The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2307: Dragon gate

When Liu Jinsong connected the eight kinds of fairy tales of the second product, the herbs appeared in the virtual environment. The purple scent of these herbs was also very clear, and it was one of the three methods. A kind of Xu Ziyan has also been mastered. However, the three products of the alchemy eight methods Xu Ziyan mastered less, she only mastered three.

Xu Ziyan immediately switched to the body again and into the purple smoke space. Once again, I swept over the medicine garden, took out my fingers, picked and picked some herbs, and then entered the time matrix method and began to push the two alchemy eight methods.

When she switched to chaos again, Liu Jinsong was still refining the first of the three products. Xu Ziyan still carefully remembers every movement and control of Liu Jinsong, as well as the order and proportion of herbs, and the changes of Tanjung.

After Liu Jinsong succeeded in refining the eighth elixir, the virtual situation began to shrink toward the gantry. Four alchemists who had not fully learned the eight methods of alchemy sat there, suddenly shaking their bodies and finally understood. What, can't help but cry with both hands.

Even Liu Jinsong, who is like a saint in their hearts, is resentful at this time. It was Liu Jinsong’s sudden insertion that made them lose the opportunity to learn the Eight Diagrams.


The gantry was opened, and the breath of the ancients came to the surface. An irresistible majesty sprang out like a dragon. All the monks couldn’t stand the pressure. The monks who were respected by the monks were all on the ground. The body trembled, and the monks who were respected by the people were also swaying. The monk of the dignified period was pale and stiff, and the monk of the Tianzun period was calm and calm, but his face also lost his blood.

Fortunately, this pressure has come quickly and quickly, like the same hurricane, and then it is quiet.

Xu Ziyan took a long breath and did not expect that the pressure of the Dragon Palace would be strong. Although the Dragon Palace gate has been opened at this time. But no one has stepped in. The monks who are low-educated are not afraid to take the advanced, they have to wait for those who are advanced. And those monks and monks are waiting to see what else is dangerous.

These monks and monks are still very patient, waiting for about a quarter of an hour, and there is still no change in seeing the dragon gate. This is going to the Dragon Gate.

Not bad!

Just go! Instead of flying.

Xu Ziyan also followed the back of Tianzun into the Longmen. As soon as he entered the Longmen, he saw a world full of rough and beautiful. Everything was so huge, whether it was a mountain valley or a tree or a flower. The white clouds in the sky are fluttering, and the whole world is endless.

This is an independent world! And it is a complete world, just like a complete continent.

The monks walked for a while and cheered one by one because a large number of precious herbs and rare ores were found here. While the monks were preparing to pick and dig, they heard a roar from a distance:


This scream is full of pressure. Far away, a figure flew over here, and the monks were all staying, staring nervously at the distant figure.

Just in the blink of an eye, the figure came to the monks, a green dragon that stretched. The dragon on his body was overwhelmed.

"Hey!" Seven loves a sigh of coldness, and the explosive momentum of the body rushed toward the dragon. This is still because he does not understand the situation here, otherwise he will directly kill this dragon. Because this dragon is just an early Tianzun.

The power of the dragon was converged, and the figure was sharply shrunk in the air, turning into a middle-aged human being, imagining in the air toward the seven passions:

"My family Dragon King invites you to the hall to tell you!"

"Dragon King?" The monks exchanged their eyes.

"Not bad!" The green dragon nodded. "But I hope that you don't move the grass and trees here. Here is the world of the dragons, everything belongs to the dragons."

Qi Qing Tian Zun and some Tian Zun exchanged a look, then nodded: "Lead the way!"

The green dragon had a sly color on his face, but he did not dare to lose his temper. After all, there stood a group of monks who were repaired higher than him. Did not speak and flew away, the monks followed him. No one is going to pick herbs and mine. This is not afraid of the green dragon, but it is not clear now how many dragons there are. If you can't reach the dragons on your own, picking herbs and digging the ore now is killing. However, if the ultimate strength of the dragon is found to be not good. Not to mention the herbs and ore here, these dragons are their prey.

Therefore, the monks all followed the green dragon silently, and many monks along the way released their own knowledge, and Xu Ziyan was no exception. After all, here is the Dragon Palace, which is the base camp of the Dragons. There is no harm in being able to master some situations.

Gradually, without the knowledge of the gods, you can see some dragons, all of which are green dragons, and the repairs are also different. But the number is not much, probably more than five hundred.

