The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2292: Expedition

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"The three major business banks really did get the job before, and people came to do business. But since the conflict with the South, people have no business to do in the South, and they are still in the state of war with the South, naturally to the south. There is no more scruples. The honest businessman immediately turns into a fierce fairy thief, and it is still unscrupulous."

Xu Ziyan’s mouth twitched a bit, and he believed what Xu Yangang said. Once the three major commercial banks have no scruples, they may be acting several times more fiercely than the fairy thief.

The city's main government and the six major families are really confused. How dare they go to war with the three major businesses? Really think that the three major firms are doing business?

Not to mention the strength of the three major commercial banks, they said that the three major commercial banks took out the Xiandan Xianfu and the fairy ware as rewards. The entire Shangyuan continent will have countless monks willing to accept the employment of the three major commercial banks. The southern continent really can afford this loss. ?

However, the Huyan family and the Li family did not join the drowning water. Today, Xu Ziyan already knows what happened to the Huyan family and the Li family. In the heart of the Huyan family and the Li family, in this situation, they also swayed with the Taixu sect. Very disdainful. But when I think of the Huyan family, I can’t help but ask:

"You have nothing to do with the Huyan family?"

Hu Yan just smiled and shook his head and said: "Although I also have a surname, but it has nothing to do with the Huyan family."

Xu Ziyan thought for a moment and said: "Yang family is one of the eight major families in the South. It should be able to suppress the forces of the dragons. How can it make Longye become like this? I am catching up with the original Wuthering Mountains."

“Not bad!” Hu Yangang nodded. “Before, Yang’s family was able to control Longye. But since their Yang family’s semi-sacred zombies in the demon territory have fallen down the monk, the Yang family’s control over Longye In fact, the force has already revealed some unfavorable signs.

This side of the power comes from the amount of home, but at that time the measure is still afraid to openly challenge the Yang family. Because Yang Jia is the actual controller of Longye, he maintains a good relationship with the three major businesses. The mass home is in a weak position on the separate Yang family, not to mention the combination of Shang Yangjia and the three major commercial banks.

However, since Yang Jia and the three major businesses have turned their faces. The opportunity for the home is coming. ”

Xu Ziyan could not help but sigh, this Long Ye Yang family is killing, the family is killing, the three major businesses are killing. The thief is killing, and there are countless teams of fish in the water to kill, this is simply a prison.

Xu Ziyan spit out a long breath and said softly: "Forget it, I have to buy the material quickly, and then take you back. This drowning we are too imaginary can not come in."

She stood up and walked toward the door, whispering as she walked away: "Chaos, chaos, chaos. The more seren the serenity..."

The second day.

Xu Ziyan and his party left the ancient town and went to Longyecheng. This time they did not walk, but flew to Longye City. Hu Yanang has been replaced and stood on the side of Xu Ziyan. At the foot of a dozen people, it is a cloud of cloud baby. Flying towards the Longye City.

In the city gate of Longye City, Xu Ziyan put away the cloud baby, and gave a trace of Yuan Li to support the body next to Hu Yan just fell to the city gate, handed over to the city Xianjing, and entered the Longye City.

Hu Yangang led everyone to the Yang family's largest refiner shop, sitting on the carriage with wings flying, and Xu Ziyan looked at the sides of the street, and could not help but sigh. Although the dragon field has become so chaotic, the dragon city is still prosperous and there is no trace of chaos. It seems that the Yang family is still at least in control of Longye City.

When the flying carriage stopped, Xu Ziyan’s gaze looked at the shop’s plaque, and saw five words on it:

Yang Jia refinery.

From the carriage down, Xu Ziyan took the lead to walk inside. The monk of the Taixu is behind him. Enter the store. I saw a lot of space inside. A buddy immediately greeted:

"Fairy, what do you need?"

Xu Ziyan also had no words, and directly handed over a jade, which contained three materials and quantities needed. The guy took the jade in his hands and swept the gods in the jade. The face is a change, respectfully handed back the jade:

"You please go to the third floor."

Xu Ziyan nodded and took Yu Yu to the third floor. Many of the monks in the shop couldn’t help but look at Xu Ziyan and his party. It was not until Xu Ziyan’s figure disappeared on the stairs, and they only recovered their thoughts thoughtfully.

Xu Ziyan didn't care about the eyes of those people, and she had a feeling of faintness. Since she had killed the monk in the ancient town, she probably had already exposed her own pedestrians. Maybe she would even be too imaginary. exposure. However, her heart is also very strange. Yesterday she has learned from Hu Yangang's mouth that her own group of people killed is a measure of the family, but the family has died such a heavyweight, how can it always be unresponsive?

