The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2294: joint

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Having said that, he glanced at the Xu Zi flue: "Just a few monks in the Yang family sent a collection of three materials."

Xu Ziyan would like to ask Yang whether he also knows his true identity, but if he thinks about it, she can already confirm that Yang has already speculated about her identity.


Xu Ziyan didn't want to know anything. She really understood it at the moment. Yang family must have known her identity, and then she was eager to raise three materials for her, so I quickly sent myself out of here. Moreover, Xu Ziyan did not want to stay in Longye. After all, he killed the family at the measuring house. This hatred was big. On the one hand, the measure is because the ancestors did not go out, and on the other hand, because of the reasons of the three major firms, there is no time and energy. So I didn't retaliate immediately, so I stayed here for three days in a low-key manner and then left Longye.

Xu Ziyan left the light dance building and walked toward the inn. Brows deep lock, she is sure that the monk who just sold the news to himself knows who he is.

"It's really annoying! Should I show my identity? If it is revealed, it is very likely that Yang will not sell it to his own materials. It is secretly known to know that it is two different things."

However, if you don't reveal your true colors. Once within three days, the employer has forced the real identity, and will lose the material while not buying it.

How is this done? ”

Xu Ziyan returned to the inn in a depressed way, and told everyone about the news he got from the light dance building. Everyone is also a little dumbfounded, and I don’t know how to do it for a while.

"The Sovereign!" Xu Tianlang said in a condensate voice: "The three days are very dangerous for us."

"Hmmm?" All the people looked at Xu Tianwo.

"We have already established a vengeance with the omnipotent. Now the three major commercial banks and the southern monks have also formed a vengeance. At this time, we will kill the main force of the three major business firms, if the experts say that we The combination of Taixu and the three major commercial banks will immediately arouse the anger of all the southern monks, especially in the place of Longye, which is originally the second largest force. It has a deep foundation, if the volume is shaken, I am afraid that there will be countless monks in this dragon field to kill us.

In particular, our explanation is unclear. Say that we are running far and wide here to buy resources. No one will believe that what resources to buy still need to go here? Can't you buy in the town of Monster City? And we can't say anything about building Wangxiancheng. More importantly, we did kill the main force of the family to expel the three major firms, and this is the evidence. ”

"Not bad!" Xu Xingfan also said: "The Yang family will not stop this kind of thing, and may even support it. The city government will also stand above the righteousness. They have not dealt with us too imaginary. People are in the three major The commercial bank is engaged in warfare, and the evidence is that we are actively cooperating with the three major commercial banks to deal with the southern monks. It is very likely that because of our sudden appearance, the forces of the dragons and the real forces will be in a state of iron and steel, killing us all here.

As long as the lord died here, too imaginary will be in name only, and it will not take long before the name exists. ”

"Would you like to hide?" Intoxicated and said weakly: "We are hiding for three days. Then we buy the materials and leave. I don't want this drowning."

Xu Tianwo’s eyebrows are a hop, and he never hides in his heart. However, seeing Xu Ziyan meditation there, it seems that he agreed, and he closed his mouth reluctantly.

At this time, Xu Ziyan also made a decision in the heart. When he raised his eyes, he saw Xu Tianwo and others with an unpleasant expression, and could not help but smile:

"Silves brother, you have not escaped!"

Xu Tianlang heard a stalk and said: "When did I escape?"

"You forgot when we fled in the vast continent of China?"

"Oh..." Xu Ziyan said this, he also remembered it. He couldn’t help but see the color of his face: "We were not too weak at that time..."

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "We are not strong now, and it is really dangerous for us to have more than a dozen people trapped in Longye. And those materials are very important to us, and they are directly related to the future of Taixu. ”

"That... then hide!" This time, Xu Tianlang also stunned, remembering that he had escaped and hid, and there was no such big contradiction in his heart.

"Well, you still have to hide into the space fairy to hide!"

When the words fell, Xu Ziyan released a space fairy, Xu Tianwo and others turned into a stream of light into the space fairy, and then Xu Ziyan body shape, it entered the purple smoke space. Then she controlled the purple smoke space to leave the inn and floated directly to the roof of the Yangjia shop. In the heart:

"I am waiting here. I will go in the first day on the third day and buy the materials and leave!"

Measure home.

The main hall of the proceedings.

