The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2308: Green Dragon King

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Nowadays, the dragons on the Upper Yuan Dynasty can't find Jinlong, Yinlong and Black Dragon, only to see the Red Dragon and the Green Dragon. But now, listening to this dragon king, it is that these six spaces are living with Green Dragon, Red Dragon, Black Dragon, Silver Dragon and Golden Dragon.


Six spaces! Jinlong, Yinlong, Black Dragon, Red Dragon and Green Dragon add up to five spaces.


Every big monk couldn't help but take a breath of air, which means there is still a space left, which reminds all the monks of a dragon race, the five-color dragon. The five-color dragon is a royal family among the dragons, and its strength far exceeds that of the dragon. Can you say that this last space is a five-color emperor?

I think that I can see all the green dragons in this space. This further confirmed the thoughts of the monks, and their faces became ugly. At this time, the Green Dragon King continued:

"The first layer of living is the green dragon, the second one is the red dragon, the third floor is the black dragon, the fourth floor is the silver dragon, the fifth floor is the golden dragon, the first The six-story residence is a five-color emperor."

It was speculated just now, but now it is confirmed by the Green Dragon King, the monks silently exchanged their eyes, and their hearts are extraordinarily heavy, even the face of the four demon Tianzun's late peaks is very dignified. If the Green Dragon King said that it is true, can these four Tianzun peaks be the king of the Yaozu?

"I want to ask which Taoist friend opened the endless barrier?" At this time, the Green Dragon King asked again.

"It's an old man!" Liu Jinsong said faintly.

The Green Dragon King immediately stood up and gave a deep ritual to Liu Jinsong. Liu Jinsong looked awkward and hurriedly stood up for the ceremony. After the Green Dragon King was rude, Liu Jinsong was asked to sit down again before returning to the seat:

"The dragon ancestors have ancestral training, the fairy demon in the fairy world, no matter which race will open the endless barriers, which dragons we are allied with, and our green dragons will promise to open the endless barriers of the one friend. Something."

The look of the monks on the inside and outside of the hall has changed. Because it is human beings that open the endless barriers, it is natural that the dragons and humans form alliances. Human beings have the powerful allies of the dragons, but their strength is greatly improved.

at this time. All the monks in the hall looked at Liu Jinsong's eyes full of envy, but he got a promise from the Green Dragon King, the Green Dragon family can do something for Liu Jinsong.

At the same time, the eyes of these big monks are also blinking invisibly, and the alliance with the dragons can not get any benefit, but it has a deterrent effect on the Mozu and the Yaozu. The only advantage is that Liu Jinsong took it alone. But if the green dragons here are killed, then we can't go to the next space, so we can get real benefits, avoiding Liu Jinsong's unique advantage, and everyone will return empty-handed.

"You friends!" The voice of the Green Dragon King allowed the monks to temporarily resist the thoughts in their hearts. I listened carefully again.

"There are an endless barriers in front of these six spaces. That means you have to open the second door if you want to enter the second game. Otherwise you can't get in, the second red dragon will not come out. Of course, if you kill ten green dragons here, the endless barrier will open automatically."

The minds of the monks are a glimpse. They believe that this is not the Green Dragon King deceiving them. This must be what the dragon group left on the endless barrier. As long as there are ten dragons that are unnaturally dead, the endless barrier will automatically open. Once the endless barrier is automatically opened, the red dragon on the second floor will rush out, and if the second layer of red dragons die ten more...

The monks really dare not think about it, if the dragons in the six spaces are all out. And he killed the dragons here, the consequences are unimaginable.

At this time, all the monks had retired in their hearts. It is better to quit and not continue to enter the second floor. So only the Green Dragon family can appear on the mainland, which poses little threat to the Upper Yuan. Besides, you can't get the benefits of the mountains. Why do you want to help the dragons open the endless barriers?

Think of it here. All the great monks in the hall stared at Liu Jinsong. The meaning is very obvious. If you dare to help the dragons, we will jointly destroy the entire Danzong.

Just as Liu Jinsong was ready to express something, Green Dragon Wang continued to say:

"Of course. Since the Daoyou came to the Dragon Palace, the Dragons can't give you some benefits."

When the monks heard the benefits, they raised their ears, and even the millions of monks outside the hall were no exception.

