The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2282: Fierce

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Xu Ziyan sighed softly in his heart, and he made himself out of bounds, but it was only the beginning of the land. Even if his own world was a combination of two attributes, he could not resist this day.

In fact, she has many ways to overcome Yang Linglong, such as headwear, such as taking a sharp increase in Dan, such as switching the body with chaos...

However, this is not a true skill to win Yang Linglong, so Xu Ziyan's heart is very repulsive. Xu Ziyan extended his finger toward the front.

In her body, three meridians illuminate, and the three meridians are flickering in the veins. The flow of the rules is the same. It is the bridge of the three worlds that Xu Ziyan has spent time communicating with each other.

The black light of the ink was removed from the fingers of Xu Ziyan into the endless void, and the giant arrow that was being spurred was suddenly bound to the endless void, and then it broke down silently, and then the endless void quickly spread out. .

Yang Lingyi made a jump when she boarded, and her body retreats at the fastest speed toward the distance, but the speed of the endless void spread far exceeds her speed, but it has spread to her in an instant. Yang Ling's face was discolored, reaching out and tearing the space, and the body shape shuttled away.

The endless void converges toward Xu Ziyan, and finally covers the three-meter circle of Xu Ziyan, slowly hovering. Xu Ziyan shook his head gently, knowing that this has reached his limit. He used the bridge of communication to make his own world more perfect, but after all, he is not a god, he can not shuttle space, that is, if Yang Lingwei If I want to go, I am a little bit worse, she can’t.

The space was rippling, and Yang Linglong’s figure appeared in the air. Looking at Xu Ziyan asked:

"Ziyan, have you not yet reached the Tianzun period?"

Xu Ziyan nodded lightly, but in exchange for Yang Linglong sighed. It’s the power of the world that you can’t help yourself with a god.

Although the two men did not have a win or loss on the bright side. However, Yang Ling’s heart is very clear, and she has lost. Although Xu Ziyan can't help himself, he can only choose to escape. Isn't this a failure?

All of a sudden, I became interested in it and started to move toward Xu Ziyan: "Ziyan, I am defeated! After that... I will not find you a duel!"


Xu Ziyan’s face showed a smile. In fact, she is also very nervous. This supports a world that consumes a lot of energy and mental strength. If Yang Lingqi and her own fight to consume, even if she still has the power of acupuncture. If you don't dare to be confident, you can fight through a god.

Three people returned to Taixufeng, Xu Ziyan brewed tea, and took out some big peaches to treat guests.

Yang Linglong and Long Aotian told some of their experiences, and Xu Ziyan also talked about their own affairs with them. Yang Lingyan frowned slightly:

"Ziyan, so it is really wrong to establish Zongmen in the Wuthering Mountains. You can naturally avoid the contradiction between these monks in the southern continent. But there is no doubt that they will arouse the vicious flames of the Yaozu. They I won't let you go. Since there was no movement after the last attack was too imaginary, I thought they were brewing a more ferocious attack."

Xu Ziyan nodded: "You are doing a good job, but there is no such thing as the best of both worlds in this world. I can't have any contradictions with the southern continent because of jealousy of the Yaozu, and it will give the Yaozu a chance."

Speaking of it. Xu Ziyan sighed a sigh: "In fact, my choice question is very simple. One is to face the Terran of the Southern Continent and fight with them. This is to weaken the strength of the Terran. If the two sides struggle to the point of being out of control, It is likely to bring devastating disaster to the southern continent. After all, the Yaozu has always been eyeing the Terran. I really have the ending, and I have become a sinner of the Terran.

The second one is facing the Yaozu. I am directly confronted with the Yaozu. Even if the monks of the Southern Continent are hostile to me, they can only bend in the dark. However, he did not dare to deal with Taixu in a blatant manner.

Therefore, the choice to establish a sect in the Wuthering Mountains is a last resort and relatively a good method. not to mention……"

Xu Ziyan’s body has a strong self-confidence: “Now it seems to be too imaginary to face the Yaozu, but after a hundred years, who knows about the things after the millennium? Perhaps at that time, the Yaozu had to retreat, the Terran’s The territory continued to expand toward the demon territory. At that time, the imaginary sect was not to face the demon. I thought that the nine sects of the sect were not facing the demon, and finally they became the human domain around them."

Yang Lingzhen looked at Xu Ziyan with shock, and she never thought that Xu Ziyan would be so ambitious. However, I think that Xu Ziyan’s experience from the vast mainland has been felt that such a thing happened to Xu Ziyan’s body.

"Exquisite, why don't you and the dragon brother stay in Taixu?" Xu Ziyan sent an invitation to Yang Lingqi and Long Aotian.

Yang Linglong and Long Aotian looked at each other, but they finally shook their heads: "Ziyan, now I can't promise you. You also know the situation of our two people, so we both want to continue to travel around the world and look for antiquity. The remains will be upgraded to the peak of the late Tianzun."

