The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2309: Tiandi quenching


Even if there is no danger in it, but greedy monks will not fight for it? If this fight is over, it is necessary to fight together, and then there will be a monk fall, and there will be no decline. This will reduce the future opponents of the Dragons. This should be the third purpose of Longzu.

But this is not a conspiracy, it is a naked conspiracy.

Xu Ziyan immediately voiced to the Taixu monks and stepping, telling them the dangers in them and asking them to be more careful. And tell them that once they enter the gravity ladder, I am afraid that everyone will gradually separate, each person's body strength is different, and the steps to advance will be different. Therefore, the opportunity can only be personally touched, and it is dangerous to bear it.

Too imaginary monks and stepping are also a glimpse of the heart, but everyone's eyes are full of firm colors, no one is willing to give up this opportunity.

The monks within the hall also quickly made the decision. The monks who were able to cultivate to this realm were determined to be determined, but in an instant they decided to do their best to get through all the endless barriers.

The crowd flew into the air again, and flew away from the distance under the leadership of the Green Dragon King. The millions of monks in the air were like a huge cloud. Thousands of giant dragons tumbling around this huge cloud. Flying and playing, these dragons know that they can finally be born, and they are all excited. A sound dragon is filled in the space.

Xu Ziyan took a chance and gave the Taixu monk two people each of them to increase the number of Dan and some of the immortals. They sent each of them two first-class fairy charms, and these things were also sent to the step. The step was shaken and excited, which undoubtedly gave her a treasure of life. Now, I once again said that I am a disciple of Taixu from now on, and asked to include the entire light dance building in Taixu.

Xu Ziyan was in the middle of his heart, but it was not the time to talk about it, so he just told step by step, and this matter waited until he came out of the Dragon Palace and then negotiated.

Unconsciously, a gantry in the eyes of everyone. There are three steps in front of the gantry.

The monks descended from the air, and a dragon flew in the air. Then swooped down, stirred the wind and landed on the ground.

Green Dragon King took out a gourd and opened the lid. Then, a sacred dragon was sprayed from the gourd and fell to the hands of every monk. Soon, every monk has a dragon in his hand. Then the Green Dragon King simply retreated to the side.

At this time, the big monks standing in front of the steps were naturally unable to show their sorrows. They climbed their feet and stepped on the first steps. Then these people disappeared in the vision of these monks. The next step is that millions of monks have stepped on the steps and disappeared on the first step.

Xu Ziyan stepped on the first step, and the entrance was a huge square with no end. Looking up, there was a huge square in the sky like a step hanging in the clouds. Xu Ziyan counted. A total of nine levels, at this time Xu Ziyan and others are standing in the first level.

A feeling of heavyness is added to the body. Xu Ziyan knew that this was a gravity gain. At this time, there were many monks in the entire square, but they were very quiet. Every monk sat on the square in the knees. Just in the moment when Xu Ziyan entered the square, there was a message that entered her sea of ​​knowledge, which is the first three changes in the Shenlong nine changes. Each change contains nine small changes, three nine twenty-seven changes, which correspond to nine steps per layer, three levels and twenty-seven steps like a square. This is a small change every time, you can climb a step. Needless to say, the higher the step is, the stronger the gravity is, which is the means to assist in the cultivation of the dragon.

Xu Ziyan immediately chose a place to sit down on the knees, followed by the Taixu monks and stepping behind her, and they all sat quietly behind Xu Ziyan. From time to time, there are monks entering, but they are all quiet, no one speaks, because everyone knows at this time that only the first three changes of the Shenlong nine changes. Only then can we begin collecting treasures. Because it has been known in the message just now, only the talents who have become the top three changes in the Shenlong nine can enter the light curtain, and the real treasure space is behind the light curtain.

Xu Ziyan just wanted to cultivate this dragon and nine changes, but he heard the voice of the Thunder giant sword in Dantian:

"Ziyan, let me see the practice of the dragon."

Xu Ziyan stunned and immediately reacted. The life of this Thunder giant sword can be described as a long time. Maybe he is the product of the ancient times and the ancestors of the Longzu, but it was born after the disappearance of Longzu. And the fairy that was born out of this kind of heaven and earth was originally a powerful body, otherwise how could it be a fairy? So in the long years of gestation, I must have absorbed a lot of heavens about refining, such as his supernatural congenital sword was originally made using Tiandao quenching body.