The family is long, and the late monks in the land are sitting in the top of the field, sitting on the two sides with four people.

The ancestors of the ancestors still did not have a customs clearance. In the middle of the land, the two early monks and the eight-person monarchs were killed by the Taixu monks. The early peak of the land lord led the six-person monks to the Wolong Mountains. There are only five people left in the House of Representatives.

"The sea, so to say that the person who killed the stranger is Xu Ziyan's too imaginary?"

"It is only speculated that the woman suspected of Xu Ziyan has been carrying a veil of veil, while others are very strange. Besides, Taixu has never closed the door, we simply do not know the monks of the Taixu, can understand Only Xu Ziyan."

The hall was filled with silence, and everyone’s face was filled with grief. The mass home is now in a rising period, but the Yang family, who has been pressing them at the end, is not losing. This timing is very important for the family, and perhaps it will be able to overpower the Yang family and become one of the big families in the South.

However, at this time, the quantifier lost a middle age, two early land, eight people respected the monks, this is the consequences they can not bear, and suddenly annihilated their hopes. This hatred can't be reported, no matter what her background is?

Otherwise, the reputation of the family will sweep away, and one person can no longer help but open the door:

"The patriarch, this hatred can not be reported. The measure is so hit, must immediately give a fierce counterattack, otherwise the amount of the family will not rise."

"But..." Another person cautiously said: "At the beginning we were in the midst of a family, the two landlords and the eight-person monk were killed by the other side. Now we only have the patriarch In the late period and the four of us, can we resist the monks of the Taixu?"

"Then you mean that we will not take revenge? Just do the tortoise turtle?" The first person, the great monk, was furious.

"I don't mean that..." The second person, the great monk, said with a blushing face: "I mean I need to ask my ancestors to go out."

"It's not just about asking the ancestors to go out!" Qu Moye finally said: "This thing we want to let all the monks in Longye know that Taixu Zong began to work on the southern monks. If we are not given to the southern monks Fighting fiercely, we have a lot of people today, and tomorrow they will have Zhang Jia, Yang Jia! I want to let the Taixu Zong from the moment of the moment, completely confronted the Southern monks. In the past, the South only secretly blocked the Taizong, no The excuse is really a real act for Taixu, and now I give an excuse to the Southern monks. I think the city government and the six families will not miss this opportunity."

"But... we are still not sure that the other party is a virtual monk!"

"It is better to kill the mistakes, not to be missed. Besides, we said that it is too much room for Taixu!"

The three-day time passed, and the atmosphere in Longye City was already tense. The measurers have already appeared in the wilderness of the Taixu, and the things that killed their monks were spread to the entire southern continent as quickly as possible. Moreover, it was pointed out that Taixu Zong once booked a batch of materials at the Yangjia store, and will come here to buy it after three days.

Yang family was also forced to the corner, Yang family as the first family of Longye, Taixu Zong came to Longye to kill people, they should have issued a voice belonging to Yang family. If Taixu published the news in the volume and the downstream said that the various families of Longye had purchased the materials before leaving, they could naturally condemn the Taixu sects in a high-profile manner, and then defend themselves for a few words. When buying materials, we don't know that they are too imaginary monks!

But not now!

What Yang’s own work is clear about himself, he has already received a deposit of too imaginary, and the materials have not yet been assembled. If too imaginary to abandon the deposit and escape to the tyrannical, they Yang’s face is also revealed, not only can you loudly condemn the Taixu, but also sneer at Taixu.


If you are too imaginary, just wait for the third day to buy materials, then the trouble is big.

Yang family is bound to be dragged into this whirlpool. Yang Yunlin firmly believes that with the power of all the families of Longye, and other scattered forces and a large number of scattered repairs, it is absolutely possible to leave the dozens of monks in Taixu. Longye, no matter what the dozens of monks are.

It is necessary to know that emotions can be fanned. Originally, because of the fairy wars of the South and the three major commercial banks, the mood of each monk in the South is not very stable. In this situation where the war spread throughout the South, emotional impulses are inevitable. At this time, as long as the news of the association between the Taixu and the three major commercial banks is revealed, the anger of the southern monks will be completely ignited, even if you are too imaginary, more than a dozen monks will be repaired to be higher, and they will survive the Longye million. Is the monk besieged?

However, Yang Jia is really reluctant, because this is not their own willingness, it is kidnapped by the measure.

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued..)

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