The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2310: Hardened body

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Speaking of the Thunder giant sword, some impatient said: "In fact, Long Zu did not take this quenching body of the dragon as a thing."


Xu Ziyan understood this time, but what she thought was that if the original Longzu knew that today's monks were at this level, they might not be willing to pass on this quenching. Shaking his head, he immersed himself in the quenching of the heavens and the earth. This day, the quenched body is now divided into three layers, each layer is divided into a small layer, but it corresponds to the Shenlong nine changes. It’s just a lot higher than the dragon.

Xu Ziyan did not take the dragon to practice the body Dan, because her body strength has been respected at this time, it is very easy to cultivate the first three layers. Shenlong practiced the body Dan to keep it for later use.

Finely comprehending the world's quenching body, Xu Ziyan could not help but admire. This kind of quenching body is mainly composed of one hundred and eight meridians in the body, and then a kind of pulsation is generated by the quenching body of the heaven and earth, through which all tissues in the body, such as skin, meat, tendons, bones, and marrow, are shaken. Pulse, dirty, etc., completely change the physique of the monk and enhance the body strength of the monk.

If it is a monk with low body strength who wants to cultivate this day, it is not only difficult but also dangerous to life. Because this kind of shock demand is even and even, even if there is a disorderly earthquake, it will directly damage the monk and even explode.

However, Xu Ziyan does not have this problem. Her body strength at this time is far beyond the first three layers of the world's quenching body. Even if there is an accident, she can't hurt her.

Xu Ziyan began to transport the world to quench the body. The vitality of the body began to oscillate. One hundred and eight meridians were like a hundred and eight strings, and the pulse began to be transmitted to any corner of Xu Ziyan.

But this uniform shock is really not easy, that is, the intensity of Xu Ziyan's body is now. Otherwise, it was already shocked and the body was broken into thousands. It is precisely because of the strong body of Xu Ziyan, which makes her experiment without scruples, constantly adjusting the frequency of shocks.

The world’s quenching body is much harder than the Shenlong nine. After a day’s time, she has not yet cultivated successfully, but those who are too imaginary monks and stepping behind him are the first ones that have changed the dragon to the first. A small change in cultivation was successful. The original Taixu monk was the cultivation of the early stage of the land, that is, the stepping is also the cultivation of the early people, so it is really nothing to be able to change the first change of the dragon in the first day.

They don't understand why Xu Ziyan is still sitting there, but they are not prepared to wait here again, because Xu Ziyan has told them. Everyone is going to separate here. Therefore, one by one did not bother Xu Ziyan, and they all stood up and flew toward the second floor.

After another day, Xu Ziyan finally succeeded in cultivating the first layer of the first layer of the world. Then, his arms shook. The figure rises to the sky and falls on the second step.

As soon as I fell to the second floor, I felt that the gravity here was ten times higher than that of the first floor. However, this did not have any pressure on Xu Ziyan. The eyes swept away. There are no monks and monks in the area. Some people respected the big monks and closed their eyes to practice. Even the monks of the Taixu are gone. But I saw a step.

The arrival of Xu Ziyan made the people on the second level feel it. They opened their eyes and looked at Xu Ziyan. This look showed a shocking color. They didn’t understand why Xu Ziyan came up at this time, with their understanding of Xu Ziyan. She should have come up early!

Xu Ziyan nodded in the direction of the step. I chose a place to do it, and then closed my eyes and started to run the second layer in the first layer of the body.

As long as the first layer of the first layer is connected to the quenched body, it is much easier to cultivate later. The first small layer is to level the shock to a uniform level, which is the most difficult one. Once this is passed, it will be the time to speed up the shock. In the nine small layers in the first layer, each layer has a oscillating frequency that is twice that of the previous layer, thereby quenching the body of the monk.

If you are a low monk, you need to be careful and step by step to avoid hurting your body. However, there is no such estimate of the body strength of today. Moreover, this gravity pressure originally has a body that compresses the monk. From the external environment, the body of the monk is more compact, and it is more able to withstand the impact of the various quenching bodies.

Therefore, Xu Ziyan simply has no scruples. It is only a quarter of an hour. Xu Ziyan will cultivate the second layer of the first layer of the world's quenched body, and then the sleeves will swing and fly toward the third floor.

The monk on the second step can't open his eyes and look into the air. He wants to see who is successful in cultivation. When he sees the purple smoke that has just come up, he can't help it.

This... I stayed at the first level for so long, and this second step was a quarter of an hour.

