The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2291: Four forces

Xu Ziyan stood in the window of the top floor, leaning far away from the window, heavy mountains and layers of mountains, this Longye is really a sinister place.

Just now one side was killing people outside. After the incident ended, the entire ancient town recovered calm very quickly, as if nothing had happened.

As long as they can be seen from the look of the monks on the outside, they really don't care, or they are numb, and they have become accustomed to things like this.

Xu Ziyan shook his head and sighed softly. Although the chaos here is not as good as the original Wuthering Mountains, it is enough to be worthy of the folk songs.

Xu Tianwo looked excitedly at the side of Xu Ziyan, looking at the monks who walked outside:

"It’s really a folk saga! It’s a long time to come here!”

Xu Ziyan smiled and turned to look at Xu Tianwo: "Sirius brother, you have a good brave temper and the general!"

"Oh..." Xu Tianwo said with a smile: "This place is refreshing!"

Xu Ziyan said with a smile: "It’s just like your temper who likes it."

"Don't tell you, I go out and turn!" Xu Tianwo turned and walked excitedly.

"Silang brother, don't make trouble!" Xu Ziyan shouted at the back of Xu Tianwo.

"I won't take the initiative to cause trouble!"

The voice echoed in the room, and the shadow of the scorpion wolf disappeared. No, Xu Ziyan saw Xu Tianwo and Ling Xiao in the window and walked out from the inn gate.

Xu Ziyan shook his head gently, then turned his head and looked at the undressed person standing in the corner of the room. Xu Ziyan slowly picked him up and stared at his face carefully. After a long time, he whispered:

"Hu Yangang, how come you fall into this situation?"

The person in front of him turned out to be Hu Yangang of the whistling squad. After the whistling squad experienced a half-sound zombie battle, there were only five people left, but now...

Under the eyes of Xu Ziyan's Yan Peng. It has been clearly seen that the meridians in the body of Hu Yangang are broken, and even Dan Tian is crushed. It has become an ordinary person.

Hu Yan just stared at Xu Ziyan, but in the end it was a sad sigh: "Yes. I am Hu Yangang. Although I don't know who my friends are, but... if there is no revenge between us, you should have never seen me!"

Hu Yangang slowly lowered his head, and the two lines of tears could not help but flow down, and the dirt on his face washed out two traces.

Xu Ziyan raised his hand to play the flag of eight sides, set up a formation to cover the two people inside, and then took off the fight on the head and restored the original appearance. Hu Yan just opened his mouth, then burst into tears, cried and cried. Then he squatted on the ground and cried to death.

Xu Ziyan did not speak, just looked at him silently. She knows that Hu Yan just doesn't know how long it has been. If she continues to do so, it will not be crazy or dead sooner or later.

Watching him cry and tearing his heart, Xu Ziyan’s heart was born and could not bear it. She still knows a little about the Whistling Squad. When the family broke down and fled into the Wuthering Mountains, they were able to stick to their hearts. They were monks with their own bottom line. For such a monk, if it is possible, the purple smoke is still willing to help.

About half an hour later, Hu Yan just stopped crying and stood up from the ground. Looking at the Xu Zi flue:

"Xu Zongzhu, I beg you for one thing!"

When the words fall, I will kneel down. Xu Ziyan hurriedly reached out and held him. He whispered, "You said!"

The short "you say" word expresses the meaning of Chugo. Hu Yan just knows that his request is not excessive. Xu Ziyan will not refuse.

"Thank you!" Hu Yan just whispered: "Now the whistling squad left me alone, but all eight of us have wives and children, but we are very careful, no one knows where our wives and children are. Under I ask Xu Zongzhu to take our eight wives and children into Taixu."

Having said that, his tears have flowed down again. Whispered in a low voice: "If it weren't for this concern, I would have died long ago, how could I live so humiliatingly."

Xu Ziyan sighed softly, took him to a chair and sat down, then sat on his opposite side and said softly:

"Talk about what happened to you?"

Hu Yan just calmed his emotions and whispered: "At the beginning, our five and Xu Zong were separated, first returned to the retreat, and then we thought about coming to Longye here."

Speaking of this, he glanced at Xu Ziyan: "In fact, after we reported a big hatred, we did not have to hide in the Wuthering Mountains. So we are going to travel to the mainland to see if we can meet the opportunity.

