The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2283: Placement

After Xu Ziyan sent Yang Lingqi and Long Aotian away, they took the first-class six people back to Taixufeng, and then secretly collected the purple smoke space.

Then she stood outside the hall of Taixufeng, standing with her hands and looking at the gate.


Two figures flew up from the foot of the mountain. It was the two disciples of Xiao Ziyan who collected Sha Xiaofan and the amount of Tiantian. Xu Ziyan looked back at the two of them and showed a satisfactory color on his face. Sha Xiaofan and Zaodongtian are now the peaks of the late Tianxian period. These two people are preparing to retreat to the realm of Luo Tianshangxian, and ask the master to ask what needs to be paid attention to to break through the level of Luo Tianshangxian.

However, these days, Xu Ziyan has been busy receiving Yang Linglong and Long Aotian. The two of them dragged the matter down. Now when they saw Master send the people away, they rushed over.

"Xiao Fan, Dong Tian, ​​good!"

Xu Ziyan smiled and praised them two sentences, then turned their heads to look at the hall. When Sha Xiaofan and Zaodong saw Xu Ziyan seem to have something, they dared not bother and stood quietly.

Xu Ziyan glanced at the sides of the main hall door and swept the gods in the storage ring. They found two diamonds and unicorns. They waved the two unicorns and threw them at the sides of the gate. Go out and fall around the gate. Such a hall has two shackles that are comparable to Tianzun. Even if you are not here, you have a guarantee.

Then Xu Ziyan turned and pointed to the eyebrows of Sha Xiaofan and Liang Dongtian. The two streams of light entered the sea of ​​Sha Xiaofan and Liangtian.

"Xiaofan, Dongtian, this is the way to control jealousy. Of course, you don't have to pay attention to them. Usually, those who have our imaginary jade simplification will not attack. But if you two want to let them attack Whoever, you need to control them. With the instructions you gave, you are the monks who have the illusory identity of the sacred sect, and they are still attacking.

And you must remember that the sap of the fluorescent grass must be smeared in the nose every seven days. ”

"Remember, Master!" Sha Xiaofan nodded hard and said: "How powerful are they?"

Xu Ziyan was shocked. I myself forgot to tell the strength of these two disciples. If the two disciples slammed the two shackles and they practiced, they would suffer. These two cockroaches can definitely slap both of them to death. So Xu Ziyan hurriedly said:

"You two remember to me, it is absolutely not allowed to use these two 傀儡 and you to practice. They are the realm of the sacred period!"


The time of Sha Xiaofan and Liang Dongtian’s face was pale. The two of them just thought so. Now they know that these two cockroaches have the strength of Tianzun period. The two people look at the two unicorn’s eyes and they are jealous. a lot of.

"Right, Master!" Sha Xiaofan's look became respectful: "I and Dongtian will be ready to retreat to break through the heavens, please ask Master."

Xu Ziyan looked at the eyes of the two little guys, and he sank into the gods and found Dan Yi, and took two broken orders of Dan, who had broken through the heavens, and handed them to Sha Xiaofan and Liang Dongtian. I also thought that these two people are their own disciples, and naturally they should take care of them. My own disciple does not say that it is a more difficult challenge. How can it not be bullied by the same level?

Ok! So this foundation must be solidified. So she reached out and grabbed it in the air. Directly from the pagoda in the Taixu ancestry secrets two groups of Dan Yao gas, put it into the jade bottle, and then handed it to two disciples, and told the use of the broken Dan and Dan Yao gas Two disciples, this waved the two disciples. Sha Xiaofan and Liang Dongtian got a good thing from Master. Nature is happily running back to retreat.

When Xu Ziyan walked in the void, he came to the secret. Entering the secret, standing in front of the pagoda, thinking about it, it will transmit the knowledge of the gods and call it out:

"Xingmang, from now on, you are the master of this mystery, and it is good for the Taixu Guardian Secret!"

Tu Xingmang smiled and said: "Of course. I have done this kind of thing for the masters before, and I also like this kind of thing. There is nothing in peacetime, you can concentrate on cultivation!"

"it is good!"

Xu Ziyan nodded, then waved and placed two diamonds on both sides of the pagoda door. I also smashed the method of controlling cockroaches and the things of fluorescent grass juice. Then I left here.

After Xu Ziyan left, Texan Mang stood in the secret, his face always showed a smile. The strength of this secret territory is even more intense than that of other places in Taixu. Texan Mang really likes it here, and he is pondering to build a cave house for himself. Then move the house over.

