The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2301: Thought

The gaze of the gaze looked at the sides, and Xu Tiantian and others stood up and left. Stepping on the chair sitting on the side and looking at Xu Ziyan smiled:

"Xu Zongzhu, this time I came to Longye really only to buy materials?"

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "Step by step, you have heard the news directly."

"Xu Zongzhu forgive me, my sister is alive and well."

Seeing the directness of the step, Xu Ziyan did not hide, nodded: "Yes, and the purchase is also finished, I am ready to go back."

"Oh?" The phoenix eye of the step shone: "You don't want to go to the Dragon Palace to see?"

"Is this?" Xu Ziyan frowned slightly: "I haven't decided yet, but it's not bad to go down the road."

"Giggle..." Stepped and said with a smile: "Xu Zongzhu seems to be not very interested in the Dragon Palace!"

Xu Ziyan’s face showed a bitter smile: “It’s not uninteresting, but is it so easy to enter the Dragon Palace?”

Stepping away his eyes and letting go: "It seems that Xu Zongzhu still believes in his sister, how can the sister send you a few free messages?"

"This is of course good!" Xu Ziyan also showed a smile: "It is not easy to get free news from the light dance building. I spent a lot of Xianjing in the light dance building a few days ago!"

Stepping and chuckling twice, but did not accept the words of purple smoke, but talked about her news.

"Xu Zongzhu, now you know the South and the three major commercial banks?"

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded gently.

"Now the southern continent is divided into seven main battlefields, the city's main government and the six major families. And the city owner also sent six teams to support the six major families."

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly, then stretched his brow and smiled: "The strength of the city government is really strong!"

Step by step and nodded solemnly: "Yes, they are really strong. Of course, the city government sent the team to the six family's territory is not simply to help the six major families expel the three major firms, there are interests."

Xu Ziyan asked curiously: "Is this the six big families willing to be robbed of the interests of the city government?"

"It's hard to say, maybe both sides feel right! The city's government has received some benefits, and the six families have used the power of the city's government to reduce their casualties."

Xu Ziyan heard a slight nod: "It makes sense."

"The battle between the current city government and the three major commercial banks is over!"

Xu Ziyan’s eyes were amazed: “Only the city’s main government ended the fairy war?”

"Yeah!" Stepped and nodded.

Xu Ziyan is silent. The heart is also shocked by the strength of the city government. The city's main government not only sent monks to help the six major families, but also the first to end the fairy war on their own side, this strength is really no small feat.

"Now the city government has not disbanded the Xianjun, and it has also mobilized the monks to replenish the battles with the three major commercial banks."

Xu Ziyan once again looked at the questioning eyes. Step by step and said softly: "According to the news we got. The next direction of the city government is the Huyan family and the Li family."

Xu Ziyan sighed a little, then sighed with a sigh. At this time, her heart has already been understood. The city government is doing this based on two factors. One is self-confidence for one's strength. The other is that the six major families are dragged down by the three major firms, which eliminates the six majors. The family once again has the opportunity to join the Huyan family and the Li family.

Although the possibility of the six major families and the Li family, the Huyan family alliance is very small, but at this time attacking the Huyan family and the Li family, it is possible to completely eliminate this very small possibility. Because at this time, the six big families dare to jointly turn back to the city government. The three major firms will definitely launch a fierce attack behind them. The hatred of both sides has been impossible to let go.

With the strength shown by the city government, the six families have ended up competing with the three major commercial banks, and I am afraid that the Huyan family and the Li family have been eliminated. In this way, the city government has completely occupied the territory and resources of the Huyan family and the Li family, and its strength has undoubtedly increased sharply.

At that time, even the six major families joined forces to face the city government and fell to the bottom. However, it is not an easy task for the city government to completely annex the six major families.

"What exactly do the city government want to do?"

Xu Ziyan frowned and sat down and thought about it. She couldn’t understand why the city government wanted to do this. Be aware that this will make the South chaos. It is also the city of his city that will have a lot of casualties. Suddenly, her heart jumped and she could not help but blurt out:

"Does he want to unify the South?"

In the gaze of the step, he revealed the color of appreciation and nodded gently.

"Hey..." Xu Ziyan took a sigh of cold air, and unified the southern Xu Ziyan did not dare to think about it. He did not expect that Ouyang Xun would have such a great ambition.


After he annexed the Huyan family and the Li family, did he deal with the six major families first, or would he deal with Taixu first?

"What is Ouyang Xun Meng doing now?"

