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What are these monks doing?

These people are the early cultivation of the land, and taking a violent increase of Dan can upgrade the cultivation to the early days of Tianzun. This is the beginning of the sixteen Tianzun. This may not be able to kill a few in a few million monks.

After Xu Ziyan, each person sent 50 episodes of the first grade of the first grade, which is half of the stock of Xu Ziyan. This time, Xu Ziyan is really determined to brain Longye.

"The sovereign, do we need to restore the original appearance?"

"Recover it! Anyway, you didn't change much at the beginning, and they didn't know you, they didn't have any impression on you!"

"Sovereign, you are so telling the truth, some are too shocking people!"

"Ha ha ha..."

Everyone regained their looks in a big laugh, and Xu Ziyan naturally recovered his original appearance, but the fight was still worn on his head.

Xu Ziyan flashed out of the space fairy, controlled the purple smoke space to fly upwards, to the high-altitude cloud, Xu Ziyan appeared on the cloud, took out the space fairy, and released the fifteen Taixu monks.

People on the ground didn't notice the changes above the clouds, and they didn't need to pay attention. If Xu Ziyan dares to come, it will definitely appear in front of them. If Xu Ziyan does not dare to come, even if they look around, they will not find it. So their eyes are gathered at the Yangjia shop, waiting quietly.

The thick clouds in the sky were suddenly broken, and the sixteen figures fell down.

Headed by a woman in white fluttering, wearing a bungee with a veil on her head, followed by fifteen monks behind her, fluttering. calm.

The whole Longye City is a quiet, although they are waiting for the purple smoke here, but no one really thinks that Xu Ziyan will come. In the face of millions of monks, will anyone dare to come? What kind of timidity does this need?

But after this silence. It is endless anger!

This is humiliation, naked humiliation! Do not put the dragon monk in the eyes of the provocation! Can this be tolerated, and will the face remain in Longye? Is there a face that says that I was born in Longye?

Just in the midst of a turbulent situation, it is necessary to get out of control, and the face of the wilderness is even more popular. The eleven immortals of their own family were killed by the other side, but they appeared in front of him in a big way, completely ignoring the quantity, and more humiliating than this?

And at this time, he also felt that millions of eyes were gathered on him. All the monks of the Longye could not wait to rush to tear the sixteen people of Xu Ziyan into pieces. But this thing is because of the amount of home, even if the heart is full of anger. Also have to control the righteousness.

Because their purpose is not only to kill the sixteen people in front of us, but to wipe out the Taixu from the south completely, which requires great justice. The most important thing is to make sure that the 16 people in front of you are Taixu monks. If you finally find that the 16 people in front of you are not too imaginary monks, the woman is not too imaginary. This fun is big.

"Xu Ziyan!" Amount of wilderness came forward.

Xu Ziyan’s body figure fell to the ground, but he did not look at the wilderness at first. Instead, he looked at the door of Yang’s shop and walked toward the gate.

At this time, Yang Yunlin couldn’t help but come forward. The figure took a step forward and said:

"When is the face of Xu Zongzhu?"

Yang Yunlin’s voice sounded, and the boss in Yang’s shop could not hide inside. This will make people feel that Yang family has no responsibilities. The door was dark, and the Yangjia shop owner came out from the inside. He had not yet opened his mouth. Xu Ziyan raised his hand and a jade slipped toward the other side.

"I come on time, pick up the goods!"

The owner of the Yangjia shop reached out and caught the jade. Looking at Yang Yunlin.

"Xu Zongzhu..."

Yang Yunlin's face sank, but Xu Ziyan simply did not give him the opportunity to speak, said coldly:

"I made a deposit, Yang Jia promised to get the materials for me on the 3rd. Yang family will not be a family that does not keep promises? Longye will not be a lost city of Xiancheng?"

Xu Ziyan said that she hurts because she knows no matter what attitude she shows. The monks of the wilderness will not let them leave safely. Therefore, she must use words to force Yang Jiaxian to sell the materials to himself. And she expects that Yang will definitely give the material to himself. In the presence of so many monks who are so vocal in their own words, and he can also sell her materials first, get Xianjing, and then kill Xu Ziyan, to recapture those materials.

Sure enough, Yang Yunlin’s face is more gloomy: “We Yang’s family must be trustworthy. But you are in alliance with the three major businesses...”

"Since the letter is trustworthy, I will complete the promise! I am now standing at the door of the Yangjia store. The Yang family must first complete the promise, and the rest are afterwards!"

Yang Yunlin’s face was gloomy and his eyes flickered. In his heart, why is it so strange that Ziyan is so calm, is she really rushing out from the encirclement of millions of monks?

His gaze swept away to the sixteen people of Xu Ziyan. Except that Xu Ziyan looked like an ordinary person, the other fifteen monks were the first in the land.

This is a very strong combination, but it is not strong enough to be able to kill from millions of monks. What is Xu Ziyan doing so?

