The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2300: Step shake

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Just when the atmosphere had condensed like the tranquility before the storm, Yang Jiatian Zun suddenly felt that the shape of Xu Ziyan seemed to sway. This shocked him, and his heart immediately became nervous, thinking that Xu Ziyan would injure and hurt. But then the mind is a loose, because he saw the Ling people's breath on Xu Ziyan disappeared, and restored the appearance of ordinary people who are harmless to adult animals.

Xu Ziyan is back! She switched to the body again with chaos. Looking at the opposite Yang family ancestors said faintly:

"I don't know what you are talking about. I just know that when I was in an epiphany in the ancient town a few days ago, I was suddenly attacked by the monks of the measure."

The face of Yang’s ancestors is a change. If Xu Ziyan said it is true, this thing is that Longye is doing something wrong. I couldn’t help but look at Yang Yunlin. Yang Yunlin’s eyes were somewhat dissociated. He knew this thing. At the beginning, there were many monks in the ancient town who saw the passing of things. As long as the Yang family leader had to listen to it, it was impossible to know. At the beginning, he just wanted to take advantage of the situation to kill the sect of the sect of the emptiness. Who would think that the tyrants would be so embarrassed. However, at this time, it was impossible to admit it. So when I saw the gaze of my own ancestors, I immediately said:

"Old ancestors, we don't know about this matter. The tycoon insisted that it was the tyrants and the three major firms ambushed them, so we made this counterattack."

"Go and bring the shop owners in the ancient town to me." Yang's ancestors said faintly. In fact, when he heard Yang Yunlin's tone, he already knew that Xu Ziyan did not make a mistake. But the gesture must be done.

"I am going!" Yang family that Tian Zun reached out and tore the space, and his body shape disappeared.

It was only a moment of effort, and the space was rippling, and Yang Jiatian Zun appeared from the crack in the space. With a big sleeve, a dozen monks were thrown out of the big sleeves.

The monks of these monks were not high, and they saw so many monks floating in the air, standing in front of the Yang family ancestors, all of them feared and trembled.

Yang Jiatian Zun went to the ancient town, and he didn’t talk to the boss guys at all. He just grabbed them with a big sleeve. But now that I see this scene, these boss buddies already know what is going on. Because when the measurers took action, they had secretly threatened them not to talk indiscriminately, and the shopkeepers like Yang’s shop there would not be too much.

Moreover, they all believed that these monks were too dead. Nowadays, the monks who have seen the imaginary emptiness are standing in the air intact, and then seeing the surrounding monks face like water, that is, the stupid people also know that the tyranny has prevailed, and at least the monk does not prevail.

"Speak clearly about the things of Taixu and the family that happened in the ancient town a few days ago!" The breath of the Yang family's ancestors suddenly oppressed the past. This breath was oppressed, and the dozens of bosses immediately lost their control. Wow, I will say the story again.

The Yang family ancestors put away the pressure in a timely manner and did not let them continue. Because he is very clear, if he goes on, he will talk about the conspiracy of the family. Maybe there is the shadow of the Yang family in this conspiracy. You can push things to the hands of the family, but you can never get pregnant with Yang.


Yang family ancestors snorted, and a robes sleeves were lifted up, and the sleeves were over. The dozens of bosses and buddies have turned into powder. Then turned to Yang Yunlin and screamed coldly:

"Yang Yunlin, you as the head of the Yang family are unclear and rashly shot. Now stop your patriarch's position, and return to the mountains after the retreat of the millennium, you can be convinced?"

"Children are convinced!" Yang Yunlin immediately bowed to the ceremony.

"Yang Yunhao!"

"Baby is here!" Yang Yunqi hurriedly squatted.

"From this moment on, you are the owner of the Yang family!"

"Xie Laozu!" Yang Yunxiao's face showed a happy color.

The eyes of Yang’s ancestors looked at Xu Ziyan: “What are the requirements of Xu Zongzhu?”


More than a dozen figures flew from the distance, and the eyes of the people could not help but look at the dozens of people. The look of those people is also a glimpse. They saw a lot of monks gathered here from afar. They couldn’t help but look down, but they saw that the forces of the dragons gathered here, and the figure fell to the heads of their respective families. A monk looked blankly at him. That person is the monk of the family.

"Old ancestors!" After the Yang family's monk fell in front of the Yang family's ancestors, he looked eagerly:

"The treasures of the Wolong Mountains!"

"Hidden?" Yang family ancestors looked a move.


The monk began to talk about it. It turned out that the monk Long Tian and the city government teamed up in the Wolong Mountains to fight in the three major commercial banks. This time, it was a real decisive battle. The two sides fought hard and cracked. It was not thought that it was cracking the earth. After that, a ground palace appeared. There are two big characters above the gate of the underground palace:

Dragon Palace!

