The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2299: Strong

He is the ancestor of the Yang family. He was listening to Yang Yunxuan’s report just after the family’s ancestral homeland. After listening to the report, he was sinking the pros and cons of this matter to the Yang family, and he heard a loud noise in the city of Longye. When the gods swept away, they saw the situation. They rushed to ignore Yang Yunqi and rushed to tear open the space and appeared on the battlefield. Shouted a "sword to keep people."

However, his voice "Keeping under the sword" was exchanged for the fierce return of Xu Ziyan. At this time, he had already understood that he had exuded tyrannical strength and let Xu Ziyan misunderstand. However, this result really made him not come to Taiwan. He said that he was also the real big man of Long Ye, so he was swept away and how to serve the people in Longye in the future.

But when I saw the purple long river, I felt a little jealous in my heart. Turned his head and looked at the nine-bell space that was circling rapidly in the air. His face looked cloudy and uncertain.

At this time, the whole dragon field was silent. Don't look at the Taixu monks who killed hundreds of thousands of monks, but there are still millions of monks around.

Xu Ziyan's face is getting paler and paler. At this time, the power of the hole in the body has already opened three hundred and one, and the power of the **** is only one tenth. I am afraid that she will have no strength when she insists on the time. Control the air sword and the nine bell space.

Nine interest!

Eight interest!

Seven interest!

Six interest!

Five interest!


The nine bells burst into a humming sound, and the nine-color ray was instantly restrained. Xu Ziyan gently breathed a sigh of relief, and the ancestors were finally strangled. The nine-bell space instantly turned into a stream of light and flew over to Xu Ziyan. On the wrist of Xu Ziyan, he turned into a string of bracelets.

At this time, the force of Xu Ziyan’s acupoints has already opened three hundred and sixty, and the power of the gods is only a trace. Using the power of this silk god, the purple long river in the air circled toward the body of Xu Ziyan, disappeared instantly, and she was accepted into the seal of the purple smoke space.

The opposite Yang family ancestors have been watching Xu Ziyan silently, although Xu Ziyan is still an ordinary person, so he can not see the depth, but he has already seen Xu Ziyan to the end of the strong. At this point, as long as you are willing, one finger can crush each other.

With this judgment, his eyes could not help but flash. This is an opportunity, the measure has disappeared. In Longye, there is no more power that can threaten his Yang family, if he is killing Xu Ziyan here. Yang’s reputation is bound to rise to the next level in the South.

The trace of the man in his eyes was clearly seen by Xu Ziyan. At this time, Xu Tianwo and others took the violent increase of Dan. Half an hour has passed. The appearance of Yang’s ancestors really made Xu Ziyan a headache.

Mindfulness, let the chaos take a surge of Dan, and then quickly and chaotically switched the body. The ancestors of Yang’s ancestors were shrinking. He felt keenly that the other’s body seemed to be slightly sloppy. He thought that the other side had to escape, but then the momentum of Xu Ziyan’s body suddenly increased.

"What...what..." Yang’s ancestors suddenly opened their mouths.

This... Nima is too scary... The momentum of the other party at this time is amazing.

You... If you enter the Longye and reveal your identity, you will show the cultivation of the peak of the late Tianzun. Does the measurer have the guts to deal with you? Will our Yang family participate in this matter?

Are you...not a pit person?

At this time, Yang Jiatian Zun took the Yang family leader and returned to the Yang family's ancestors, looking at the breath of Xu Ziyan, his face instantly became pale.

This... what happened?

It was just the appearance of a strong end, but now it is a full-fledged force... It’s plenty of plenty, but don’t you just raise it to the peak of Tianzun’s later stage?

The eyes of Yang’s ancestors swept through Xu Ziyan and others. The eyelids are a pumping. To say that it is not just them, that is, the entire Southern monk is also very ignorant of Taixu Zong, who let them block the Taixu sect, and too imaginary is also closed, which makes the Southern monks very informative. not equal. Xu Ziyan has a general understanding of the whole South, but the South really has no understanding of Taixu Zong.

Nowadays, Xu Ziyan’s sixteen people are all Tianzun, and the Yang family’s ancestors could not help but open up.

This is all about it! You want to kill Xu Ziyan. Do you have trouble understanding the strength of others first? I don't know if people are heavenly and dare to kill each other?

Is Tianzun able to kill you?

Do you know that Tianzun is able to tear the space at any time? How useful is your person? How long people are willing to kill for a long time, it is really the consumption of Yuanli, and the tearing space is gone.

You... isn't that looking for death?

In fact, Yang’s ancestors are also very skeptical that these people are not true Tianzun, they should have taken what Xiandan. Because he can feel the scent of the gods on them from Xu Tianwo, they are not natural.


