The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2298: Yang family ancestors

I am very grateful to Tu Yishui (588), Jie Jie (200), **** classmate (200), @~~ ahref=\"/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection\"class=\"__cf_email__\" Data-cfemail=\"204c5e5e60\">[emailprotected] classmates (200), 乖乖书迷同学(100), 辛夷的豆豆同学(100), mableip classmate (100), 青子佩丶同学(100), 梅子卿Qing classmates (100) reward!


Similarly, Xu Ziyan also saw the situation at this time. She must cause fear in the minds of the monks in Longye in the shortest time. Only by letting them feel fearful, can they have the opportunity to leave.

Xu Ziyan knows that although the monks who are too imaginary have reached the power of Tianzun, they are not true Tianzun. There is no such thing as a monk's understanding of the heavens. If they are true monks and monks, they can completely tear apart the space, but now they can't do this kind of false heaven.

"That's the two flags for you!" Xu Ziyan glanced over the ancestors and patriarchs who were savagely savvy, and thought about the movements in the purple smoke space.


A purple long river straddles the top of Xu Ziyan's head. It is a dense purple sword, which is a 100,000-handed sword. This is really the real sword. As soon as this purple long river appeared, the huge power could spread out to the surrounding area. The ancestors who were smashing with the horse and the amount of strangeness that smacked toward Xu Ziyan were a stunned look. .

The tens of thousands of monks who are flying towards it are instantly pale.

"go with!"

Xu Ziyan shouted, and the purple long river at the top of the head split a tributary. A thousand purple swords crossed a purple light in the air and rushed toward the wilderness. At the same time, there was a 10,000-handed purple qijian diverted from the purple long river and drowned toward the ancestors.

It was really drowning, and the 10,000-handed sword swayed over the sky to the ancestors, like a purple river, like a purple dragon.

"go with!"

Xu Ziyan re-snapped, and the remaining long river of nearly 90,000-handed swords suddenly rushed from the middle to the fire like a fireworks bloom, rushing toward the dragon monk who was surrounded.


Time. Numerous monks of the dragon field were strangled by the purple air sword, and the body burst into the blood, and the body that lost its life fell helplessly downward.

The amount of Tian Zun’s eyes was sharp, and the wind thunder fan in his hand suddenly turned to the front. The purple river that was submerged was separated from the middle, and the body shape of the ancestors passed through the gap and approached Xu Ziyan.

The amount of strangeness sees the measure of the ancestors of the ancestors, and also bites the teeth, and the golden gongs are cut into two dragons and rushed to the opposite side of the flaming purple sword.


After a series of intensive collisions, the two dragons will collide with each other and the air sword will collapse. The shape of the wilderness is closely followed by the purple scorpion and flutters toward Xu Ziyan.

At this time, Xu Ziyan rode on the back of Ma Jiao, looking at the ancestors and patriarchs who were rushing to the middle of the Qijian River at this time, and the corner of his mouth passed a sneer, which is really a dead end.


The ancestors and patriarchs are too tragic. If Xu Ziyan surrounded them with a gas sword, it really took time. However, the two men rushed into the encirclement of the sword with the eagerness to kill Xu Ziyan.


These swords can all be the power of the late peaks of the earth. These so many sacred swords of the late stage blew themselves together, forming two large and one small black holes in the air.

The roar of the qijian that has been in the late stage of the tens of thousands of sacred sacred powers is too loud. The power is too great, and the millions of monks in the air are shaking and swaying. They are as stunned as they are drunk, and they can’t stop, and they rush to the two. A black hole looked at the past.

Even the monks of the Taixu can't help but stop looking over. Many of them have seen Xu Ziyan of Xu Ziyan, but they have not seen such a powerful Wan Jian. To know that the purple sword that Xu Ziyan detonated at this time is the peak of the late Zun.

In time, in addition to one big and one small black hole in the sky, nearly 90,000 qi swords hovered in the air, like a huge purple vortex, and under this huge purple whirlpool, a white-colored Xu Ziyan sat in one The dark horse is over.


A figure burst out of the **** hole. The hair is scattered, the clothes are broken, the look is bloody, and the wolf is unbearable. It is the ancestor of Yang family in the middle of Tianzun. The temperament of the tens of thousands of squats in the late peaks only caused him to be seriously injured. There is no corruption.

Looking up at the purple whirlpool above the top of Xu Ziyan, the muscles on his face twitched, and the eyes were full of fear. He was really scared this time. The detonation of the 10,000-handed sword made him seriously injured. If all the swords in the purple vortex surrounded him and blew himself, he would die without slag.