Xu Ziyan slightly thought about it, and felt that this was the only shortcut for Yang Lingzhen and Long Aotian to upgrade. Then nodded:

"Then stay here for a few more days!"

"That is natural!" Yang Ling Yan Yan smiled and said: "Yes, there is one thing to tell you!"

“Hmm?” Xu Ziyan looked awkward: “You say!”

"I am coming to find you on the way..."

Yang Lingxi will tell Xu Ziyan in detail about what happened in the Huyan family. After Xu Ziyan had finished listening, he did not immediately speak, but frowned slightly, and his fingers gently tapped on the arm of the chair to think about it. Yang Linglong and Long Aotian know that this is a big event for Taixu Zong, and they dare not speak out, just looking at Xu Ziyan.

Looking at the appearance of Xu Ziyan seriously thinking, Yang Ling could not help but sigh. Nowadays, the power of a lord has appeared in Xu Ziyan's body. This kind of power can not be possessed by being high, and only the monks in the upper class can raise this power.

I want to make purple smoke a man with bare hands, not only to improve quickly, but also to be able to build a sect of such a size. I can’t help but think of the first two scenes that I met outside of Zhongdu City. I couldn’t help it. Lost...

Just a little bit of time, Xu Ziyan made the closing of the matter clear. Xu Ziyan is not one who only knows cultivation. Or just know the fighting monk, she has a big sense and a thoughtful mind.

The matter is very clear. The southern continent is blocked by the Taizong, and the Huyan and Li families are close to the Wuthering Mountains. There must be a large part of the family business that has something to do with the Wuthering Mountains, so the two families will lose a lot. Therefore, he wanted to communicate with Taixu. In this way, on the one hand, they can profit by suppressing the price of the imaginary, on the other hand, they will not offend the southern continent.

This is still Xu Ziyan does not understand the situation of the Huyan family and the Li family have torn face with the city government, otherwise she will reason more clearly the situation in the South.

It is reasonable to say that Yan Yunqi and Li Yue think well, and feel that they will force the Taixu to bow. After all, in the situation of hostile tyranny in the whole south, it is the Huyan family and the Li family that brought a glimmer of light to the Taixu sect. If this is too imaginary, if it is not hurrying, is it waiting to be blocked?


This is obviously not the result that Xu Ziyan wants. Today, Xu Ziyan really does not lack cultivation resources. Not only does it lack the cultivation resources like Hu Yanyun and Li Yue imagined, but it is also very rich.

Cultivation is nothing more than a law and money.

Law, Xu Ziyan is not lacking. Originally, she had obtained a lot of exercises in the past years. Now, from the ruins of Dan Fuzong, I have obtained all the exercises of the inheritance. How can I lack the exercises?

companion. Today, there are more than 4,000 monks in Taixu, and there is a first-class person to preach, and now it is a master to take thousands of miles, which is naturally not lacking.

Finance, in fact, is the fairy crystal and the Danfu array. The main resources for cultivation are Xianjing and Xiandan. The symbol array is an auxiliary equipment for enhancing combat effectiveness.

Is Xu Ziyan missing Xianjing? She now uses crystal veins for cultivation. Even the crystal marrow is not used. Is it necessary to use Xianjing to cultivate the aura concentration of the etheric sect?

Is Xu Ziyan missing Xiandan? Her purple smoke space is planted with a star herb, which looks like grass, and no longer has to be used to burn fire.

As for the material of the symbol, it is somewhat missing. But it is not very short.

The land is too sacred, this cultivation holy place does not have to say it!

However, Xu Ziyan also feels that it is necessary to solve the problem of the Taixu dynasty. The material of the refining symbol is still missing. This is not to say that the tyrants are lacking now, but they will be lacking in the future. Because the Zongmen always develops. These disciples must always grow up. Too imaginary needs to develop in the future. It is also necessary to recruit disciples. When the disciples are more, they will lack materials.

Think of it here. Can not let Xu Ziyan think of Xianjing. Yes, Xu Ziyan is not lacking Xianjing. She also has two trillion yuan of fairy crystals won from Huijing Commercial Bank. Xianjing is the currency of the celestial world. When the Taixu disciples go out to travel in the future, do they need Xianjing? Can she always give a pulse to Taixu?

Therefore, Xu Ziyan felt that some plans should be implemented. But now she is not empty, she wants to accompany Yang Lingwei and Long Aotian. Yang Linglong and Long Aotian stayed in Taixu Zhuang for a month, then left Taixu.

This month.

Hu Yanyun and Li Yue from waiting to waiting, to angry and shy.

The two of them don't understand, how can Xu Ziyan dare not come? Is it that Yang Linglong did not bring the message?

The two men gathered together for a discussion, and then each sent a confidant to secretly travel to Taixu. The two confidants secretly went to Taixu. At this time, the southern continent had already been on fire, and the city's main government united with the six major families to fight against the three major commercial banks. The three major commercial banks also did not retreat, and the momentum shown showed no signs of withdrawing from the southern continent. Both sides played a real fire.


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