This southern monk and the three major commercial banks did not fight, and their eyes were on the Dragon Palace. At the same time, they also sent people back to Longye to report their respective patriarchs, all of whom came back to report.

"Yang patriarch!" At this time, the quantity monk shouted to Yang Yunlin: "We measure the family..."


Yang Yunlin directly slaps the monk to death, and the family is gone. After the departure of Taixu, the whole family is ours. What are you here?

At this time, all the monks knew that the Dragon Palace had been discovered in the Wolong Mountain Range. The vast majority of the monks in the Dragon Palace did not know what it was, but they did not delay them. Therefore, at this time their minds have long been not too imaginary, and have already floated to the Dragon Palace.

"Xu Zongzhu..."

At this time, the heart of Yang’s ancestors was really tangled. What is this? If there is no such thing as killing Taixu, I am afraid that Xu Ziyan and his party have already left Longye at this time. However, at this time, it was letting Taixu Zong know the news of the birth of the Dragon Palace, saying that the treasure of this Dragon Palace must be given a piece of Taixu.

Do not let points do not work! Too imaginary is so cruel!

Xu Ziyan thought a little, and she would not give up the treasure of the Dragon Palace. Others may not be very clear about this Dragon Palace. But she instantly thought that this is probably the palace of Longzu. But getting the treasure of the Dragon Palace is based on the skill, and has nothing to do with the mistakes of the monk. I am waiting for someone to be killed by the monk of the wild, this thing can not be counted, if this is the case. Then, no one can bully too much in the future, no matter what the consequences!

Therefore, at the moment when the Yang family’s ancestors opened, Xu Ziyan opened.

"Yang seniors, I can just reveal this thing, but we have to go home."

Yang’s ancestors immediately understood the thoughts of Xu Ziyan, that is, all the property of the family is too illusory. The heart of Yang Yunlin on the side is a pumping. He just remembered the property of the family, which was taken away by Xu Ziyan.

"it is good!"

The Yang family ancestors promised very happy, because Xu Ziyan's request is not excessive, you Long Yewei killed us too imaginary, and finally we are too imaginary to take the first evil amount of property is not normal? The second factor is that the Taixu sect is to squander the family. Then it is bound to not immediately rush to the Dragon Palace. He can win the first opportunity, so he promised very happy.

"Thank you, thank you!"

Xu Ziyan did not stop at all, and immediately led the Taixu monks to fly toward the family, and the monks of Longye also smashed and flew away toward the Wolong Mountains.

At this time, there are still masters who stay at the hands of the monks? Although the number is quite large. However, they were quickly subdued by the Taixu monks. Xu Ziyan did not kill them. It is inevitable to kill people in the battle. Now let Xu Ziyan kill these weak people again, but Xu Ziyan can't go.

Then I began to clean the battlefield. Is there a person who is a purple smoker, and what treasures can the family have been missed? It took a day to search the property of the family, and the storage rings of those people were not spared.

A quantity-family after the big family was evacuated by Taixu, and it really made a fortune. So everyone is happy.

The people of the family have all been expelled. At this time, there are only sixteen people in the family. At this point, everyone has already adjusted their interest rates and gathered at the House of Representatives.

"Sovereign, are we going to the Wolong Mountain Range?" Xu Haotian's face showed urgency.

"Don't worry!" Xu Ziyan's face showed a smile: "The Dragon Palace is so easy to open, just rely on these monks in Longye?"


All of this person understands that the Dragon Palace must have a ban on the law. Therefore, Xu Ziyan is not in a hurry. When everyone relaxed, they sat in the hall and chatted.

"Lord, then when do we leave?"

"Tomorrow, take a day off today. I am afraid that the trip to the Dragon Palace will not be easy. We have just experienced a big battle. Although the repair is restored, but the spirit needs to relax, otherwise it is not good for cultivation."

"Yes!" everyone nodded again and again.

The time spent chatting is very fast, and the time of an hour is blinking. Xu Ziyan was thinking about letting everyone move freely, but he heard the sound of robbing in the air.

Looking up, I saw a dark door at the entrance of the hall. A figure appeared at the door. A woman was thinking about coming inside the hall. She walked three steps and shook her waist. Xu Ziyan’s face showed a smile and stood up from the chair:

"Step by step, do you not go to the Wolong Mountains?"

The coming person is the step of the light dance building, listening to Xu Ziyan asked, can not help but reveal a seductive smile:

"My sister is too bad, and I won't get any treasures when I go to the Wolong Mountain Range. Maybe I will fall there."


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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