The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2278: accidental

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Ouyang Xun turned his head and glanced at Hu Yanyun and Li Yue, and sneered a sneer: "You two can go. From now on, your two families are no longer in the Southern League. I am very optimistic about the future of your two families. You have to squint and watch.

Humph! Leaving the Southern Alliance? I hope that your two families can afford this result! ”

Hu Yanyun and Li Yue were pale. The two men looked at each other and looked at the six masters. But they saw that none of the six families looked at them.

They understand that there are three big businesses, this big fat meat, where are the six owners who will manage their two things? As for the end of the three major business houses, the six families of the family can join forces against the city government! Anyway, it doesn't matter if they have two weak families.

At the moment, the two people felt disheartened and worried, and the two men flew down the peak.

On the other side of the fairy boat that flew in the direction of the Wuthering Mountains, Hu Yanyun and Li Yue sat opposite each other. Both people are scowling.

It is impossible for two people not to frown. They have already torn their faces with the city government. Now their situation is that the top of the front is too imaginary, and the back of the city government, the two sides of the righteous children are caught in the middle. The form has been sinister to the extreme, and if it is not handled well, it is in danger of destroying the family.

Now that there are three major business, the six families have already taken them to the side. After finishing the three major businesses, maybe the six families will join hands with the city government to clean up their two families. They have no damage. Will also get a benefit. After that, the six major families joined forces and the city government office was also arbitrarily.

In this situation, the two of them want to survive without foreign aid, and the difficulty is really unusual.


Where is foreign aid?

This is not to let two people look relative to each other.

"Oh..." The two men sighed at the same time.

In fact, the two people are very clear at this time, and now there are only two ways to go before them. One road is to soften to the city's main government, but the result is that it has become the master of the city's government. It is certain that Ouyang Xun will be used as cannon fodder in the days to come, and Ouyang Xun will definitely let them deal with the other six families. The outcome of this cannon fodder is still likely to be annihilated.

The second way is to form an alliance with Taixu. Regardless of the strength of the imaginary sect, at least one side of the party has one more strength. Moreover, the threat of Taixu to himself was removed, so that he was no longer in a bad situation caught in the middle.

However, this is also disadvantageous on the one hand, that is, the Huyan family and the Li family will be defeated in the opposite of the forces of the whole South. After all, almost the entire southern forces have resistance to Taixu. They did not consider whether the tyrants would agree to form an alliance with them.

Does this need to be considered?

Taixu Zong has been isolated by the forces of the southern parties. Now they are willing to join the Taizong family and the Li family. That is too imaginary to rush to come forward?

Therefore, the two people immediately discussed it. The final decision on this matter is really not able to form an alliance with Taixu, and they can't bear the anger from the whole South. However, it is necessary to leave a back road for yourself. At the very least, Taixu is not hostile to himself. I will not slap myself on my back when I am on the opposite side of the city.

The intention of both of them is to contact the secret and the Taixu, to express their goodwill, and even to make a promise to secretly acquire some herbs and ore from the Wuthering Mountains.

However... this price must be lower.

Not bad!

The price must be depressed, which will make up for the loss of some families in recent years.

Will Taixu Zong promise?

This does not have to be considered at all. Taixu was blocked for so many years. I am afraid that Xu Ziyan has brought a lot of resources from Yuzong and should be consumed almost?

We are called the charcoal in the snow, do you understand?

After the two men negotiated a plan, they only relaxed a little. After they have settled the Taixu, they can concentrate on the city government. The two of them believe that the six families may not join the city government to attack their family at the beginning. The six families are very happy to see the city government and their two families. Take a profit.

Xianzhou had already arrived in the territory of the Huyan family. Hu Yanyun invited Li Yue to sit in the family. Li Yue shook his head. He didn't have so much thought at this time, and he thought about going back to re-arrange the family. The first thing is to announce the face of the city government. Then prepare for the city government.

The two men confessed to the air and bid farewell to each other. After three days, they each handled the family affairs and then met to discuss the specific issues of the two teams.