He may not have a set of cultivation exercises, but no one can surpass him in the cognitive practice. Therefore, Xu Ziyan immediately transferred the first three changes of the Shenlong nine to the Thunder giant sword, and then the Thunder giant sword entangled and went silent. Xu Ziyan was not able to cultivate at this time, and he simply looked around.

When Xu Ziyan’s eyes were swept away, he saw that the breath that came out of many people was very relaxed, and he did not feel the gravity. In fact, Xu Ziyan is also very relaxed. After all, this is only the first layer. Many of the monks have more physical strength than the important requirements here. The reason why they stay here is that they want to change the Shenlong nine to succeed step by step.

For a while, about a quarter of an hour, there were monks who stood up from the ground, swayed in the big sleeves, and rushed to the second level, all the monks of the Tianzun period.

At this time, some monks also thought about it. This second step is undoubtedly stronger. If you can practice on the second level, will it be faster?

Therefore, immediately a large number of monks began to fly upwards, countless figures rising into the sky, and they fell to the second level, but the monks who did not appreciate the people only flew less than a few meters. I felt the irresistible gravity slamming them into the ground, and fell to the ground all over the place. It was very embarrassing for a while.

Some monks were still not convinced, thinking that they were not ready for the first time. They climbed up from the ground and climbed to the sky again, but the ending was still falling. This time, these monks were honest, sitting down on one knee and practicing honestly. At this time, everyone knows that the strength of the body must be cultivated until the humanity can continue to fly on the steps. Fortunately, they got the dragon and practiced Dan, with the help of gravity, they believe that it will not take long to reach the realm of human respect.

Xu Ziyan smiled and looked at these people's ugliness. The Taixu monks and the steps behind her were actually practicing in an honest manner. Not honest, I can see that Xu Ziyan is sitting there honestly. What are they swearing?

When they saw the monks who fell from the air, they couldn’t help but grind and practice more honestly. Xu Ziyan was still looking around and suddenly felt a shock in her heart. She felt the change of time attribute here. She felt it with a heart, and there was a shocking color on her face. There was a space array here.

In this way, Xu Ziyan carefully observed it, and a vortex appeared in the left eye, which is the eye of time. In the eyes of time, she clearly saw the flow rate of time. The time flow rate here was 100,000 times slower than the outside, which means that it stayed here for 100,000 years, and it was only one year outside.

"This... Long Zu also cultivated the time attribute into the realm of great perfection!"

After thinking about it, I think this is normal. People are dragons!

At this time, a message was sent to the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan. The first five words directly shocked Xu Ziyan to dementia. The five words are:

Tiandi quenching body!

"A big sign!" Xu Ziyan muttered to herself, but then she was angry. It turned out that you had this advanced quenching body and gave it to me. So I went to question the Thunder giant sword very angry.

"This heaven and earth quenching body is my sword, and the Thunder quenching body and the dragon and the dragon have just merged together!" Thunder giant sword said faintly.

Xu Ziyan squinted his eyes and finally asked tentatively: "Thunder giant sword, do you mean that this quenching body is what you just deduced?"

"Yes!" The tone of the Thunder's giant sword reveals a arrogant color.

"Then... is this the name of the world's quenching body?"

"How? No?" There was some shame in the tone of Thunder's Great Sword.

"No! Didn't say no! This name is good, it's too domineering!"

"Hey!" Thunder's giant sword snorted and fell into silence. However, there is still no time in the past. Perhaps he feels that it is not enough to vent his dissatisfaction, and he has slammed his voice and let Xu Ziyan cry and laugh. But when I think of entering the second layer, I still need the Thunder giant sword to continue to push myself to the next six layers of the quenching body, so I have no words to say:

"That... Thunder giant sword, how do you say this dragon ancestor is so good? If this makes the monks on the Upper Yuan dynasty cultivated into a quenching body in such a short time, is this not good for Longzu?"

“What do you know?” Thunder’s giant sword said disdainfully: “This is because Longzu did not expect that the strength of the monks today would be so poor. It is important to know that in the ancient times, the quenching body was the content that every monk must cultivate. Therefore, in the ancient times, too many monks were more than the strength of the body, and the various quenchings were numerous."


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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