The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2277: The war will start


In the past few years, people are too imaginary to really have no plans to expand their forces in the South.

Ok! Even if people expand, from the third-class small Zongmen expansion to the third-rate medium-sized Zongmen, but people do not grab resources with the eight families? People have been staying in the Wuthering Mountains, and they have nothing to do with the forces of the southern parties.

But what about the city government? Then he dealt with the great meaning of Taixu, and controlled the circulation of resources in the South. He secretly recruited various forces in the Ming Dynasty, and carried out various kinds of struggles and differentiations among the eight major families, so that each family in the eight major families developed various internal struggles, but the city government took advantage of the profits. .

Everyone was worried about all kinds of things, and they exchanged their eyes with each other. Hu Yanyun spoke to the mouth, but Ouyang Xun suddenly began to speak. Moreover, what he said was some words, but the tone was a down-to-face tone, and the domineering was exposed. One of the eight owners had already regarded it as a subordinate. It was only a matter of time to compile the eight major families.

Eight people are depressed, but they don’t want to turn their faces with Ouyang Xun. They still want to make the last effort to let Ouyang Xun awake, their eight families are not soft persimmons. But today, Ouyang Xun is very happy, it is endless, and I can't let others interject, and occasionally I laugh a few times.

After waiting for Ouyang Xun to speak thirsty, when he was drinking from the stone table, Hu Yanyun hurriedly said:

"Ouyang City Lord, we have blocked the Taixu sect for several years. Everyone knows that one third of the resources we run for family management come from the Wuthering Mountains. In the past few years, we have lost the family's losses too much. Now that it is The city government and the eight major families have joined forces to deal with the Taixu, then we are able to give some compensation for the loss of the family?"

Ouyang Xun screamed at the look of the stunned eyes, and his eyes swept over the eight owners, and he understood it. The feelings of the eight-headed covenant this time are not for surrender, but to tell him about the conditions, and look like today if they don’t give a statement to the eight major families, they will join hands to deal with the city government.

Compensating for the Huyan family?

Isn’t the effort in my own years been in vain? He knew that this mouth could never be opened. When he opened it, he gave too many excuses to the eight families. Also let the eight major families think that they are weak, and they want to completely recover the eight major families.

Fortunately, this is only the conditions for the Huyan family, so I am sorry, since you are calling the family to be the first bird. It is only by destroying your first bird to shock other families. Thinking of it, the look is a bit:

"Today, everyone steals half a day, just reminiscent of the old, and why do you want to mention some official things to confuse the people. Besides, it is the Southern Righteousness to deal with the Taixu, and can you care about the loss of their families?"

Hu Yanyun’s fire was on fire, not only his fire, but Li Yue, who had been holding on to the fire for a long time, was even more angry.

Dealing with Taixu Zong This is the Southern Righteousness, and can you care about the loss of their respective families? What do you mean? Feelings, what should we lose? Now put the wine glass in the hand on the stone table:

"Ouyang City Lord, have you said this? Since you are headed by the eight major families to block too imaginary. You should also bear the greatest responsibility. Otherwise, why do you want to be the Southern League Lord? Every time you get the benefits Your city's main government accounted for the most? When it was time for the loss, it was our eight major families? Do the lords always have a ally?"

Ouyang Xun suddenly heard his face and said: "Li Yue, since I know that I am the lord, I have to be up and down. You Li Jia and Hu Yan family are close to the Taixu, if the future is too imaginary want Expansion forces. The first impact is the two of you. At that time, our city government and the other six families will be free to help the monks to help you. Now you have been complained about such a loss, is it in the future if you two The family was attacked by too imaginary. If we don’t give us a reward, we will not help the monks, and watch you being wiped out by Taixu?”

Li Yue’s face is blue: “Ouyang Xun is fierce, has Taixu come to the South for a few years? People have not made any discomfort against the South.

Yes, our Li family and Huyan family are close to the Taixu. But does this mean that too imaginary will attack our two families? Now we have not seen Taixu attacking our two families, but we have seen the loss of our family because of your plan. Today we must give us a statement, otherwise we will not implement this plan. ”

Several other people rushed to intervene and persuaded, but just persuaded two sentences, they heard a "squeaky" sound, Ouyang Xun snapped the table.

