The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2293: Light dance building

"What is this all about? At the time, the three major business firms got along very well with us in the South! How did this fight?"

"It's not the thing that Ouyang Xun is making a lot of noise!" said a monk.

"You can't blame Ouyang Xunming. If the six major families don't have the minds of the three major firms, they won't respond to the city's government."

"In the end, it is still suffering from these people. The city government and the six families have plundered all the shops of the three major businesses in the South and got countless treasures. But what only brought us is chaos."

"This is still secondary. Our bitterness is still behind. Before we were able to buy the right price resources, because there are three major firms, their prices are very fair, they have suppressed the price of the city government and the six families. When the three major firms are completely expelled from the southern continent, the price of the resources is the city's main government and the six major families. Our ri is getting bitter."

"Oh..." a sigh rang and spread throughout the street.

"Oh... it’s getting bitter!" Hu Yangang also sighed.

Xu Ziyan was thinking of something, and his face showed a smile. In the heart of the dark road: "The city's main house and the six major families played a good calculation! And the three major businesses turned their faces, on the one hand robbed the large resources of the three major firms, on the other hand jointly monopolized the price of resources.


They have forgotten too imaginary!

Well, they didn't forget, but they didn't even look at Taixu. But when the city of Wangxian is established, the price of resources is not something that your city's main government and the six families can control. Ha ha……"

"The Sovereign..." Hu Yan just whispered, Xu Ziyan turned his head and looked at it. When he saw the **** of Hu Yangang hesitated, he whispered:

"What's the matter, you said. I am not familiar with this place."

"The Sovereign, I have a feeling in the Yangjia store just now, but some are not sure."

“Hmm?” Xu Ziyan heard a glimpse and began to recall the scenes in the Yangjia shop.

"I have been to the shop before, although I have not been to the third floor, but the Yang family is definitely not so polite and happy. It is reasonable to say that you need so much material that their Yang family wants to be within three days. It’s also about putting all the power on the materials for you, but why are they doing this?”

Xu Ziyan’s heart is a glimpse, and there is speculation in an instant. Isn’t the Yang family already aware of his identity, but it’s not revealed. Because once it is revealed, it is a face torn face. Nowadays, Longye is very chaotic. Yang family does not want to stay here because of this unsettled factor. If he wants to pretend that he does not know, he will give himself the materials as soon as possible and send himself away.

As a result, I can't say anything. In the future, the city government knows that nothing can be said. The Yang family did not recognize the arrival of Xu Ziyan!

When I thought of my identity being seen, Xu Ziyan’s heart was somewhat uncomfortable. How is she now also the owner of a lord, but she hides her appearance and comes to Longye to buy materials. Others don’t know it. Once she knows it, it’s too shameful. Is it not shameful to cover up a three-stream medium-sized sect?

This thing must be clarified! Xu Ziyan turned to the heart and remembered the light dance building. Then he whispered:

“Is there a light dance building in the city of Longye?”


Light dance building.

Located in the bustling area of ​​Longye City, it is a restaurant. This restaurant is divided into three floors. Xu Ziyan stood at the door and paused, and then changed his appearance back to the original appearance. Since I came to the light dance building, I might have known my identity as a light dance building. Xu Ziyan didn't want to be a shame. But she still carries a fight and hangs a veil.

Entering the first floor, you can see all the tops and see a hundred tables on each of the first floor. These grades are erected to reveal the number above, and some number plates are placed on the table.

At this time, Xu Ziyan had learned from Hu Yangang that this layer was the place where ordinary monks who came to buy news stayed. Of course, you can also eat and drink here. If you are coming to eat, don't put the number plate up, so no one will bother you.

If you are coming to buy the news, put your number plate up, and there will be someone in the light dance building to contact you according to the number plate.

At this time, there were nine seats in this floor. Some people were fighting, some were wearing masks, and no one saw them in real face. Xu Ziyan did not let Xu Tianwo enter them. Xu Ziyan first settled down the inn, leaving them all in the inn, and one came to the light dance building.

Xu Ziyan did not stay one step further, but walked straight up the stairs. The second floor is a silver star guest who can set foot. However, at the beginning of the light dance building, the main step was to give Xu Ziyan the golden star jade card, so Xu Ziyan went straight over the second floor and walked to the third floor.

