The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2297: Surrounding and killing

This is still the family ancestors in time to dodge, otherwise it will be bitten in the head of the horse, the original World of Warcraft fighting power is very strong, the first horse of Tianzun can completely fight with the humans in the middle of the sky, the air in the air Only the middle hand of Tianzun’s big handprint was deadlocked with the ancestors’ ancestors, which made the ancestor’s ancestors at a disadvantage, and more importantly, he did not expect that Xu Ziyan would release such a powerful fairy and so powerful. Warcraft. After being bitten by the horse, I couldn’t stand the big handprint in the sky.

In fact, all of this happened in the moment when the mind was turning, and the big palm of the sky was already photographed.


An infinite roar, the number of gravel collapses on the ground is high, and countless monks are affected by the rest of this palm. The distance from the near is directly mixed with the past, but the distance is slightly far away, but the body shape is rolling in the air. Not to mention the monks who were covered by the big handprints.

The big handprints dissipated, and the whole Longye City was silent. At this time the monks flew into the air, and there was a bottomless pit underneath, which was the shape of a large palm. It was only an instant that the groundwater spread and formed a lake with a large handprint shape.

This palm has also killed at least 10,000 monks, and these monks are almost all monks and monks. This palm is almost extinct. When the big handprint slammed down, Xu Ziyan thought of a move, and the phantom had already sacrificed to the air, and the horse was handed over to the gloom.


A figure flew out of the lake, draped her hair, the defensive vestment on the shoulder was torn apart, and two rows of teeth were left on the shoulder, but it was the ancestors of the middle ages.


Another figure flew out of the lake, covered in blood, and the figure was shaking in the air. At first glance, it was a very serious injury, but it was the amount of land in the late stage.

The high-ranking family was almost killed by this palm, and the four monks were not spared. Only the ancestors and the patriarchs were measured.

Four silences, the power of this palm makes millions of monks scream. Yang Yunlin suddenly remembered that Yang Yunqi had talked with him about the horror of Xu Ziyan. Just three days ago, Yang Yunqi also resolutely disagreed with Yang’s participation in the murder of Xu Ziyan. He did not pay attention to him. Even if Xu Ziyan has the strength of Tianzun's medium term, it is impossible to resist the siege of millions of monks, not to mention the fact that Xu Ziyan does not have the strength of Tianzun period, but has the strength to temporarily upgrade to the Tianzun period.

Don't forget that there is still a family ancestor in the middle of this respect. He can deal with Xu Ziyan alone. If you add the peak of the Yang family's Tianzun, the two will pinch Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan will die, no need to alarm the old man who is retreating. Ancestor.

However, now seeing Xu Ziyan's power of the palm of his hand hesitated, not to mention Xu Ziyan still do not know where to get a Tianzun early Warcraft?

Looking around, I was looking for Yang Yunqi, but I couldn't see Yang Yunqi's figure.

Where did Yang Yunhao go?

At this time, Yang Yunqi was seeking the Yang family ancestors in the back of the Yang family. Xu Ziyan has left a shadow in his heart. Even if everyone thinks that Xu Ziyan is at an absolute disadvantage, he does not think that Xu Ziyan will be dangerous. At the beginning of the place where the Mozu trials were so dangerous, Xu Ziyan was able to retreat from the whole body. Can these monks in Longye really be able to live with Xu Ziyan?


Yang’s shop was over the sky, and suddenly there was a roar in the silent sky. This roar made everyone feel a shake. Xu Ziyan heard this roar, and his heart was dumbfounding. Because this roar is not shouted out by the ancestors, nor is it shouted out by the wilderness, not even Yang Yunlin shouted out, but Xu Tianwo shouted out.

Xu Ziyan’s palm looked like Xu Tianwo and others, and he was so excited that the lord had such a powerful fairy. Isn’t this what we want to stay and want to leave?

Where do they know that such a big handprint is that they can only be released three times with the current purple smoke.

Ignorance is fearless!

Therefore, Xu Tianlang, who was originally a militant, was bloody. The result of this blood was the first to rush to the monk of the wild, and he was not holding the idea of ​​breaking through, but holding the idea of ​​killing for a while.

Needless to say, after seeing the palm of Xu Ziyan, the remaining fourteen monks also held the same thoughts as Xu Tianwo, so the fifteen people rushed out, and not in a direction, but Everyone chose a direction and rushed out.

The posture did not have to break through and look like a runaway. Instead, it was the appearance of killing millions of monks and hunters.

How can this not let Xu Ziyan cry and laugh?

That is millions of monks!


At this time, Yang Yunlin was also on fire, hemp, and this is too much to put Yang in his eyes. Millions of monks killed the sixteen monks of Xu Ziyan. The two ancestors and the two families of the family were red at this time. In their eyes, there were no other people at this time. Only Xu Ziyan was alone.