"He is recruiting monks. The conditions given are very rich."

Xu Ziyan’s surprise was: “Ouyang Xun is really wise and savvy! By the victory of the three major commercial banks, they began to recruit monks from all walks of life. Not to mention those small and medium-sized families, there are countless scattered repairs in the South. Yu Wei, who has rich conditions, will surely make the monks from all walks of flocks, so that the strength of the city's main government will increase rapidly in the shortest possible time. At this point, the city government has grabbed the top of the six families."

Step by step, said: "In fact, the monks recruited by the city government should be divided into two categories. The first class is to be treated with sincerity by the city government. The cultivation of these people is very high, and the city government is sure to control them. Another The class is cannon fodder."

"Those monks don't know this truth?"

“Why don’t you know?” Stepped and snorted and said: “But the welfare of the city’s government is high! It’s not easy to say that those who want to get a little cultivation resources are living on the edge of life and death every day. After the city government, there is a lot of resources to cultivate. What else can I ask for?"

“Did you not recruit them in the former city government and the eight major families? Have you given the conditions that satisfy them?”

"How can we give them the conditions to satisfy them? The city's main government and the eight major families also have their own family disciples, and they consume a lot of people on weekdays. Unless they are masters of the Xianzun period, the city government and the eight major families will put down their bodies. Let's take advantage of it. The monks who are immortal, they don't need it at all.

In fact, almost all the monks saw that the city government was preparing to start the Huyan family and the Li family, which allowed them to recruit the southern monks. And they also know that they are a cannon fodder. But they don't care, where is the danger of finding resources?

Nowadays, before he was in danger, he got a cultivation resource from the city government. When he attacked the Huyan family and the Li family, he said that he could not grab another resource. As for whether it will be degraded, too much disrepair does not care, seeking wealth in the rich! ”

"This..." Xu Ziyan did not know what to say at the moment. However, the mind immediately moved: "When the establishment of Wangxiancheng is established, the reputation of Taixu is loud, I am afraid that as long as the Taixu is open to the mountain, there will be countless monks coming to the scenes?"

"Step by step, you said that if you are too imaginary to open the mountain, there will be many monks who will go to Taixu?"

Step by step immediately nodded: "There will be not too much at the moment, but if the Taixu can show that it has stabilized in the South, there must be a lot of scattered training at that time. Don't look at them are Southern monks, don't Say what the south has never succeeded in establishing the sect, the southern monks must be enemies, and if the tyrants are strong, they will definitely go."

"But I don't want to recruit them!" Xu Ziyan said faintly.

"Giggle..." Stepped and laughed, and smiled swaying and swaying.

“Is it so funny?” Xu Zi took a look at her.

Step by step gradually stopped the laughter, and the look became serious: "This is why the South has never been successfully established."

"Oh?" Xu Ziyan's gaze reveals a mystery.

"Xu Zongzhu, why don't you accept these scattered repairs because they are not loyal enough?"

"Not bad!" Xu Ziyan did not hide his thoughts, but confessed to it.

"This is the south. You don't accept the monks in the south. How does the door grow? The development of the Zongmen is like sailing against the water. If you don't enter, you will retreat. If you don't receive your disciples, this sect will naturally go from bad to worse and eventually die out. The monk is the root of the sect.

However, if the monks in the south are recruited, they will not be able to guarantee their loyalty. I am afraid that without the external force, the sects will be tossed away by these scattered sects. Therefore, even if the monks who came out of the nine major sects wanted to establish a sect in the south, it was very difficult. The southern disciples did not accept it, nor did they accept it. In the end, no one came to the south to establish a sect. ”

"But... I did not say that I would not recruit disciples in the South!"

"Ah?" Step by step and looked at Xu Ziyan: " really want to recruit monks in the South?"

"It is not to recruit monks, but to recruit disciples!" Xu Ziyan said seriously.

"Does this... What is the difference?" Step by step and look at Xu Ziyan.

"Of course there is a difference!" Xu Ziyan's eyes flashed a wise wisdom: "I only recruit disciples who are fifteen years old."

Stepping through the eyes, the small mouth is also slightly open, and the half-sounding thumbs up toward Xu Ziyan:


She instantly wanted to understand the beauty of Xu Ziyan's trick. The age of fifteen is about the same as that of the baby. At this age, their hearts are still a blank piece of paper. As long as they are recruited into too imaginary, under the influence of the big environment, their hearts will soon be left with too imaginary, to solve the problem of loyalty to the greatest extent.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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