There was only one person sitting on the third floor with a gold se mask, and there was a boring drink there. Xu Ziyan casually found a table to sit down, and then placed the jade card that was stepped to her on the table.

A female man walked up and glanced over the jade card placed on the table. His eyes narrowed and he whispered:

"Daoyou, what do you need?"


The female repairer quickly retired and soon returned, putting the brewed tea on the table in front of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan silently picked up the tea and drank slowly.

About a quarter of an hour ago, a person came out of a door and went back to the ground floor. At this time a female repair went to the masked monk and whispered, the mask man stood up, dropped a fairy crystal and walked toward the door.

After about two-thirds of an hour's clock, the mask man also walked out of the door and went back to the underground. At this time, the woman repaired to the front of Xu Ziyan, whispered:

"Please ask the friend to enter the door."

After Xu Ziyan threw a fairy crystal, he took the jade card on the table and stood up from the chair and walked toward the door. Stepping into the door in one step, the door behind it automatically closes.

Standing at the door, Xu Ziyan swept away. This is a big room. In this room, there is only one table in the middle. At the back of the table is a person sitting at the moment. This person also wears a mask. And it is a fairy that can isolate God. At this point, a pair of eyes behind the mask are staring at Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan walked over to her opposite side and looked straight at the monk and said faintly:

"I want to know the status of the family!"

"Detailed? Rough?" asked the gentleman opposite the tone.

"Tell me about the current situation of the ancestors and the actions that the quotients want to take recently." Xu Ziyan paused: "Detailed."

"Five million best fairy crystal!"

Xu Ziyan took out a storage ring and threw it on the table: "For a while!"

The monk glanced at the storage ring with a god, and found it in his storage ring. After a while, he took out a jade slip and read it again. After that, he took out a few jade slips and read them. I just said:

"The ancestor of the family was the middle of the Tianzun three hundred years ago. He retired three hundred years ago and has not gone out until now. So his cultivation is currently unknown. He is the root of water, the water is a perfection, and the cultivation is Bihai chao is a practice method.

The measurer recently participated in the operation of expelling the three major commercial banks. The action before yesterday was presided over by Momo, but in the early days of the ri and the two landlords, eight people were honored as monks and thirty cents. The emperor was killed in the ancient town outside Longyecheng.

The measurer is investigating the matter, but the news came from the Wolong Mountain Range during the night of the night, and the three major commercial banks will fight with the forces of the Longye side, so the experts temporarily put down the matter and went to the Wolong Mountain Range. ”

When the words fell, he put away the jade slip and looked at Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan said faintly: "Is this not detailed enough?"

"What else do you want to know?"

“Is there a survey of the background of those monks who have been smothered by the amount of money? I think they should have bought the news from you here?”

"Yes, we have been here!" The monk said faintly: "But we have not yet confirmed the identity of those people, so we did not sell the news."

"Even your speculation has not been disclosed?"

"As long as you can afford Xianjing, there is nothing that can't be disclosed, but we will tell each other that this is only our speculation and has not been confirmed."

"I need to know this speculation!"

"This is another message!"

"Say the price!"

"100 million best fairy crystal!"

"I bought it!"

"We speculate that it is a monk."

Xu Ziyan’s heart was a shock, but the smell of his body did not change. Just said faintly:

“Too virtual? Can you tell me the reason for speculation?”


"Say the price!"

"It's not a price issue! This is our secret. There are rules, please forgive me!"

Xu Ziyan nodded. Anyway, since the light dance building speculated on his identity, you should now know more than the light dance floor in this place in Longye. It is likely that many people already know their identity. For example, Yang Jia.

"Tell me about what Yang’s ancestors and Yang’s family are doing recently."

"80 million best fairy crystal!"

"I bought it!"

The monk was busy for a while, then said: "Yang's ancestors were the peak of Tianzun two hundred years ago. They retired a hundred years ago. Now they have not gone out. They don't know what he is doing now. He is the root of fire, fire. It is a perfection of xing, and it is the practice of burning all the squares.

The Yang family has recently carried out the eviction of the three major commercial banks, and at the same time, they are fighting against the experts. And the appearance of the city's government is inseparable. Before Jiu Ri, Qin Wuyang of the city's main government led more than a thousand men into the Yang family, leaving after two hours, his expression was shy. But what happened specifically in the Yang family, we have not investigated it. and also……"


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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