The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2302: transaction

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As long as the tyrants show their strength, there will be too many parents in the South to send their children into too imaginary, too imaginary can be carefully selected. The only problem is that the strength of Taixu will grow slowly. If you want to be truly strong, you need these 15-year-old children to grow up.

"But..." stepped down and said, "According to our analysis of the light dance building, after the city government annexed the Huyan family and the Li family, it is likely to kidnap the six main gates to deal with the Taizong."

"There is nothing unexpected." Xu Ziyan said faintly: "The city government has already consumed some of the strengths of the six major families by expelling the three major sects. Then it will certainly attack the Taixu sect and consume some of the strength of the six major families. At that time, it was the time when the city government house packed up six families.

As for the means of kidnapping the six major families, it is nothing more than the oppression of power and the sharing of interests. ”

Speaking of this, Xu Ziyan’s words suddenly burst into a stunned look. At this point, her heart suddenly felt a little unclear. The eight major families have a long history. For hundreds of millions of years, the family has opened branches and leaves. Every family has at least hundreds of thousands of people.

It is not easy for the city government to kidnap the six major families to destroy the Huyan family and the Li family. Can he really destroy the remaining six families?

Even if the city's main government can destroy the six major families, then the nine pillars of the South will undoubtedly remove eight, leaving a city capital, and the city government is not likely to have no loss. Is this not an opportunity for other continents?

At that time, the Eastern and Northern continents would not be so difficult to establish a sect in the southern continent. And the most important thing is that the South China continent still has the ability to resist the Yaozu?

Will the Yaozu let go of this opportunity to invade the southern continent?

Is this the city's main house not digging the grave?


Absolutely not right!

But what is wrong with that?

Xu Ziyan locked his brows deeply, sat there thinking and swaying, looking at Xu Ziyan's appearance. I don't know what Xu Ziyan thinks there. But looking at it is a very troublesome problem for her, so I dare not bother to step, and sit silently to think about what Xu Ziyan is thinking about.

"Understood!" Xu Ziyan suddenly sat there and clap his hands.

"What do you understand..." Don't be surprised to ask.

Xu Ziyan did not look at her, but was there to sort out the things she just wanted to understand. The city government will never be confused to the point where the eight family members are annihilated. That is self-harm. After the extinction of the eight major families, it was the turn of the city government to be extinct. There will be countless forces looking at the city government.

Therefore, what the city government must do is not to extinct the eight major families, but to conquer.

However, if the city government is still in the name of an Ouyang family, it is impossible to conquer the six major families. The six major families cannot surrender to a family. They must know that the city government wants surrender, not attachment, so it is completely different. . Once a family surrenders to a family, it is the identity of a slave. This is a death for the six major families and will not agree. Because the six major family unions are not without the ability to challenge the city government.

Then there is only one possibility, that is, the city government should establish the Zongmen and establish the first Zongmen of the South. Now, after the six families joined the Zongmen established by the city government, they still have great rights. Just like the inner gate of the emperor, the six major families will definitely become the second largest force in this sect after the city.

In this way, although the temperance of the city government will be larger than before, they can also restrict the city government by uniting. And as time goes by, there may be opportunities for their six families to become masters of this sect. This is an acceptable result for the city government and the six major families.

Xu Ziyan looked up and shook his eyes, and said in his heart: "Now, from the message of stepping, after the city government annihilated the Huyan family and the Li family, they will unite the six families to deal with the Taizong. I am not Should you tell yourself the speculation of the city government?

With the ability to pass messages in the light dance hall, the city government’s desire to establish the Zongmen will spread quickly. Will this cause some trouble for the city government? Delayed or blocked the plan of the city government?

In any case, after the news spread, it will make the Huyan family and the Li family more alert, and will also prepare the six families in advance, so that they are fully prepared. It is difficult for the city government to successfully reach their plans.

In general, once the news spreads, it will immediately disrupt the rhythm of the city government. A disrupted rhythm plan will spawn countless troubles. This is good for your own imaginary and there is no harm. ”

I thought about everything, and Xu Ziyan looked at it. There was a smile on his face:

"Step by step, do you have any speculation about the situation in the South?"

