The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2295: ready

Not bad.

The measurer not only kidnapped the Yang family through this matter, but said to the small family that the family had kidnapped the entire Longye and said to Dali that the family had kidnapped the entire south.

This is the fact that the South and the Taixu are the fuses of the war. When the South and the three major commercial banks have not yet ended the fairy war, they opened the door to the Taixu Zong war.

Like this kind of war, there is no doubt that the most important thing is to lose the most.

The omnipotent family has been killed by eleven sects, and it can be said that it has begun to decline. This is the time for Yang’s family to further suppress the home. But nowadays it has been kidnapped by the experts to the chariots that face the imaginary sect. Not only will they miss the opportunity to suppress the home, but they will also have unbearable losses.

Now that you have been kidnapped, then kidnap everyone.

Yang Yunlin immediately made a decision. The monks who went to the Wolong Mountain Range had already been transferred, and there had already been a big fight. But that doesn't matter, there is a monk in Longye, and it is the best result to fan the monks who are not in the Yang family.

Therefore, the Yang family also appeared in high-profile. The measurer naturally expressed his gratitude to the Yang family and his anger at the 12 points of the Taixu. When the two companies worked together, Longye immediately set off waves, and the angry flame spread in Longye.

On the third day.

Millions of monks were gathered around the Yangjia shop. The level of the monks was different, but the huge number of people formed a gas field that shocked Xu Ziyan, who was hiding on the roof.

Xu Ziyan’s brow is deeply locked. It’s only at dawn, so many monks are gathered, not to mention that there are many places and people, and these two days are the millions of emperors. The monks will surround themselves and others, and it is almost a deadly situation.

Xu Ziyan did not know how to be good in this situation. He then entered the space fairy and told the outside world to the monks.

The entire space of the fairy has been silenced, this time personal personality determines their thinking. Xu Haotian and Xu Zhenshan are calm people. So I indulged in a moment:

"Lord, or let us leave first!"

The nameless was originally a heroic figure, but since the injury, the understanding of the world has been much deeper. Some of my heart also tend to Xu Xiaotian and Xu Zhenshan, and also snorted next to them:

"The sovereign, there is nothing to lose, but our people can't lose it!"

The intoxicating temper is also soft, and the words will nod and echo. But these four people have the idea of ​​temporarily escaping. Others don't think so. Don't say that the young and vigorous Xu Tianwo and others, that is, the solitary smoke of Ximen and Di Yi is also the arrogant master. The solitary smoke of Ximen can be imagined by one of the four superpowers who have made one of the four superpowers in the mainland. And who is Di Yi carving always following?

Who is he who has been tens of thousands of miles with him?

So these two people raised their eyebrows. The condensate said: "If we just hide, what is the reputation of the imaginary?"

"We can't always let the children go to death for the sake of fame?" Xu Haotian frowned slightly.

"Nothing is terrible to die!" Xu Lin said with a sigh: "I don't know how many dangers I encountered in the past, nor did anyone die, but it was a deadly death. For example, Xu Wei."

The name of Xu Wei came out, and Xu Ziyan and others were reminded of the scene when Xu Jinang was a close.

"Sovereign, we will kill a lot of pains. It hasn't been a long time!" Xu Tianwo said.

The eyes of everyone gathered on the body of Xu Ziyan, and Xu Ziyan’s face showed a bitter smile:

"In fact, reputation is not important. The so-called reputation of this world is prepared for the strong. As long as we are strong in the future, today's avoidance is nothing.

It’s a pity that it’s just too much to return to the virtual. This will delay the establishment of Xiancheng. The three materials we need are only collected here, even if we go to the east, the north and the west are not. Because only here is the place of origin. Now that we give up and return, we don't know when we can get together.

Nowadays, the three major commercial banks and the southern monks are fighting. The South is not the foundation of the three major commercial banks. Therefore, the retreat of the three major commercial banks is affirmative. This gives us a rare opportunity to look to Xiancheng. ”

"That... if we are fighting here, how much is it?" Xu Haotian whispered.

Xu Ziyan simply shook his head and said: "I'm not sure. If you don't, you will stay here, I will go out and try alone."

"No!" This time everyone said in unison, Xu Tiantian said in a righteous way: "The lord. This is the whole sinister thing, not you alone. And now we are all here, let you not let one The truth that people face."

Xu Ziyan was silent, and everyone was silent.