At this time, many thoughtful people including Xu Ziyan are thinking about why these dragons lived here. Is this the original Longzu left?


Why do these dragons have been living here and not going out? Is it that these dragons can't get out? Can only wait for the outside monks to open the endless barrier?

Just thinking like this, the green dragon has already fallen to the bottom. Everyone saw eight dragons standing in front of a huge palace. Of course, they were all human figures. When Xu Ziyan swept his eyes, he found that there were two dragons among the eight dragons. The peak of the Tianzun period, the remaining six dragons are also the cultivation of the Tianzun period.

One of the old dragons, "There are guests coming from afar, not pleasing to the end," said the old dragon in the late stage of the Tianzun.

"Don't bother, Long Wang Haihan!" Seven loves the sky and smiled and said.

"Please talk inside!"


In the ancient eleventh day, the four celestial lords and the four deities of the demon family entered the hall. The Yang family ancestors hesitated and went in with a bite. After all, he represented the southern monk at this time, and here Among the southern monks, his cultivation is the highest. As for the other people, including the falling snow, these three major commercial banks did not go in, Xu Ziyan also stood quietly outside the door. It is really not enough status and strength.

But this does not prevent them from erecting their ears, and the two sides of the hall have no hidden meaning, and the voice is clearly transmitted outside the gate. Listening and listening, Xu Ziyan and others will fully understand.

This Dragon Palace was really left by the Dragon ancestors. He decided to fight the wind with a wind, but he was really countless about whether he could beat Feng Zu. And he also clearly realized that if he fell, it was a disaster for the dragons.

If you fall down, then Feng Zu won, will Fengzu will let the dragons pass?

If the answer is no, Feng Zu will surely lead the Feng people to kill the dragons, so the dragon ancestors must leave blood for the dragons. So he built the Dragon Palace in advance, and then chose to put sixty into the Dragon Palace, and then secretly into the depths of the underground.

However, the times have changed, and then the fairy world has undergone tremendous changes. This Dragon Palace has floated up a little. Originally with the movement of the earth's veins, it was not far from the birth of the Dragon Palace, but it happened that the monks of the Longye and the three major commercial banks had a fairy war, and the birthplace gave birth to the Dragon Palace in advance.

Long Zu used to treat these sixty dragons as blood, so they were afraid that after they had fallen, after the time passed, the dragons sneaked out and exposed the place. So he laid an endless barrier to the Dragon Palace, and it was impossible for the Dragon to run out from it.

However, it is impossible for Longzu to shut down these dragons for a lifetime. How is it different from imprisonment? How can he imprison his own race?

So he designed the key, that is, the virtual environment, you can open the endless barrier from the outside.

When the Green Dragon King said it, he paused and glanced at the aliens inside the hall. However, the look of these monks and monks did not change in the slightest. Everyone showed a look of serious listening. In fact, at this time, every Tianzun monk’s heart is ups and downs.

At the beginning, Longzu left 60 dragons, but now it has only grown to five or six hundred, and although this strength is very strong, but there is no strong point that everyone is jealous. After all, the number of monks in the late Tianzun is far away. More than the dragons, if you kill these dragons, you can not only get the dragon's body, but also get this space, you must know that there is endless treasure in this space.

But these people are all sophisticated people, and everything has to wait until the dragon king finishes before he can decide the next move, so everyone looks calm and does not emit a sigh of relief.

The dragon king’s eyes swept over the monks and saw that everyone’s look was very calm, and his heart was not only relaxed. Instead, it dignified a few points. Gently took a breath and said:

"Let me give you a general introduction to the Dragon Palace. This Dragon Palace is divided into six layers, and the space where our Green Dragon is located is the first floor."

The monks heard it as a glimpse of the heart. At this time, they all remembered. The dragons were divided into five colors, which were divided into Golden Dragon, Silver Dragon, Black Dragon, Red Dragon and Green Dragon. The fighting power of these five dragons is also different. Even if it is the cultivation of the peaks of the late Tianzun, the dragon's life will be higher than the silver dragon. It’s not a waste of a golden dragon to kill a silver dragon. Therefore, the peak of a green dragon Tianzun is equivalent to a peak of human nature in the later period, and the strength of a golden dragon in the late stage is equivalent to the peak of more than a dozen human gods. This is the strength of the ancient dragons.


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