After Xu Ziyan left the secret environment, he went to the four halls of Danfu, and placed two gongs at the gate of each church. Then he passed the control method and the fluorescent grass to the four masters.

This used twelve diamonds, and there are still eighteen. Xu Ziyan thought for a moment, the Tibetan bookstore where the exercises were placed and the treasure chests where various treasures were placed must be placed. And it is not enough to put two, it is the most important place of Taixu, so she simply placed four 傀儡 in the Library and the Treasure House. Of course, these placements are all directed at the Taixuan Xuanmen. As for the inner door and the outside, it is no longer necessary, but even so she has only ten diamonds in her hand.

As for the mission hall, she is not ready to let go of the law enforcement hall. I thought about it and I still want to put it at the mountain gate.


This time, the Xuanmen Mountain Gate, the Inner Gate and the Outer Gate Mountain Gate are each placed two. The Shanmen Gate is the most important place of a Zongmen. If it is broken by other forces, it is a very shameful thing, and now the outer door and the inner door, There is still no separation between the inner door and the Xuanmen. This is because the array has been very busy.

But outside, there is no separation between the inner door and the mysterious door. It is really not a system, so I just use it to isolate it.

And the most important thing is to place two diamonds at the gate of the outer gate, regardless of the sudden attack of the demon. No matter what the realm of the monk, even if it is the peak of the late Tianzun, the two diamonds can also resist, with such a moment of effort, too imaginary can close the mountain gate.

Not bad!

Xu Ziyan is ready to open the mountain gate.

Always closing the mountain gate like this, telling the truth is really shameful. Any of the sects of the patriarchs can be opened, but few of them are closed with large arrays. The monks inside the Zongmen enter and leave, and they will open a seam at the gate.

Really... very shameful!

But Xu Ziyan has no way! Too imaginary is really no master who can sit in the town. If you open the mountain gate in peacetime, you will suddenly be rushed in by the Yaozu. The strength of these disciples in the etheric emptiness is only extinct in an instant.

But if you have two diamonds, you will be different. Xu Ziyan can safely open the door. What's more, today's Taixu is also a bit courageous. Isn't it a thousand miles? Although it is only the late Tianzun in the Wanli, it is absolutely unambiguous, and there is no one in the late Tianzun. Even the eleven ancient Tianzun are counted.

Therefore, Xu Ziyan’s arrangement was going on, and Taixu was a big open door. But there are four diamonds left in her storage ring.

The Taixu ancestor’s opening of the mountain gate did not cause any sensation in the southern continent. The city’s government and the six major families also received news, but they did not have the energy to pay attention to the tyranny. Their energy was placed on the three major firms. On the battle. The mind thinks that this is too imaginary to see them fight with the three major commercial banks, and the Yaozu has not attacked the Taixu sect for a while, which makes Taixu daring to open the door.

I think that there is still some contempt for their emptiness in their hearts. If it is not a bit chaotic in the southern continent, if it is not for the Yaozu, I don’t know why I am willing to attack the Taixu sect, is it too imaginary to open the mountain gate?

Let the tyrannical sects of the sects wait for the southern continent to settle.

However, after the Huyan family and the Li family got the news, they thought differently. They just asked Yang Lingling to send a message to Taixu, and then Taixu not only ignored them, but also opened the door. Even if this is not a provocation against their two families, it is not to look at their two families at all.

What makes them more uncertain is that they think that this is too imaginary to understand the situation in the southern continent, knowing that their two families have been abandoned by the southern continent? If Xu Ziyan knows, does this move to open the mountain gate indicates that Taixu Zong wants to start with their two families?

Although they still despise the strength of Taixu, they don't think that Taixu can take care of their two families, but this indicates that their two families must face the Taixu and the Southern Continent at the same time, and they are really enemies.

Hu Yanyun and Li Yue looked at each other, big eyes and small eyes, and their mood was the same at this time.

How is this too timid?

Even if we are confronted with the city government, this level of battle, you Xu Ziyan really thinks that the imaginary sect is worthy? I am not afraid that our two families will join hands to destroy you too much.

"Li brother, what do we do?" Hu Yanyun's eyes sparkled with fierce light.

"We are ready! Too imaginary is just a big open door. We really have no excuse for the Taixu sect. But how does Taixu have any changes, or dare to make something to our two families, we Just as the city government has no energy to target us, we will start with the strong and destroy the Taizong."


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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