While thinking about while walking on the third floor, a female repairer greeted him. After Xu Ziyan handed Yu Yu, the female repair immediately brought Xu Ziyan and others into a separate room, and someone sent tea. . When the tea was just brewed, a middle-aged male repairman had already walked in, and he was handing the jade slip to the woman before holding the purple smoke.

As soon as he entered the room, he did not ask the name of Xu Ziyan. He said with a smile: "This friend, the amount of materials you need is too large, we can't make it for the time being. If the friend can wait a few days, we will definitely All the materials are in order."

Xu Ziyan’s eyes flashed a hint of joy, and asked: “How long does it take?”

The middle-aged monk extended three fingers: "Three days, give me three days, I will definitely get all the materials you need."

"Okay, I will wait for three days!" Xu Ziyan nodded happily.

The middle-aged monk still smiled and said: "Since the road friends agree, we need to discuss the price."

"This is natural!" Xu Ziyan is not the first time to buy materials, this rule naturally understands. After calculating the price, I have to pay a deposit.

"The three materials we have just calculated, a total of 190 billion yuan of the best crystal, you buy a large number, we give a 10% discount, so that is the 171 billion best crystal, and then erased A fraction of the number, the best of the seven hundred and seven billion yuan, how do you see the Taoist friends?"

"Yes!" Xu Ziyan said with a smile.

"You need to pay a deposit of 30%. That is the 51 billion best."

"No problem!" Xu Ziyan took out the jade film of the Huijing firm and handed it to the other party. The middle-aged monk handed it to the female practitioner who had been standing by the side. The female repairer quickly crossed the fairy crystal and then took out a jade. Jane, enter some messages in the jade, and then handed it to the middle-aged monk. The middle-aged monk handed the jade to the Xu Zi flue:

"Daoyou, you can use this jade to collect materials after three days."

"Good!" Xu Ziyan took over the jade and collected it. He stood up from the chair and said: "Farewell!"

Walking out of the Yangjia shop, Xu Ziyan and his party did not take the flying carriage, but walked along the street. Xu Ziyan did not understand the things of the family, and then turned to Hu Yan just whispered:

"Hu Yangang, you said that the massacre died so many people yesterday, and it is still a big monk in the middle of the land. How can you react at all?"

"Oh..." Hu Yan just said with a low smile: "It is not unresponsive, but the reaction is too big."

"Oh?" Xu Ziyan glanced at him in surprise.

"The family has a middle age, is the ancestor of the family. A late stage of the land is the patriarch of the family. A medium in the middle of the land, is the amount that is killed by you, the first peak of a land, two respects In the early days, these two land sects were also killed by you in the ancient town, and there are 18 people who have been honored and killed by you. This kind of loss is too big for the measurers, big to them. I dare not act rashly. Presumably at this time, they are investigating your strength and background."

"Oh!" Xu Ziyan said that after passing through Hu Yanang, it also reacted. This matter really hurt the amount of the home. However, she thought of the introduction of Hu Yanang just now, and she was surprised to ask:

“What more is the fairy of the family than the Yang family?”

Hu Yangang shook his head: "The quantity of the family is more than the number of Xianzun, but the strength is not as good as the Yang family. The ancestors of the Yang family are the peak of the Tianzun period, and the Yang family also has a peak of the early Tianzun, the patriarch of the Yang family. It is also the peak of the end of the land. Only these three people have pressed the original family to death. Not to mention the fact that the family is killed by you, huh, huh..."

When the two men were talking, they heard a tumultuous sound coming from the end of the street. They couldn’t help but look down the street and saw the dense monks flying in the direction of the city gate.

At a glance, there are more than 100,000 monks, divided into several camps, each with a flagpole, which reads:

Yang, quantity, chapter...

In these camps, there are two camps that are the largest, and there is a tendency to faintly resist one, one is the Yang family, the other is the measure. The Yang family’s big town is a late stage of the land, and the home of the family is the peak of the land. These two people are introverted, but the two eyes are like two swords.

Xu Ziyan swept his eyes, but did not see Yang Yunqi in the middle of the land, but she did not contact him. After all, he did not appear in Longye City as Xu Ziyan.

The monk's team disappeared into the eyes of everyone, and at this time the talents on both sides of the street began to whisper.

"Is this going to be a big fight?"

"Yeah! I heard that the three major commercial banks are stationed in the Wolong Mountains, threatening to fight here and fight in the South."


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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