"Our dragons have a practice of refining the body that can be cultivated by all races. The dragons and the dragons change. First, we can pass on the first three changes of the dragon and the dragon." Second, we can send the green dragons. All monks inside and outside the hall have a monk and a dragon to practice body Dan. Third, you can go to the gravity ladder to practice. When you change the Shenlong nine to the top three, you can climb to the end of the gravity ladder, where It is the gantry of the second layer. The first three changes of the Shenlong nine variants can be cultivated to the peak of human dignity."

The monks inside and outside the hall were full of smiles, and they all heard the meaning of the Green Dragon King. That is the last six changes of the Shenlong nine changes in the second and third layers. Undoubtedly, the sixth change of the dragon and the dragon will be able to cultivate the strength of the body to the top of the earth, and the cultivation of the dragon to the ninth change, the strength of the body can reach the peak of heaven.

This advantage is very attractive to the monks outside the main hall, but it is not very attractive to reach these monks. These monks in the main hall are almost the peak of the late Tianzun, even if their body strength does not reach the peak of Tianzun's later period, it is not much different. As long as they slowly cultivate in the years to come, they can reach the peak of Tianzun.

But they don't think about the first three layers. The first three layers have such advantages. What about your next three floors?

Will there be more benefits?

There must be!

This is what everyone thinks. If there is no greater benefit, how can we attract humans to help the dragons open endless barriers?

"Green Dragon King!" Liu Jinsong asked, "So, what are the benefits to us in the second floor?"

Green Dragon King immediately nodded: "There is definitely there, but I don't know what it is? Right, I haven't introduced the gravity ladder just now."

"Is there any secret in this gravity ladder?" All the monks looked at the Green Dragon King.

"This gravity ladder, our dragons can't get in, there is the ancestral training of the dragon ancestors, and we are not allowed to go in. So what we have in the world we don't know. Just know that every step of the ladder is an independent space, there must be The treasures that Long Zu left for you, as for the treasures we don't know. These are the ancestors left by Longzu to help you."

When the monks inside and outside the hall heard it, they all showed a bitter smile on their faces. This dragon ancestors were really the ancestors of the ancient times.

This design...

It’s just that you can’t stop, and you can’t think of anything else.

Do you dare to kill these dragons?

Don't dare! Killing ten will open the second layer of endless barriers and then rush out of a pile of red dragons. I don’t know if I can beat those red dragons. Even if I can beat them, once I kill ten red dragons, I will open the third layer of endless barriers and rush out of a pile of black dragons. As for Bailong, Jinlong and Wuxing Huanglong Needless to say, this party is only suddenly discovering the Dragon Palace, and there is no preparation at all. I am afraid that after the Black Dragon comes out, these people will have to flee.

And once you start killing these green dragons, it is a deadly enemy with the dragons, because this is not an individual behavior, if only someone kills a dragon, your dragon wants revenge and goes to the monk. But now is a group behavior, that is, the Terran, the Yaozu and the Dragons have formed a deadly hatred. This is the family war, and the chaos is big.

But now I’m going to withdraw it, I really can’t bear it. This dragon ancestor not only prepared the exercises for everyone, but also prepared the dragons to practice the body dragons. What is even more fascinating is that each layer of the gravity ladder before the second gantry is an independent space with endless treasures, which is simply a temptation to give up.


When everyone enters the gravity ladder and gets countless treasures, can you still bear the greed of entering the second floor?

There are so many treasures on the first floor, will the second layer of treasure be worse?

Really can't refuse!

At this time, the minds of the monks inside and outside the hall have already decided, and must go on, this treasure must be obtained.

"Oh..." Xu Ziyan gently sighed in the heart, Xu Ziyan's heart could not refuse this temptation, but her heart already understood the idea of ​​the original Longzu.

The first is to completely open up six endless barriers through this temptation and release all the dragons. It must have passed through such a long period of time. The original sixty dragons have now multiplied a lot. Just look at this layer. The number of green dragons can be imagined.


After the release of these dragons, it is definitely a terrifying force on the mainland, but it cannot refuse this temptation.

Second, the dragons will form alliances with certain ethnic groups through these rules. Of course, only Liu Jinsong can open endless barriers. Now the dragons have formed alliances with the Terran, which is just for the birth of the Yuan Dynasty. The very strange dragon has a layer of protection. Of course, the Terran cannot possibly reject the friendship of the Dragon.


Take the first floor of the gravity ladder space, it will be safe and secure, there is no danger in the whole place, let Xu Ziyan these monks collect treasure?

If that is the case, the dragons are better off to let the Green Dragon King send these monks to Xu Ziyan.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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