"I?" Stepping his eyebrows and picking one: "Nothing can be guessed. This is a mess. But the final result should be that the six families are suppressed, the city's main government is a big one, and the Taizong is so prosperous."

"Oh?" Xu Ziyan asked curiously: "How do you think that we are too imaginary to thrive? You just said that after the annihilation of the Huyan family and the Li family, the city government will unite the six major families against Taixu ?"

Step by step, I looked at Xu Ziyan and said: "Because I have confidence in you!"

Having said that, she smiled ridiculously: "The city government wants to block the resources to make the Taixu dynasty decline. It is a delusion. This is a long time in the South, and the knowledge is short. The alchemy of Xu Zongzhu The level will make Taixu less less cultivation resources? And I know that you have won 20,000 best crystals from Huijing Commercial Bank. So you will not have resources at present, that is, you will come up with a few innate Xiandan, what resources Can't get it? Hey... they didn't figure out what kind of monk they were facing!"

"But..." Xu Ziyan still smiled and asked: "They are not ready to block, but they are ready to attack directly!"

"Hey..." Stepping again, he sneered again: "The demon people can't attack it too much, and the city government can attack it?"

Speaking of this, she smiled at Xu Ziyan's show: "Hou Zongzhu, you don't want to make fun of me. What are we doing in the light dance building? Not only buying and selling news, but also the master of reasoning news. Our light dance building is speculated Taixu Zong is sure to be able to stand firm in the South this time. Maybe it will become the first major gate in the South in a million years."

Xu Ziyan shook his head gently: "Without thousands of years, there will soon be a large door in the south."

Stepping into the look of a shock: "Hsu Zongzhu is sure to completely suppress the city government and the six major families?"

Xu Ziyan turned a white-eyed road: "I am not too imaginary. You should speculate on your light dance building?"

"Isn't you too imaginary?" Stepping into a meditation, suddenly stunned, and his face showed a faint color:

"You mean... the city government?"

"What do you think is the reason why the city government is making such a big move now?"

The gaze of the step became brighter and he turned to Xu Ziyan without hesitation. "Thank you, this news is enough to make a light windfall for the light dance building."

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "So I just gave you the news, I don't have to pay the bill, we are both clear!"

Stepping into the eyes and smiling, "Hsu Zongzhu also wants to spread this news out?"

Xu Ziyan can't help but be speechless. This step is still like a monk. It is a businessman! However, the two people have always got along well. Xu Ziyan also has a good impression on her, and she smiles and says:

"I am going to go back to Taixu. You have something to say, I will not refuse if I can promise."

Stepping his eyes and gesturing, he said: "Xu Zong is very angry!"

Xu Ziyan smiled speechlessly, leaning his body against the back of the chair more comfortable, looking at the step and shaking no longer talking.

“Hsu Zongzhu is really not interested in Dragon Palace?”

Xu Ziyan still has no words, just faintly looking at the step. It’s just that this faint momentum makes the roll feel depressed, and the look on the face becomes somewhat unnatural, whispering:

"I just want to go to the Dragon Palace with Xu Zongzhu."

“Hmmm?” Xu Ziyan looked at the road in amazement. “You haven’t already been there in the light dance building? Are you going to cooperate with another group of people in the light dance building?”

"Not another group of people, just myself." Stepping and biting his lip.


Stepping again, biting his lip and biting his lips: "I just follow Xu Zongzhu. If you get any treasures, let the Lord choose, and Xu Zongzhu will not give me anything to give me something."

Xu Ziyan slightly frowned, his eyes showing a hint of confusion, looking at the shaking for a while, until the face of the shaking was a little pale, Xu Ziyan said faintly:

"Too illusory is just getting started. The disciples' cultivation is very low. It is impossible to have something that cannot be seen."

This is the refusal step, but this time the face of the step is restored, but there is still a firmness in the eyes:

"I am not following the white master."


"From now on, Taixu can get free news from the light dance building."

Xu Ziyan’s heart movement is indeed an aid to Taixu Zong. Whether it is a dissertation or the importance of Zongmen’s news is beyond reproach. If there is such an organization that can collect information all over the entire mainland, it will make Taixu develop more smoothly. But why do you want to follow someone by yourself?

"I want to know the reason!"


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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