However, at this time, the appearance of Hu Yanyun was slightly changed, because he saw the sword in the fairy city below the family. Looking into the bottom, I saw a man and a woman standing in the middle of the street. There were hundreds of monks of the Huyan family standing around the man and the woman. On the walls of the shops on both sides of the street, there were eight monks of the Huyan family. Hanged on it.

Not bad!

It was hung on it, and it was nailed to the wall by the eight-pointed arrow, but the eight arrows only shot through the shoulders of the eight monks, and then nailed the eight monks to the wall, and did not kill the eight monks. .


There was a cold sigh in the air, and a figure instantly came to the face of the man and the woman. A big hand patted the man and the woman. Hu Yanyun’s eyes are condensed, and the coming is the elder of the Huyan family. It is an early Tianzun. The heart can't help but see, is that a man and a woman a great monk in the Tianzun period?

I rushed to look at it, and I really couldn’t see through the other’s cultivation. He is the cultivation of the late peaks of the land. Since he can't see the cultivation of a man and a woman, the cultivation of the family is at least the beginning of Tianzun.

Facing the palm of the early monk of the Houyan family, the man’s face showed a chill, and he slammed it out with a fist.


A loud bang, the man just shook a little on the upper body, but the shape of the early Tianzun of the Huyan family was flying backwards.

At this moment, the woman’s hand did not know when there was a bow and arrow.


A burst of sharp arrows broke, and the body of the Huyan family’s big man in the air immediately released the shield, and at the same time hit the fairy to attack those sharp arrows. However, there was a sharp arrow running through his shoulder, with his body scoring an arc in the air, "taking" a shot, hitting the wall and hanging him on the wall.

Hu Yanyun was shocked in the heart. This is what people dare to go to the Huyan family to make trouble. The Huyan family is weak in the eight major families in the south, but the family also has the great monk of the mid-peak of the Xianzun. The other party is actually in the family of the Huyan family. Do you want to bully people?

"You are so courageous, you dare to make trouble in the family of the Hoyan family!" At this time, a monk of the Huyan family opposite the man and woman in Xiancheng shouted:

"Do you really think that the Huyan family can't kill you?"

The woman heard a cold voice: "Kill us? Just rely on you?"

He is naturally not qualified. He is only an early stage of the land. Even the great monks of the family's sacred period are nailed to the wall at this time. Where does he have that qualification? But here is the Huyan family. He can't weaken his momentum, and he can't let his own monk is hanging on the wall.

"My ancestors will arrive soon, you will quickly put ...", here, glanced at the nine people on the two sides of the wall:

"Put the person first, otherwise you will die if you have a big reason."

Hu Yanyun had already blew his lungs at this time. He was humiliated by Ouyang Xun in Baiyun Mountain. Now he has returned home, and he even found out that some people bullied them and called home to bully.

However, the other party is obviously two Tianzun, and his late peak is not an opponent. If one's attitude is tough, and he can't be nailed to the wall by the other party, then the person will be lost.

I have to say that I have to force myself to suppress my shame and drag things to my ancestors. He knows that his ancestors have been retreating in the back mountain, and it takes some time to call the ancestors to go out. The figure fell from the sky, stood opposite the man and the woman, carefully measured it and found that he did not know each other, then he sank:

"Two, in the next is the patriarch of the Huyan family. I don't know if the two are going to declare war with our family."

"You are the patriarch here?" The man glanced at him and made a scream between the openings.

"Not bad!"

The woman on the side sullenly snorted: "You are too overbearing in the family of the family? We are just asking for a way here, they will catch us."

At this time, Li Yue also fell to the side of Hu Yanyun, and looked at Hu Yanyun with a strange look. That means that you are so overbearing when you call the family mission? Hu Yanyun is also a look at it. If it is usually in peacetime, he will not take care of it. It is necessary to take this man and woman down. But now the Huyan family really can't stand the toss, not to mention the two men in front of them are not ordinary monks, but the monks of the Tianzun period. Then he reached out and looked for a hand to the next family monk, who immediately ran to his front.

"what happened?"

"The two men came here to find out how to go to the virtual house!" the monk whispered.

This is not only the end of the call, but also understands that Li Yue also understands. Because they will encounter the people who are too imaginary. It’s just that it’s never been touched, and now the monks who are too imaginary simply can’t come out.


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