Opposite the purple smoke of the body, but exudes a true sense of heaven, this is no doubt, he can fully feel it.

And he didn't feel wrong. The chaos itself is the beginning of the real Tianzun, and the increase of Dan only lifted her strength to the peak of Tianzun. But the atmosphere of the day was real.

With this feeling, the Yang family ancestors really did not dare to gamble. Once the dozens of Taixu monks were able to tear the space away, the ending would be terrible.

At this time, Yang Jiatian Zun has already told the Yang family ancestors through the exchange of knowledge, after listening to it. The heart of Yang’s ancestors is another pump.

The ancestors of the family are the mid-term monks of Tianzun! Only weaker than a small order, he was thrown out by the other party to kill. The patriarch of the late family of the qualifiers was smashed into **** by the other party.

The heart is a glimpse. He suddenly thought of Xu Ziyan. If he used the nine bells to deal with himself, can he cope with it?

Then his heart was shaking again, because he thought again that Xu Ziyan suddenly detonated Wan Jianyu, and later he summoned 100,000 swords.

This... even if you don’t use the nine bells today, you can use that sword... you only have to avoid it.


This situation is not easy to deal with! If you are so embarrassed...

"Xu Zongzhu!"

At this time, there was a call from a distance. When I heard this call, the heart of Yang’s ancestors was relieved.

How did I forget him? Still too nervous!

Xu Ziyan also followed the prestige, his face could not help but sink, and the person who came was Yang Yunqi. Xu Ziyan has never been to Yang Yunqi, and he is not too rare to contact him. But I don't contact you, do you have to position yourself?

You Yang Jiawei killed me, wouldn't you stop it?

"Xu Zongzhu!" Yang Yunqi finally flew to Xu Ziyan's not far away and stopped. His face was anxious. Just when he was flying over, he had already seen what happened, and he felt the horrible breath of Xu Ziyan. At this time, I saw Xu Ziyan’s sullen face, and I dared not rely on it. Looking weakly at the Xu Zi flue:

"Xu Zongzhu, before the Yang family made a decision against Taixu, I... I really dissuaded it. But...but the patriarch does not listen..."

"Yang Yunxi, I am a grass Nima!" Yang Yunlin was awkward in his heart. At this time, he had already seen it. His own ancestors had already had fear of Xu Ziyan. This time, it is undoubtedly a mistake to kill the Taizong. I am afraid He Yang Yunlin backed the pot.

"So..." At this time, Yang Yunqi was still there, regardless of whether he said it or not. He didn't say no, once he angered Xu Ziyan, he said that Yang Jia could not bear the anger of Xu Ziyan. At the very least, Xu Ziyan thought about it and he died. deal.

"I went to Houshanzu to ask for my ancestors. The ancestors broke out this time, that is... to stop this misunderstanding!"

Speaking of this, he could not help but look at the Yang family ancestors, and secretly said: "My ancestors, my ancestors, I am here for you, otherwise it is a disaster for Yang!"

At this time, the Yang family ancestors had to speak, and the look on the face was slightly slow:

"Xu Zongzhu, I think there must be some misunderstandings in this place. It is impossible for Taixu to break up with the three major businesses..."

The chaos is so vain in the air, she is not afraid to fight, but she is not sure if she is involved with the other party. Therefore, only waiting for Xu Ziyan to restore strength. And he also knows that it won't take long, because Xu Ziyan has a time array.

As soon as Xu Ziyan entered the space, he immediately entered the time array method. While holding the crystal veins to restore the repair, he swallowed Yuan Shendan to restore the power of the gods.

After the Yang family ancestors finished, the look in their eyes became complicated, with shyness, fear, and fear...

Because his words can be regarded as a step for Xu Ziyan, as long as Xu Ziyan gave him a statement, everyone can immediately become harmonious.

Misunderstanding has been lifted!

As for the monks who died... who cares?


Xu Ziyan was so faintly in the air, not to say a word, even the expression did not change.

What are you doing?

Do you really think that we Yang family... We are afraid that you will not be able to make millions of monks in the whole Longye?

The atmosphere in the air is getting more and more dignified. At this time, the psychology of the monk Longye has changed. The key is that the means of Xu Ziyan is too scary. One type of sword smashes hundreds of thousands of monks, and one fairy kills a middle age. And the Taixu monk is the top Tianzun...

This... too imaginary is too cruel!

At this time, they almost remembered that there were two cruel emperors in the Upper Yuan Dynasty, one in a thousand miles and one in Yanshan. This Xu Ziyan can completely fight with the two cruel emperors!


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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