This...What is Xu Ziyan going to do?

The body shape of Xu Ziyan fell on the third floor, and his eyes swept away. He was still a monk who was respected by the people. However, most of these people's honorary monks are above the peak of the people's respect, and there are fewer monks in the early days.

These people also looked at Xu Ziyan, his eyes flashed in confusion. However, I only looked at it and closed my eyes.

Xu Ziyan did not speak. He immediately sat down with his knees. The gravity here was ten times that of the second step. Xu Ziyan lamented a bit. If he couldn’t meet the requirements, he would just come up. It’s really troublesome. Maybe the body will be This gravity is crushed. If you throw a fairy emperor now, I am afraid it will be crushed into a mass of meat.

Many Longye people respected the great monks who saw Xu Ziyan, and they couldn’t help but reveal a trace of disdain. Even if your true cultivation is higher than ours, your understanding is not good!

Have a look! After all, I didn’t fall behind us in understanding the nine changes of the dragon.


It was only after a quarter of an hour that these people were stunned by the monks, because they had already seen the shape of Xu Ziyan flying up to the fourth step.

"She... must be intentional!"

"Deliberately play us!"

"That awful!"


Xu Ziyan simply ignored these gaze, and for a moment, his feet fell on the fourth step. Ten times the gravity of the third step, oppressed, Xu Ziyan eyes swept away, there is still no Tianzun period and the land of the monk, which makes Xu Ziyan a little anxious, she is afraid that when Liu Jinsong cracked the endless barrier, he did not Just before, you missed the eight methods of alchemy.

Therefore, Xu Ziyan immediately sat down on his knees and used his full potential to start the fourth layer of the first layer of the body. It was only the time of twenty interest, Xu Ziyan stood up and took a wave of sleeves and flew toward the fifth step. There are countless pairs of shocked eyes behind them.

Stepping on the fifth floor, and ten times the gravity of the fourth layer, Xu Ziyan’s eyes were swept away. He still did not find the monk in the Tianzun period and the land respect period. He immediately sat on the ground and entered the cultivation of the world. .

After the twenty interest, Xu Ziyan stood up from the ground, and the sky flew toward the sixth floor.

The seventh floor.

Xu Ziyan’s eyes swept away and finally saw the great monk in the land, but there was still no monk in the Tianzun period. The eyes swept over the monks who were respected by the land, and found that their breath was very relaxed. Xu Ziyan understood that the gravity here is not under pressure for them. They stay here because they have not fully realized the dragon. Nine changes.

This is not to let Xu Ziyan breathe a sigh of relief. Although the strength of the Tianzun period monks has exceeded the level of the previous three changes of the Shenlong nine, but it takes time to fully comprehend? Maybe they are ahead.

Xu Ziyan immediately sat on the ground and entered the cultivation of the world. After the twenty interest, she flew upwards again. There were no accidents in the lower monasteries under the land. Xu Ziyan had seen them in the strong city of Longye Xiancheng.

The eighth floor.

Xu Ziyan was in a tight heart. She still did not see the monk in the Tianzun period. It is still a monk in some places. Xu Ziyan no longer speaks, immediately sit on the ground and begin to cultivate the earth and quench the body. After the twenty interest, she stood on the ninth floor.

Looking up and seeing that there are still no monks in the last layer, there are some monks in the land, but not many. Just as her eyes glanced, several monks stood up and flew toward the front. In front is a huge light curtain, several figures disappeared through the light curtain.

Xu Ziyan understands that the light curtain should be the treasure space, but if the strength of the body does not reach the peak of the people's respect, it is definitely impossible to pass through.

The last layer of the monk in front of the eye is not the strength of the body. The reason why I stay here is to transform the dragon into a dragon. Although the light curtain has the temptation of treasure, but these masters know more clearly, the best treasures are also It is better to cultivate your own body strength. If you are going strong now, then in the second and third layers, the Shenlong nine changes will eventually be cultivated. At that time, I am afraid that it will be a waste of time.

Xu Ziyan also held this mind and immediately sat on the floor. After the twenty interest, Xu Ziyan stood up, his sleeves glimpsed, his body shape swept through the air and passed through the light curtain.

As soon as the figure passed through the light curtain, Xu Ziyan immediately made a defensive posture, because now it is too dangerous in this space. The worst thing to do here is also the monk who is respected by the people, and the number of monks who are respected by the people is still small, and more are the monks of the land and the monks.


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