As soon as the two men were swept, they rushed toward Xu Ziyan. Yang Yunlin, the peak of the early Tianzun of the Yang family and the peak of the late Ming Dynasty, glanced at each other and unscrewed Xu Ziyan in the same way, and shocked the past with other monks of Taixu. What they want is to let the ancestors and the amount of strangers deal with Xu Ziyan.

If the two people and Xu Ziyan can lose both of them, it is best. If they kill Xu Ziyan, it doesn't matter. Anyway, the amount of home has already been completed, and they will no longer have the status of fighting with Yang. If the two sides are still deadlocked, then wait for the two of them to kill the fifteen early monks of the Taizong dynasty, and then join hands with the tens of thousands of people to kill Xu Ziyan.

With the eyes of these two people, it is obvious that the strength of Xu Qinyang and Xu Xingfan among the fifteen Taixu monks is the strongest. So the body shape of these two people swept to the front of Xu Qinyang and Xu Xingfan.

Xu Qinyang and Xu Xingfan felt a strong breath approaching, and they didn't want to raise their hands and threw a first-class fairy charm, while the body shape flashed toward the side.

Yang Jiatian and the patriarch saw two fairy characters printed on their own, and they could not help but cry out.


Are you afraid of the fairy charm with the repair of both of them? It is impossible to waste time because of avoiding the fairy, so the two people turned over and swept toward the two fairy symbols.


The two of them did not think that this is the first day of the first grade. It’s not that they have no eyesight. This is not the case in the Upper Yuan Dynasty. And the inferior fairy charm will not hurt them at all.

So it’s a tragedy


Two infinite roars, Yang Jiatian Zun's robe sleeves were directly smashed into powder, and Yang Yunlin was bombarded, but the strength of the two men was there, and they were not injured. But at this moment, Xu Qinyang and Xu Xingfan have already seen two people even in the early days of the first product, the innate fairy can not hurt them, immediately took out the surge of Dan swallowed down.

The infinite roar here has naturally attracted the attention of the Taixu monks, and the 13 monks swallowed the swallowing Dan without hesitation. The breath of the fifteen monks suddenly increased, and instantly rushed to the early days of Tianzun.

The airborne figures flashed, Xu Qinyang, Xu Xingfan, Xu Tianwo, Xu Lin and Ling Xiao, the five strongest monks in the moment, rushed to Yang Jiatian and the patriarch. Xu Qinyang Xu Xingfan and Xu Lin three people into a triangle will be surrounded by the early peak of Yang Jiatian Zun, Xu Tianwo and Ling Xiao are the Yang family long pinch in the middle.

With the strength of these five people being able to challenge more and more, anyone can challenge Yang Jiang, the peak of Tianzun's early days, let alone three people besieging a person, not to mention the two people who are still pinning the peak of a land. Just a few rounds, I played Yang Jiatian and the patriarchs.

The rest of the imaginary monks are swaying back and forth among the millions of monks, only killing people. Today, there are only two Tianzuns in the Longye monk, one is being Xu Qinyang, Xu Xingfan and Xu Lin are chasing after the fight, one is the ancestor of the family, at this time the entire volume of the family is long and the Xu Ziyan.

Therefore, there is no more Tianzun among these millions of monks, which gives the rest of these imaginary monks a chance to kill, and their means are not only these, but when they are attacked by countless monks They fluttered and thrown two first-class fairy tales in the early stage. After blocking the fairy tales, they quickly sneaked to each other and killed the other side. The countless Longye monks kept falling from the air. .

At this time, Xu Ziyan was suppressed by the ancestors and patriarchs. The figure was a little embarrassed. If she did not release the horse to block the family, she would have been injured at this time.

His eyes glanced at the next four, and he frowned slightly. Although the current illusory occupies an advantage, although there are few people, it is like a tiger like a flock. However, their own affairs are clear to their own family. This advantage can only occupy an hour of time. If the Taixu monk immediately kills a **** road, he still has half of his hope to escape. The reason why there is a great hope to escape is that there is half the hope, because if the monk Ryano is determined to desperately, it is not impossible to be a siege of the Taixu monk.

At this time, there were tens of thousands of monks who began to greet Xu Ziyan. Xu Qinyang and Xu Tianwo surrounded the purple smoke. Xu Qinyang and Xu Tianwo surrounded the three battle groups. They have already seen the situation of Yang Jiatian Zun and the patriarch, the ancestors and the patriarchs. They also know that as long as the Xu Ziyan, Xu Qinyang and Xu Tianwo are killed, the other monks of the Taixu are not enough.

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