The light gauze under the fight fluttered, and Xu Ziyan’s heart was also very nervous. She must get the materials first, otherwise it would be useless to take the risk. But at this time she is not suitable for more words, only waiting for Yang Yunlin's decision.

"Pay the goods!"

Yang Yunlin finally made up his mind that he could not lose the credibility of Yang’s family in front of millions of monks. After all, the southern blockade of Xu Ziyan is a tacit understanding, a secret rule in the dark, and can not get on the table. It is even more difficult to sway the momentum in front of Xu Ziyan. More importantly, he does not believe that Xu Ziyan can escape from the encirclement of these millions of monks.

The owner of the Yangjia shop listened to Yang Yunlin’s order and immediately made a request to Xu Ziyan:


Xu Ziyan walked toward the door, and Xu Tianwo and others stayed outside, and looked back at the millions of monks around. For a time, the city of Longye was silent.

About a quarter of an hour, Xu Ziyan walked out of the gate. The atmosphere outside was suddenly tense. The murderous gas rushed toward Xu Ziyan, and the murderousness of millions of monks gathered in one place, rushing into the sky, the clouds in the air suddenly shattered, and the wind swelled...

A few steps before the weather. Standing on the opposite side of Xu Ziyan, an imposing manner climbed to the peak, and his mouth was about to explode, but he suddenly stopped the sound. Because he saw Xu Ziyan raised his hand and put it on the bash, and he couldn’t help but be surprised. Should she take the initiative to expose her identity?

Xu Ziyan raised his hand and took off the fight. He gently threw the bucket out, and the fight flew toward the sky and disappeared.

"Xu Ziyan!"

This time Yang Yunlin and Qu Moye and others recognized Xu Ziyan. Even those who did not know Xu Ziyan heard the name of Xu Ziyan, and knew that the woman in white was fluttering in the eyes of the woman who was too imaginary.

This time they immediately believed the rumors of these days, Xu Ziyan and the three major business alliances, the anger in the heart suddenly burned up.

"Cang Cang..." A handle of the fairy will light up, and the light on the fairy will flash.

The amount of light on the doubles is twinkling. He knows the opportunity to explain to Xu Ziyan. Although in this atmosphere, even if Xu Ziyan explained, the angry Longye monk may not be willing to listen, but he can not let a slight accident happen. Xu Ziyan did not have a clear identity. And has always been against the Yang family. Now Xu Ziyan has already clarified his identity and ended his negotiations with the Yang family. What are you waiting for?

So he just shouted a word, but in this situation of emotional out of control, this word is enough.



The "kill" that accompanied the amount of strangeness was the killing of millions of monks. Moreover, the hands of the wilderness swayed the fairy scorpion, and the first one released his fairy gilt cut and smashed it toward Xu Ziyan.

When the golden scorpion cut is released, it is a big scissors. Two sharp edges were opened and cut to Xu Ziyan, but only when they left the wilderness, they turned into two dragons and thought about Xu Ziyan strangled.

The amount of strangeness is full of hatred towards Xu Ziyan, and Xu Ziyan directly killed the hope of the family. Therefore, as soon as he came up, he released the strongest fairy in his late period.

He was full of hatred towards Xu Ziyan, and Xu Ziyan did not have a good impression on him.

"Wan Jian!"

It is said that Wan Jianzhen, in fact, Xu Ziyan is only released ten swords. Whistling and darting toward the golden plaque.

"Big hand print!"

Xu Ziyan's power of the gods and Xian Yuanli frantically poured into the headdress.


In the midair, a large sky-like handprint appeared to the wilderness, and the power of the middle of the heavens made the entire monk of the dragon field tremble.


The ten-handed sword was continuously slammed on the body of the golden scorpion, and the golden sniper was struck in the air.

The amount of strangeness on the ground wanted to dodge, but found that the realm of his late reign was shackled by the big palm of the sky. When the mind is motivated, I want to recall the golden plaque to block the big handprint in the air. But the golden scorpion shear was tightly entangled by the ten-handed sword.


Standing in front of the amount of strangers, the ancestors of the ancestors raised their sleeves, and there was a fan of wind and thunder in their hands. The big handprint to the air was one.

During the hurricane, the thunder flashed and the big handprints that landed in the air met the past.

"Ma Jiao, up!"

A group of black smoke floated out of Xu Ziyan's body and flew toward the ancestors' ancestors. In a moment, a horse was handed over, and a big mouth was opened. Two rows of sharp fangs turned out and bite toward the head of the ancestor. The past.

"go with!"

The measurer fell on the left sleeve, and the big sleeves were infinitely extended in an instant, like a dragon tail, and they rushed toward the horse. The body shape of Ma Jiao suddenly exploded, and turned into a black smoke to disperse in all directions, and then gathered toward the ancestors of the family, and once again appeared the body of the horse, biting on the shoulders of the ancestors.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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