"Sovereign, fight!" Xu Tianlang said in a condensate voice: "We can't retire! If we retire this time, the southern monks will not let go of this. They may not be too wise for the time being, but wait until After they expelled the three major firms from the South, they would tear our faces with us too. Because they had an excuse, we used to kill too many family members in Longye. The southern monks only needed an excuse, and because of our retreat, the South The monks will think that we are too weak and afraid, and let them be more unscrupulous."

"Not bad!" Xu Qinyang also said with a sigh: "If we face millions of monks to face the battle this time, even if we are all dead, as long as your lord is alive, it will definitely make the whole southern heart scruples. Want to deal with too virtual Zong, consider whether it will be broken by the claws. At that time, we can sit down with the southern monks and talk about it. It is the first thing that the first thing is done. It is very likely that the scope of the situation will be fixed at us and the family. At most, we are too imaginary and Longye, and will not expand to the whole south. Therefore, from this point of view, we must fight for the future development of the illusory."

"That's the battle!" The war of Xu Ziyan was transmitted, and his face showed a sigh of color: "I would like to see if the millions of monks in Longye can leave us."

"Good!" Xu Tianwo smirked and smiled: "The lord, I thought that you alone in the alchemy city face the endless master of the big Luotian, not safe and sound!"

Xu Ziyan had a smile on his face and stood up and said: "You wait here first, I will prepare."

Xu Ziyan left the space fairy and entered the purple smoke space. If you want to fight, you must be fully prepared. Xu Ziyan just seriously thought about it. As long as he is fully prepared, he may not be able to retreat. Although half of them may fall. If it is really a deadly situation, Xu Ziyan can't promise to openly face the face with the monks.

First of all, Xiandan must be prepared, not only to quickly restore the power of Xiandan, but also to increase the number of people. These do not need to be refining first, for the future, Wang Xiancheng Dan Yi has refining a lot.

Xianfu must also be prepared, all of which are the first-class fairy charms of the first grade. This does not require refining.

The fairy is no longer needed, and the Taixu monks are already equipped with the most suitable fairy, so there is no need to re-equip them.


Xu Ziyan glanced at the Yuanshen in the sea. The Yuanshen was holding the heart of the eighth tree and refining it. As long as the nine trees were refining, they could start the battle.

Seeing this, Xu Ziyan could not help but sigh. If you can start the battle, don't say that these millions of monks, that is, more monks can also put them in.

"Right, there is a horse!"

Xu Ziyan immediately explored the gods into the secluded scorpion, and saw that the horse was squatting there at this time. He felt the consciousness of Xu Ziyan, and he stood up. Xu Ziyan’s knowledge was swept away, and his heart was overjoyed. At this time, the Majiao was already the beginning of Tianzun’s cultivation.

After calming down the horse, Xu Ziyan remembered the flying otter and came to the Mercury. When he saw that the planet had become a paradise for the otters, they have been multiplied for a hundred years, and there are already many The land sacred flight otters, and even hundreds of flying otters in the late peaks, unfortunately there is no flying raft in the Tianzun period.

Xu Ziyan’s heart is set, and she has entered the time array method. What she is going to do now is to condense the sword. With her current body cultivation, she can condense the sword of the late peak of the land, and then the peak of her late Tianzun peak. God repairs the sword that has been able to control the peaks of the 100,000-handed and the late.

She is now going to condense the sword of the 500,000-handed sacred peak. This time she has opened up, she must make a big sensation in the south, so that all the southern monks know that too imaginary is not easy to provoke.

In fact, Xu Ziyan’s heart has been holding a sigh of relief. The South’s suppression and blockade of the Taizong is indeed a great inconvenience for Taixu. If the southern monk does not suppress and block the tyrants, does she need to change her face to buy the materials herself?

Will there be so much trouble?

This gas has been lingering for a long time, even if she is to establish Wangxian City in the future, she will develop Taixu as a large-scale door, and her gas will still not be released.

This has been a long time, so that her mind is not enough to understand, although time can wipe out everything, but the longer the time, the more unforgettable.

The time outside has passed for about half an hour, and Xu Ziyan has already condensed out the 500,000-year-old shoufeng peak sword, which is stored in the Fengling array of Ziyan Space.

Then I took Xiandan and Xianfu again to the space fairy. I saw Xu Ziyan coming in, Xu Haotian and others stood up, and the body was full of endless fighting.

Xu Ziyan distributed Xiandan to everyone, and gave the usage of each elixir to everyone in detail. As soon as everyone heard the violent increase, Dan could actually improve the cultivation of a monk in one hour.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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