"Xu Ziyan, this hatred you remember, after I saw a Taixu monk, I will kill one."

The eyes of the ancestors of the family were full of grievances, and looked at the little black hole next to them, knowing that the amount of strangeness had become a powder at this time, and the grievances in the eyes were even worse.

The family is gone, so there is no such thing, but it also makes the ancestors have no burden at all. A Tianzhong mid-term monk ponders a sect, and the sect is really unlucky. I think that the Star Fields that I was mulling in the first place is an example, let alone the Taixu is a third-rate medium-sized sect!

This problem Xu Ziyan also realized. There is a glimpse in my heart, and I will leave the other side anyway today.


A Tianzun wants to go, can she be stopped by a monk in the early days of her land?

The ancestors did not leave immediately. He had that self-confidence. A Tianzun could tear away the space at any time, and no one could stop him. His gaze swept over the quiet monks, and said sadly:

"Thank you..."

Xu Zi smoked, her one hand raised, nine bells flew out of her wrist, and instantly reached the head of the ancestors, magnified into nine huge clocks.


The bell rang and stunned, forming a space between the nine big clocks.

Xu Ziyan's face was sharp and pale. The force of the acupoints in the body is continuously opened, and the power of the gods of the peaks of the late Tianzun is transported to the peak, and the mouth is screamed:


This time, Xu Ziyan did not let Jiu Ling space absorb the ancestors in the air, but controlled the Jiu Ling space directly to the ancestors.

The ancestors of the ancestors changed dramatically. If you don't want to explain the scene, you will have to rip the space and let go. Suddenly the body was a stiff, the space around him was locked up by the nine bells, and the space cracks could not be torn apart.


Nine big clocks were spinning in space, and the time was spent engulfing the ancestors.


The sounds of the nine big clocks were densely populated and the speed of rotation in the air was also faster. The nine-color ray exploded from the interior of the nine-bell space. At this time, all the monks in the air understood that the nine-bell space was smashing the ancestors, not the ancestors. Nine is the nine bell space collapse.

All the monks' eyes couldn't help but gather on Xu Ziyan's body. Seeing Xu Ziyan's face was very pale, all the monks couldn't help but move. This time is the best time to kill Xu Ziyan, and a pair of eyes can't help. Xu Tianwo and others see this. The flashing figure of the body has stood around Xu Ziyan, forming a circle surrounded by Xu Ziyan in the middle, and a pair of fierce eyes turned to the surrounding monk.

Xu Ziyan’s pale face suddenly showed a sneer, not giving these people a profound lesson. It would be very difficult to leave here safely.


The huge purple vortex above the top of Xu Ziyan suddenly speeded up the rotation.


Nearly 90,000-handed purple qi swords went all around, and Yang Jiatian respected nothing. He grabbed Yang Yunlin and tore the space. It disappeared in a flash. He didn't want to be surrounded by a gas sword, and then he ended up with the ancestors of the family.


Millions of monks no longer dare to stay, although they are not scared to run, but no one is a fool to fight hard purple

The sword of the smoke. The big deal is that after these gas swords are consumed, they are surrounded. By that time, Xu Ziyan had no gas sword. And I am afraid that her strength and mental strength have been consumed to the extreme, that is, when she takes her life.

But they are not Tianzun, where there are gas swords flying fast, just two times, there are tens of thousands of monks killed in the air. The whole sky has been messed up.

"Swords under the mercy!"

There was a sudden burst of air in the air. A figure swayed out, and the body exudes the atmosphere of the mid-term peak of Tianzun. Xu Ziyan’s gaze is shrinking, he feels a huge threat, and he can’t take care of anything else.


Nearly 90,000 qi swords suddenly detonated, the sky seemed to collapse, and everywhere there were cracks in the space, and countless black holes were created in space. Hundreds of thousands of monks fell from the air, and the whole air was a mess, accompanied by exclamation and mourning.

A stream of blood poured into the throat, and Xu Ziyan closed his mouth and swallowed the blood. At this time, the power of the acupoints in her body has already turned on 128, and the power of the gods has also consumed two-thirds, and the nine-bell space in the air is still rapidly absorbing her strength and mental strength. She knew that she could not hold on for a long time.

"You..." The sky in the middle of the sky, the peak of the peak, sinking into a very embarrassing. This purple smoke did not give him a half face. After he shouted "Keeping under the sword", not only did he stop, but he detonated the gas sword.


The 100,000-handed sword appeared on the head of Xu Ziyan, like a purple fierce dragon that was tightly locked in the middle of the sky.

Don't say that the monks who have just stopped to change their minds, that is, the mid-term peak of the Tianzun is also a change.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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