"Li Yue. Hu Yanyun, you two don't want to know the current affairs. I really explained it to you today. The strength of your two families is nothing in front of the main government of our city, and it is against the Taixu. The general trend. Both of your families have strength and strength, and dare to go against the trend. Is this going to be a disaster for your family?"

"Ouyang City Lord, you have been talking so much..." Several homeowners began to persuade Ouyang to be quick.


Li Yue and Hu Yanyun here also took a table. The faces of both of them were iron blue, and their hearts were already very angry. Ouyang Xun Meng was already naked and showed the fangs of their family.

"Ouyang Xun Meng, the deity today is the end of the whole family to die, and will not cooperate with you again. You are a wolf, eat people who do not spit bones. If you dare to start our family, I want to get rid of your mouth tooth."

"You are bold!" Ouyang Xun suddenly stood up from the chair, and a "bang" of the power was radiated from the body.



The momentum of Li Yue and Hu Yanyun was also released, and the momentum of the three people collided in the air.

"Oh la la..."

The stone table in the middle is divided.

"Ouyang Xun Meng, today we are two from the Southern Alliance, and there is no trace of cooperation with your city's government. What's the matter? With courage, you take the monks of your city's main government directly to attack Taixu, do something bright and fair, don't Here we are dragging us to do things that are not allowed to be on the table. It is really what people do, and those who can’t be on the table can only do things that are not allowed.

This time, Ouyang’s swift face was also iron blue, and he stepped forward and said coldly: “Look for death!”

"Hey..." Li Yue and Hu Yanyun also tore their faces at this time, stepping forward without hesitation, welcoming Ouyang Xun:

"Okay, today we have three battles, and we will not die."

Ouyang Xun suddenly responded, everyone is a patriarch, and repairing is also quite. Oneself is definitely not the opponent of Li Yue and Hu Yanyun. The other homeowners, the best result is not to help Li Yue and Hu Yanyun. Once it is hit, this loss is fixed.

At this time, a figure rushed up and fell on the Baiyun Mountain. I couldn’t help but see the scene in front of me, but I couldn’t take care of it. I walked to Ouyang Xun’s front and gave me a gift. Road:

"The city owner, the three major commercial banks have just announced that they have jointly established a Southern Business Alliance. The first thing they have done is to reduce the prices of the goods sold by the three major firms by one percent."

Everyone has calmed down, and Ouyang’s rapid look has changed. He realized that the three major firms were starting to fight back. If you and the eight major families also jointly cut prices, the three major commercial banks will continue to cut prices, and 10% of the land will drop, and will drag down the city's main government and the eight major families.

If we talk about wealth, even if the city government and the eight major families unite, it is not the three major business banks. What's more, today's Huyan family and Li family have clearly separated from the Southern Alliance, so they will not be able to fight the three major firms.


But it is impossible to let the three major businesses suppress the southern family. Moreover, this situation is not only that the city government does not agree, that is, the six major families are not able to sit and watch, which involves their vital interests. Only Hu Yanyun and Li Yue stand on the sidelines. Anyway, they have lost a lot, and they don’t care about continuing to lose. This time, the loss is not only for them, but with the city government.

This is why you are not good, and you can't see other people's good psychology.

Ouyang Xun’s eyes no longer look at Hu Yanyun and Li Yue, but instead look at the other six main roads:

"This matter has no room for retreat, and we can't compete with the three major commercial banks. I want to agree with me on this point?"

The six masters looked at each other and nodded. They could not avoid this matter. And they are also fighting for the wealth of the three major business firms.

"Then we can only speak by strength! The South is my South, no matter who is the other forces, we must first get our consent when we want to enter the South. Since the three major businesses have emerged this time, we just take this opportunity to let The entire Upper Territory knows the rules of our South."

“What are we going to do?” asked the Yang family’s head.

"We joined forces to deal with the three major firms. The three major firms were expelled from the South. If the three major firms want to enter the South, they must sit down and talk to us. Everything in the South must conform to our rules."

"This is to fight with the three major commercial banks?" Zheng Jiajia's eyes flashed a fine mans.

"Not bad!" Ouyang Xun said coldly: "This time against the three major commercial banks in the south must be devastating, to give the three major businesses a profound lesson."

Speaking of this, Ouyang Xun’s face showed a smile: “The three major businesses have too many good things. In this action, we divide the regions, and the things we get in each region belong to their respective families.”

"Good!" The eyes of the six masters all lit up.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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