"On that day, we met three people in the Wolong Mountain Range and were besieged by five people. In fact, this did not have anything for us. We did not want to help either side."

Speaking of this, Hu Yangang’s face showed bitterness: “But the three people stared at us and the five people fled when they were slightly stunned. The eight people squandered the gas on us. We certainly refused to accept it. Then he smacked it up.

In the end we couldn't beat them and we fled. But things have been separated for more than two months, but in this ancient town, I met one of the five people, and this time he took a dozen people. If we don’t say anything, we will kill us, and then we will still be in the ancient town, let us be born and killed.

From time to time, they sent people to humiliate us. Later, we also heard that the man was the eldest son of the Yang family. The Yang family is cruel here. They often do not kill their enemies. Instead, they kill their enemies and let them suffer endless humiliation.

My four younger brothers have died without humiliation. Only I have survived and hope to meet friends one day and bring our news to our wives and children. ”

Xu Ziyan sat there in a dull, half-sounding sigh. The whistling squad encountered something very common. This kind of accident happened every day in all parts of the country, but the means of suffering were not so cruel. Other monks may kill them under anger, and they will not humiliate them like Yang.

This kind of thing Xu Ziyan can't talk about revenge for them, of course, this is also because the Whistling Squad is not too imaginary monk, nor her friend. So I had to sigh one channel:

"You have a good rest. I have some things to deal with here. I will take you away when I leave."

"Thank you!" Hu Yangang kept the sun and the moon and saw the clouds open. He was excited and thanked him, but he was stopped by Xu Ziyan:

"Do your best! Yes, you have been here for some time, tell me about the situation here."

Xu Ziyan had already felt the confusion here. Now I heard the experience of Hu Yangang, and I have a deeper understanding of the chaos here. She came out to buy materials this time, and did not want to cause trouble, so I want to know the situation here, and avoid the troubles to avoid.

Listening to Hu Yangang’s speech, Xu Ziyan knew that Long Ye is really chaotic now. The Yang family teamed up with the city government and the three major business banks to become a group. There are also fairy thieves. All kinds of large, medium and small teams are fishing in the water. These monks have no position. As long as they have the opportunity, whether it is the Yang family, the city government, or the three major The business will be robbed, and then they will sneak away and hide.

In this chaotic situation, there is also a struggle between the rising quantity and the Yang family.

In fact, at this time in the south is very chaotic, the six major families and the city government jointly to the three major commercial banks. It’s just that there is no such chaos in Longye.

As the saying goes, the more chaotic places there are, the more opportunities are the paradise for adventurers. Therefore, many monks in the southern continent are gathering in the wilderness. Now the Wuthering Mountains are no longer the most chaotic land in the southern continent. Longye has become the first chaotic land in the southern continent.

Xu Ziyan couldn't help but feel worried. Now the dragon wilderness has become like this. All kinds of materials may be out of stock. I don't know if I can buy the last three materials.

He said that he was worried about Hu Yanang, and Hu Yan just inquired about the three materials that Xu Ziyan needed, and he sank:

"Xu Zongzhu, although these three materials are also within the scope of the refiner, but it is not a rare material, there should not be too many monks to buy. As long as you go to Yang's shop, you should be able to buy it."

"But... I need a lot!"

"This is a little trouble!" Hu Yan just frowned.

"What trouble?"

"Xu Zongzhu, you need a lot of materials, Yang family can also help you collect the complete, but it takes some time. But this will cause two consequences. One consequence is that Yang Jia sees you buy such a large amount of material. Once greedy, they will not be able to kill people.

The second is that the news that you buy a lot of materials is likely to leak out, so there will be many people hitting your idea. So it is very troublesome. ”

"Do my idea? Who are there?"

"Nature is the four forces of Longye!"

"Four forces? Which four forces?" Xu Ziyan asked in amazement.

“Yang family, the family, the three major firms and the fairy thief.”

"Yang Jia? Measure home? Three major firms? Fairy thief?" Xu Ziyan looked at the opposite of Hu Yangang: "You have to say that this pirate is still a good thing, they will do this anyway. But, Yang Home, the family, especially the three major firms, will not be so bad?"

"Yang Jia and Quantitative is a good family in Longye!" Hu Yangang snorted: "So they usually don't make such a loss of money. But it's not because they have the bottom line, but because There is not enough wealth. If wealth is enough to make them tempted, they will not hesitate to shoot."


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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