, and he firmly believes that as long as this light bomb is ejected, the human being will be smashed into the slag.

"The Sovereign..." The sand in the mountain gate anxiously summoned Xu Ziyan, and the result of the winged tiger can be seen, and Shaqianli can also see it.

"It doesn't matter!" Xu Ziyan shook his head gently. Because by this time, the white tiger of Ling Xiao has not been displayed.


Behind Ling Xiao suddenly appeared a huge white tiger image, a roar made the opposite of the winged tiger is a surprise. The white tiger's pressure was overwhelming, and the heart of the tiger was trembled. Although he knew that the opposite was a human being, not a white tiger, it was still affected. Although the light bullets in the tiger's mouth were ejected, they could no longer lock the scorpion, and they were easily evaded by Ling Xiao.


Ling Xiao sighed, and the sacrificed sword turned into a white tiger and rushed toward the winged tiger...

Not to mention the demon family, it is the sand of the imaginary side. Pu Songhe and others also looked at Ling Xiao with shock, and then turned their eyes to Xu Tianwo and Shen Qianhua, and secretly said:

"Who are the people brought back by the Sovereign? Is it so strong? The challenge is more common."

I also looked at other people in Xu’s family, and said in my heart: "They won’t be like this?"

Of course, the people of Xu Jia will not be so, and strictly speaking, the three people who appeared in the show, only Xu Tianlang is the real Xu family, intoxication and Ling Xiao is not really Xu family.

At this time, the battle outside the mountain gate has begun to become fierce, both sides began to be injured, and the injury is getting worse. But this person, a demon, is holding on to his teeth.

The Yaozu has lost three games in a row, and the Tigers don’t want to lose again. He didn't want to lose, and Ling Xiao didn't want to lose. Xu Tianwo won, if he lost, where is the face? He and Xu Tianlang all along the way from the mainland to the mainland, it is a good friend who is not a fake, but also has a heart of competition. Even if Xu Tianwo is facing the peak of the first land, he is facing a medium-term respect, and he does not want to lose.

Therefore, the two great monks struggled to call it a fierce, **** flies, and bones were exposed in some parts of the body. The white tiger image behind him has become dim. If he was not tempered by the white tiger, no matter how strong his soul and body are, he far surpassed his cultivation. At this time, he has already fallen.

Xu Ziyan opened his mouth and wanted to open his mouth. But I felt someone pulling her sleeve and turning around and looking at it, but Xu Tianwo was shaking her head slightly.

For Ling Xiao’s understanding, Xu Ziyan is far from being as good as Sirius. Seeing Xu Tianwo shaking his head, Xu Ziyan hesitated for a moment, and finally closed his mouth.

In fact, Xu Tianwo's heart is also very worried, but he understands Ling Xiao's psychology. If Xu Ziyan gave birth to Ling Xiao, he would pull back Ling. Ling Xiao is not going to fall, but it is a torture for Ling Xiao. Not to mention that Ling Xiao and Xu Tianwo are in the dark, they say that although Ling Xiao has lost the idea of ​​Xu Ziyan and Xu Ziyan as a Taoist, but if Xu Ziyan really admits to him, it will make Ling Xiao from a loss.

I was conceded by a woman I once loved and loved. I still have a face to live in this world. Maybe if I don’t want to open it, I will commit suicide.

Xu Ziyan and Xu Tianwo are entangled here, but the teenagers are too bloody. They see the blood of their predecessors. At this time, a spirit breeds in their hearts and grows in their hearts. In this battle, the cohesion was rapidly increasing.

Before this, these teenagers went to Taixu, just want to find a place where they can live, not living like today, not knowing what tomorrow. Although they are grateful to Xu Ziyan for giving them a place to live and give them a chance to cultivate, but to say that the Taixu sect is regarded as their own life to protect, it is really not to that point. But now there is that trend.

The sky was silent, because Ling Xiao and the big demon exhausted the power of the body. Their figure is falling weakly toward the bottom, and they can't even keep floating in the air.

The body shape flashed, Xu Ziyan appeared outside the mountain gate, holding Ling Xiao in his arms, and the big demon on the opposite side also flew out, holding the winged tiger in his arms.

"How about this draw?" Xu Ziyan said with a sigh.

"Good!" The face of the big demon was very unsightly, and he promised a voice, and his body shape flew back.

"I'm sorry!" Ling Xiao said laboriously, blood spewed in his mouth.

"Ling brother, we won't lose this game. We only have to win two games." Xu Ziyan said softly.

Ling blinked and understood the meaning of Xu Ziyan. Nowadays, it is too imaginary to win three games and one level. As long as you win two more games, you will win the game. It is really flat and won and you can't eat a lot. When the heart was loose, Ling Xiao was in a coma.

Xu Ziyan sighed softly, and his body shape returned to the Taixu. I took out a space fairy, and then I took Ling Xiao into the space fairy, took out a large bucket, poured the fairy into it, then put it in, and fed him an elixir. I left the space fairy and came outside.

In the fifth game, this time it was the turn of the demon to send a monk first, naturally another middle age. Sha Qianli and others looked at the Xu family, and guessed who would be the shot.

Looking at the eyes of the monks, most of the Xu family's minds are a bitter smile, where there are so many monks who can challenge the more difficult places?

"I am coming!" Xu Qinyang smiled and walked out.

The eyes of Xu Ziyan are bright, and Xu Qinyang is also the root of the five attributes, which can definitely be challenged. Should there be no problem in the middle of the last land? Nodded to Xu Qinyang, he said with concern:

"Qin Yang brother, be careful!"

"rest assured!"

Xu Qinyang smiled and waved his sleeves out of the mountain gate. The big demon on the opposite side saw the Taixu sect and came out in the early stage of the land. He could not help but frown slightly.

Is it true that the monks who are too imaginary can challenge more and more?

With the first four games, he couldn't help him become cautious. He completely ignored his own cultivation and was higher than Xu Qin. He took the lead in posing a defensive posture. However, he did not expect that Xu Qinyang did not attack him. Instead, he sat down on the knees and had a guqin on his knees. Before he could react, he saw Xu Qinyang’s one hand on the strings.

The sound of the piano that smashed the soul was shrouded toward him. Only in an instant he felt his own gods confused, and the chapter of the soul sleep went through his soul.


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